Smallara Episode 428: A Giantess Story

Smallara 428

“Are you sure you’re okay? I really thought Maisy and I could be friends. Then she goes and mistreats my underbed like that. You could have been hurt. I’m sorry for not keeping a closer eye on you.” Sara said as she gave Jordan several pets.

“Well, I appreciate you backing me up. I know how much you wanted to be friends. So, it means a lot that you stood by me and blew away your friendship with her.” Jordan said still a bit surprised.

“We’re a team. Of course, I stood by you. You did so good standing up for yourself. My wittle guy stood on his own two feet just like a good wittle man.” Sara said as she continued to pet him before gently stroking Jordan’s sides and stomach which caused him to start laughing.

“Sara stop, I’m ticklish there.” Jordan said laughing as he tried futilely to push her finger away, but Sara continued to tickle Jordan.

“Who’s my good wittle man? Who’s my good wittle mansy?” Sara said to Jordan as she continued to tickle Jordan.

“Sara quit,” Jordan said unable to suppress his laughter.

“Come on Jordy, tell me who’s a good wittle man? Who wants to be my good wittle man?” Sara said as she continued on with Jordan. As much effort as Jordan was trying to get her to stop it felt like nothing to her.

“Sara, sara, please,” Jordan said laughing uncontrollably.

“I just need to hear who my good wittle man is? Who’s being a good wittle man?” Sara asked.

“Me, I’m a good little man. I’m your good little man. I’m your good wittle man.” Jordan shouted as Sara relented.

“Yes, you are, yes, you are,” Sara said in a cutesy voice as she leaned up against the wall in the commons area. As Jordan tried to catch his breath. He couldn’t remember ever having been tickled so relentlessly before. When he was still living at home, he remembered holding his sister Alison down and tickling her. However, that might as well have been another lifetime ago. He could never do something like that to her now. Their roles would be quite different if that situation arose today.

“I can only imagine how hard all this is for you, Jordy. I am so proud of how well you are handling all this. I really do forgive you for running into the backyard. I can only imagine what it’s like to realize everything you thought you knew was a lie. You grew up like a regular person, and then this virus came around. It’s impossible to hide from or avoid unless you stop living completely. So eventually, everyone not human will just be reduced. I promise to provide you with the best loving home I can. I would never be with someone who would mistreat you like Maisy did.” Sara said

“Well, that’s a relief, but it seemed like you were overlooking her harsh views for a while there,” Jordan said, still trying to catch his breath.

“I can disagree with someone’s opposing view and still be friends with them. I’m not that close-minded. But I can’t be friends with someone who mistreats animals, someone who would purposefully try to harm you. I didn’t see what started the whole thing as I was getting the information filled out for the project. So, I just deferred to you. I trust you, Jordy. Caring for you and helping you navigate all this, as much as I hate to admit it. My therapist was right. It gives me something to focus my energy on.” Sara said as she gently stroked Jordan, applying just enough pressure to ensure she could feel for any kind of injuries.

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Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

1. This was a cute chapter it’s nice to see her being more playful with eachother (i remember some one suggestingit in a comment back when they were at the park), though I kinda wish Jordan’s first laugh since shrinking was more earned than forced out of him.

2. I really hope she realises exactly how badly she fucked up, she not only overlooked Maisy’s obvious red flags but also ignored and belittled Jordan when he tried to talk to her about it then has the gall to say “she trusts him. She made the same mistake with Dayton and he was unwilling to get her help due to her inaction the previous time. One apology doesn’t feel good enough, she needs to make it up to him.

3, Sara once again pretending that Littles are just animals and not a species of human.

4. I don’t like how she brought up his escape attempt, feels like she’s trying to trick him into forgiving her by doing the sane for him.

5. So, I’m guessing Sara’s tickling would be more effective than say Ellie’s would have been because Sara’s his guardian (similar to the petting as discussed at breakfast).

So if I could ask, would the same be true in reverse, would Jordan touching Sara also be more effective than Gavin or Kelli because of what ever makes Jordan more susceptible to Sara?

Last edited 9 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

2, that’s fair, she is young. That’s how I’d describe Sara and Chloe, Sara and Maisy have almost identical beliefs on Littles, Maisy just held a misplaced grudge, I can’t think of a single point where they were completely opposed. Sara wouldn’t be the fist to downplay their own fault in something like this

4, it does happen alot, it’s done to manipulate the person into forgiving the other.

5, yeah that’s what I meant, like how Ellie could pet him, it just wouldn’t feel as good. I’d like to know if that could work both ways.

9 months ago

Omg thank you very much for accepting my suggestion. I hope she does this more often in public.
I wonder how people from Jordan’s former life, like Emily Brooks, Daniela Sanchez and Allison, would react.

Reply to  gui58
9 months ago

I don’t know about Emily or Daniela but seeing the Allison is Jordan’s sister I think she would get right in line next for little brother and sister get back… 🤣🤣🤣

Reply to  daynar
9 months ago

Alisson wouldn’t miss the opportunity to get revenge of her wittle big brother 😂

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  gui58
9 months ago

Personally I’m most interested in Ellie and Dayton’s reactions.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

“Now you should know Sara watches me every weekend and every Wednesday and Thursday.” – Dayton 118

And Ellie has only appeared 3 out of 5 days (and I’m not sure I should be counting the phone call from day one)

I’m imagining both Ellie and Dayton will want a turn, Ellie would almost definitely get one but Dayton will probably have to earn it

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

I just accepted that as Tuesday and Wednesday being merged (in a way)

That one was a nit tongue and cheek as Ellie actually references an interaction between her and Sara from Tuesday.

Chloe’s to help clean which Jordan wouldn’t be apart of” Is that a future plot line or a hypothetical?

I wouldn’t be surprised if Ellie tickled him of her own volition, not knowing Sara previously had, like how she declared herself “Godmother and “Auntie” without outside consultation.

I can’t see Sara letting Jordan shun Dayton forever, probably pressure or bribe him to give her another chance in a few weeks/months.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

Yeah I also would love to see Ellie and Dayton reactions.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

I don’t know, I would think for Jordan safety Sarah should supervise with Ellie especially after the way she was talking about him last time… 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

You definitely did. Thank you, again.

9 months ago

Very cute chapter after how great that last chapter was! I thought it was cool, how Sarah is realizing this is helping her. Not just Jordan receiving all the benefits. Even after this short period of time together.

By the way I hate Dayton! So I’m pretty stoked she won’t be appearing for a few days. 🤣

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