Madison’s World Redux: Episode 3

Madisons World Redux Episode 3

As good as it felt to sit and rest Greg could feel his muscles and joints tightening. While he wasn’t out of shape, he was also not exactly a fitness freak or anything. He worked out just enough to keep a healthy weight.

Looking out at the front door he couldn’t believe just how huge the front door now appeared to be. There was little hope that even if he worked with Cindy, they could get the door open. In hindsight, he wished he would have thought about trying to get to his phone. But he had his doubts about how successful that would have been. Even if he could have gotten ahold of the phone it seemed unlikely to him that the phone would pick up his voice clearly or if it could be operated.

The rest of the afternoon fell into a malaise as Greg and Cindy waited for Madison to come home. Not having access to a clock and knowing how much time had gone by or how much time they approximately had to wait was torturous.

The waiting was bad enough but because of the lack of knowledge as to what time it was, they didn’t dare venture anywhere else. It would be that much more difficult to get Madison’s attention later and in a worst-case scenario she could go right to her room. It would be nearly impossible to get back upstairs.

The late afternoon shadows started to creep across the home as Greg and Cindy were partially dozing off Moreso out of boredom than anything else. The sound of keys jingling stirred both Greg and Cindy to full attention as they leapt to their feet. As the doorknob turned and what looked like an entire building was pulled open instead of simply the opening of the door.

“She’s huge,” Greg thought aloud as Madison stepped into the doorway. The size of his daughter gave Greg pause for a moment before leaping into action. Both tiny parents ran across the wood floor as they wanted to create a bit of separation from them and the staircase. Once they were far enough away from Greg crouched down so that Cindy could hop onto his back and swing her legs over each of his shoulders. Because of the fact she was now taller than him they found this much easier than previous attempts.

“See Greg this is what I was telling you about. Watch, she is just going to leave her shoes in the middle of the floor. We have a perfectly good shoe rack just a few feet away or she could bring them up to her room. Instead, she leaves them for everyone to trip over.” Cindy said as both parents watched Madison kick her shoes off and leave the now gigantic shoes sitting on the floor. The door clicked shut as Madison stood in the doorway with her face buried in her phone as she typed a message to someone while the audio of a video could be heard coming from her phone.

“The real question is how could she have so much to say to people she has literally spent the last nine hours with?” Greg said as Cindy waved her arms futilely with Madison oblivious to her parents’ plight to gain her attention.

Both Greg and Cindy shouted as loudly as they could while Greg jumped up and down with his Cindy on his shoulders waving her arms to get Madisons attention who remained oblivious to the plight of her parents just a few feet from her.

“Just a sec Krysi,” Madison said as both parents realized for the first time, she wasn’t watching a video she was facetiming with her best friend Krysi. Madison peered up from her phone after putting Krysi on mute.

Greg and Cindy watched Madison walk forward. A strong gust of wind, which nearly caused both parents to lose their balance and fall to the ground. A strong wind raced across the wood floor as she took another step forward.

“Mooooom!” Madison shouted loudly causing both parents to cover their ears. As they watched helplessly as Madison moved forward oblivious to the close proximity between her and her parents. What came next both were unprepared for as Madison shouted for her mother once again.

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7 months ago

This should be good.

Reply to  Nodqfan
7 months ago

I certainly hope so

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

And the titular daughter returns.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

The first appearance of Madison. First contact is always exciting

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

I’m really looking forward to this, Madison was like Dayton if she didn’t need to answer to Sara and had unfiltered access to the littles.

7 months ago

Before there was Dayton…. there was Madison.

Reply to  Shrunk_DC
7 months ago

That’s for sure. Although Madison is much more of a brat then Dayton In my opinion

7 months ago

Honestly I am not a fan of shrink revenge stories (unless it is a one- shot and the person REALLY deserves it) but I am willing to see where this goes.

Hopefully the new second daughter is nicer and soften the crueler aspects of the original series. Maybe a good cop and bad cop situation?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Not a revenge story? Interesting. As the original story seems to be built on the theme of “daughter seeking revenge on her parents by shrinking them and dishing out cruel and humiliating punishments.”

Unless you radically changed the premise I can’t see it not being a revenge story.

But the characters can grow, and should face adversity. I am curious to see where this story goes. Who knows maybe this shrink adventure will actually bring the family closer together…..well one can hope at least.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

The daughter isn’t really seeking revenge for anything though? The original version was designed strictly for advertising/promotional purposes to garner views, followers, and likes. It was created in service to that and that alone. Any theme or actions served only to further that goal.

It was successful in that endeavor at that time of when it was originally made. This new version was created differently. So i don’t think you can just say this is what the prior version was so this is what the new version is.

In the new version of Madison’s world she’s not seeking vengeance for anything she’s just a brat. Yes she has something she is upset about but it’s not something that is driving her to seek vengeance and become irredeemable.

This version she hasn’t shrunk her parents they just got sick with smallara. Does she take some liberties sure but I wouldn’t say she is doing so out of a need for vengeance or to specifically humiliate them.

Even Mia in the smallara spin off was upset with Bryce but she hasn’t done much that was specifically vengeful toward him. She has made him work for her own gain but it also doesn’t help him. She has a collar on him which is humiliating but is also the law. She did have sex with another man in front of him but she just wanted to have sex. She wasn’t having sex as a way to get back at Bryce. Knowing he was there may have turned her own more.

But while different story with a different purpose. I don’t forsee a revenge narrative per se. As in order to be revenge there has to be a central reason or wrong that has been done that hurt them so deeply they seek revenge.

That just isn’t Madison in my opinion. Self centered sure. Arrogant probably, bratty teen, most definitely.

That’s my 2 cents atleast

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

I see. Thank you for the clarification. Madison not being responsible for her parents shrinking is a big difference. Sorry if I made you spoil this reveal. If that is true then yes this doesn’t seem to be based on revenge.

I have many questions but I will wait for the next part before asking them.

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