Smallara Episode 456: A Giantess Story

Smallara 456

“You know there is a little irony to all this right?” Chloe said

“What do you mean…oh…you mean with Ms. Brooks and Ms. Sanchez. This is not the same thing. Gavin is partially reaping what he sows. He should have broken up with Mallory. I know she cares about him. But he doesn’t feel as strongly about her as she does about him. Ms. Brooks is such a bitch. I’m only nice to her at this point because she’s Jordy’s little friend. So, I have to keep the communication lines open and play nice. Don’t even get me started on Ms. Sanchez. She basically said was unfit to care for Jordy.” Sara said.

“She didn’t quite say that.” Chloe said.

“It was implied. She was all he should be with his family like he isn’t. As if I hadn’t contacted them. She can’t accept that he’s Jordy Reeves now. He’s my little pet man. I gave up Mocha for him. I care for him and handle all his needs. He belongs to me. Part of what I love about you so much is that you get that and you’re going to be a part of this. It’s going to be just three of us as a little unit.”

Jordan saw the look in Sara’s eyes when she said he was hers. He could see that she meant it. He knew that in her eyes that he was her pet, her little man, her support underbed. He was hers in a way where the lines are drawn. He understood where Sara was when it came to him. Sara liked to joke around the first few days he was with her she was pushing his buttons. She was trying to see how far she could push. What she could get away with? Peeling away the layers of what and who this miniaturized version of himself was.

The way she said that he was hers. Jordan knew that she wasn’t playing around. She wouldn’t just laugh off Emily or Daniela’s attempts that she didn’t like them not because they were his friends but because of what they represented. They were the pillars and touchstones of everything he was. While his friends may have approached him wanting to help, wanting to make sure he was okay. In Sara’s eyes it meant taking away her support, her companion, her pet, her little man. Where she had reasoning to see if she goes to help Gavin it would ruin the lives of everyone around her. Almost a utilitarian belief and sentiment of what is going to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Jordan understood her choice now. Knowing a tiny bit about Sara he understood why Chloe did what she did. Why she pulled her away when she realized because she chose to silently suffer and turn her back on one of her best friends for the greater good. Which compounded with Sara’s depressive state and splash of guilt on Chloe’s part. He could understand her choices.

Present time,…

“Chloe, I love you. I do, I do, I do. You make me so happy and such a better person. I just need to know you accept Jordan. I know you have this ideal, no that’s not fair. This belief that he is equal and the fact that he’s a homo parvus means nothing. I get it, I do. Truly I do. I’m not saying you have to believe what I believe. As I would never ask you too. But I need to know it’s okay for me to not. I care about Jordan. I love my little man. I would never knowingly let anyone harm him. He’s family to me but he is my pet person, my support underbred. As much as I love you that won’t change and I can’t live worrying that you’re going to leave or walkout because of it.” Sara said with her voice wavering.

“You know how I get with these causes. Sometimes I don’t see the forest from the trees. I never intended for you to feel doubt or insecure in that way. I’m not going to call him Body Hottie, or Jordy, or whatever.” Chloe said as she reached over wiped the tears in Sara’s eyes before looking down at Jordan and then back up at Sara. “Our relationship and future is more important than a cause. Your feelings are more important because as much as I wish there was a way, or a drug, or a treatment that I could give him that would reverse all this. And Jordan, I’m sorry there isn’t believe me we have tried and between us in this room there is no permanent way to undo it. The reversed body always eventually breaks down the treatment and reverts to its original form. What they are is what they are and what we are is what we are. As long as you treat him right, and care about him like I know you do. We will always be more than good.” Chloe said.

“You have no idea how worried I was.” Sara said as she lifted Jordan up to her chest and hugged him against her chest. As she did so Jordan felt himself slide slightly between her breasts before she lifted him up and gave him a kiss before setting him down onto her shoulder and then leaning and giving Chloe a long kiss.

“I promise, I will treat Jordan right and work on being more open minded toward underbreds for you. Except when it comes to Charity Stevens. She will be mine. I won’t harm her, but I will train her and her work her like a farm dog.” Sara said

“So basically, make her your bitch.” Chloe said. “You really can’t just let it go with her. She’s is a bitch. I get it. She bullied you and did and said horrible things. I’m not shedding tears for her or anything but you have Jordan.” Chloe said.

“Jordy is my little man. He gets all the lovin’ Who’s my wittle man? Who’s my good wittle man” Sara said tickling Jordan.

“I”m you’re little man, I’m your little man. I’m your good little man,” Jordan shouted as Sara relented. “I only want a few things in this world. Health, Love, Happiness, you, Jordy and Charity Stevens to not just live as an underbred. I want her to live as my underbred. Knowing that she has to listen to all my commands. Heel, sit, beg, clean. I dream of taking her over to Mallory’s after a good long practice and making her scrub those stinky game shoes she keeps but no one can wash until after the season because you will wash the luck away and just let Charity spruce them up. If you know what i mean.” Sara said.

“You are so bad. Watch her Jordan.” Chloe said as she unlocked the door to the Maintenace room.

“I would never do that to him. He gets regular chores. I have a special list saved that I have titled as better than revenge that I add tasks to for Charity.” Sara said as they headed back towards the lunchroom.

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7 months ago

I so want Sara to have a Charity pet now. Thanks a lot… LOL

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1, Damn she’s obsessed with this revenge on Charity, I get it, there are bullies I haven’t seen in over a decade I’d still love to see suffering or dead, but I can’t imagine her tormenting Charity not having a negative effect on how Jordan sees her.

2. Is Chloe saying that the Smallara cure, is a temporary measure?

3. Chloe has called him “Body Hottie” though

4. I understand why Chloe’s not digging deeper, but man I’m disappointed in her only scratching the surface of Sara’s issues then just saying “I accept you as you are, no improvements or consequences required”.

5. Is it possible for a little and guardian to arrange to be matched up prior to shrinking? Because of so I think Charity would definitely have that set up.

6. Once aging Jordan accepting Sara’s bullshit bugs me.

7. Chloe’s right to pursue these causes, and I hope she does pull Sara up if she goes too far with Jordan.

8. Sara wanting to sever Jordan’s ties with his past life is abuse, “lesser being” or not.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) I get that, but hearing about it and seeing it are entirely different beasts, Sara isn’t exactly Miss Kindness herself, from what Jordan’s seen Sara was equally willing to throw insults and threats at Charity. Charity hasn’t done anything to Sara that Sara hasn’t done to Jordan.

Sara would be doing to Charity what Saddie is doing to Christine and if Sara keeps her in the same enclosure as Jordan I see two possibilities the first is Jordan ends up comforting Charity or holding her as she cries, hearing her side of events and seeing Sara torture the girl causing him to resent Sara and take Charity’s side over Sara growing a rift between the two. Second, Charity lashes out at Jordan out of jealousy and since female littles are larger she could potentially injure or kill him outright.

Sara may get over it, but then she’d just have a second underbred that she wouldn’t want anymore as she only desired revenge, But that doesn’t seem likely.

2) That is so brutal (and demolishes my theory that the social worker was gonna be a regrown little) that’s the main hope for littles in this universe getting shattered.

You can’t overcome God’s will, but I can’t imagine Sara getting his invite to heaven after how dirty she’s done Jordan.

4) That’s true, Sara and Jordan’s relationship is largely consequence base and it’s entirely unhealthy and I’d say the consequences would be better coming from Jordan anyway, Sara is going to therapy, but I only think that’ll better her into a more stable person, not a kinder or more openminded one, her therapist is also entirely OK with her having an emotional support little, so she’s not going to get a more mature view of them from there.

5) Well, If Sapiens and Parvus will fully separate eventually I can’t see that happening for a few hundred years, there are likely Parvus yet to be conceived that would be born to Sapien parents. so the system still has a few centuries of relevance.

6) This is the part that took me so long to answer. It was hard for me as I’d likely not have gotten to this point as there’s no way I’d’ve passed up her offer from 328.

The first thing I’d do was tell her not to call Emily a “Bitch” and point out that she wouldn’t like it if I insulted Chloe or Ellie like that. 
I’d remind her of her repeated mistakes, the amount of abuse I’d endured from her, pointing out how she’s lied and manipulated me gone back on her word, making her understand that I’m not so stupid as to not remember her many misdeeds.

I’d ask Chloe to watch over me as I’d trust her infinitely more than Sara (and point that out), point out that talking to Sara is more often than not a pointless endeavour and ask that I’d be able to come to her if she crosses lines.

Sara would hate this, she’d be furious at me for “airing out dirty laundry in public” But, I’d also express thoughts about jumping out of Sara’s hand and hoping the fall kills me, and that I can’t feel safe with her unless I have someway to hold her accountable when she fucks with me.

I know Sara would retaliate and I’d basically be gambling on whether or not Chloe would even care enough to help me, but I’d certainly make my thoughts heard, and my anger about certain events known.

8) “He is not required by Sara to sever past relationships” ok Fair enough, but it’s not like she’s letting him continue them either, making them, she’s refused to let them hold him, stopped him from speaking to them directly (by “Speaking for him”) and even forced one of them to call him by her chosen nickname for him, she’s also rather blatantly trying to provide an “Alternative girlfriend” to encourage severing ties, his only method of communication to them she can give and take as she pleases and could look over everything being said.

I get not wanting to hang out with her teachers, I had a few cool teachers who I could have a drink with now… but most were shit. But at the same time, I don’t think Jordan likes Sara’s friends (other than Chloe) any more than Sara likes his, but he gets no say in the matter of having to endure time with them. If Jordan spoke about or to Ellie, Mal or Steph the way Sara speaks to or about Emma and Danielle, Sara would have his head. Sara may feel that they have wronged her, but I reckon Jordan could certainly make a case of sexual harassment against Ellie to argue that she’s wronged him to.

“It’s not like his friends have made an overture to her to try to clear the air either yet” that is true, but that’s also what the “Party” could have been intended as Emily and Daniella inviting Sara to a place out of the school, to build bridges and bury hatchets, Iike what Sara did between Steph and Chloe. But that’s just speculation.

Even if Sara didn’t have plans I doubt she’d have agreed as Jordan has to earn time with the people he likes, she’d probably have just invented an excuse knowing her.

What happened with Dayton and Maisy isn’t fair to say she’s “learned from” as handing him over blindly wasn’t the problem either time, it was ignoring him not wanting to go to them.

(This is long, and I apologise for that but still hope you like it)

J - vader
J - vader
7 months ago

Wow, the relationship between Chole and Sara is amazing, and how determined they are to be there for each other. Now I can’t tell if Sara is kidding with the whole getting Charity or not but who knows however if she does do it I think I gave some FanFic ideas with her.

And we back with the last part of this fanfic idea

Back at the house

Ellie gave the kids their dinner after they finished she gave them a chocolate bar and surprising her they managed to eat half of the bar in minutes. The moment they took the first bite the kids were in a state of pure unfiltered sugar rush speaking fast, moving faster than normal, and being hyperactive non-stop after at least an hour they finally slowed down. “Okay little ones time for your baths,” Ellie said knowing it was getting late she grabbed the three of them took them to the sink, and filled it up with water making sure it was warm but not too warm for them. “Soap for you, soap for you, and soap for you stand still and keep your eyes closed until the soap is off you okay,” Ellie said scrubbing them and making sure they got clean. To be expected the kids could stay still due to Ellie’s fingers tickling them while scrubbing them with the soap laughing the whole time which made Ellie smile.

After she was done she let them play in the water a better as they splashed each other then splashed water at her only making it to her chin but she took on their little challenge and splashed them back getting them all at once. After their water fight, she got them out dried them put them in their pajamas, and took them to their beds. “But I’m not tired,” One of the kids said but yawned after saying that letting Ellie know they were ready for bed despite them wanting to stay up “I’m sure you are but your parents said you need to be in bed by 10 and it already 9:40 so in you go,” Ellie said putting them in their beds and making sure they were snuggled in right.

“Could you tell us a story Aunty EL?” The kids ask making Eliie smile “Sure what would you like to hear this time?” Ellie asked them “We want to hear more stories about Dad and Grandma Sara,” they said surprising Ellie “Mmmmh let see ah okay years ago when your dad and grandma were still new to each other she took your dad to school with her they were also the dad your father meet your mother and aunt, Kayla,” Ellie said talking about how Jordan and Kelli meet “ The two were so cute together at the time…” “EWWW!!!” the kids said not wanting to hear that about their parent “Fine you cutie haters I’ll skip to the part where drama happens as I was saying your parents went to grandma first class with his ex Emily or as I called her Ms. Sanchez and your grandma did not like her it got worse when your dad was in the middle of said tension,” Ellie said “Wait I thought Emily and Grandma Sara like each other?” one the kids said “Well this was before your dad got them to get along with each other but a story for a different day… your mother saw that Emily still had feelings for your dad and started… well let say playing games on Emily and it work she was so jealous it was very clear by then after that father was torn from his feeling for Emily and your mother while also dealing with the hatred between Emliy and your grandma it was a lot but eventually he figured it out… your dad has a way with bringing people togather rather he knows it or not he a very special person kind, strong, an din some ways brave despite his small size… and.. Huh,” Ellie said but saw that the kids were fast asleep smiled sat on the normal-sized bed, and waited for the group to come back.

Eventually, they came back Sara thanked Ellie for watching them as Jordan and Kelli saw the kids fast asleep kissing them on the head and thanked Ellie for her services. Ellie went home and Sara and Chole got to bed as Jordan and Kelli got ready for bed as well “Look at them sleeping peacefully and in the morning will be bouncing on our bed making us get up early in the morning… sigh should be fun I suppose” Jordan said “Well their only kids Jordy they’ll grow out of it and by then you’ll start to miss them doing that to us” Kelli said “I highly doubt that…for now let sleep and see what tomorrow bring us.. Night sweetheart” Jordan said kissing his love and laying down on his pillow thinking about the future but was hopeful not only for himself but for his kids as well smiled and closed his eyes.
And that is the end for this babysitting arc

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago


7 months ago

I hope Sara never gets Charity and let’s go of her revenge. Revenge would just set Sara back in seeing underbred as more equal. Besides there are more unfortunate souls that she could save.

Don’t believe there is no cure. Even if that is true I can see them just keep delaying the shrinking indefinitely. Especially as science advances.

7 months ago

If I recall, wasn’t Dayton looking to become a guardian? It would be funny if Charity ends up being her underbred.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
7 months ago

Dayton does want yo, but Mrs aharris canonically hated underbreds, so I can’t imagine her being allowed one, though it’d be an amusing scenario.

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