Smallara Episode 451: A Giantess Story

Smallara 451

The titanic teens began to talk as Kelli and Gavin finished eating off Kayla and Mallory’s plates. Gavin had sat down next to Mallory resting against her arm as Kelli walked over to Jordan. Normally, in these situations, she was always the center of conversation. It wasn’t specifically about her, but she tended to control the flow of a conversation. However, things were different now. She thought as she walked over to where Jordan was sitting next to Chloe.

“You really just let Sara order you around like that,” Kelli said, speaking at her normal level so their conversation would be more private.

“What do you mean? I can tell her no when I want. I use choices like that sparingly. The Reeves women are quite dominant.” Jordan said, but Kelli was unconvinced.

“Sure, I mean, It’s okay. I’m not judging.” Kelli said unconvincingly

“Sara just has a way of making her choices seem like the right choices. She also has a look. When she feels you’ve made a bad decision. She’ll kind of look at you a certain way.” Jordan said, “She has a nice side too. When she’s happy with you, it feels really good. I can’t explain it. It’s like mentally, when she’s pleased with me, I feel happier, and when she’s upset, I feel like I’ve let her down.

“There was talk about this at the facility I was at. One of the guys who was there spent a few weeks with a guardian. But it didn’t work out. The last bit sounded similar to what he said. I tried looking into it but the resources I had made no mention of anything like that.

“What are you saying? Like brainwashing or something? I don’t know if I believe that.” Jordan said at the farfetched notion.

“No, I wouldn’t call it brainwashing. I don’t have any evidence of it, but I think it’s more like some kind of bond. Where her praise is like a drug and your body reacts positively when she is pleased and negatively when she’s upset. Perhaps even her mood could be connected. But I don’t really know anything. It’s just speculation.

“It’s a probable theory. I mean, if anyone would know, it would be Chloe.” Jordan said.

“No, don’t say anything. It stays just between us. We don’t want them to know if we are vulnerable to some bond.

“Chloe is the queen of the littles. She’s going to inherit all of generitech. You don’t think she knows?” Jordan asked

“I don’t know what she knows. Look at us, Jordan. We don’t have many cards to play. Something like that needs to be broached carefully. You can’t just ask point blank.” Kelli said.

“You don’t feel anything with Kayla?” Jordan asked.

“Well, no, not to my knowledge, but it hasn’t been that long, and I’ve been at home mostly. Also, my parents have been helping out. This is just the first time I’ve been with Kayla for an extended period of time where I’ve been solely reliant on her.” Kelli said.

“I guess, in contrast, I’ve solely been with Sara pretty much 24/7 since Saturday. She carries me around, or I sit on her shoulder all the time. My habitat is right next to her bed even. I’m no more than a foot from her pretty much all the time.” Jordan said.

“Maybe it’s a pheromones-related thing that is doing it. As the air around you, even if you aren’t directly in contact with Sara, could also be creating this bonding experience.” Kelli said as she tossed out the speculative theory.

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J - vader
J - vader
7 months ago

Huh interesting conversation between the two and what it is means to have a bond.

It’s prediction time baby this time it is set in a far-off future a future that I hope comes true

18 years later

After Kelli and Jordan get married they have two kids their eldest daughter Maeve (age 16) and the youngest son Cayden (age 15) leaving with both their guardians and loved ones Sara who becomes a top software engineer while Chole becomes the owner of her parent’s company. Kayla became a top 10 WNBA player and star player making both her sister and parents proud. Not wanting to separate the little married couple the trio of guardians decide to live together in their mansion big enough to house all of them. Eventually, Sara and Chole have their own child Iris (age 15) the young trio of kids went to the same school as Jordan and Sara did back in the day the school now fully accommodates young little students for the school as the country got more accustomed to the new spices even setting up jobs for them creating an economic boom.

As the young trio went to school they made friends of their own Maeve made friends with a normal-sized guy named Cameron who became close friends with the young underbred. Cayden made friends with a fellow underbred named Brady while Iris made a friend with a normal size girl named Nora the group of mixed size teens formed a great friendship unlike any other making the parents happy that they found good people to be around.

It was a Saturday afternoon the whole group where at the mansion working on their group project but Maeve and Cameron had something to ask Jordan and Kelli while Sara and Chole were there to see the conversation. “UUM Mr. Jordan… uh sir I have a question regarding your daughter,” Cameron said while Jordan was confused but let them both ask his question “I .. I love your daughter and she is the most beautiful and amazing girl I have ever been around and with your permission can I date your daughter, sir” Maeve looked at her dad hoping he say yes but Jordan was blown away by the news that he fainted (clearly wasn’t ready for his daughter date let alone with a normal size guy) Kelli rush to Jordan unconscious body and apologized for her husband reaction as Sara laugh at the scene Chole couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene either.

The other four teens watch and listen from afar “Welp that’s Dad for ya,” Cayden said “Uncle Jordan really doesn’t want Maeve to date huh” Iris said “ I wonder how your moms would react if a guy asked to date you” Brady said as Iris smirk “Well I don’t you find out huh?” Iris said making Brady blush and look away from the smirking girl whom he so happened to have a crush on. “Man what’s with everyone wanting to date each other it’s getting weird,” Cayden said folding his arm and shaking his head “But Cayden I thought you liked hot girls?” Nora said causing Cayden to flinch “I LIKE GIRLS NORA!!! It’s just that uhh umm” Cayden couldn’t find the words until Nora leaned forward and whispered in his tiny ears making the young underbred go bright red and instantly pass out “What you say to him” Iris asked “Oh nothing just a little advice for him in the future” she smiled

Is this basically a fanfic probably!!!! Was it worth it yes it was hahah

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Well like my time travel movies say the future is full of infinite possibilities and I think that this could be one of them 😈

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
7 months ago

I really liked reading that, it’s a very nice and optimistic look into a potential future for this universe.

Although, (and I say this solely to inform not as criticism) underbreds age at half the speed of humans, (that’s why Sara wanted Jordan’s remnant as she was plagiarising his longevity), so 16yo little, would equate to an 8yo human, developmentally. So, the relationships wouldn’t equaliser out. I liked it none the less.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Oh dang it I forgot about that damn aging process for little well damn I have to find a way around that then. Although now that I think about it how does that aging thing even work isn’t the smaller the animal this years it has like dogs or rodents?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
7 months ago

Littles age at half the speed as humans, and with Sara taking Jordan’s remnant, now she does too. I know normally that smaller creatures age faster, but that’s not the case here, Asukafan2001 has been fairly vague on the why.

And if you don’t mind me mentioning another thing Asukafan2001 has revealed, smallborns don’t usually come one at a time, Littles have their children in litters of 3-4 usually, while single birth is possible for them it’s rare. I don’t think this has been mentioned in the story, just something that came up in the comments.

I don’t mean to sound critical, I really liked reading what you’d written and don’t want you to feel discouraged by my comments, I just felt you may be interested in the lore around this world as I am.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

All good dude probably good you brought up some lore info for next time I do a bit of a fanfic I keep in mind the lore and background of this world like the aging and birth rate which actually gave me an idea for next time so honestly thanks

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) Jordan’s Stockholm syndrome is settling in nicely.

2) a, I’m loving this little chat their having about why bonding with guardians is so effective, especially since they’re making drug and pheromone hypothetical like I suggested, though I still think that Sara having his remnant inside her is a more major factor, that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it until or unless solid evidence points the other way.

2) b, I hope this works the other way around aswell, wherein if Jordan is upset it negatively effects Sara’s mood, much like how he describes experiencing the reverse.

3) Jordan does realise this conversation is being recorded right?

4) Jordan, I explained this already, Chloe is the Princess of the littles not the Queen, it’s not until she inherits Genri-tech that she’ll be queen.

5) Have Kayla and Mal been injected with Kelli or Gavin’s remnants? Do either of them have remnants to spare like Sara and Jordan do?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

2a) its definitely the type of thing I enjoy in stories like this.
2b) aww, they just her no wins do they? LOL

3) I mean, she could just make a mental not of the time and re listen to “when Jordy and Kelli spoke in hushed tones”

5) I see, how rare is it?, I know Jordan having three was astounding but what percentage of littles have two? And are there any littles with none?

7 months ago

I’d be surprised why Chloe would hide info about littles-related issues. Kelli just doesn’t know well. And I wonder which are cards she’s talking about?

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