Smallara Episode 453: A Giantess Story

Smallara 453

“You should just bring Jordy along. Gavin loves coming with me to spa days, don’t you, babe?” Mallory said as she looked at Gavin resting against her.

“Seeing the joy it brings you is its own reward,” Gavin said while thinking about how boring it always was. The worst part was Mallory liked going with Sara. Which should have been a win, but Mallory had always been a bit jealous of his close friendship with Sara. She didn’t like the inside jokes they had. She didn’t like how they would vibe off each other. Even though Sara has no romantic interest. Mallory still seemed to always want to keep him close when Sara was around or continually ask about an inside joke or a reference they would make.

Gavin sighed quietly, knowing that Sara was right. As much as it wasn’t ideal to have Mallory as his guardian. It was too late to do anything now. When Sara told him she was immune, he felt relief. He just assumed that he would be as well. So, when he got his results back a few days after her, and he found out that he wasn’t, he was shocked. He should have told her instead of hiding it. He knew that secret drove a slight wedge between them. They shared all their secrets with each other. So, keeping this from her, he knew she felt betrayed.

Now, all Gavin could do was kick himself over the idea of being too proud to share a moment of weakness with his closest friend. Having Sara as a guardian would be much more ideal. Gavin thought to himself. The problems he could overlook with Mallory when full-sized have become exacerbated now that he is basically bound to her.

“Babe, since I don’t have practice today. I figured we could watch that movie tonight we saw on Netflix together. Mallory said, gazing down at Gavin.

He knew exactly what Movie she wanted to watch. It was some coming-of-age romantic comedy. It was the furthest from the type of movie he would want to see. He always saw romance in movies to be a bit over the top. The only time he really ever got into them is when he watched them with Sara, and they would basically make fun of the movie the whole way through. That is an activity he very much cannot do with Mallory. As she likes to discuss the movie.

“Yeah, that sounds great. I’m looking forward to it.” Gavin said while he does like Mallory still. The level of micromanagement and constant control she has over his life is suffocating. He can’t even remember the last time he did something without Mallory.

“I just really love how this whole experience has brought us closer together, Gavin. Just a month ago, I am a bit embarrassed to say this, but I was telling Chloe how I was thinking about breaking up with you. You were just pushing me away and always out with the boys. You catching Smallara was almost a blessing in disguise for our relationship. While I would never wish this upon you. We’ve just gotten so much stronger as a couple babe. Don’t you think so?” Mallory said.

“Yeah, sorry, I was just blindsided by the thought of losing you,” Gavin said as he saw Mallory’s face melt, knowing he had responded correctly.

“Okay, okay, get a room, you two,” Ellie said. As Sara looked over at Gavin and wiggled her middle and pointer fingers which was their code for the two of them to let the other know they were thinking about them.

“Mal, I know you have a game coming up. If you want, I could watch Gavin for you.” Sara said

“I’m sorry, what? Are you feeling okay? How can I help?” Chloe said, looking over at Sara.

“What are you talking about?” Sara said, looking over at Chloe, confused.

“I thought this was you speaking in code. Letting me know something was wrong. As Sara Reeves volunteering to go to a sporting event is definitely a cry for help if I ever heard one.” Chloe said.

“Noo, I was just going to support Mal, and Kayla’s on the team. Ms. Double athlete.” Sara said.

“Since when? I agree with Chloe; some things up. You never come to my games. It’s cool. I know sports and anything sports-related isn’t your thing.” Mallory said.

“Nothing, I’m just trying to be a better friend,” Sara said before laughing. “I’m just playin’ I was just fuckin’ with you all.” Sara said as Jordan saw her hand drape over him. He felt her grip him firmly for a few moments before she gently opened up her hand enough for Jordan to gently slide down onto the table as Sara begun to stroke him.

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J - vader
J - vader
7 months ago

Damn this relationship between Mak and Gavin is literally not healthy for either of them but hopefully they will work it out maybe.🤔

I’m Back with another FanFic of the day hahaha this would be a sorta part 2 to the previous one

9 months later

Jordan was on Sara’s shoulder Hyperventilating and breathing fast especially for today because the babies were finally here. “Breath Jordan…. Just breathe… oh who am I kidding I am literally close to fainting AGAIN!!…. NO come on keep together you are going to be okay you can do this yeah… YEAH…. HELL YEAH no fear no regrets” Jordan thought hyping himself up. “Jordy you good?” Sara asked sitting at a hospital chair waiting outside the doors where Kelli would give birth. “Huh… oh yeah I’m fine,” Jordan said “Really?” Sara asked “HELL NO!!.. I’m freaking out Sara…. I..I don’t know if I’m ready for this… I always thought about having a family but…. To actually be in this moment it’s… terrifying” Jordan said with a sense of fear and confusion added to self-doubt. “Jordan you’re going to be fine remember you’re not doing this alone you got Kelli, Chole, Ellie, and me to help you along the way…omg I’m going to be a grandma this is so exciting,” Sara said while petting Jordan which he appreciated needing something to calm him down.

“I didn’t think we would be raising kids we haven’t even graduated college yet,” Chole said not sure how to feel about raising kids at this moment of time in her life but was glad that Sara was happy about it. “I’m sure you make great grandma two grandmas are better than one anyway,” Sara said making Chole feel old all of a sudden “Does that make me a grandma too?” Kayla asked “Technically you would be the aunt since Kelli and you are sisters in this family tree of ours,” Sara told her.

“Sara don’t think that taking care of one underbred is the same as taking care of a whole family it’s a whole new level of responsibility..are you sure you’re ready for that kind of responsibility?” Tiffany said walking up to them in her nurse outfit “Yes Mom me and Jordy got this” Sara said, “Jordan Reeves” A nurse said “Here” he said “You can now see your Kelli and your newborns” she said Jordan heard this and sweating bullets but took a deep breath and calm his nerves down. Sara, chole, Kayla, and Jordan head to the room where Kelli just gave birth she was on a bed in her size while on top of a normal-sized hospital bed looking tired and exhausted. In her arms were three small newborn littles Jordan saw “OMG they are so small and cute” Sara said as she lowered Jordan to see Kelli “How are you baby” Jordan said “I’m great… Jordan they’re perfect” Kelli said with tears of joy in her eyes. Jordan looked at his children seeing their small bodies giving him a sense of pride and joy from just seeing them for the first time making him smile.

“It’s two boys and one girl all healthy littles Mr.Reeves,” the nurse said Jordan looked at the blankets covering them and there were two blue and one pink covering each one to tell which one was a girl or boy. He looked at his daughter specifically “Want to hold her?” Kelli asked seeing that Jordan wanted to get closer to their daughter. “Um yeah sure” he reached over to hold the girl and the moment he held her everything flashed in his eyes seeing her life flash from learning to walk, going to school, and saying her first words. It was mind-opening for Jordan as tears began to fall down his cheeks and chuckled with pure Joy “Everything I have and Everything that I am or will be… is yours” kissing her on the head and holding her close and at that moment he felt more alive than ever before. Sitting on the bed where Kelli was leaning next to her and kissing her on the head as they came together holding their newborn kids thinking about their future with the kids and raising them. “Thank you…my love,” Jordan said wanting this moment to last as long as possible then one of the boys started to cry “Aw his cry is so adorable,” Sara said as she put he finger next to the crying baby and he instantly stop surprising everyone “Wow he really like you Sara” Chole said “Why wouldn’t he I am his grandma after all” Sara said making everyone laugh. “Okay everyone family photo Tiff said as Kayla and Sara’s parents were on the right side of the bed while Sara and Chole were on the left with the new Underbred family in the middle all smiling as the nurse took the photo marking the first day of the new mixed size family not bound by blood but by the love for another.

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

There appears to have been some sort of mix up, looks like you accidentally uploaded an Chapter of Good Girlfriend instead of Smallara.

1) Does Sara really hate sports that much? She’s definitely had more evidence to the contrary (like her using it as a point in favour of Maisy, or her getting really into last gym classes basketball game, or the vasket vall and hoop ser up in her driveway), but it does rarely come up.

2) Gavin regretting his decisions is sad, more than any little we’ve seen Gavin’s pairing is the result of his own choices.

3) Mal almost breaking up with Gavin is a bit of a gut punch, he was almost free.

4) Gavin as Sara’s little woukd have been interesting, she and Gavin have already been close friends, so that pre-established relationship means Sara’s probably make her better to him than she is with Jordan.

5) Nice to see Sara looking out for Gavin, its small, but probably means a fair bit to him.

6) Sara holding Gav keeping his vulnerability a secret against him does make sense, but given how she speaks about littles it makes sense he’d hide that from her.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) Ok, I thought there was a connection between the gym class and the hoop but I guess not, but then why was Maisy liking sports something Sara listed as a positive trait?

2) Definitely, but I’m not sure he had a choice ratting Sara put to Mal and definitely didn’t have a choice sticking with her, I can’t imagine Sara letting Jordan keep something like that from her any more than Mal would let Gavin keep it from her.

3) yeah, that does make sense since it was his goal, so realising it almost worked would have been the gut punch.

4) yeah, it’d be wildly different which is why itd be interested, but honestly I think it’d be better for both Gavin and Sara lol.

5) I know, she’s fairly loyal like that, and it’s not like he hasn’t apologised and doesn’t want to rectify the issue.

6) I did make that assumption, and I suppose Gavin hasn’t made definitive statements on his beliefs. Gavin not sharing this secret with Sara may have hurt her, but it’s not like Sara hasn’t kept her own secrets from him.

I definitely agree that realising Gavin wasn’t immune earlier, before her opinions of littles solidified, would have shaped them more favourably

I had also considered Gavins lie may have shaped her opinion, I’d say her two biggest influences were the indoctrination in the guardian classes and Charity Stevens getting outed as an underbred but that may have been a third, but that’s the kind of thing she’d have to suck up and get the fuck over, she was lying to him to.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) no, and yet Sara still wanted to befriend her.

2) ok, that does change things.

5) yeah, righto

7 months ago

Caught red handed Sara lol

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