Madison’s World Redux: Episode 7

Madison's World Redux Episode 7

A cacophony of silence enveloped Greg and Cindy as Madison left. They pounded against the thick glass walls in vain with their miniature balled up fists. The shouting and yelling that Cindy bellowed was muted by the clear glass walls. These overturned mason jars were miniature prisons which held them in place. The thickness of the glass vastly outweighed the lifting capacity of their new minute bodies. Pushing against the glass allowed the jars to move the slightest perceived distance.

It didn’t take long for both Greg and Cindy to tire. The glass barrier made it so they could not even talk to each other. They could just look out at the giant home they lived in for the past several years and try to make sense of it all.

The fact that they had Smallara had yet to fully sink in. In their eyes they had done everything right. If they had known, they would have worked to secure a couple of dosages. Now it was too late, and they were both facing the reality of having to live out their lives like this. It wasn’t that long ago from a time perspective that something like this would be viewed as preposterous. It would be story for a B rank science fiction film. That miniaturized people existed in the world. Now it’s a normal thing people have just learned to live with. As laws have changed to account for miniature people.

Both Greg and Cindy struggled to see anything clearly. As they looked out at the kitchen everything was distorted and warped by the thick glass of the mason Jar. It was like they were looking out at the world through a funhouse mirror.

Shadows crept further across the kitchen. Madison, to no one’s surprise had left the Kitchen lights on which partially masked just how late into the evening it had been. Both parents had given up long ago of finding a way out. They had separately concluded that they could do nothing but wait for Madison to return.

The sound of the front door opening and closing jarred them from a mind-numbing state in which they were partially awake and partially asleep. The click of the front door locking and the separate thuds of Madison kicking off her shoes could be heard throughout the home. Both parents could hear the rustling of bags but they couldn’t actually see Madison.

“Madison!” Both shouted with a renewed vigor but the sound of their daughter walking up the stairs and a door opening was all they could hear until they were left in the familiar silence they had grown used to. They had no way of knowing it was almost an hour before they heard Madison walk back down the stairs. They could see her distorted form standing over them like some kind of giant lord or fictitious god.

“I think we can safely say this ends the Madison goes to private school conversation. Perhaps you maybe want to recant your prior statements on the matter,” Madison said while it wasn’t lost on both parents that she chose to use a turn of phrase they had used on her many times when she was caught lying or deceiving them. Madison lifted the jar up off her mother setting it down right-side up on the table.

“Madison, please. Nothing was decided on or done which can’t be undone. We would never send you away somewhere you truly didn’t want to go. We just thought it would be the best for you.” Cindy said,

Cindy shivered as the coldness of the air wrapped itself around her as she found herself struggling to keep warm outside of the confines of the jar now that her adrenaline from before was gone. While imperceptible to anyone normal sized. She could feel a slight breeze sweep across the room from the central air unit turning off and on heating and cooling the home to its standard 69 degrees. It had always felt comfortable to her but now it felt anything but comfortable

Madison reached her hand out grasping her mother. She could feel the tiny woman fighting against her grip, but all of her struggling was for not as the moment her fingers clasped around her tiny mother Cindy could no longer do anything about it. The domineering words she would use against her, the force she would use to send her to room. All of it was gone as she felt her mother fighting to just to move the singular fingers on her hand.

“What are you doing? Madison? Answer me young lady.” Cindy yelled trying to get through to her daughter. This was getting ridiculous.” Cindy thought as she felt Madison’s hand grip her tightly. The force of her hand expelling the air out of her faster than she could breathe it in. She looked over at her father briefly who had a pained look on his face as he pounded his fist against the jar which held him.

“Shhhh, don’t fight it mom.” Madison said while Cindy relented her struggle to focus on just trying to get enough air. But as she stopped struggling, she found Madison ease her grip on her. Before long Madison’s fingers peeled away as Cindy laid flat in the palm of her hand. The lack of oxygen made her body feel heavy and weak. She struggled to lift her limbs before resigning to just laying helplessly in Madison’s hand as she caught her breath.

As she laid in Madison’s hand, she could see her daughter fumbling with something with her other hand before a leather strap dangled above her. Before Cindy could even comprehend what was happening enough to respond she felt Madison press the leather strap against her neck. No sooner had she thought to try to try to try to pull it off her Madison knocked her over onto her stomach with the slightest flick of her finger.

“Noo, No, Madison, stop,” Cindy yelled as she felt the leather strap press against the front and sides of her neck, yet she was unable to find the strength needed to fight off Madison while she still struggled to fully catch her breath.

The leather strap grew tighter and tighter around her neck until Cindy could feel it pressing against her from all sides. Madison pulled the miniature collar tighter and tighter before finally running her finger over the metal clasp buckling it into place. Cindy reached for the collar at first pulling against the buckle which clasped the collar into place. As she pulled against it with all her might it didn’t budge in the slightest. As she felt around the leather strap, which now clung to her neck, she found she couldn’t even get a finger between the leather strap and her neck.

“Madison,” Cindy tried to say in the loudest voice she could muster but she found that she couldn’t get enough air to raise her voice. Instead of the shout of a furious parent her voice was a meager whimper which if not for how quiet the kitchen was, she wondered if her voice would have been heard.

“Don’t try and yell Mom. Just speak normally.” Madison said as she set her mother down onto the table. “I have to do this. You’re underbreds now.” Madison said matter of factly.

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7 months ago

That struggle scene was a great read.

Reply to  Nodqfan
7 months ago


7 months ago

I can see you indirectly mentioned the lack of air. Sad scene for the parents.

Makes me wonder if Madison realizes she almost kill her parents, she would understand how fragile her parents are and take her responsibilities more seriously. Or at least care/love more about her parents.

Makes you wonder what her reaction would had been if she did killed her parents. Sorrow? Angry? Indifferent? Can’t imagine her sister would be happy.

Regardless, narrative wise though, it is probably is way too early for Madison to grow up and change into a more empathic person.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

She really wasn’t using enough force to kill her parents she was more restraining her mother as she was struggling. So she was applying enough force to purposely restrict air flow so she could safely apply the collar without injuring her mother or cutting off her ability to breathe.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Oh. She was PURPOSELY restricting her airflow. I thought she was just being indifferent to her plight. Not sure if that is any better.

Still I wonder if a near fatal accident would change Madison’s attitude.

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Living these early uploads by the way.

1) that air restriction move was brutal, can’t imagine that was part of her training.

2) collaring is always a sad time, and there’s still Greg to go.

3)”she thought to try to try to try to pull it off” you know she’s panicked when the narration stutters.

4) Must be heartbreaking for Greg to watch.

5) what was the point of making them wait an extra hour after she got home?

6) The private school thing really upset her, like it wasn’t even a discussion that had made it to her, it was just an idea her parents were kicking around. But she’s still so pissed about it.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) it’s meant to be used to subdue. She didn’t want her mother flailing and fighting her. Where a limb could easily be injured.

2) sadly it is unavoidable. Littles are required to be collared.

3) narrator was heartbroken

4) yeah it would be hard to watch anyone you love go through that.

5) she was doing stuff. Had to use the bathroom, briefly messaging and replying to messages with friends.who knows what she bought. Maybe it requires setup or just putting things away she bought she doesn’t want her parents to see. Could be many reason.

6)very upset, she did say she overheard. So it had made it back to her just not knowingly then I’m sure seeing the brochures and info kicked her frustrations into overdrive.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) damn, so it was part of her training? but why not use the petting/pressure points that Sara did?

2) I know, that’s currently the law in your America.

3) I’m sure he was.

4) I can imagine his opinion of his own daughter dropped significantly, and I don’t see her earning it back.

5) I figured she was doing stuff, but just leaving them in jars while she did was extra cruel.

6) I suppose, that makes sense, but it’s one of those things that, because it was never officially told to her, she really doesn’t need to be upset about it, “caution to those who eavesdrop and snoop, they may not like what they learn” type of argument.

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) I’m getting g more and more curious about these classes.

True, but she didn’t even try the massage technique.

2) I understand what you mean, but not every pet needs a collar, so even if you view littles as pets, the collar is still only optional and this law was someone’s choice to put into place.

3) same here.

4) I’m not saying he doesn’t live her any more, fuck bro, I’m just saying that it’s something she’ll need to earn forgiveness for, and if McKenzie wasn’t already, she’s probably the favourite daughter now.

5) yes, but to still do it in this situation is an extreme version of those events, showing she’s not taking it seriously at all, mirroring one of Sara’s worst actions.

6) I don’t think its on them to set this right, it’s not their fault it went wrong, that’s on Maddison for eavesdropping and snooping, so their “punishment” for it is another instance unfair treatment of littles.

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