Smallara Episode 458: A Giantess Story

Smallara 458

“Can I take anyone else’s plate with me?” Kayla said as both Ellie and Mallory handed her their dishes before Kayla set her hand down on the table like she had seen Sara do. After a couple of seconds, Kayla finally asked Kelli to get into her hand, seeing that her sister wasn’t going to just climb on like she had seen Jordan do. Kayla knew Kelli did it on purpose. This was Kelli’s way of drawing a line in the sand.

“It wouldn’t hurt you to just climb into my hand when I put it down,” Kayla said as she walked toward the counter with the dirty dishes.

“I’m not going to be taught commands, Kayla. I’m your sister. If you want me to do something, you just have to ask. Like you have always done.” Kelli said as she watched Kayla put the dirty dishes down before shuffling her around to a better position in her hand.

“So, you’re saying you don’t want pets later?” Kayla said with a grin.

“Don’t you dare. I may be small, but I still have ways to make you pay.” Kelli retorted

“I really got to learn the shoulder thing Sara does. It’s hard to hold you and carry things.” Kayla said.

“Or you could not bring me to school. Also, there is no way you can master something like that. You don’t have that level of body control. It’s very impressive.” Kelli said before seeing a couple of Kayla’s friends walk over to her.

“Oh my god, you brought Kelli with you. She looks soooo cute. Hi Kelli,” The teen said looking down at Kayla’s sister still trying to wrap her head around this was Kayla’s older sister Kelli. She had watched Kelli boss around and drag Kayla to things for years. So, it was weird seeing the inverse now not only true but just how small Kelli was.

“Hey Talisa,” Kelli said casually as she looked at the gigantic immune dorky friend of her sister in Talisa Reece. Another painful reminder that she lost the genetic lottery. She was Kayla’s oldest friend and they were thick as thieves. Talisa would even go outside and eat with Kayla before Tamara put the kibosh on that.

“Can I hold her? I mean, it’s pretty cool that you have an underbred. However, it’s too bad about your sister. Atleast she gets to be with her family still.” Talisa said as she stared at Kelli. Who held her tongue over Talisa’s comments. She had to fight to urge to snap at Talisa. She was right here. She hated being talked about in that way. As if this was some kind of great situation. Sure being with family is nice but words like that gloss over the fact she lost everything.

“I mean, I gu..”Kayla started to say before being cut off

“Sorry, Talisa, it would be irresponsible for Kayla to release me into the hands of the untrained,” Kelli said as she inched further into Kayla’s hand. As Kayla looked down, Kelli.

“Yeah, she’s right. Sorry.” Kayla said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“It’s fine. I get it. Maybe you could teach me then. Not now, obviously, but later on.” Talisa added as she noticed Kelli was the least put together she had ever seen her.

“Sure, I mean, I don’t mind if Kelli doesn’t,” Kayla said as the giant eyes of Talisa fell upon her. Kayla’s words rang in her head. She hated that Kayla put her in this situation. Now if she said anything but yes, she was somehow the bad guy. While another part of her wondered if this was how it started. Is this how she falls under Kayla’s spell? Is the fact she can feel the unspoken pressure of Kayla’s words to acquiesce how it all begins?

“Yeah, you know, with some coaching and training,” Kelli said, relenting against her better judgment. In her mind, though, this wasn’t relenting. It was just picking her battles. She couldn’t shoot Kayla down at every turn and hope to keep any semblance of control over her.

“Great, but more importantly I saw you this morning with Sara Reeves this morning. Like, Oh my god, Kayla. She was like actually talking to you. Now you’re not only eating lunch inside with people, you’re doing it at the same table Ellie and Mallory.” Talisa said excitedly. “You definitely need to spill,”

“I can hardly believe it myself Talisa. My head is spinning. I’m friends with Sara now. She said she was taking me under her wing, and then in a matter of hours, Tamara, Kaitlyn, and Ashley, all of them who were picking on me, are just now leaving me alone. In class, I was just brought into their group. It was just like assumed.” Kayla said a bit excited before both Kayla and Talisa did a brief squeal of excitement.

“How did this all this happen though? They didn’t know you even existed 24 hours ago.” Talisa said, still confused.

“Well, it started the other day when I saw Sara with her little. I had heard something about her having one, but then she brought him to school and stuff. Since I had just gotten Kelli home recently, I just approached her about meeting up as I really wanted to get Kelli out of the house. She was a bit depressed about the whole thing.” Kayla said.

“I-I was not,” Kelli said, trying to assert herself in the conversation.

“You’re such a good sister, Kayla. Kelli is lucky to have you. Unlike mine, who doesn’t even associate with me at school or acknowledge my existence.” Talisa said

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J - vader
J - vader
7 months ago

Yeah new character and more sister bonding I love it

YEAAAAAAAAAAAH BABY I’m back with a new FanFic arc called the Disney World arc part 1

Part 1 Leaving for the airport

New characters names

Blake – Out of the three siblings he is the smartest and can be a bit sarcastic at times although brilliant and inventive he can be very awkward, especially around girls either big or small. He has the drive and determination to prove to everyone that despite his size his intelligence can overcome all.

Finn – Despite his apparent immaturity and goofiness, Finn is quick-witted and strategic by nature. He’s a little bit bossy, but he firmly believes he has everyone’s best interest at heart and considers himself the leader of the siblings. He has a sense and desire to explore the world and make connections with people no matter how big or small.
Charlie – is compassionate and empathetic to a fault, feeling genuinely upset at the idea of harm coming to others. Despite being sweet and lacking ‘street-smarts’, this doesn’t make Charlie a pushover or stupid. When people insult her or openly mock her ideals and plans, she has no hesitation in standing up for herself or even rolling up her sleeves to physically fight back. She is also not above letting a few cuss words slip. Mostly gets that side of her personality from her mother

“Okay guys make sure everything is pact and you got everything and let’s go,” Jordan said trying to get his kids and wife ready to go to the airport he checked in with Sara and Chole as they waited. “ Finn !! did you take my socks again!!!” Blake yelled to his brother “NO!! You probably misplace them again” Finn lied not wanting to tell his brother he “borrowed” his sock again “For the third time this week really?!! Do you think I’m that stupid I literally organized my socks all the time” Blake argued “Boys no fighting!!!” Kelli yelled wanting to end the fight “Sweetie how is her hair looking?” Kelli asked her daughter Charlie “All good Mom and I all packed up and ready to go” Charlie said while smiling making her mother happy every time she did “Such a sweet girl” Kelli thought. “GUYS we’re going to be late Let’s go please!” Jordan came back and raised his voice “Come on FINN I can tell those are my socks” Blake said knowing full well that his bother yet again took his socks “I have no idea what you mean” Finn said trying to fool his brother “Dude I can repair airpods, help dad fixing the car, and get A’s for day I THINK I CAN TELL THAT THOSE ARE CLEARLY MY SOCK!!” Blake yelled not taking any more of his brother’s games “As I told you I don’t know what you’re talking about” Finn unwilling to give back the sock “That does it” Blake jumped on his brother starting a bit of a scuffle with his brother Finn “Boys stop it” Charlie pleaded “Enough” Kelli stop the fight “Get your lounge and get ready before your Da…” Kelli was about to say until Jordan came back “Maybe I didn’t make himself clear before WE ARE LATE FOR CHURCH, LET’S GO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW !!!!” out of pure fear everyone got their stuff and got ready to be picked up.

“Damn, I think I actually heard him through the glass… I didn’t think Jordan had that in him” Chole said “Oh trust me he can be as calm and less fearsome most of the time but push to the edge far enough he can become a fearless lion it’s honestly impressive how much he can take sometimes” Sara said, “How much time do we get until we need to meet up with everyone?” Chole asked “Kayla said that she and her parents were on the way to the airport as well as Allison and Jordy’s parents so that just leaves us to get going and the ride should take … an hour and the plane leaves at 10:30 so 2 hours at least,” Sara said “Okay good .. oh looks like their ready” Chole said looking at the small family ready to be picked up “AWWW look at my little grandbabies all ready to go,” Sara said in her baby voice which annoyed the brother while Charlie liked it “I’m not a baby!!! I’m a man Grandma” Finn said with some pride for himself “Dude you’re 11 years old I don’t think that qualifies as a man by age or looks” Blake said with a smirk at his comment about his brother “Hey!!!” Finn yelled “Okay let’s get going the uber is here,” Chole said “Okay Jordy and Kelli you’re with me Kids you’ll go with Grandma Chole,” Sara said “I still don’t know how to feel about being called a grandma but come on kids” Chole said.

“Dibs on her shoulder,” Charlie said first getting a giggle from Chole as she put her on her shoulder “Come on boys,” Chole said as she carried the boys with her hands as she began to walk Charlie kissed Chole “Love you, grandma,” she said “How can something so small be so sweet,” Chole said petting Charlie on her head as she walks to the car “Kiss ass” Finn said “Dumb ASS!!!” Charlie said back to her brother “Language both of you” Sara said “Jordy you’re supposed to make sure that don’t learn those types of words I’m very disappointed” Sara said “I didn’t… oh fine can we please go” Jordan said in defeat not having the energy to argue. 15 minutes later everyone got in the car and Jordan and Kelli were between Sara’s legs the car moved to take them to the airport while the kids were playing on their tablets between Chole’s legs well at least the boys Charlie wanted to stay on Chole shoulder “I can’t wait to grandma and grandpa again” she said exactly knowing she’ll see all three grandparents at the same time for a week.

End or part 1 next time part 2 Family reunion

7 months ago

Always with the grabbing. At least Talisa asked before attempting.

Really wished the tinies had a tool to prevent unwanted touching or grabbing. Like the ability to shock or poke the offensive hand away. So annoying. What happened to personal space!

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

It would definitely help their survivability against small animals and insects.

And as you stated it wouldn’t hurt biggies. Just help deter that rude behavior.

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1. Nice to see more of Kayla listening to Kelli, especially when it came to her not consenting to things.

2. “Irresponsible for Kayla to release me into the hands of the untrained,” I get what she means but… Saddie, Sara, and Maisy are all trained and none seem like a responsible person to leave a little with while Emily, Danielle and Chloe are all untrained but each seem like infinitely better options, so that shouldn’t be the deciding factor, especially since untrained people like Dayton, Steph or Chloe can hold littles just fine.

3. I like Talisa’s design she definitely fits the Dorky stereo type Kelli’s looking at her then.

4. How does Kayla know she’s not getting bullied anymore? This is like her second time not at Sara’s heel.

5. The girls seriously are treating Sara and her friends like celebrities.

6. Soo, if Sara’s friends instantly took Kayla in, is Sara likely to do the same with Kayla’s (excluding Tamara obviously)?

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) it’s nice to show other types of relationships. It gives more realism
To the world.

2) it’s funny because that is verbatim the line Sara used in English class to Ms brooks. Training is the key factor the irresponsibility would be on Kayla as Talisa could grip Kelli to tightly and kill her. She could jerk her to quickly and the whiplash could snap her neck. Training prevents that.

Chloe is also the most trained untrained person in America because of her company and job. So I wouldn’t say she is untrained in the way others are untrained.

3) thanks I spent a bit of time getting her just right.

4) because she’s already been bullied and picked on less then normal. The people who do bully her are actively not doing it. So it’s noticeable to her. As even with Sara she doesn’t think they wouldn’t not pick on her.

5) well they aren’t movie stars or anything but they probably do have a degree of notoriety and fame and popularity. Where to others it is a big deal. But I guess it would be like a form of celebrity.

6) time will tell.

Last edited 7 months ago by Asukafan2001
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) yeah, I’m really glad that there are healthy relationships between littles and guardians.

2) I did recognised that actually but i didnt realise Kelli heard that, seing as she showed up after the conversation. I think the responsibility would still be on Kayla regardless of if Talisa was trained or not, because she is Kelli’s guardian. And we’ve seen untrained people handle littles either no issue so it’s not like there’s some secret technique, it’s just a matter of control and stamina.

Chloe’s canonical first time holding a little was less than 24hrs ago. I get that she knows information about littles, but not so much in the practical department.

3) I hope we get more shots of her, like a front on view.

4) I guess that makes sense. It must have been a lot if the difference is already noticeable

5) it just seems so weird to me.

6) I look forward to seeing it.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) I ageee

2) little ears are listening always. That is true that her practical expierence is nonexistent. I just more meant she atleast knew the science and technique of it from a scholarly standpoint. Just not an applied standpoint.

3) there is another angle that is more of a frontal shot that is used in the next episode.

4) well she was bullied and picked on a good amount. As you’ve seen in her attitude she’s a good target for people like that.

5) understandable. But we also live in a world where YouTubers and twitch streamers are celebrities.

7 months ago

Interested to see what happens between Kayla, sarah, and kelli
Tbh, I think Kayla and Kelli have the best relationship of all the current guardians and the most potential for it to be more of a two way street, but sarah could break that when she watches Kelli and tries training Kayla.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Yeah. With the way sarah is though, and how insane peer pressure can be in high school, things could change there. It’s probably cheesy, but I think it’d be cool for Kayla and Kelli to have some kind of heart to heart about everything and maybe come to an understanding. Idk lol just would be nice to see one actually healthy relationship between guardian and little

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