Smallara Episode 431: A Giantess Story

Smallara 431 1

“Wait a minute, what do you mean you can’t release me to the hands of the untrained. You put me in Dayton’s hands day one. She’s the furthest thing from a guardian you can get. In fact, if there is a denial list that tyrant should be added.” Jordan said

“He has you dead the rights Sara.” Ellie said with a snicker.

“Look Jordan, I can acknowledge that I made mistakes and shouldn’t have done that. I was way too trusting with someone who wasn’t trained. I’m sorry. This is me learning from my prior mistake and reigning things in. That’s what this is all about. I’m going to make some mistakes; you’re going to make some mistakes. It’s all about what we learned from them. Just like you learned how dangerous the backyard can be and why you shouldn’t be going far from those in charge of you. I’ve learned that I can’t be as trusting with the untrained masses.” Sara retorted

“So, you’re saying I won’t be released into Dayton’s hands anymore.” Jordan asked.

“You will not be released into her or anyone else’s untrained hands unless it’s under the direct supervision of a guardian. I can guarantee that.” Sara said,

“Hmmph, well that’s surprisingly mature of you.” Jordan said.

“Yea, I know right? I kept waiting for her to pull the chair out from underneath you.” Chloe said as she sat back in her chair.

“What are you trying to say? I’m a beacon of responsibility. An underbred whisperer, Parents trust me with their children. Your parents love me Chloe and they hate everyone.” Sara said defensively.

“She does check a lot of boxes. My parents love her as well. Last year they hung her report card on the fridge instead of mine.” Ellie said.

“I love your parents, Ellie. That birthday party they threw me last year was super sweet. I would also like to add that the first time Jordy was with Dayton I was watching over him directly. Dayton and him were in the same room as me the whole time. They were making some kind of movie. The second time he was with Dayton, Nicolle was there, who is a fully trained guardian who was giving me reports, So, he’s never been left unsupervised. I expect a written apology and coffee from all of you.”

“You aren’t getting a written apology. Ellie doesn’t even like writing papers for this class and she gets graded. You think you are going to get her to do extra writing,” Chloe said

“The defense rests with apology coffee. You can make it up to me other ways.” Sara said with a smirk.

“Well, if you wanted to make out with me Sara. You know you just have to ask.” Ellie said with a smile before the group laughs.

“Oh, there’s Kayla. Where’s she going?” Sara said to the group before shouting Kayla’s name. Sara then turned to a girl who was sitting adjcent to her.

“Melissa, you’re going to Mal and Chloe’s party, right?” Sara asked,

“Yeah, isn’t everyone? It’s the event of the season.”

“Great, how about you do me a favor and I will make sure you get access to the good stuff.”

“I’m listening,”

“I need you to swap seats. I’d really like for my friend to be able to sit here with us.” Sara said as Kayla started walking over.

“We’re talking full access, right?” Melissa asked? Sara nodded in agreement as Melissa consented to the arrangement and started packing up her things as Kayla approached Sara.

“Kayla, where were you going?” Sara asked as she looked down at Kelli. “Hey Kelli,”

“Just to my seat. I just finished all the forms so Kelli could come. Since she was a former student, the process was quick.” Kayla said as she nervously looked over at Ellie and Chloe.

“Thats good, I was just talking to Melissa here and she agreed to swap places with you. That way you can sit with your friends.”

“Wait, your friends with Kayla Wallace?” Melissa said with a bit of a sneer.

“We all are, is that going to be a problem.” Chloe said standing up and draping her arm over Kayla whose face turned a bit red.

N-n-no. Of course not. I was just surprised. I had no idea.” Melissa said as she retreated to Kayla’s old seat. Not wanting to cause problems.

“Do you have your schedule?” Sara asked as Kayla dug into her bag and pulled it out.

“Let’s see, you have science, next you can sit with me. You can take Maisy’s seat. You have the same lunch as us. How come I never see you in the lunch room?“ Sara asked.

“Oh, Tamara makes me sit outside. She said it builds character.” Kayla said looking down on the ground.

“You never told me you were getting bullied Kayla,” Kelli said as she stood in Kayla’s hand.

“Well, you’re sitting with us now. We have a table. You have quite a few classes with me actually. Math is different but it looks like you have Math with Ellie and Mallory. So, you can sit with them. I’m sure they will arrange something.”

“I don’t want to be a bother. You’ve done so much already for me.” Kayla said as she sat down at her new desk.

“Don’t sweat it. I got your back when Sara’s not around. No one is going to pick on you. You’re under our circle of protection. Ellie said backing Sara’s choice to be friends with Kayla even if she didn’t see what was so special about her.

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Lethal Ledgend
8 months ago

1. Sara acknowledging she was wrong about Dayton was good until she defended it later (though admittedly I used those same defences in a comment on the last post), proving she was just doing this to spite Emily and Jordan.

I’m still believing she should comp Jordy for that experience (at least the first one, especially since she didn’t lift a finger despite knowing Jordan was tryingto get away from Dayton).

2. Chloe defending their freindship with Kayla was hilarious, she didn’t even remember who the cunt was on the way to class.

3. How can Kayla have maths with Mal? Isn’t it established that Mal’s maths class is simultaneous to this English class?

4. The girls getting a table is cool, the use to eat outside like Kayla and Tamara only moving to an inside table because Sara wanted Jordan to see Saddie and Christine, but now the table has their claim. (I’m actually hoping that they’ve picked a table away from that bitch).

5. Gonna be good watching Maisy react to Sara replacing her with who they’d consider a “nobody”

Last edited 8 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 months ago

1) the defense was mostly playing around with mal and Ellie who were teasing her.

2) well Chloe knows Sara wants to be friends with her. So in Chloe’s eyes that’s all she really needs to knows

3) not sure how it works in Australia. But, math here is broke up into separate classes. Geometry, algebra, trigonometry, statistics, etc are separate classes. So you can have multiple math classes in one day depending on what you are electing to take. As some of the more advanced math classes are optional.

4) Mallory’s group has an indoor and outdoor table. If they aren’t at the outdoor table no one will use it and vice versa. Kayla wasn’t eating outside with them. She was being made to eat outside alone as Tamara and her group to went to eat inside and watch Kayla eat alone. I should have made that more clear. I will have to clarify that when they walk to lunch.

5) I’m sure Maisy will handle losing her seat to Kayla with dignity and grace. Lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

1) I get that, but it’s not like she isn’t making points she’d unironically make in a different context, such as if Tiff was asling insteadof her friends, plus we know Jordan can’t always tell when she’s joking so it’s not unprecedented for him to see this as her backpedalling her already sub par apology.

2) That’s better than Sara deserves, given how Sara’s treating the people Jordan wants to maintain his friendships with.

3) in Australia it’s all just one maths class, we learn it all: budgeting geometry, algebra, taxes statistics etc, then there’s the advanced math classes for the over achieving nerds, that’s all the sane stuff but on an insanely high level and physics, which is maths in practice.

4) they sound worse when you put it like that, lol. So was the table on Monday their normal inside table or a special one for Sara’s manipulation?
I figured Kayla was eating at a different outside spot to them.

5) I’d expect nothing less from her, 🤣

Last edited 8 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
8 months ago

2) that’s a fair assessment but I wouldn’t think the circumstances are equal. As Kayla isn’t a little.

3) so similar to here. We do have a general math class that intros and provides basic level of understanding before you take the specialized courses.

4) well she was being bullied so it wasn’t great. It was their normal table they just don’t sit inside consistently unless they have a reason. Like today the rain would lead them to sit inside.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

2) Kayla isn’t a little… but neither is Emily.

4) I was saying Mals group seemed worse not Kayla’s

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
8 months ago

I see where the confusion happened when I said “they sound worse when you put it like that” I was comparing Mal’s clique with this information to Mal’s clique without this information. Tamara’s group are worse but they weren’t in my point. I’m suggesting that their claim to two tables (which likely came from intimidating and bullying rather than respect, such as Ellie’s Mafiosa style threat towards Ashley) makes them seem greedy and inconsiderate.

Although I definitely think Tamara’s gang is worse.

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