Madison’s World Redux: Episode 5

Madisons World Redux Episode 5

“Sure Dad, let me look up the number. I never thought we’d need it, you know.” Madison grabbed her phone and swiped around for a couple minutes. “Found it,” Madison said as she pulled up the number and dialed it.

“See, we’re going to get help. You were worried for nothing.” Greg said

“We’re on hold,” Madison said as they all sat in silence for several minutes before a representative came onto the line.

“Hi, I’m calling because my parents seemed to have contracted Smallara. I just got home from school and found them all tiny on the floor.” Madison explained as she walked over to the fridge and started moving things around looking for a snack.

“Yes, that’s W-E-S-S-E-N.” Madison said spelling out her name before pulling out a stick of string cheese. “Right yeah, they are on the table in front of me. Sure, let me put you on speaker for them.” Madison said as she walked back over to the table setting her phone down after putting it in speaker mode.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Wessen, my name is Danielle Jones, and I will be assisting you through this process. Before we proceed, I would like to confirm that I have your full names correctly noted as Greg Michael Wessen and Cindy Reagan Wessen. Is that correct?” Danielle said

“Yes, that’s correct now can we please get to the hospital. This is clearly some kind of mistake. We got tested we’re immune.” Greg Said.

“I apologize for any concern this may cause, Mr. Wessen. The tests we conduct are highly accurate, making errors quite rare. However, please rest assured that we are committed to resolving this matter in the most suitable way for all parties involved. For our records, Madison Grace Wessen is your daughter along with a Mckenzie Noelle Wessen, correct? According to my information, they both have completed guardian classes.”

“Yes, Although Mckenzie isn’t here. She’s at a tennis camp. But, we all took classes before the revised testing and training came out.” Cindy shouted into the phone.

“That’s excellent news indeed. It appears that Madison is of age, and her guardian license remains valid, as does your other daughter, McKenzie. May I confirm if your intention is to designate Madison as the guardian for both of you?” Danielle said nicely and professionally.

“I think there is a misunderstanding. We don’t need a guardian; we just need to see a doctor so we can be prescribed some of that medicine and treated for this,” Greg shouted into the phone.

“I understand your concerns, Mr. Wessen. Regrettably, the treatments we offer are in very limited supply, and it’s not possible to extend them to everyone in similar circumstances. Our goal today is to help you move forward to the next stage. To do that, we need to confirm whether you intend to appoint Madison as the guardian for both of you. Having this in place is essential for us to proceed. If this is not the case, we can arrange for a pickup team to assist you, although typically, we reserve this service for situations where there isn’t a trained guardian already present in the home.” Danielle said

“Greg,” Cindy said. “Let’s just designate Madison as our guardian for now. We can then have her Call Dr. Wilson; she can help us get ahold of what we need. But it won’t do any good to have a pickup a team sent for us.” Cindy said as Madison nodded in agreement with her mother’s logic.

“Fine, you’re both right. My feelings got the better of me.” Greg said before turning back towards the phone. “Yes, it is our intention to designate Madison as the guardian for Cindy and I.” Greg shouted into the phone.

“That’s wonderful news. I love it when families can stick together. I do just need your wife, Mrs. Wessen, to verbally agree to this as well.” Danielle said as typing could be heard in the background.

“Yes, I agree for Madison to be my guardian as well,” Cindy said as she was more worried about the time than anything else.

“Thank you both for your cooperation. Madison, do you agree to take on this responsibility? I want to make sure we are all clear: this agreement will place Greg Michael Wessen and Cindy Reagan Wessen under your legal custody and care. Additionally, any and all current and future assets and debts will be assumed by you, Madison Grace Wessen. Are we all in agreement with this arrangement?”

“Yeah, def! I mean, yes,” Madison said

“Great, you can still add your other daughter to the paperwork that will need to be filled out if you want joint custody. Now, though, let’s move on to discuss a few financial matters that we need to address.”

“Okay, will you need my parents still?”

“No, not specifically. However, we do need -” was all Greg and Cindy heard before Madison picked up the phone and took it off speaker.

“Madison, what are you doing? We need to hear what she is saying.” Cindy said, looking up at her giant teenage daughter.

“That paperwork is upstairs just a sec,” Madison said, muting her phone. “What is it you always say to me? Oh yeah, Quiet, the adults are talking.” Madison said with a bit of a grin before standing up and unmuting her phone.

“Cindy,” Greg said, intercepting his wife as Madison walked out of the kitchen. The parents could hear Madison’s heavy footfalls as she ran upstairs leaving them alone in silence.

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7 months ago

Let the reign of Madison begin.

Reply to  Nodqfan
7 months ago

May the reign be enduring, like ancient oaks that stand unwavering against the winds of time. Stretching across the pages of history, inked in tales of valor and whispered in the hallowed halls of memory.

7 months ago

Both daughters are trained guardians? Madison passing makes me skeptical of these tests.

Also is it confirmed they are not immune? They were quick to assume it was a mistake and not some new strain of smallera. I would do more tests before jumping to the next step.

I mean the daughters could shrink too and they need to be tested again. I recall unimmune people can’t own others.

Then there is the odd possibility they are immune and this strain of smaller is temporary. Can you imagine all the headaches with the paperwork.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

Correct both daughters are trained. Well they teach you what you need to know throughout the class. So you really have to be not paying attention to pass. It’s like drivers ed classes. The classroom portion is pretty straightforward.

Immunity is further discussed in the next episode or the one after. So either Monday or Tuesdays.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Just to chime in, I was a bit confused as well because with the Charity encounter I had assumed Littles couldn’t be guardians, but I did figure they could take the course anyway if they wanted to spend that kind of money. Just not be legally certifiable.

Perhaps things changed because it seems to be true that not all people who carry the little gene are guaranteed to mutate, if I’m remembering that correctly.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
7 months ago

Littles cannot become guardians as allowing them to do so wouldn’t make sense, however the guardian training is available to people before their tested for immunity. Sara Ellie and Mal all got certificates before getting tested, the only reason Ellie was allowed to join was so she could take care of a shrunken friend as she hasn’t been permitted to adopt a little stranger like she’s expressed a desire to.

I’m imagining that pre shrunk littles would have other resources available to prepare them for the change.

Also Greg and Cindy both thought ther were immune so they were trained thinking they might be able to adopt a little if they wanted.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

After simply re-reading the above section that makes perfect sense now. They simple became Guardians before being tested.

I originally read the “revised testing” as like, the tests to becoming a guardian, because they threw the word training in there as well.

Thanks for the clarification, but I guess it still makes 50/50 sense because the hospital should know Madison is a confirmed little now and they still allow her to become guardian to her parents. I guess its just a convenience thing.

Reply to  000111000b
7 months ago

The revised testing and training is just improvements over time.
They reworked the guardian course and testing to become a guardian. But if you passed under the old system nothing changes for you. Similar to how if you have a drivers license but they change the exam or drivers test itself. You don’t have to retake the drivers test.

I’m not sure where you’re getting that Madison is a confirmed little. Just because her parents are littles doesn’t mean she is. In the mainline series Kayla is immune but Kelli isn’t.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Episode 1 – half way down

— “It works out for this strange situation. But I feel like it would have been best for her. She’s a little…let’s not get into this right now, dear. —

So Madison is NOT a little, I just read another line incorrectly again, lol.

That’s why I assumed she was a little. Perhaps I’m not the only one.

Last edited 7 months ago by 000111000b
Reply to  000111000b
7 months ago

Oh that makes sense. I guess I never thought of that line that way. As they were going to talk about her attitude lately

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) well, that back fired quickly, she’s already lessening her parents in her eyes.

2) what’s this about “Revised testing and training?”

3) Steph’s mum gets a reference.

4) and she’s already lessening her parents in her eyes.

5) how old are Madison and McKenzie?

6) love how friendly Danielle was.

7) phone picked up their voices just fine which was surprising, though if Smallara has been around for (I’m guessing) 15 years at this point it’d make sense if phones are now being designed to pick up little voices.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) I don’t know about lessening. But taking advantage of the situation and enjoying her newfound status for sure.

2) improvements and modifications were made over time. They were licensed under the old system. Same one Sara went through

3) yes she does. Good catch. I was wondering if anyone would notice.

4) she still views them the same in my opinion but now she is free of repercussions so she can do what she wants. As she knows they can’t actually punish her now.

5) I was thinking 15 or 16 but haven’t came down on a hard number yet. So anything is possible

6) thanks I worked really hard on getting the customer service voice and. Language and tone to translate to the page.

7) it’s mentioned later in a future episode. Phones have what is called little mode that they can be put in where they are more sensitive to touch and microphone audio band is increased to pick up more sound. It can be toggled on and off by the user.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) That’s probably more fair, she likely hasn’t fully come to grasp with the gravitate of the situation.

2) cool, I’m hoping we’ll eventually learn the differences, will this mean people trained the old way will need re-educating with the knew one?

3) I love hiw you managedto tie it back like that, I guess that means the Wessen family is also New York based.

4) I feel like that’s already viewing the differently if her behaviour is accounting for the lack of consequences, though it’d only be a slight difference, for now.

5) OK, does this mean they’ll need an adult to be their legal guardian?

6) you did amazingly, it reminded me of my time I retail and foot service.

7) looking forward to it, aswell as any other advancement human technology has to accommodate littles, along side little technology.

(Also was 5 years after Smallara the correct number)

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