Smallara Episode 452: A Giantess Story

Smallara 452

As Jordan and Kelli continued to talk, Kelli couldn’t help but think if a similar thing would happen to her. If she would become more susceptible to Kayla’s influence. It was hard to picture in her mind the idea of Kayla having that sort of influence or power over her. As she looked over at her sister, it made her hate that she was the one who got to be immune. That she won the genetic lottery.

“Jordy come,” Sara said, pausing her conversation as Jordan briefly said goodbye to Kelli as he walked over towards Sara. As soon as he approached Sara, she gave him several pets and told him how good he was before pouring some of her Soda into a small bottle cap. Jordan looked up at Sara briefly before looking down at the Soda. She had promised him some Soda the other day. As he bent down to the bottle cap he was afraid to lift it as he didn’t want to spill even a single drop.

“Please don’t make a mess,” Sara said briefly, looking down at him before returning to her own conversation.

Jordan didn’t want to risk not getting the chance at more Soda, so while he wasn’t crazy about it, he bent down and drank directly from the bottle cap. The sweet Coca-Cola hit his taste buds. It was like the nectar of the gods dancing down his throat. Pre-Smallara, he had a coke each day. While unhealthy, it was a luxury he liked to afford himself. As you only live once. However, Sara seemed not to drink soda. The worst part of it all was that it meant he didn’t have access to any, either.

“Look at him go,” Mallory said, watching Jordan drink.

“I don’t normally give him Soda. So, it’s a treat for him. I don’t like him drinking it. I figure I’d probably give him another one for Christmas.” Sara said, looking over at Mallory.

“I was wondering why you bought a Soda. I can’t even remember the last time you had a Soda.” Mallory said.

“Oh, hmmm, it’s been a while. I had an energy drink last night. But, I think it was after you took me to that facial place you like up near the border before you cross over to Maine.” Sara said.

“Oh wow, that was like last spring. We need to go there again.” Mallory said.

“Totally, that was such a relaxing day. I mean, I’d probably need a sitter for Jordy.” Sara said.

“Ahem,” Ellie said, clearing her throat while looking over at Sara.

“Sorry, I mean, Ellie would have to watch him unless Jordy wanted to come with him, but I don’t think he would like a spa day at all. But, I’d feel bad leaving him in his habitat for that long. He didn’t like being grounded.” Sara said.

“Don’t worry, Jordy. We’ll have way more fun anyway. I have the perfect place for your habitat in my room.” Ellie said

“You’d take my whole habitat?” Jordan said, looking over at Sara.

“Well, it’s not big. I can easily just tuck it under one arm and carry it. I may not need it, though. I was tossing around the idea of building you one at my place. Since the reason Sara hasn’t been staying over as much since getting you is needing a safe place for you to stay.” Ellie said, looking over at Jordan.

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7 months ago

Aw Jordan staying with Ellie would be cute.

J - vader
J - vader
7 months ago

Wow more adventures with aunt Ellie in the future probably should have say that coming but great chapter and damn Sara let the boy be with his queen damn it so he can grow up to be a man lol nice chapter

Okay, another fanfic because this is actually fun to do now hahaha!!!!

2 years later

Sara, Chole, Ellie, and Kayla were all eating breakfast around Sara’s dining table while Jordan and Kelli were eating together but Kelli had come important tell Jordan. “Jordan can we… talk… it’s important for you to know especially” Kelli said pulling over to the center of the table so the girls could see them clearly. Feeling both confused and concerned but was ready to see what Kelli had to say “Okay what did you want to talk about?”. Kelli took a deep breath and held both of Jrodan’s hands “Jordan I know we have been dating for a year and a half… and I love you very much… look this is very important for you to hear and I need you to be cool and not freak out when I tell you this okay?” Kelli said struggling to find the words for what she was about to say. “Okay, I promise not to freak out or anything… haha how bad could it possibly be?”

“……I’m…. pregnant,” Kelli said causing Jordan to go silent even making the girls go quiet after hearing what Kelli said Kayla already knew but she was told not to tell anyone about this. Jordan was pale with everything in his mind going blank not even forming a single thought like he was frozen in time. “Jordan?… Jordan…. Jordan are you okay?” Kelli asked but Jordan didn’t even respond he didn’t even move an inch wearing a shocked face that made him look lifeless. “Jordan?” Sara said but he still didn’t say a word causing everyone to worry.

2 minutes later
“Has this happened before?” Kelli asked “No, this would be the first time even for me I had never seen him like this before” Sara said two whole minutes of silence from Jordan as he stood there. “WHAT!!!!!!!” Jordan yelled sacring everyone “What do you mean pregnant?…. I.I I thought we…. You know played it safe and stuff how did this happen!!!” Jordan was back to life but was clearly freaking out “Jordan calm down… look sometimes this happens and we don’t really have… protection so we should have seen this coming in all honesty,” Kelli said calmly trying to calm Jordan down but failed “But but I don’t know how … I-I not…. I can’t…. Oh god oh god oh god… do you need a bed, water, or medicine… oh hell do we need to see a doctor… SARA!! We need to go to the hospital ASAP!!!!” Jordan both fumbling with his words and screamed in clear panic.

“JORDAN!!! Can you please calm down I already went to the hospital, I don’t need anything yet, and we have a few months before the kids come okay,” Kelli said “Okay I calming down sorry this is just a lot for me to take in and……. Wait?… did you say kids… as in more than one?” Jordan said “Uh yeah ummm see we littles have a litter and not just have single birth like normal women would normally have Jordan,” Kelli said “She right Jordy but isn’t this exciting I’m going to be a grandma,” Sara said, “What about me?” Ellie said “Great aunt?” Sara said as the girls tried to find how this family tree would look.

Jordan hearing that he was both a father and a father of more than one was pushing his limits of sanity “How many?” he asked “About 3 or 4 probably 3 seems to be the common number of kids” Kelli said and with that Jordan’s mind shattered as he passed out, fainted, and was completely overwhelmed falling to the ground with all the girls circling him seeing if he was okay. “I’m going to be a DAD” with that being Jordan’s last thought before everything went black.”

Well can I write a fanfic or can write a freaking fanfic hahaha let me know what you think of this one and hey maybe a Possibility in the future maybe … a question of … WHAT… IF

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Thanks I really want to fit in the story and characters

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  J - vader
7 months ago

I hope you keep doing these, they’re very enjoyable.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

😭😭😭 thank you 😊 I didn’t think people would like these so much lol

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) Kelli fearing the power Kayla may posses over her is understandable, but personally I think she’s the one I’d trust most with such power.

2) Sara not drinking Soda too often would fucking suck (and I like your little retcon of last night’s being an energy drink instead) but Sara’s friends might, I could see Ellie buying more Soda’s just so she could offer Jordan sips so he would like her more.

3) Jordan getting a holiday hone in Ellie’s Bedroom would be cute.

4) it’s nice Ellue wants to be assumed babysitter, even if self appointed she’s taking the godmother role seriously.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) I figured you would give your mind, body and spirit over to Sara to give her full dominion over you. As she is clearly your most trusted character.

2) can’t pull one over on you. Yes I agree. Others may give him soda. I feel like a weekend with Ellie while Sara was at a spa with Mallory. She would come back to Jordan bouncing off the walls hopped up on Coca Cola and chocolate.

3)yeah I mean it would be means to an end if she wanted Sara to sleepover more like pre-Jordan

4) she takes her self appointed roles seriously. As Jordan’s godmother who else could be trusted with Jordan but her in her eyes.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) yeah well, as much as I love Sara* I’d say Kayla or Chloe would be people I trust a smidge more.

*Not much

2) no, but you certainly tried didn’t you? I definitely believe she’d do that.

3) it’s been less than a week, how often did Sara sleep over?

But I do understand your point, though I’m really curious what Ellie would come up with, I’m imagining she’d put a sign up reading “Auntie Ellie’s Jordy holder” or something, she’d decorate and redecorate it for fun, and load it with sweets and treats, trying to buy Jordan’s love. Really leaning into fun Auntie position.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

3.I would think treating him like a human being and not a human pet would be a great start in his book but the sweets do not hurt either…😁
But knowing Ellie she may go random…. 🤣

7 months ago

Why did Jordan Not offer Kelli any Soda?… I feel Like Sara would expect him to be more enough of a gentleman to do that

Reply to  Dingz_Bumz
7 months ago

Soda is a precious commodity a drop of it cannot be wasted. It’s like mad max world where soda is currency. They will need to strengthen there relationship to a soda sharing level

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