Madison’s World Redux: Episode 2

Madisons World Redux Episode 2

Greg carefully lowered himself down until he was dangling while holding onto the top edge of the step with one hand and holding onto Cindy’s hand with the other. He looked down at the stairs below him and it looked like just a couple foot drop down from his perspective at most. He thought about just letting go and landing, but he remembered that he wasn’t exactly twenty years old anymore. His body had started to remind him of that fact more than once in the past few years. So, he grabbed the carpet they had running down the staircase and carefully made it to the next level.

“Okay Cindy, just throw your legs over and slowly lower yourself down I got you,” Greg said, as his wife followed suit showing signs of trepidation, but could think of no other solutions that would be better. As it would be best to try to get Madison’s attention right at the door when she came home. The sooner they could get help, the better.

Cindy carefully lowered herself down using the carpet for support as Greg had done while she felt his arms on both sides of him. As she released her hold at the very end as Greg supported her, slowing her descent. As she touched down on the ground, she looked up at the stair noticing it was from her perspective a few feet taller than her. She knew she could grab the edge of the step; she just climbed down with a short hop. However, she doubted she possessed the upper body strength to actually do something like that. Even back in high school she could never do a pull-up and now over a decade removed she could never do anything like that, and she doubted Greg could either.

“It’s a long way down Sundance,” Greg said, showing his age with the dated reference.

“This is going to take the rest of the morning and the better part of the afternoon,” Cindy said with her snippy attitude from earlier returning.

“You have somewhere else you need to be? Greg said with a bit of a laugh.

“Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying this. But yes, Greg. My plans weren’t climbing down my staircase like Mount Everest for sport.” Cindy said as she started walking towards the next step. “I should probably go down first since I’m bigger little man,” Cindy said with a bit of a smirk.

“Oh, we got jokes now? By all means, show me how it’s done.” Greg retorted as he followed behind his wife and bent down to get into position to support her

The two repeated this process for the next few hours as they made their way down the staircase safely. When they finally reached the bottom of the step, both of them fell to the floor to catch their breath. They could feel the strain on their muscles as they looked forward at the front, which stood directly in front of them.

Greg glanced behind him and back up the staircase. It was hard to believe just yesterday; he would go up and down these stairs without a thought. Now, he just spent the last few hours going down them and had no way to get back up them. The only thing that seemed to be going right was that Madison hadn’t come home while they were climbing down them.

“So, what’s the play when Madison comes home? Are we just shouting and jumping?” Greg asked, wanting to make sure they were on the same page.

“I was thinking about that. Remember the concerts we would go to before Madison and McKenzie were around?” Cindy said.

“Oh yeah, I’m tracking. You want me to lift you up on my shoulders. That shouldn’t be too hard and gets you up higher where hopefully she sees the movement. As she’s probably not coming home thinking Mom and Dad caught Smallara. Let me scan the floor for them.” Greg said.

“Exactly. She’s definitely not going to be looking for us. Shes going to kick her shoes off and leave them in the middle of the floor like she always does even though a shoe rack is right there. We have a 50/50 chance on if she will also just drop her bookbag on the floor by the door or leave it in the kitchen on the table.” Cindy said, annoyed and tired of having to harp on her about not leaving her stuff everywhere.

“That sounds accurate. Then later that night, she will yell she can’t find her books when she’s forced to do her homework.” Greg added

“Well, it wouldn’t sound accurate if you would help me discipline her about this. We aren’t her live in maids Greg.” Cindy admonished more out of frustration than actual anger toward her husband.

“When did you get promoted to maid? I’m down here still at servant class the way I have driven both her and McKenzie around. If its not to a sporting event it’s shopping downtown or just a text message of Chick-fil-a please or a starbucks order thats so damn convoluted I don’t even know what im ordering.” Greg said.

“Well, if you put in more effort picking up after them around the house, you too can someday achieve this honored status,” Cindy said with a chuckle mixed with annoyance.

“Does it pay better than nothing to costing me money for the privilege?” Greg asked.

“It comes with additional benefits such as listening to additional whining for money and then losing more money for things like clothes,” Cindy said

“You make it sound so glamorous. Living the dream, I see.” Greg said with a chuckle.

Smallara Back Smallara Fast Foward

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Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Are you gonna post mon-fri just not smallara?

Love the banter between these two, you can tell that despite frustration and fear, they definitely love eachother.

I dont remember a McKenzie from the original, is she a second daughter from this universe?

I still love how you explore how ordinary things (in this case descending a staircase) would seem like wildly different experiences for littles.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) correct, content still posting Monday – Friday. Just not the mainline smallara series.

2)they’ve been married a lot of years so I tried to make there relationship reflect that.

3) she’s new, she is the second daughter. She was very much not in the original.

4) staircases are now a very real obstacle in their lives.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

It’s nice you included a second daughter and all these stories taking place in a shared universe now.
This version is gonna be even better than the original one who was already good. You are doing an excellent job expanding this universe.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) looking forward to seeing what you cook up.

2) it does so nicely

3) neat, I hope she’s the polar opposite of Madison

4) that happens to fat people too, so they’re a problem for both weight gain and loss. Lol

7 months ago

Heh. Nice to know they can joke in a time like this. The two seem to be closer than the original. The calm before the storm as if this goes the same direction as the original. This might be their last chance for fun a long time.

Also what happened to their cellphones? Did it shrink too? Why didn’t they attempt calling someone?

Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

Sometimes all you can do is laugh. I think there relationship is stronger plus I put a bit more effort, planning and care into this then the originals

There cellphones were charging in their room but not directly with them.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

Facal recognition and finger print scanner’s likely wouldn’t work for the shrunken features of a little, plus we learn in good girlfriend 4 that it’s hard fir a little to operate a touch screen, their little voices might not get picked up, all sorts of difficulties using a phone while tiny.

7 months ago

Stairs are like mountains to them,

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