Smallara Episode 459: A Giantess Story

Smallara 459

The Devil is in the details Kelli always heard people say. But she never wrapped her mind around the saying fully until now. As she looked at Talisa, it was clear she was speaking to Kayla. She could see her eyes focused on Kayla and her body language reacted based on what Kayla said or Talisa’s own points. Nowhere was she a thought.

It was only at the start of the conversation that she acknowledged. She was given her moment of acknowledgment before fading into obscurity. Kelli wanted to scream. The idea of being in Kayla’s shadow of all things was ludicrous.

When Kelli first caught Smallara, she thought it was a nightmare. Being isolated from her family and her friends. Now since leaving the facility and seeing what life was actually going to look like. She couldn’t help but feel like she was living a nightmare. It’s bad enough being carted around and cared for by your little sister. Being looked down upon by her dorky friends was somehow worse.

“We’re still on for raiding right? You aren’t going to back out now that you have new friends?” Talisa asked.

“I’m not going to bail on you. I’m committed. Just because I’m friends with Sara, and she introduced me to her friends. Doesn’t mean anything has changed. Other than Mallory got me bumped up to Varsity.” Kayla said.

“Why am I just hearing about this now? This is huge. Now you are on the varsity squad for basketball and soccer.” Talisa said.

“I’m not a starter or anything, but Mallory asked me to do private training with her, and Kelli is going to help me refine my skills. Mallory said I could start next season.” Kayla said.

“This is huge,” Talisa said.

“You can’t tell anyone yet. Nothing is official, and I don’t want to jinx anything. But don’t you ever think I forgot about you. You’re always going to be my best friend. You know that top you liked of Kelli’s. That muted one you always talked about.” Kayla said.

“How could I forget? It’s so cute, and I looked everywhere for one.” Talisa said. “Not that it would look as good on me as it does on her,” Talisa said.

“Well, it’s in my closet now, waiting for you. When you come over this weekend, you have it.” Kayla said.

“You better not be kidding. Oh my god, oh my god. You’re the best.” Talisa said as she hugged Kayla, forgetting about Kelli, who felt Talisa’s body smack into her as she was sandwiched between Kayla and Talisa for a few moments before pulling away.

“Oops, Sorry, Kelli,” Talisa said, looking down at the small woman.

“You need to be more careful, and Kayla, you can’t give away my stuff. Talisa, I’m sorry, but you can’t have it.” Kelli said. She saw the upset look on Kayla’s face, but she needed to let her sister know that giving away her stuff was not okay. She didn’t even ask.

“Don’t listen to her, Talisa. It’s yours. It’s mine now, and I’m giving it to you. I’ll talk to her about it.” Kayla said

“Okay, thanks, Kay, you’re the best. You should probably go. It looks like you’re being called.” Talisa said, pointing towards Mallory and Ellie before running off.

“You’ll what?” Kelli shouted as loud as she could as she stomped her foot while in the palm of Kayla’s hand as Kayla walked back towards the table.

“You embarrassed me in front of my best friend, Kelli,” Kayla said quietly.

“You can’t give away my stuff. Not without asking.” Kelli said, still furious.

“You can’t even wear it anymore, and if mom and I hadn’t gone to get your stuff, you wouldn’t even have it,” Kayla argued back. “Besides, you owe me Kelli. I’m letting you go shopping with Sara, and you know Mom won’t let you go without my say so, and you’re bringing Jordy over, who I’m responsible for while he’s at our home.” Kayla argued

“Fine, whatever. But just the one shirt.” Kelli said. She hated losing to her sister, but she was at least thankful she didn’t gloat. She usually had a way of gloating that bothered her to no end. Then, she would do a little victory dance that just made her want to slap the smirk off her face. 

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J - vader
J - vader
7 months ago

Good old sister bonding and arguing over little things wow fun. Dang I feel bad for Kelli she doesn’t know how to handle not having full attention or control over things while seeing Kayla get everything she could have wanted at the same time it’s so interesting while somewhat sad to see compared to Jordan who honestly I think handled it better in a way but great chapter and I hope to see more of Kelli and Kayla dynamic explored and develop more in time

Part 2 baby
Part 2 family reunion

After the car ride, the group went inside the airport to Sara and Chole it was a normal trip to the airport but to the kids and their parents, it was like they were on another planet. “You knowing see the airport like this is something else,” Jordan said remaining the time he went to the airport back when he was normal size but now it was a whole new experience much like many other things. “Okay I’ve texted the others they say they’re heading this way,” Sara said as they looked for Kayla and her parents with Allison and Jordan’s parents in hand. “Hey guys,” Kayla said with her parents behind her “Hey Kayla ho…” Sara was about to say until Kayla’s mom interrupted “Where is she, my baby girl?” she asked until she saw Kelli in Sara’s hand and instantly grabbed and rubbed her against her cheek “ I missed you sweetheart it’s not the same at home without you” she said making Kelli cringe at the show of affection from her mother “Mom!! Stop not in front of the kids and Jordy” Kelli said which got her mother to face the kids and Jordan now “Oh boy” Jordan said before him, his wife, and the kids were brought into a big hug from their grandma/mother in law “Jordan it’s so going to see you and my grandbabies” She said the kids enjoyed this while the parents found it cringe-worthy at best but knew that’s how most parents can be especially theirs.

“It’s good to see you Jordan so you treating my daughter and grandkids right?” Kelli’s dad said causing Jordan to be nervous “Oh yes sir,” he said “Baby stop scaring your son-in-law it’s rude,” Kelli’s mom said getting her dad to let down his guard and smile “Sorry couldn’t help it… But it’s good to see you son,” he said after that they went to find Allison and Jordan’s parent’s at the gates to security. “Hey Sara sup little bro,” Allison said causing Jordan to grunt “I’m smaller than you but I’m still older than you Allison,” Jordan said back causing the sibling to laugh “Hi Aunty Allison,” Charlie said in her sweet voice causing Allison to smile widely and instantly hug the girl to her cheek “OMG it so good to see Charlie… hey boys have you been trouble for your sister” she said causing the brother the stand in attention before their aunt “NO AUNT ALLISON !!!” The brothers said in unison “Good” she said petting the boys and clearly showing Charlie was her favorite out of the siblings but still cared about the boys. “Jordan!!” Jordan’s mother’s voice yelled from his sister’s pocket she pulled her and their father out as they greeted their son “OMG my sweet baby boys it’s good to see you” his mother said “It’s good to see you too Mom” Jordan said happy to see his mother “hey dad” He said getting hug from his father as well “POP POP” Charlie shouted jumping to hug her grandpa “BABY GIRL” he hug back always happy to see his granddaughter “Hey grandma” Finn said as he always like seeing his grandma “FINNY” she hug him “Blake come her and hug your grandma” she said getting Blake to rush to her and hug her well.

After the hugging session, the family went through security and went to their terminal “Okay Kayla, Kelli, and their parents will ride together with Blake and Finn while me, Chole, and Allison and her parents will ride with us in our seats added with Jordan and Charlie” Sara said as they enter the plane finding their seat across from each other. “I hear they are working on adding little seats for people with Smallara to make them feel normal when riding on Planes,” Kelli said “Really?” Jordan said wondering if that was possible thinking it would be nice. The plane roared to life and took off begging the trip to Disney World.

End of Part 2 next time on Part 3 Hotel Roomes

Reply to  J - vader
7 months ago

Kelli and Jordan are an interesting comparison. As Jordan is much more of a follower. He’s not one to make waves.

Where kelli speaks her mind and gives her opinion whether it’s wanted or not. So seeing how they both go through similar things differently In some cases is interesting

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) I’m Sorry Kayla, but you absolutely deserved to be embarrassed here, you shouldn’t have given that top away without Kelli’s permission and discussing it so casually above her was just asking for her to react.

2) Talisa is part of the raid, that does seem to validate her plans (not that they needed validating).

3) I’d say Kelli doesn’t “owe” Kayla for letting her go with Sara, that seems more like Kayla paying back dragging Kelli to school.

4) Kelli conceding at the end was a bit rough.

5) so is their gym class next?

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) I can understand why she did it but I agree she should have discussed it or went about it differently.

2) yeah, she does have her own life with things she likes to do even if Kelli thinks they are dumb.

3) Kelli did agree to have Kayla as her guardian. Im not sure she needs to be forgiven for taking her to school. But she should apologize for not telling her she was taking her to meet people but Kelli may not have went if she knew. So it’s hard to say if fault exists or were the best intentions

4) she aware of the reality of the world she lives in.

5) yup. Gym is the next class

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) I get she had her reasons for giving it to Talisa, but to not include Kelli in the discussion is where the problems begin.

2) Yeah, and it’s been good meeting her old friend.

3) And Kayla agreed to take responsibility for her, which means she’s on the hook for her Irresponsible and inconsiderate decisions.
If knowing meant she wouldn’t have agreed to go, then that means Kayla has to make up for the deception too.

4) Still may have been worth a bigger fuss, especially to discouraged repeats.

5) yeah, I noticed to day was the same schedule as Monday.

7 months ago

And so it begins. A shirt here. Shoes here. Soon all traces of her old life will be given away. So sad.

Giving her the freedom to replace her old wardrobe would help lessen the string. (Her choices and not her sister’s).

Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

It is a slippery slope. I agree with you. Im sure in time she will get more clothes and be able to pick them out.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

If I was in Kelli shoes I would settle this with a compromise.

Pick 1 complete oufit that is off-limits. (NO giving away or wearing). The outfit being a reminder/testament of Kelli life before the disease.

Everything else Kaya can do whatever she wants.

It is not logically for Kelli to keep everything but emotionally I understand her reasoning.

Also if by some miracle a cure is found. Kelli can actually wear it. Unlikely but it is hard not to completely give up your old life. Keeping that 1 outfit is an emotional anchor. That is my opinion at least.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

True but I like the idea of victims of Smallera keeping one full outfit from before their change. So others and themselves can remind them how big they used to be.

Similar to how after losing a loved one, the person keeps their room preserved to honor their memory. Smallera victims kind of die as their old lives are basically dead. And keeping 1 outfit is alot more practical than keeping their entire wardrobe/room intact.

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