Smallara Episode 454: A Giantess Story

Smallara 454

“I gotta use the bathroom. Come with me,” Chloe said, looking directly at Sara.

“Sure,” Sara said as she grabbed Jordan and walked over to Chloe, who wrapped her arm around Sara as they headed out of the lunchroom. They walked down several halls before ducking into a maintenance room and shutting the door behind them. Chloe then looked over at the door and locked it.

“Okay, so what’s going on? Are you okay?” Chloe asked

“Nothing, really, I’m fine,” Sara said as she leaned up against a shelf full of cleaning supplies.

“Last time, something was wrong. I missed all the signs. I was so wrapped up in my own stuff to see you were spiraling. If you had actually been successful if you weren’t here right now. I never would have forgiven myself. We’re a couple now. Your problems are my problems.” Chloe said, walking over to Sara and grabbing her hand, uncurling her fingers. She was surprised to feel Jordan fall into her hand as she continued to hold Sara’s hand.

“You’re my responsibility now. I love you if you haven’t noticed. I’m not going to let you just handle all this alone in silence.” Chloe said as she pulled Sara closer. She could feel her heart beating quickly as Sara’s head rested against her shoulder.

“I-I Love you too. I know the fact I couldn’t truly reciprocate that to Kaitlyn was part of our issue. But I could never find a way to say it and mean it when I was with her. The words were elusive. You’re different; you make me feel different.” Sara said.

“So then tell me what’s wrong?” Chloe said

“It’s just Gavin. I can’t help him,” Sara said. “I mean not without destroying everything. I can’t do that. I mean, I already ruined Ellie’s friendship with Kaitlyn. I can’t do that again to my friends.” Sara said.

“Gavin isn’t in a perfect situation. But he is safe, and Mallory does care about him. You know he cares about her. She’s just very dominant with the men she dates, and Gavin, she can fully control. I’ll work with her. I promise.”

“Thanks, Chloe. She listens to you. I just worry what will happen to Gavin when she’s ready to inevitably move on.” Sara said.

“Don’t worry about it. Look, we’re a team now. Your problems are my problems. No more of you bottling everything up.” Chloe said as she leaned into Sara. Holding Jordan felt awkward, but with no teachers around, she pressed her lips against Sara’s and gave her a long kiss while she held Jordan in her hand.

Chloe started to hand Jordan back to her when Sara took a step back. Sara could see Chloe was still uneasy holding him. As she didn’t directly interact with Littles often even at Generitech. It’s not that she couldn’t. She just didn’t see the need to.

“You know there is a little irony to all this, right?” Chloe said

“What do you mean…oh…you mean with Ms. Brooks and Ms. Sanchez? This is not the same thing. Gavin is partially reaping what he sows. He should have broken up with Mallory. I know she cares about him. But he doesn’t feel as strongly about her as she does about him. Ms. Brooks is such a bitch. I’m only nice to her at this point because she’s Jordy’s little friend. So, I have to keep the communication lines open and play nice. Don’t even get me started on Ms. Sanchez. She basically said I was unfit to care for Jordy.” Sara said.

“She didn’t quite say that,” Chloe said.

“It was implied it. She was all he should be with his family like he isn’t. As if I hadn’t contacted them. She can’t accept that he’s Jordy Reeves now. He’s my little pet man. I gave up Mocha for him. I care for him and handle all his needs. He belongs to me. Part of what I love about you so much is that you get that, and you’re going to be a part of this. It’s going to be just three of us as a little unit.

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J - vader
J - vader
7 months ago

Wow didn’t think this would be a very emotional chapter and moment damn nice job I love this seeing Sara be more vulnerable here was nice to see and Chole holding Jordan was nice too see again and Sara little rant about Jordan’s ex and best friend was interesting to see hopefully Jordan tries to explain that they just care for him still and just worried but will try to get them understand that Sara is a good guardian for him and Sara looking out for Gavin was also great to see overall great chapter

WHOOOO Back for another FanFIc baby and this one should be interesting

Friday night

“Kelli sweetie you look fine but we are going to be late for our reservation,” Jordan said being in fancy clothing ready for date night with Sara and Chole. “Jordy you don’t see me rushing you when you’re trying to look good and look your best so don’t rush me,” Kelli said with a bit of sass towards her husband as she was putting on lipstick and checking her hair. “But I don’t rush you,” Jordan said “ Jordan Reeves!! Don’t rush your wife it’s rude” Sara said “But I was… uhh fine but we need to look at the time and where is Ellie she was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago?” Jordan asked knowing they needed Ellie to babysit the kids tonight since Sara’s parents were out of town. “Not sure but she should be here an…” Sara was about to say before the doorbell rang “Oh there she is” Sara said opening the door and instantly hugging Ellie.

“Okay, where are the prince and princess and hi Chole how are you?” Ellie said “Hi Ellie Jordan and Kelli are over there,” Chole said pointing to the counter as Jordan waved at Ellie. “OMG, you guys look adorable!!!” picking the two littles and hugged and kissed them as they knew this would happen and didn’t bother trying to struggle “ Good to see you too,” Jordan said “So where are my little nephews and ness huh?” Ellie asked “They are in the habitat watching a movie okay Ellie their dinner is in the fridge and they need to brush their teeth, get in the bath, and be in bed by 10 no later okay” Sara said telling Ellie everything she needed to do. “Roger that captain you can count on me,” Ellie said as the four of them left for their date night Ellie went upstairs to see the kids.

The kids were watching Moana as they watched they didn’t sense that Ellie was coming behind “So no one going to say hello to me huh?” Ellie said grabbing the kid’s attention and running to her hand “AUNTY EL!!” they yelled in unison and Ellie scooped them up hugged them to her cheek and kissed each one “Adorable as ever okay I’ll be watching you guys tonight and as your favorite aunt you get dinner and dessert with it being Hershey bars” Ellie said “YAY” the kids said jump in her hands “Thank you aunt EL” they said “What can I say except your welcome” Ellie sang as “Your Welcome was playing tonight was going to be fun for both groups.

End of part 1 next time for part 2 we see Jordan, Kelli, Sara, and Chole’s date night at a new popular restaurant that serves for both underbred and normal size people

Reply to  J - vader
7 months ago

I am loving your fanfics, but please, don’t forget to introduce aunt Alisson on the next one. I know she didn’t appears yet in the canonic story, but I think at this point She would develop a connection with the Reeves.

Last edited 7 months ago by gui58
7 months ago

I’m guessing by Mallory moving on I’m guessing they mean she would treat Gavin not like a boyfriend as she does now, but more like a pet.

Reply to  Nodqfan
7 months ago

I think so. In Good Girlfriend episode 10, Mallory mentions a certain Devin that had a crush on her

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
7 months ago

That would potentially depend on how messy their brake up is, I could see her reducing him to pet, or slave, or giving him away.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Personally, I don’t think she would gives him away. Even if she stops considering him a boyfriend, she seems genuinely loves him. I think she would treat him as a beloved pet/slave.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  gui58
7 months ago

Fair, but she could have an “if you love something set it free” style epiphany, if she realises he’s not happy being with her.

Or her next might take issue with her keeping her ex in her possession (though she does tend to be the dominant one so maybe not)

7 months ago

I wonder what the marriage policy are on full size and tiny people? Would being their Guardian conflict with it?
Mallory would likely move on from Gavin before thinking of marriage but if she doesn’t…oh boy.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

I doubt it’d be prohibited, bare in mind that at this stage just like Tamara’s parents there’s likely a fair few littles who were already married prior to shrinking, like how Mal and Gavin were in a relationship, but legally binding. So an outright ban wouldn’t feel right, in a few centuries once all the homo Parvus genes are weeded homo Sapiens (assuming that’s even possible) the laws may change, but it’d definitely be a controversial law as it would definitely invalidate existing marriages once enforced.

But there’s also the matter of littles aging slower than biggles a ten year old little is developmentally equal to a five year old biggke. So that’s iffy territory (though remnants would slow the biggles aging to match the littles)

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) I fucking love that Chloe pointed out the parallels between Sara and Emily/Danielle, vs Mal and Sara. That’s soo good. And Sara’s not “playing nice” shes being passive aggressive little cunt.

2) Sara isn’t really in a position to criticise how Mal is with Gavin. I think she ought of start looking at how she treats Jordan before checking her friends.

3) Chloe offering to work with her is sweet, she actually is in a position to criticise Mal

4) that does not look like a fun way to be carried.

5) Chloe holding Jordan is sweet, at least this time he wasn’t squeezed between them again.

6) “She was all he should be with his family like he isn’t” he didn’t see you as his family at the time. “As if I hadn’t contacted them” you hadn’t at the time.

7) When Mallory inevitably moves on is quite possibly the perfect time for you to Collect Gavin.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) it could be, “being nice” clearly isn’t something Sara’s able to do unless she wants something or actually likes the person. I wish Chloe had pushed it further but also realise she’s thinking “my girlfriend may harm herself” so over pushing on her flaws may not have been her first thought.

If Sara needs help playing nice, before she says something to Mrs Sanchez or Mrs Brooks, she should imagine Jordan saying the same thing to Ellie or Chloe, based on how she’d react she’ll know whether or not she should say it.

2) yeah, but that fact that she’s thinking these things is already a problem, saying them out loud doesn’t make it worse.

3) yeah, can’t say I fully understand the “friendship hierarchy” but I do think Chloe and Ellie were closer to Mal then Sara.

4) Sara’s little walk is curated for Jordan comfort and to minimise nausea, when she holds him like this, or puts him in a purse/pocket, I’m hoping he vomit on her from the motion sickness.

6) My point is Sara was wrong, not Daniele, while Dani had no reason to know the truth, she had accurately described the situation and Sara’s defence was bullshit.

7) yeah, in another comment I pointed out how it’d depend on why their breaking up.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) I’m glad you like how I tend to do that, but the Story is mostly from Jordan’s perspective, and there’s plenty I don’t see that you have access to, I actually wouldn’t mind more chapters from Sara’s perspective that’d give more insight into her motives and reasoning.

She’s nice to her friends for free, I did mention that, but to Jordan, her seeing him as a “lesser being” gets him lesser kindness and she’ll only be properly kind to him, if she’s getting what she wants from him, either passively or actively.

I understand how some of her actions have been to his benefit, (like putting him in her purse to protect him from rain and putting him in an enclosure to protect him from bugs), but those are few and far between and her selfish actions, (such as selling all his possessions without consulting him, alienating him from his friends, ignoring Dayton bullying him, ignoring Maisy bullying him, sexually harassing him, locking him in solitary confinement, restricting his internet access and denying him access to his accounts, not letting him dress how he likes, silencing him when she doesn’t like what he’s saying) outnumber them greatly.

2) I get what you’re saying, I’d agree if these were just sexual/objectifying thoughts or if an offensive stereotype was popping into her head, even mean-spirited jokes at someone’s expense, but hypocrisy is a bit different to me, She’s judging Mal as if she isn’t also full of flaws still a hypocrite regardless is she’s quietly a hypocrite to herself or hypocritical out loud.

3) I just meant it because it seems like more of an American thing and isn’t how my friendships or schoolyard operated at all growing up. It’s just part of a culture I’m not familiar with.

4) Wow, way to backfire my idea, mate, lol. I just meant because she’s actively trying to avoid nausea by little-walking not doing so should have nausea come up, and if he spews in her purse or pocket, it could encourage her not to put him in there too often.

6) That makes sense, but even with a real pet, there is an adjustment period required for both owner and pet to get used to one another before they become family, a period Sara and Jordan actually hadn’t started at the time, because Sara was lying to Jordan about being her pet. Even when Tiff drops Mocha off at Alex’s, Mocha won’t instantly become Alex’s pet, he’ll still be Sara’s pet for potentially a few weeks before settling into his new home with his new family.

While I get what you’re saying about Sara seeing things differently, for Jordan to become a member of her family would require him and Sara to BOTH be on that page, not just her.

The Laws of this world’s America definitely fall in Sara’s favour, and so much of her world seems to want to validate her over and over, praising her for the “good” she’s doing, so I do understand why she’d feel so justified in her beliefs.

Jordan’s perspective wasn’t even being told Sara’s truthful perspective, so there’s no way he could have been on the same page as her as he wasn’t even given the same book, which is why I see Sara as wrong.

7 months ago

Agreed L.Ledgend’s 1 & 2 points: Sara is hypocrit about EmilIie & GYM Teacher.

7 months ago

There needs to be a multiverse side story where Sara had Ms Brooks stumble onto her foot that fateful day and not Jordan. But it will have to remain in my head. LOL

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Shrunk_DC
7 months ago

That could be interesting, I’ve actually got a few alternative universes I’d like to see too (most of them are instances were littles and Biggles are mixed ad switched)

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