Madison’s World Redux: Episode 4

Madison's World Redux Episode 4

The old wooden floor creaked and groaned beneath Madison’s weight as she moved forward. Each step caused the floor to shake in what felt like the most unnatural of ways to Greg and Cindy. This latest step was accompanied by a long-extended shout of mom which was enough to force both of them to cover their ears while they winced in pain.

“Madison, down here, Madison.” Greg and Cindy both shouted hoping their tiny voices could carry up towards their now giant daughter. They watched her pull one of her ear buds out of her ear as she looked from left to right.

Now with one ear bud removed and her friend muted Madison could hear the meager voices shouting for her in desperation. As her eyes traveled down to the floor a look of shock filled her face. Crouching down to get a closer look she couldn’t believe the toy-like size of her parents.

“Oh my god,” Madison said as she continued to stare at her parents for a moment before pressing unmute on her phone.

“Honey, Madison, don’t say anything. You need to hang up…” was all Greg could get out before the seismic voice of his daughter filled the room.

“Oh my god. Krysi, you won’t believe what happened to my parents.” Madison said as both Greg and Cindy could only watch as the phone was moved down toward them. Both Cindy and Greg waved desperately for Madison to stop but they could do nothing as the camera of her phone brought them into focus for Krysi to see.

“Hi Mr. and Mrs.’s Wessen. Look at how tiny they are, Mads. I thought your parents were immune?” They both heard Krysi say as they watched the phone tilt back away from them as Madison pressed the button on the screen to flip back to the face camera.

“Hey Krysi. I’m going to have to call you back.” Madison said as she ended the Facetime.

“Madison, we need you to call the hospital. I’m not sure what happened, but we need some of that Smallara medicine. We were supposed to be immune, but we don’t know what happened.” Cindy shouted as loud as she could.

“You’re tiny! It’s different when it happens to someone you know. I’ve seen people with Smallara before, but never this up close.” Madison said with a grin.

“Madison, listen. This is serious,” Greg shouted.

“Let’s get you to the kitchen. It’s weird talking with you on the floor like this,” Madison said as she reached out toward her parents. She grabbed onto Cindy, her mother, first. As her fingers curled around the small doll-like woman and lifted her up, it was a surreal feeling. She had held a hamster before in her hand, but this somehow felt different. She wasn’t sure if it was the intelligence behind the eyes or what it was.

Cindy felt sick as Madison lifted her up higher and higher. She was never one to suffer from motion sickness but that was exactly how she felt as Madison lifted her upward. All the while a new feeling powerlessness overwhelmed her. As any movement she made was effortlessly countered by Madison. She wasn’t even sure Madison was knowingly countering or trying to stop her from moving.

“No wait,” was all Cindy said before she found herself pressed against the teenager’s phone as she grabbed her father with the other hand. Cindy beat her palm against the phone screen, trying to get it to activate. No matter how hard she slapped against the screen, it refused to activate. The sickening fact that she didn’t possess enough strength for the phone to register as someone touching had not sunk in just yet.

“Hold still, Dad. We’re just going to the Kitchen,” Madison said as Cindy continued to find herself smashed into Madison’s phone as they began to move. Cindy tried to yell for Madison to ease her hold on her, but Madison seemed to have no idea just how strong her grip now was.

As they reached the kitchen Cindy’s body slapped against Madison’s phone as she set it down on the table before setting Greg down. Both parents looked shocked as she unslung her backpack from her shoulder and proceeded to drop it down onto the table causing one of her textbooks to spill out.

“Oops,” Madison said, closing her bag as she looked down at her parents.

“Madison, you have to be careful. You could have crushed us.” Cindy said, walking over to Greg.

“I was being careful. Hold on, I want a drink,” Madison said as she turned around, leaving both parents unable to do anything. They watched her walk across the kitchen, pull out a two-liter bottle of Soda, and pour herself a glass before putting the bottle back into the fridge.

“Mom, where do we keep the straws,” Madison said, opening the cupboard.

“Madison! We need help. Would you stop looking around for a straw?” Cindy shouted as loud as she could.

“Well, not telling me where Straws are sure isn’t going to get you help any quicker,” Madison said as she opened a drawer.

“There where they always are,” Cindy said exasperatedly.

“Ugh, I hate that. If I knew where that was, I wouldn’t be asking.” Madison said with a bit of attitude.

“Above the sink,” Greg shouted as Cindy shot him a glare. “Look, I just want to get this over with. Not just telling her where the straws are kept won’t help anything. I know you’ve told her a thousand times. But now is not the time.” Greg said quietly to Cindy.

“Thanks Dad,” Madison said as they watched her drink what looked like a swimming pool worth of Soda in a single drink.

“Maddie, honey. We really need you to call the hospital. I’m sure we can buy some of that medicine the news talked about. I know it’s in short supply, so we may have to have you move some money around.” Greg said.

Smallara Back Smallara Fast Foward

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Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

) Same picture as yesterday or was that an error?

2) finally an untrained person causing a little motion sickness when nit little walking.

3) her apathy to the plight is already showing as she drags her feet before helping them.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) that was a mistake. Will have to upload the correct image when I get home.

2) it probably should occur more then it does in universe. Although Sara generally little walks all the time as Jordan is. Always with her

3) it’s a very teenager thing to do. She was most certainly not jumping to attention.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) figured

2) I know she usually does, but had opted not to on several occasions and explicitly stated that she wants to put him in her pocket and purse so she doesn’t have to, so it’s not out of the question. Though the comment was more meant for when he’s being held by Dayton, Chloe, Steph or any untrained person.

Though, my personal head cannon is that Jordan just has a high tolerance for motion sickness and another little wouldn’t be doing as well as he is in these moments.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Yeah, Jordan also said that Ellie’s shoulder was less stable and Steph wasn’t able to grip him comfortably, so I’m not saying the skill differences have never been mentioned, but the Nausea specifically hasn’t come up either due to Sara slacking off or pocketing him, or dud to an untrained holder.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

And what a good image it is… you’re welcome

7 months ago

At least they were found quickly.

I don’t think the situation has quite sunk in yet for Madison.

I am not sure how long this series will be but I wonder if we will actually see the reversal process in this spin-off?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Well it doesn’t appear Madison is a guardian. Unless the new sister is, I don’t see them keeping their parents. Do they plan to keep them illegally?

Could there be some loophole with the reversal procedure? Like after the procedure, close family can watch the victims at home as they slowly grow back? I don’t know. Just spitballing ideas.

7 months ago

An interesting situation because if Madison calls the hospital just to ask about the smallara antidote availability that may raise some concern that there are undocumented victims. She may have to try to act anonymously.

If she brings them in, with her not being a guardian and carrying the little gene herself they’re not going to release just the parents back into her care. They’ll likely be processed into the system and without anybody setup, prepared, or potentially willing to take them in it would very well be the end of their previous lives.

She can’t hide them forever. I know this is in the future from the main story but I doubt the antidote is readily available, as they’ve been mentioning.

So between Madison and Mckenzie how does an asset transfer work in this situation. Both parents contract smallara, Madison is a little herself, but what about Mckenzie? Also How old are they atm? I’m assuming high school age versus college

We saw the Reeves family basically inherit everything Jordan owned, including his debts, but I wonder where this would leave a potential future Guardian for both Greg and Cindy with them having next of kin. Normally in individual situations the government sells/auctions off the properties to help cover their own costs. Who has rights to their properties & assets at this point?

I wonder where the daughters would end up if the house still had a mortgage and on top of the other bills, there’s no way way they could keep up on things, let alone if they’re still minors. I feel this can get very confusing lol.

7 months ago

You’re talented to write brat teenager, I already hate

Reply to  Smoki07
7 months ago

Thanks, it’s been fun to try to do convincingly and then have the interactions between Madison and her parents come off as normal
Conversations that would occur.

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