Good Girlfriend Episode 11: A Smallara Side Story

Good Girlfriend 11

“Hey Sara, what’s shakin’?” Gavin heard Mallory say which instantly sparked his interest in the call. He always liked it when Mallory would hang out with Sara, as it was the only time he got to see his best friend.

“No, I don’t think Gavin and I are up for going out tonight.” Mallory said as Gavin’s heart sank a little bit. He hadn’t seen Sara in a situation where he could talk to her for a good week. As normally Mallory always was with other people so his voice was drowned out.

“Yeah, just a night in. I got my PJ’s on and I think Gavin and I are going to watch a movie. He was being so sweet. He was practically begging me to do my nails. He is just turning into quite the gentleman.” Mallory said as Gavin recounted the events in his head a bit differently as he certainly didn’t remember begging to paint her nails. It was one of his least favorite activities. The cap was difficult to remove, and in his new meager size, it was heavy. Making matters worse, it was always top-heavy, and Mallory was a perfectionist. Which, in turn, meant he was now a perfectionist, as each line had to be smooth and consistent. The same paint-to-nail ratio was required across the entire circumference of each nail.

“We will have to get together a day this next week, just us girls. Gavin and Jordy are such good friends it’s healthy for him to have someone besides me. He has really gotten clingy since getting Smallara. He just loves going everywhere with me.” Mallory said before finishing off the call with Sara. Gavin knew better than to disagree with his girlfriend. As now he no longer had the ability to walk away. Gavin quickly learned that this led to him being in a compromised situation where she would put him in his timeout jar until an agreement could be reached. Which was always Mallory’s way.

“Babe, what do you want to watch?” Mallory said, looking down at Gavin, who then looked at the massive television screen. He remembered it being a large 65-inch screen, but now, even comparing it to something like an Imax screen doesn’t do it justice. As it would be like going to theater and watching tv on a screen that is 78 feet tall.

“Oh, that Avatar movie came out. You never wanted to see it in theaters. It’s on streaming now.” Gavin said loudly.

“Blue people avatar or air bender avatar?” Mallory asked

“Blue people,” Gavin said with a sigh. “I’ve told you about this movie before.”

“We will add it to the consideration category. Let’s see what Netflix recommends to us.” Mallory said.

“Can we atleast go on under my account then?” Gavin asked nearly pleading. As all of Mallory’s movies and recommendations were going to romance and/or Drama movies.

“We share an account, Babe. This is our account. I cancelled your netflix account. Oh look, the notebook. Have you seen that one? No, it’s soo good let’s watch it.” Mallory said as Gavin groaned a bit as Mallory started the movie and he started to twist the cap off when he felt the ground tremble. The trembling changed to full on rumbling as Gavin struggled to stand upright as he turned to see Ms. Bak walking towards them.

“Mallory did you finish your homework like I told you too? I saw that B+ you got on that history paper.” Ms. Bak said looking down at her daughter.

“Yes mom,” Mallory said.

“Thats good dear. I saw Gavin was coming along much better with his school work since you have taken him in. It’s sad that this is what it took to make something of himself.” Ms. Bak said.

“Mooom,” Mallory said with a slight whine in her upset voice. Gavin then heard them speak and forth in Korean for an extended period of time.

“I met with your grandma today. She was telling me Minho was asking about you. You remember him, don’t you?”

“I have a boyfriend, Mom. Would you and Grandmom stop trying to set me up? I know you don’t approve of Gavin, but I love him. He’s really been working hard to make things right.” Mallory said, looking down at Gavin with a smile.

“He is a little. He has no future and no ability to support you. You are getting too old for this nonsense. It was nice of you to take in the poor boy in but…” Ms. Bak said before Gavin listened to the giant women talk back and forth.

“Yes Mom,” Mallory said in english as her mother walked away. “Sorry you had to hear that, Gavin. They never approved of you. They felt you were, I guess it would be a slacker in English. But don’t worry, babe. What we have is special they will see that. I’m going to start taking you to the family dinners so you can socialize with them a bit more and they can see you are more then just a waste of space. Their words, not mine Babe. Oh, and we’re going to have to start teaching you Korean. We can start that tomorrow, though.” Mallory said as she picked hte controller back up.

“Korean? I don’t know anything about Korean. What’s the point we both speak english. Your parents know english fluently.” Gavin said.

“Mom said you would say that. She said you wouldn’t love me enough to give up english and learn Korean….” Mallory said her voice trailing off.

“Mal, you know I love you. I’m getting ready to paint your nails here. You know I would…”

“Do anything for me. Baabe, you are so too much. I’m sorry I doubted you. I told mom you would never commit to that. But you are really stepping up for us. We’ll start with basic commands and answers in Korean and then build up from there. You can obviously use English outside of the home for now, but you should really be trying to use as much Korean as you can, and then inside of the home, we will just have to cold turkey commit.” Mallory said beaming as she lifted Gavin up and gave him a long kiss.

“Once you finish with my nails you can sit in my lap and watch the movie. You can rub lotion into my feet upstairs. Make sure you spend some extra time on the heel area tonight. You were kind of half-assed it last night. I know you must have just been in a hurry to please me as I can’t imagine you think so little of our relationship to do a less than perfect. As the amount of effort, you put into directly translates to how you feel about us babe. You know that.”

“No, you’re right. You caught me. I was a bit tired was all and I was rushing to much. I will make sure to do right and even give it a little extra as this if for us right?” Gavin said

“Awww Babe, thats right. 110% for us.” Mallory said as she started the movie.

Smallara Back Smallara Fast Foward

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7 months ago

The fact he chooses blue people avatar is proof he deserves his fate.

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Sunday upload, Nice.

1) “The amount of effort, you put into directly translates to how you feel about us babe” What a healthy mindset for this romantic relationship she has.

2) Geeze, I’m lowering Gavin’s situation the more I see it, he’s still fourth (after Lisa, Kelli, and Jordan in that order) but I no longer see his and Jordan’s positions as basically interchangeable. Evan Jordan has his own netflix account.

3) realising that both these Avatars would have been made while Smallara was present, I wonder how Littles are doing in the entertainment world? are their “token little” characters? do fans get annoyed at characters getting “Little-washed”? lol.

4) Mal’s best quality is her loyalty to Gavin, even in the face of her family’s disapproval, I do like that about her, she takes it too far with how posssive and controlling she is, but it’s a good trait that she turns toxic.

5) a) Surely there are tools Mal could get Gavin to make his life easier, , Like even that broom Jordan had in 240 would make it easier, but I’m suspecting she could acquire a paint roller in his size.
5) b) She should at least fucking take the cap off for him and give him more light to work with.

6) Giantess feet, are always a treat. but while I would enjoy my time painting Mal’s giant nails or rubbing her feet, it sucks for Gavin that he’s forced to.

7) Mal: “we’re going to have to start teaching you Korean”
Gavin: “Great, now you can ignore and talk over me in two languages”

8) Geez Ms. Bak’s a stereotypical Korean cunt, (Mal to a bit but different Korean cunt stereotypes)

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

I was gonna do my usual rants but you basically covered it all lol.

Man what a shitty spot for Gavin, he really needs to just let it all out sooner then later. I understand his trepidation though, but he’s gotta know this relationship isn’t going to be sustainable at its current level, especially with him obviously wanting nothing to do with it before he contracted smallara.

4) Part of me thinks Mal knew he was/is hiding his feelings/intentions and is letting this ride as long as she can in a similar manner that Sara did with Jordan by seeing how far she can take it.

Its hard to tell who’s predicament is worse between Jordan and Gavin. Both their lives are screwed, Neither wants their current Guardian, but Jordan was way ahead in life, and lost a lot more..

Oh, and an F’ing time-out jar lmao. oh boy..

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
7 months ago

Well I do like making people’s lives easier.

I’m sure it will bubble over at some point, his pent up rage will find its way out, I home the day comes, but know the aftermath would be devastating for him.

4) yeah I get that, but I genuinely think her ego is too much for her to realise he was moving towards a breaking up with her, though we do know she was upset cause she considered leaving him.

I agree, before the current in universe day of Smallara I actually had Gavin above Jordan, though Jordan’s situation has improved a tiny bit (being listened to slightly more and has a way to communicate with hus friends) while Gavin’s has worsened a lot. Jordan is also closer to accepting Sara than Gavin is to accepting Mal.

The time out jar is rough, but I’m assuming it’s the same one Mal used in GG4, 5, and 5.5 so I didn’t mention it again.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Yeah I’d say Jordan’s situation is slowly getting better as well. Gavin seems to just blend in with the girls easier, while Jordan seems to get more preferential treatment.

I’m definitely curious to see how Mal would react to Gavin just letting it all out and what would happen moving forward.

I had forgotten about the damn jar lol.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) Aye, I’d like to see Gavin say it back to her after making a request, I reckon she’d have an entertaining reaction.

2) Mallory is more controlling than Sara I agree, which is saying a lot because Sara is already a control freak.

4) Which is why he was pulling away from her, not that he pulled hard enough.

5)a) True, but it’s also a marker of the fact that Sara sees Jordan as a working animal, “wouldn’t buy a horse without also getting a saddle and bridal” as the saying goes, so Sara got him tools so he can serve her. whereas, Mal sees Gavin as a partner so putting him to work isn’t a primary thought for her, thus tools for him weren’t a priority.

5)b) Fair point, and while he’s asking he could request the scaled-down roller I mentioned.

6) I agree that it’s part of being in a relationship, however, I don’t think Mal is reciprocating it for Gavin, another part of being in a relationship is respecting your partner’s boundaries and not forcing them to do these things, that’s what makes it special when they choose to.

7) Yay, I love it when my jokes land!

8) Don’t we all? but she does seem to “think what’s best” what someone would stereotype a woman of her ethnicity to “think what’s best” lol. also, just some of her other comments about Gavin point to certain other stereotypes about Koreans/Asians lol

7 months ago

This is an odd series. Initially I thought Mallory was messing with Gavin and never seriously considered him a love interest after his shrinking. Taking advantage to torment him for rejecting her. A bit cliche I thought.

But no. Mallory is truly that deluded and committed to keeping this relationship going. It is almost sweet if you forget it is purely one-sided and their personalities are incompatible.

Still I strangely feel like rooting for Gavin to proof to her family he can be good enough to support her. Not for love but for his self-esteem and survival.

Also the idea of would be suitors being jealous at the tiny Gavin seems funny to me.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

It is a bit different, definitely has longer time skips than Smallara and often chapters just, end sometimes on cliffhangers, with the next being about a wildly different scenario over a week later.

Asuka has been a bit vague about how much Mal knows regarding that, but, it is clear that Mal’s more into Gavin than Visa Versa and her behaviours regarding that lean toward a more self-centred and spoiled personality.

I also think Gavin would prefer to keep this relationship active based on his “Advice” to Jordan in S101.

“So what do you think is going to happen man? She’s going to go off get married to someone, have a family, and that family is going to what? Are they going to think you’re just some tiny roommate they have? No, you’re going to be the family pet. You have two options right now, the way I see it. You can either make a family with her or be a part of the family, but you can’t do both. Once you’re fully in that pet zone, you aren’t coming out.”

It’s clearly how he views both his and Jordan’s situation and while certain details have aged laughable poorly in regards to Jordan and Sara’s relationship (since he had no idea Sara was gay), I firmly believe it’s what he’s trying with him and Mal, at least when he isn’t looking for “better” guardians behind her back.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Thanks for the reminder. Gavin does seem like he took Jordan’s advice to heart.

7 months ago

I love it when you incloud the parents in the scene, and the way they start treating the new tiny as the new toddler of the family. They that to them as if they are stupid pets that need to be told what to do

7 months ago

Mallory’s family disapproval of Gavin introduces a new wrinkle to this relationship. It may be a small detail in the scope of this series or become a huge new obstacle that Gavin has to face.

If the mom can’t convince Mallory to find a new boyfriend, then the next logical step is to corner Gavin alone and convince him to do a breakup. Failure to do so may lead to Gavin mysterious disappearance or having an accident.

Of course new safety precautions like the collar will help prevent an disappearance but nothing really stops Gavin from “accidentally” falling into the clothes washing machine.

Even if authorities cared enough to investigate and find the mom intentionally killed him. I doubt she would face any real punishment. A few years at most as underbred would likely be considered a pet in the eyes of the law. The mom would happily sacrifice a few years if it meant “saving” her daughter’s future.

Gavin really has 3 options of survival

1) Breakup up with Mallory and become basically the family pet. Maybe finding a new love interest if Mallory allows it. Or she gives him away to another guardian.

2) Gavin somehow convinces the family that Mallory’s happiness is more important than his ability to support her.

3) Gavin does the impossible. He meets both Mallory and her family high standards. He learns Korean. Gets a scholarship. Gets a high paying and respectful job.

You have an interesting premise here than the cliché vindictive ex-girlfriend torments her boy toy. This story has many ways it could still go.

I mean I wouldn’t put it past Mallory to fake an medical emergency just to show her family how much Gavin loves her. Proving Gavin would save her in her time of need. Though I am struggling to see in what scenario Gavin could save Mallory’s life. But if they pull it off he would easily win the family’s favor. Though it could easily backfire and they claim a full-size boyfriend could had more easily save their daughter.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

I am probably overthinking it. You probably don’t have any plans for the parents. Background characters at best that occasionally gets a few lines here and there to remind the audience that they exist.

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