Madison’s World Redux: Episode 8

Madison's World Redux Episode 8

“Madison, what on earth have you done? Take this off me immediately.” Cindy said as plainly as she could.

“It’s a collar, Mom. Surely, you know the laws. You can’t have underbreds running around unregistered and without collars. Remember what you used to say? An unregistered, uncollared underbred is no better than an illegal immigrant,” Madison said, wagging her finger at her mother

“Madison!” Cindy shouted on instinct alone felt the collar tighten around her neck. She struggled to breathe for a second before the tension released. Hearing her own words used against her was humbling. Cindy never thought how that sounded from the underbreds point of view. She was still a person. This whole thing was infuriating, and she hated it.

“Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Think twice before talking to me like that. Just so you know, those are called training collars. It’s a totally humane way to correct your little’s attitude, endorsed by PETA, the US government, and Generitech. The box says it’s safe and harmless for littles of any size. So, watch your tone!” Madison read with a smirk and a level of condescension that she would have never dared to use this morning.

Cindy glared at her daughter with a look that caused Madison to take a step back briefly. Even now with their size difference that look still strikes a level of fear in Madison she wasn’t prepared for. It wasn’t until she reminded herself that she couldn’t do anything to her any longer that she leaned back in.

“You and Dad are officially mine now. Did you catch that? You’re both just my underbreds. I did what you asked, called Dr. Wilson. Guess what? She’s sorry, but there’s zero medicine left for months. No clue when or if more is coming. Welcome to my world, underbreds.” Madison said.

“We can’t live like this. What are we going to do?” Cindy said in tears.

“Uh, hello? You both signed up for me to be your guardian, so get ready for some major adjustments. I’m taking charge here, and you’ll just have to deal with being my underbreds. It’s gonna take some getting used to, but we’re all gonna have to adapt to the new norms.” Madison said.

She knew Madison was trying to get a rise out of her. Seeing Madison act this way was upsetting as she thought they taught her better. They had both noticed that she had started to become less like the little girl they knew and more and more conceited, and self-absorbed as of late with more attitude when she spoke to them. Greg was convinced that it was just normal teenage rebelliousness. But she was convinced that it was something more.

“Come’ere Dad,” Madison said lifting the Jar off her father. He looked over at Cindy who nodded that she was okay. Greg approached his giant daughter nervously after watching what had happened to his wife.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Dad. I Just have to put this collar on you.” Madison sweetly said as both Greg and Cindy noticed the tonal difference between how she addressed the two. But Cindy was well aware of the fact that Greg always let her get away with murder. As she was daddy’s little girl. So the fact she was left more often than not having to play the bad guy. Seeing her favor her father wasn’t shocking.

“Madison, honey, princess, this isn’t necessary, is it? We’re not staying like this. We just need to come up with a solution to reverse this. The collars seem unnecessary but I’m glad you are so up on the regulations and are taking this so seriously.” Greg said, trying to reason with Madison.

“If you can turn around Dad, I can put this on you. Sadly, it is the law. As your guardian I have responsibilities and rules that I have to follow. One of which is that since your registered you need to these collars so you can be identified as belonging to me.” Madison said as Greg turned around unhappily as Madison placed a similar looking leather strap around his neck. Greg grimaced slightly as Madison tightened the collar and buckled the clasp on the collar locking it onto her father.

Greg had seen what happened to Cindy. So, he didn’t dare raise his voice even though he hated that this leather strap was wrapped around his neck. The science behind a collar like this was appalling. He wished that he had made more of an effort to stay on top of what was going on. He never thought of himself as an uninformed voter. But when it came to the plight of the Smallara victims it got to point for when it just became noise. It wasn’t an issue he was particularly passionate about, so he followed more closely other political issues.

Now he would give anything to be able to go back to the prior election and not take his privilege for granted. As knew he had to continue to put on a brave face for Cindy. But it seemed like the opportunity to get any kind of access to treatments or take-home medicine was not in the cards. Greg struggled to figure out what life under Madison would be like.

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7 months ago

I am starting to wonder if this so called “Reversal Medicine” even exists.

It sounds like a lie just to give newly fresh tinies just enough hope to not to instantly kill themselves, get them into the system before realizing there is no way to recover.

If it does exist. The claims of how easily available it is seems to be intentionally deceiving. Otherwise I imagine numerous tested non-immune victims would sign a approval document to euthanized themselves when they catch it. To avoid this horrible fate and be a liability to their family. Not all but I imagine alot of older people would do this.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

I do believe it exists but I’m also assuming genri-tech is making sure the supply is kept under the demand so their prices can stay up, but it’s also confirmed by Chloe that the cure is not a permanent reversal so even if they got it they’d shrink again eventually.

It is definitely something littles use for hope in their first moments of being shrunk, but it’s confirmed very few actually get it.

Exadoration in care availability seems plausible, but even if it was there’s no way the government would provide a euthanasia service for littles,for any reason, they profit way to much from littles, killing them would just be throwing money away.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Chloe mentioned it. That is the only proof but I still remind skeptical.

To me. The real money should be coming from a diluted reversal medicine. High available but high prices. Like an EpiPen for allergies. Short shelf live and the reversal being temporary would force Unimmune to constantly buy the medicine. As they should always have one on their body much like an EpiPen for emergencies.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

That would be another way to make money. The lore reason is that the medicine is costly to produce in time and materials to be monetized. So it’s easier to monetize the little

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

It is strange you even included reversal medicine in this world.

Usually in this genre. Shrinking is incurable. Or the vaccine is later developed to prevent future outbreaks but doesn’t help the ones already inflected. And very rarely it is temporary like a flu.

I would love to see someone actually use the reversal medicine. Otherwise, I am not sure why it even exists from a narrative view. Especially as it keeps getting mentioned.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

Well it exists in the world and there are people who use it. But I haven’t done a story on those people as honestly I don’t think there would be enough interest.

As it wouldn’t be all that different then your typical drama. As I’m to make an interesting narrative foil they would probably
Have to endure some level of persecution or discrimination
By some party. Then it would just be how they overcome and deal with that.

I’m more interested in telling a story around the giant and tiny aspects with those themes interlaced. That is not to say a story or character won’t be one who has undergone the treatment. I just haven’t made such a character yet. As it’s nice to have narrative tools in your pocket for future stories to be told.

There are alot of aspects I’ve mentioned that I haven’t gone into depth with. I haven’t laid out smallborns and what there day to day life would Be like for instance.

On the otherside of the coin. It’s the ugly side of business. It’s more profitable to do what they are doing. They get government contracts, research contracts. They can make little based products at expensive prices and patent little based designs for exclusivity. There isn’t money in curing something and stringing something along like it’s diabetes opens you up to having to allow generic versions at
Cheaper rates which cut into your products. Medicine is only exclusive for a finite window.

Last edited 7 months ago by Asukafan2001
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

Although as a follow up. I do like the idea of diabetes/insulin model. I may incorporate that into how treatments are administered.

It’s a simplistic solution but one I honestly never thought of. My original idea for treatment was much more complex as I over thought it.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

With a 24 hour treatment window. Going to the hospital for treatment is too risky. Like Allergies, reversal treatment should be administrated as quickly as possible.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

Well there’s the option to store doses in your own home now, so that shoukd help.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

I hate the idea of Smallborns. That people will willfully bring children into this cruel world. Combine with the low interaction of underbred, how the government/guardians could easily separate you from your children.

I can only imagine 3 groups of people who would have children. The wealthy and privilege who are afforded similar rights as normal people. And the most unfortunate, who are forced into sex shop or labor to produce babies to sell on the market.

Plus given the nature of how fragile tinies are. Think how hard to care for such tiny babies. The majority would opt to not have babies. In time shrinking the market and removing future generations. And think why would parents have babies if they know how horrible their future would be.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

While I completely agree that most wouldn’t want to willingly have kids and smallborns would be few and far between, I’d like to point out that not all pregnancies are deliberate, in my country an estimated 57% of pregnancies are unplanned, and given that littles have no access to contraception or ab*rtions they’d likely accidentally reproduce at an even higher rate than humans.

Underbreeders would probably exist as well, probably not in USA but in third world countries, and having their children sold off is definitely a concern.

Little babies would definitely have high mortality rates. I like your idea that little woukd refuse to breed, trying to willingly go extinct, but unfortunately that’d take all littles globally agreeing to the plan.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Well I find it hard for a little to rape one another especially since females seem to be bigger. Plus Littles are normally isolated unless their Guardians arrange meet ups. But Littles are expensive so having multiple is not in the Guardian’s best interest.

A tiny community where tinies breed. I could maybe see. But seeing mothers separated from their children is a terrifying idea.

I don’t see the tinies population increase unless 2 things happen. The government enforces some population control via money bonus or fees for having the tinies have children. Or a breeding farm which is more likely in a third world country and they ship them to other countries.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

When I said “not deliberate” I meant from casual sex not from rape, though I’d like to ask, since females are bigger, wouldn’t it be easier for bigger females to rape their male counterparts?

I’ve actually got something like that in a fan fuc I’m writing lol.

I don’t think littles Would want kids and the fact that most are isolated Would mean it happens less, but Madison has two littles, of opposite sexes, in a loving relationship, contained together with nothing better to do, so she may wind up with some smallborn siblings if they’re not careful.

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) comparing unregistered littles to illegal immigrants is a bit rough, but at least that’s comparing people to people. Still I lost sympathy at the comment, illegal immigrants (generally) choose to become illegal immigrants and ignore legal methods to do the sane thing for one reason or another, little have no say in the matter.

2) what’s special about the training collars? How do they “adjust behaviour” more than a regular one?

3) “endorsed by PETA” I distrust it already.

4) could you elaborate on “take-home medicine” please?

5) Cindy still managing to get her daughter to flinch was gold.

6) so Greg’s the favourite in this one too, lol?

7) thus seems more like the Madison I remember from the original

Last edited 7 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) it wasn’t a good look. That’s for sure. However fitting how she remembers that but not where the straws are kept. That seems about right.

2) training collars specifically have functionality to restrict around the neck when making loud noises or attempts to remove. It can also be manually made to restrict via app to train other behaviors. It doesn’t stop airflow but it restricts it enough to where the little is unable to do much activity wise.

3) i agree, peta can be crazy sometime

4) smallara medicine that can be taken at home as opposed to administered in a hospital.

5) learned behavior

6) well he was at work normally when Madison got home where Cindy got off work earlier so she is home in the afternoon when Madison is at home. So she ended up enforcing more of the rules and making Madison do things like her homework than Greg did. So that may lead to slight favortism between the two. But Greg is a bit more of a softy than Cindy. So Madison especially takes advantage.

7) she’s a more rounded this time but she’s not meant to be completely different from the original so that’s good

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) no, most people would’ve compared them to stray dogs or feral cats, but illegal Imogen is only marginally better. And I’m wagering Madison was thinking over what she was gonna say as she purchased the collars.

2) That’s brutality worse than I was expecting, and what do you mean by “loud noises” their underbreds how loud can they get? They need to project their voice just to be heard by big people, and how does it differentiate between loud noises from the little and loud noises from around the little?

3) Sometimes? I understand why PETA and the YS government would endorse these collar’s, But Genri-tech? They seem a lot crueller than you’d expect from them.

4) That’s pretty neat, did that exist before Jordan shrank of is it a more recent advancement?

5) I figured, she’ll unlearn it quickly, teach her mother a fair few.

6) That’s fairly typical. Fathers di tent to be softer towards their daughter’s That’s very true, (I know mine was).

7) yeah, she’s much less of a caricature now. I also like how she said “Welcome to my world” it was a fun reference to the series title.

7 months ago

 I have some questions:
1 – How old are Madison and her sister? If they are both minors, can they live on their own? Does driver license logic apply in this case?
2- How will she manage her parent’s assets?
Perhaps, being a minor, she will have to go live with her grandparents or uncles. It would be a funny crossover if her aunt was Dayton’s mother, and Greg’s sister. They seem to be as prejudiced about underbreads as she is.

Last edited 7 months ago by gui58
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