Smallara Episode 428.5: A Giantess Story

Smallara 428.5

“Hey, there’s my little baddie.” Jordan looked over to see Chloe walking towards Sara. As he looked up at Sara from her hand, he could see her face lite up as her body tensed ever so slightly. It would be Imperceptible to most people unless you find yourself being held regularly by a giant.

Jordan watched as Sara’s attention peeled away from him and focused fully on Chloe. He couldn’t help but somehow feel like a third wheel in all this as Chloe approached. The closer she got the more apparent it was that Sara wasn’t a very tall person. He already knew this, but it was still shocking to him. Sara was monolithic to him in size. In strength he could never hope to overpower her no matter how much he tried.

Seeing Chloe so much taller than Sara made Jordan feel even smaller. Her body loomed closer and closer until it was a wall that was so close Jordan could reach out and touch her. The heat radiating off her body along with Sara’s quickly heated the air around him. The perfume emanating off the two bodies swarmed the air around him until it was intermixed completely with the air he breathed.

Jordan looked upward unable to fully make out the faces of either girl, but they looked impossibly far away from this vantage point. The feminine walls on either side of him drew closer and closer as they embraced with him trapped in the middle. Only the smallest pieces of light were able to trickle between the two girls.

A few moments later he heard the sound of the two of them kissing. It was awkward for Jordan as he had nowhere to go and nothing he could do. He was just held in Sara’s hand between the two giant bodies. It wasn’t until they separated, and Chloe took a couple steps back, that more light began to make its way to him.

“Hey Jordan,” Chloe said looking down at him briefly as she felt Sara wrap her free arm around her waist. While Jordan noted the casualness of Chloe’s greeting. She was one of the few people who still greeted him and called him Jordan. Even through Sara’s game and tricks she resolutely called him Jordan. It helped remind him that he was still a person.

“Hi Chloe,” Jordan said making sure to greet her. Sara seemed to not like it if he didn’t properly greet people and considering that Chloe had always been quite nice to him. She was actually someone he didn’t mind greeting.

“You should have seen him, Chloe. Maisy was doing everything you said she was going to end up doing. Then Jordan told her off. He was all come closer and then was like do you see the fuck you written on my face. Then Maisy was all Oh my god get your underbred in under control. He can’t talk to me like that. So, then she tells me fuck you and then I tell her I’m not that bored and she’s not that lucky and then Jordy and I just leave.” Sara said recounting the events to Chloe.

“Ladies, we going to class or what?” Ellie said as she came up from behind of Sara and Chloe.

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Lethal Ledgend
8 months ago

1. A .5, that’s going to stop the multiples of 5 being on Fridays. Lop.

2. Ysy, Chloe’s back, and I love how Jordsn does acknowledge that Chloe is routinely kind to him, which makes him want to be kind back.

3. Another reason Sara should have known not to let Maisy near Jordan, though I’m curious how Chloe’s knew.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 months ago

1) I will probably just release episode 430 this week to keep it on multiples of 5.

2) yeah, plus logically depending on how things play out. If Chloe and Sara’s relationship runs the distance she would also be considered his owner.

3) She’s been around Maisy more. So she knows how she operates.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

1) yay.

2) feels like his kindness to her is less genuine when you put it like that, but it’s a valid point.

3) That’s kind of a surprise, I would think her closeness to mal would prevent that.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 months ago

2) well that was my perspective not Jordan’s. It’s doubtful Jordan is thinking that way. That was just what I thought when I read your comment.

3) well they go to the same school and operate in similar circles. Where she’s been to a lot of boring parties with her parents that Maisy would have also been drug too. I’m etc.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

2. You’re right, Jordan isn’t that strategic.

3. That makes sense, Smallara was probably a very hot topic for them five year’s ago when it first became public knowledge, then one year ago when it made it to the USA, then a few months ago when people were getting immunity tests and guardian trained. (I wonder how .any people changed their minds after realising they were immune)

Last edited 8 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
J - vader
J - vader
8 months ago

Yes Chole is back and also last chapter was adorable and I love it also Ellie is back damn the whole gang is back. Although what class are they going to again?

Reply to  J - vader
8 months ago

English class with Ms brooks is the first class

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

Oh lord Jordan’s Ex damn wonder how that’s going to play out this time

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