Smallara Episode 460: A Giantess Story

Smallara 460

Meanwhile: Back with Sara and Chloe…

“What are you going to do if you don’t get Charity? I mean that’s a real possibility. You don’t know when or where it could happen.” Chloe said as they continued down the hall towards the lunchroom.

“Why do you think I was working on a friendship with Maisy?” Sara said as they continued down the hall as she watched Jordan move about her hand trying to get comfortable.

“ I didn’t know what to think. I was just running interference for you with Mal. You know how she can get when it comes to Maisy.” Chloe said.

“Yeah, well Jordy and I really ticked Maisy off today so she should be thrilled. But it may have ended up working out as since I stood up to her, she actually respects me now, I think.” Sara said “I know you aren’t a big fan of her Jordy and I’m not either. But we just need to try to play as nice as we can for now.” Sara added.

“If you want me to be nice. I want to know why? She’s a B-I mean she’s not very nice and thinks very little of people like me.” Jordan said as firmly as his squeaky voice would allow.

“I’m a little curious myself what your game is.” Chloe said.

“I need her to put the word out that Charity is mine. If someone finds her, they bring her to me. I know I can get Mal to do it. I just feel bad about having to leave Gavin to her. But, Gavin made his choice. If I get Maisy to also say the same thing I basically have to the whole school on notice, that’s thousands of eyes who if they come across her…”

“You know I love you. But…”

“I need this. You two don’t get it. This is part of what led me out of my darkness. All the words, all the tormenting, all the bullying, it was constant. She doesn’t give it to you and Ellie, she like she goes after me. There was a period of time after it happened this was all I felt like I had. I know I have more now. I do. You and Ellie and Steph all helped me see that and now I have Jordy and I’ve doubled down on my streaming and thats taken off even more. I know it’s stupid and its petty but don’t you have anything you just want. Just for you. Just because.

“I’m not going to stop you but atleast consider just letting this go. You won, she’s a little and you’re not. Karma came for her and won. The girl who believed herself to be better than everyone ended up as a little. You have friends who care about you. You have Jordan, and most importantly you have me. Just try and let that be enough for you.” Chloe said as they walked into the lunchroom itself.

“She’s just so hateful.” Sara said as they sat back down at the table.

“Who’s hateful?” Mallory asked as looking over at Chloe and Sara with a slight suspicion they did more than just go to the bathroom.

“Charity Stevens, aka evil incarnate,” Sara said. “Chloe wants me to drop my vendetta against her.” Sara said as she continued to hold Jordan.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t have a vendetta against her. I just said you should let go about the revenge. As you shouldn’t let it consume you.” Chloe said.

“you’re right, you’re right. If I’m meant to end up with Charity I will. I just really want to make her suffer. Mal and Kayla would have the cleanest shoes on that soccer field when i was done with her.”

“That is not letting it go.” Chloe said.

“I’m taking baby steps. A little bit each day. I can’t promise forgiveness, but I can try to let it go.”

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Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) starting to get Sara now, she can’t see littles as equal to her because her insecurity won’t allow it, she’s developed a coping mechanism for Charity’s bullying that relies too heavily on her feeling superior to Charity. Gavin, Jordy and Kelli are just collateral and her parents plus the government validating and encouraging these beliefs sets her up to be the disgusting cunt she is.

2) “Karma came for Charity” nice sentiment Chloe, but what does that mean for Jordan? Or Bryce? Or Kelli? or Gavin? Or on the other side of the coin, what about Saddie, or Maisy? Or Sara? Or Ashley? Or Dayton?

3) Seems you’re attempting to retcon her desire to befriend Maisy into little more than a tactical move.

4) I think Charity’s family would have arrangements made for when they shrink, plus lawyers for if/when guardian custody battles become necessary, there’s no way Sara’s parents would allow her to take this to caught just for revenge

5) I hope Sara doesn’t get Charity, she isn’t a good enough person to deserve that kind of revenge, and it wouldn’t benefit her in the long run

6) I like Chloe trying to talk her down a bit.

PS enjoy your time off to the fullest.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) yeah, I think this was a great panel for giving insight into who Sara is and her motivations, what is actually wrong with her.

2) I don’t think “ignorance” is a sin. Besides, he’d been tested and taken precautions, I don’t think you can say he was “ignoring facts” when dispite not believing he was being careful.

3) I guess, but originally she just seemed to want to be her friend, for friendship sake. Now all that seems like it was just a facade.

4) yeah, but it couldn’t be every one of then, you saying their aren’t any immune cousins or uncles, godparents maybe, or perhaps her “cronies” mentioned in 163?

5) I know.

6) yeah, Sara’s listening skills are abysmal unless she actually likes the person talking.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) yeah, kinda pathetic that so much of her self-esteem relies on her looking down and feeling superior to disabled people, though that is something therapy could theoretically help with.

2) Is it common knowledge? I was under the impression that Sara, Ellie, Kayla and Mal learned most of these things from guardian classes (which are expensive as hell) and, Chloe got it from her family/work, which makes it common knowledge for the group but not necessary for the untrained masses, like how Dayton thinks “littles come in different breeds”, or Who’s-Her-Daddy needing to be reminded to lower his voice when talking to Jordan, there’s no shortage of ignorance about littles in this world. there’s even a mention of an “Underbred Wiki” with some interesting takes on it.

3) I see, still a bit shitty of her not to warn Jordan, and to go behind her friends’ back.

I also don’t think she’s that mad at Maisy for what she did, it’s nothing Sara hasn’t done and with the information from this panel Maisy and Sara seem even more alike to each other than they did before.

4) That’s fair, though if they’re smart they’ll wanna get someone they can trust quicksmart and arrange to go with them.

6) Fair, but that’s still not a good way for Sara to behave (especially since “people respect or are friends with” also get ignored by her)

7 months ago

As I stated I really don’t want Sara to have Charity. Beside you already have another story focusing on the revenge aspect.

So I happy her friends are attempting to talk her out of it.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

If Charity does shrink I kind of want to see her get the reverse treatment.

If solely to know more about the reversal process. Is it instantly or gradually? How long is the growth process? Do they get their full size back or partial?

And would the shrink episode make Charity a better person or would she double down on her nasty attitude?

The most I think about it, the more I like idea.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

I’ve also been wanting to seea regrown little pop up at sime point. We know very little about the process, just that it needs to be implemented within 24hrs of shrinking and that it isn’t permanent.

Charity’s as good a demonstration tool as anyone.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

That is disappointing. I thought of a great scenario where Charity shrinks and Sara is the first to discover her. Sara is gleefully for chance to own her but Jordan’s words convinces her to sent her to the hospital for the revesal treatment.

Sara matures by showing mercy yet still gets a small taste of revenge. Taking advantage of Charity’s tiny state while taking her to the hospital. Likely taking embarrassing photos of her and teasing her.

Regardless of how effective the reversal treatment. Charity social life is damaged as her shrink episode is shared (maybe even the photos get mysteriously leaked). Ending with Charity transferring schools.

Charity has connections and money. Maybe you could make it happen still. In my opinion this has the best outcome for various parties.

6 months ago

When is this story coming back? Just re-read the whole story. Not a huge fan of the Madison story. So just have been patience. 🤣

Last edited 6 months ago by Shozkyia
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Shozkyia
6 months ago

22 April 24

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