Smallara Episode 429: A Giantess Story

Smallara 429

Jordan could feel the collar he wore with Sara’s name emblazoned on it tightly wrapped around his neck. As he knew if they were going to class that could only mean one thing. English, which was taught by his ex-girlfriend and one of his good friends, Emily Brooks. He felt his heart race a bit as the idea of her seeing him with a collar like this was becoming more and more a reality.

It was embarrassing to think about. He wished he could disguise this collar for this period and gym class. He was certain neither of his friends would think less of him. He couldn’t help the perception of it all.

“Sara, do you think we could take this collar off just for English class? It would be nice to get a bit of breathing room.” Jordan said, being careful not to actually touch the collar for fear of getting shocked.

“You know that’s not how it works, Jordy. Especially not in public like this.” Sara chided

“The prince just wants to show out a little for Ms. Hottie. You can’t blame him.” Ellie said

“Ugh, eww! She’s not even that attractive. She’s such a B.” Sara said. “Jordy can do much better. Besides, if Ms. Hottie really cared, she wouldn’t have dumped him. Don’t worry, Jordy. You will find someone who can accept you for who you are. My wittle man.” Sara said as she lifted Jordan, giving him a quick kiss before setting him down on her shoulder.

“His new little girlfriend is pretty cute,” Ellie said as they walked down the stairs toward Ms. Brooks’s classroom.

“What?” Chloe said, confused, looking at Sara and Ellie.

“Yeah, Sara’s new minion has an underbred who Jordy was all cozy with this morning,” Ellie said

“She’s not my minion, Ellie,” Sara said

“Sara has a minion? I never heard about this.” Chloe said, looking at Sara.

“She’s not my minion, and she does have a name. You were there, Chloe. Kayla approached me after class yesterday and wanted to do a little play date with Jordy and her underbred. We met before school. We were going to meet at the little park, but it was closed this morning for Maintenace. She’s super sweet and nice. She is just a bit shy and uncertain of herself. I told her I would take her under my wing. She needs a friend.” Sara said as they approached Ms. Brooks’s classroom

“Why do I have no idea who this is? Have I met her? Kayla? I can’t picture a Kayla in this English class.” Chloe said

“She’s on the basketball with LAME-ara. She also plays Soccer.” Sara said.

“I’ve been to a number of Mallory’s games. I don’t remember a Kayla.” Chloe said

“According to my research, kinda short and wears beanies all the time. Fast, very shy, quiet, gamer, Her sister Kelli graduated from here. Top of her class. Kelli Wallace. She has since been infected, though. There are several reports of being picked on by Tamara, Ashley, and others. No red flags, but I have my people doing a very thorough investigation. Oh, and I handled the problem we discussed last night.” Ellie said to Chloe.

“Is all that necessary? Most jobs don’t have that detailed of a background check. Sara said as they walked into Ms. Brooks classroom.

“I pride myself as the group’s intelligence officer,” Ellie said as they headed towards their normal seats. “You can never be too sure nowadays.”

“Ah, yes, the self-appointed position,” Chloe said 

“She just wanted an excuse to scope out boys,” Sara said as they all sat down.

“Tomato – Tamato, “ Ellie said.

“I do remember a Kelli Wallace. She was a few years older than us but was very funny and cool. Kind of a snarky personality. She was super nice. Did she get Smallara? That’s too bad.” Chloe said. 

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J - vader
J - vader
8 months ago

Yessss Ellie supports the Kelli x Jordan movement let’s gooooo!!!!!! Love how the group interacts with each other here and I’m sure Jordan’s friends won’t see him any less than before and he could tell them that him and Sara are in better terms now and that he’s fine overall not perfect but it’s good at least I would hope. And gym class will be fun see again and if Jordan will still be embarrassed by both locker room and school shower.


1 – during gym Kelli and Jordan are talking until some other littles try to make moves on Kelli and she tries to get them away but won’t then Jordan gets involved but they don’t stop and tell they push Kelli and he feels unlimited rage and fights the guy causing everyone to see Jordan for the first time losing his cool.

At least this would be awesome to see imo

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

Thanks I also thought there be more people with littles now and I thought this specific scene would show why he called body hottie lol but also show that Jordan although small now is willing to protect his friends to his capabilities of course

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
8 months ago

I like this suggestion, though…

1. That sounds more like a little Park interaction than a gym class interaction.

2. Since female littles are a bit bugger, wouldn’t it make more sense for Kelli to defend Jordan?

Last edited 8 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 months ago

True but I also want to give Jordan a chance or more so a moment like with Maisy and her bitch ass again showing he not just some push over. Also has it been confirmed that all little women are always bigger or just that Jordan is a special case of being unexpectedly smaller than most

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
8 months ago

That’s fair, I also want Jordan to stick up for himself, but to be honest there are a few more existing characters I’d like to see him tell off and call out before strangers feel his wrath y’know.

It was stated in 408 that, “male underbreds were the smaller and generally weaker sex,” as Kayla compared Jordan to Kelli. While Lisa was smaller than Jordan (and likely the smallest little shown so far) on average women are bigger, though short women and tall men probably exist, like the reverse of what happens with is in the real-world.

Lethal Ledgend
8 months ago

1. I don’t blame Jordan for wanting his collar of or hidden, he should have asked for a scaff back at petstock.

2. Loving Ellie’s self-appointed roles.

3. Jordan interacts with a girl once and now “shes his girlfriend” that brings back memories.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

1) I’m not being Sara on this one, she did what she legally had to, she could have waited but that wouldn’t have changes much.

The scaf could be dismissed under the “littles are always cold” detail that’s a constant throughout throughout the story.

2) well, Jordan didn’t accept “aunty Ellie”. I like to think she does it alot with small things, like she cooks one meal and declares herself the “groups chef” and she forgets about them in a few days.

3) yeah, the teasing is part of those memories lol

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