Smallara Episode 455: A Giantess Story

Smallara 455

Just as a special note. There won’t be a posting on Monday as I’m posting Monday’s episode tomorrow. Also, I will be taking March off.  So next week Smallara rolls out as normal outside of Monday that is posted tomorrow because Yesterday’s, Todays, and Tomorrows were originally one mega episode I split up.
However, starting Monday, March 4th, I have created some alternative content for you, which will be uploaded utilizing the same schedule. So please look forward to the exciting March Content. I have been doing double duty creating it so as not to miss daily postings.  

A few minutes prior…

Jordan always felt awkward when Sara and Chloe were together. As they were a couple and what were supposed to be private moments were now private moments plus him. As they walked out of the lunchroom Jordan had debated on if he should ask to stay with Ellie, Mallory or Kayla while they talked. However, Jordan had waited too long to make a decision and by the time he was about to ask Sara they were already leaving the lunchroom.

Walking down the hall Jordan couldn’t help but notice how no one paid him any attention. It was established in this school that he was Sara’s pet as far as the student body was concerned. He wondered if someone not as popular had a little like him if they would be approached more or fawned over more. However, Sara’s status seemed to be enough where most of them didn’t feel confident enough to do anything or say anything to him. He was also fairly certain that while he knew he never would. If he did try to run away, he was sure he would be returned to Sara by most people.

Jarring Jordan from his thoughts Chloe pulled Sara into what looked like maintenance room. Jordan noticed a shelf full of cleaning supplies all larger than him. As they walked in. Chloe promptly locked the door before she approached Sara who Jordan noticed had started to hold him a bit tighter as her hands became a bit clammy compared to how they normally were as Chloe approached. Chloe definitely had an effect on Sara that he noticed other people didn’t.

“Okay so what’s going on? Are you okay?” Chloe asked as Jordan notice how she pushed herself forward so that Sara could only focus on her. The seriousness with which she spoke told him that she sensed something was wrong. As in the time he had known both Chloe and Sara. Never had she been that direct with Sara. Sometimes he wondered how close they were. As while he only had a small sample size. Chloe hadn’t been around Sara as much as other people. However, recent events had opened his eyes a bit more in regards to the closeness of their relationship.

“Nothing, really, I’m fine.” Sara said as she leaned up against a shelf full of cleaning supplies. Jordan could feel Sara’s fingers start to fidget with him. He knew it was an unconscious nervous tick. He often did the same thing if he was holding a pen or a pencil. He would kind of like toy with it in his hand. He could feel Sara doing the same thing with him. Her fingers manipulated his body to move in various positions for a couple of seconds before Sara realized what she was doing at stopped. She then gave Jordan several pets with her finger.

“Last time, something was wrong. I missed all the signs. I was so wrapped up in my own stuff to see you were spiraling. If you had actually been successful, if you weren’t here right now. I never would have forgiven myself. We’re a couple now. Your problems are my problems.” Chloe said. Jordan didn’t know the full story. He didn’t know what Sara was feeling or the full weight of the events that led her to try to do what she did. Never had Jordan ever thought about suicide. The off handed remark sure. A comment made when you’re feeling sad. Everyone has done it. But never has he actually tried or seriously considered. Jordan had considered asking Sara what really happened. As if he was going to be her support underbred it would help him to know. But it never seemed like a good time, and he was afraid to dredge up old memories.

Jordan saw Chloe’s hands grasp Sara’s. As her hand enveloped Sara’s, he could feel Sara’s hold on him release, as she let him fall partly into Chloe’s hand as the two kept their hands entangled with one another.

“You’re my responsibility now. I love you, if you haven’t noticed. I’m not going to let you just handle all this alone in silence.” Chloe said in a way that felt so raw that he didn’t dare open his mouth. He couldn’t remember for certain, but he was pretty sure this was the first time that he heard either of them specifically say that they loved the other. Granted he didn’t know of events that happened before him. But the reaction and look on Sara’s face told him it may not have been stated quite so boldly or meaningfully before. He was sure it was implied. But As Jordan looked up at Sara, he could see the armor that she normally kept around herself break as she fell into Chloe resting her head onto her shoulder.

“I-I Love you too. I know the fact I couldn’t truly reciprocate that to Kaitlyn was part of our issue. But, I could never find a way to say it and mean it when I was with her. The words were elusive. You’re different, you make me feel different.” Sara said.

Jordan couldn’t deny those words. He had seen it himself. He had only known Sara for almost a week, but he could see two Sara’s. While they weren’t vastly different Jordan could see that the Sara that was with Chloe was a better person.

Reflecting on this now, like this was difficult. As monolithic bodies of Sara and Chloe hung above him in the sky. Hearing this intimate conversation while he was clutched between Sara and Chloe’s hand. He knew this wouldn’t be the last time. He knew Sara didn’t care that he was hearing all this. As far as she was concerned, he was her little man. He was her support underbred as she called him. He was going to spend the rest of his life with Sara. Which made it somehow weird to listen to the two pour their hearts out to each other.

Listening to Sara express her fears about Gavin was sobering. He hadn’t seen this side of Sara. While there were and are so many people worse than her. She seemed a little self-absorbed to Jordan. That wasn’t even a knock as he knew he was too, especially as a teenager. But, hearing her want to help her friend was relatable but, the self-awareness of Chloe to parlay that to his situation seemed to have an effect on Sara. He could see it in her eyes as she looked down at him briefly, processing the parallels to how she felt, to how Emily felt, to how Daniela felt.

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J - vader
J - vader
7 months ago

Wow a pov of Jordan in this moment wow and excited for this new stuff in march can’t wait

AND PART 2 of the fanfic is here baby


After a good 30-minute drive the duo couples made it to the new restaurant called “NEW HORIZON” a restaurant that accommodated both sizes and was on the side of progressive of treating little as people but small having great reviews even from people who saw little as inferior agreed this place was great to eat. “Hello welcome to Horizon do you have a reservation tonight?” the host asked “Yes table for Sara Reeves,” Sara said as the host looked at her sheet showing all the earlier scheduled reservations and found her “Okay table for 2 women and 2 littles correct,” The host asked for the confirmation “Yes,” Sara said as the hots grabbed the menus and lead the group to their tables. “Here you are your server will be here soon,” the host said there was a regular size table, and with a small table on top of it in the center the group sat down and looked at the menu to decide what to eat.

“WOW something other than pellets for once,” Jordan said, “I thought you loved them the kids don’t mind,” Sara said “First off, I don’t love them I tolerate them and second the kids never had real food as I did before I got smallara,” Jordan said then the waiter came but in her hand was another waiter that was a little which surprised the little couple. “Hello guys my name is Keth and this here is my patterner in crime Willow who will be serving your little friends,” Keth said “You have little waiters here?” Chole asked “Yes here at Horizen we believe that no matter how small you are you can always be part of our fine establishment plus it helps make our smaller customers feel normal,” Keth said “Wow that’s amazing,” Kelli said honestly impressed by how progressive this place ways to allowing people who have been affected by smallara to still work it was kinda empowering. The two waiters ask the group what they will be drinking with Sara and Chole asking for water while Jordan asks for Cocola and Kelli asking for a Dr pepper.

After the drinks came they ordered their food and started talking about work mostly Sara and Chole while Jordan and Kelli had yet to find specific Jobs but were looking and future vacation plans “I say we go to Disney World the kids love the Disney magic plus they have the new Little park specifically designed for littles and their kids with ride identical to the normal size ones basically a mini Disney World park” Jordan said “But I like Universal Studios better they have better rides and dinosaurs Jordy come on the kids love those things” Sara said “But they have yet to open their little park for guest who have Smallara it open in next year plus the kids would have nothing to do” Chole said “UH!! fine will go to Disney again but next summer we are going to Universal” Sara agreed with the plan “Great plus the kids can see Allison again she has been dying to see the kids for a while and my parents should be a fun reunion” Jordan said “Oh yeah and my parents and Kayla should be free too oh my god this is going to be a great vacation Jordy” Kelli said excitedly to have family quality time as the kids get to see both sides of their family again while having a great time “Oh we have to get a group photo as soon as we see them and get in the park” Kelli said as the food came in and it look and smell great better than anything they had before. “Wow this food is amazing,” Kelli said enjoying the food she ate “Chole you are the best for this great idea of finding this place,” Jordan said “Yep that’s my girlfriend for your soon-to-be wife” Sara said sounding sexy at the same time. “Thanks, guys and hey I have to make sure my family eats the best and no less,” Chole said kissing Sara and petting both the littles “Wonder how the kids are doing?” Jordan asked “Their fine Ellie has it handle,” Sara said as she ate the food.

End of part 2 next time in part 3 we go back to the kids and Aunt EL

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

What can I say I’m full of surprises hehe 😜 as for the Disney World trip I’ll say don’t worry about the togetherness there will be plenty of it but I’ll leave as a surprise for now 😏😏

7 months ago

I can’t wait to see what is coming in March. Thank you for always keeping the site active and providing us with good content.

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Taking March off is a well earned break, I hope you enjoy it, and look forward to the alternatives

1) Jordan feeling embarrassed witnessing these intimate moments is normal, but remember, Sara’s gonna insert herself into his.

2) “she seemed a little self-absorbed” I feel like I’m being mocked.

3) there are people worse than Sara, but that doesn’t give her a pass for her shit.

4) I like that Chloe’s helping Sara, just as she’s promised to help Mal.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) I know that her having some input would be a necessity, but I don’t think the point you gave is quite fair

The problem with being unattended was that she was using it as a punishment and he had nothing to do but wait for her, if she’d let him use the phone, or left him with some little company he’d have been fine. and with the Mocha or Spider incident, it was because he wasn’t in a safe place, not because he wasn’t being watched over.

The issue with Dayton is that she was abusing him, she’s essentially a less mature Sara who isn’t trained, all of Sara’s worse traits turned to eleven, and he was fine being unattended with Chloe immediately after because she was nicer to him.

The issue wasn’t him being unattended it was the conditions in which he was left unattended.

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