Madison’s World Redux: Episode 9

Madison's World Redux Episode 9

Greg shivered on the table as Madison stepped away telling him she’d be right back after seeing him shake in the cold along with Cindy. All either of them could do was wait for Madison to return. Greg took several steps towards the edge of the table. As he looked down, he couldn’t believe how far down it was to the floor. He scurried a few steps back not wanting to be reminded of just how far down it now was for him to get to the floor. It was an impossibility for him to get down in this miniature body he found himself in. The only solace he could find in all this is that he wasn’t going through this alone. Although if he had the option he would gladly go through the additional pain and suffering facing this burden of being alone if his wife Cindy could stay full size.

“It’s so cold in here. My hands feet feel like they are going to fall off.” Cindy said as she moved beside Greg.

“Yeah, I know. You always heard about how littles struggled to stay warm due to the increased heat dissipation. But I didn’t think it would be like this.” Greg said before they both looked towards the entry way of the kitchen as they heard the footsteps of Madison coming this way.

Greg and Cindy were aghast as they saw Madison clutching a massive cage as she moved back towards the table carefully setting it down. Both parents looked at each other asking the same question. Surely, she doesn’t intend to put us in there.

“So, when I was up town getting the essentials, I saw this underbred habitat on sale. It’s great, isn’t it? It took a bit of time to get put together but now that it’s all built it should be perfect don’t you think?”

“So, when you came home from the store and talked to Dr. Wilson. This is what you were doing?” Greg and Cindy asked, as they looked back and forth between the giant habitat and their daughter.

“Yeah,” Madison said in a tone as if they should have known that. “You’re welcome by the way. I gave up my whole night for this. I get you both didn’t plan on catching Smallara but I’d appreciate a little more gratefulness from the two of you. But Danielle said there would be an adjustment phase that you two go through.” Madison said

“Honey, we both appreciate the trouble you’ve clearly gone through and-” Greg managed to get out before Madison interrupted.

Madison smirked and crossed her arms, “Well, you should’ve listened to me in the first place. I begged and begged for an underbred, and neither of you would let me get one. ‘It’s a lot of responsibility,’ you said. ‘It’s a commitment,’ you said. ‘You’re not ready for it,’ you said. But look at me now! I did all the research, we all got trained, and now, isn’t it a little ironic? You two are my underbreds. So, yeah, you can see first-hand that you were wrong. I’ll show you. I’ll be the best darn underbred master you’ve ever seen.”

“You know we don’t like you calling them underbreds. They are littles dear and there is more to this then I think you understand.” Cindy said

“Sure, whatever, sorry mom.” Madison said with an annoyed sigh that neither Greg nor Cindy liked but didn’t dare comment on it. Neither wanted to get into a fight with their gigantic daughter right now.

”I know what you’re thinking mom. But I’ve really looked into this. You saw the power point I made for you and dad a few months ago.. When I talked to Dr. Wilson, she was telling me about the treatment situation. While that didn’t work out, I did go ahead and make an appointment with her for tomorrow morning so you guys can get your chips and we have another appointment tomorrow with our Little Worker who is coming to the house to help us through the process and explain the next steps.” Madison explained

“Madison, I love the responsibility you are showing here but we aren’t staying like this. We aren’t littles. So, let’s maybe focus some of this responsibility energy on securing the medication we need.” Cindy said, wanting to make it clear to her daughter that this wasn’t how things were going to be.

Madison rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Um, what are you even talking about? Like, there are totally no treatments for this. You guys are stuck as tiny people now. It’s like, what do they call them… oh right, we learned about this in school. I’m a homo sapien and, oh yeah, you’re homo parvus. Great. Well, I guess I’ll have to take good care of you both or whatever,” she said, flashing a smug smile.

Madison didn’t wait for any further commentary from either parent as she reached across the table and grasped her mother first. The small fleshy woman felt a colder than she expected in her hands. Madison could feel her mother squirm against her grip. She remembered in guardian training that they learned at first all littles frighten easily especially when they aren’t used to being handled. Even if you knew them it often takes time for them to get used to your touch.

“No Madison stop!” Cindy yelled but her voice was partially muffled by the palm of Madison’s hand while it’s warmth soaked into Cindy’s cool skin. She could only look on as Madison pulled the lid off the cage and set it down onto table.

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7 months ago

This tone is some weird mixture of gentle and cruel. She showing initiative and responsible in “caring” for her parents but you feel this caring is unnerving as any moment she will snap and switch to a more callous manner. Like how she just grabs her parnets without permission or warning. How easily she abandons the idea of getting reversal medicine or how little information she needs to communicate or how indifferent to trapping her parents.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

So Madison really wanted a little is interesting. If she did had one, would Madison be allowed to have her parents? Is there a limit to how many littles one can have? Aside from money.

It would had been surreal for the little to have their guardians’ parents joined him/her in the habitat.

Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

1) its not that far down Greg, the air resistance may allow UPI to survive the fall.

2) I like that she got a specifically designed little cage, as much as I’ve enjoyed the Sara and Mia’s jerry-rigged habitats I think realistically they should be using dedicated ones.

3) No Madison, the reason your parents didn’t get you a little was because your destined little had shrunk yet. (Though ironically had they liked into getting her one theor own status as littles likely woul have come up).

4) Greg’s desire for his wife to be big, even if he’d need to be a little alone is sweet. His first thought wasn’t even getting himself big it was for Cindy.

5) Social workers getting their quick, I’m guessing there isn’t a backlog at this point in time like during the September of 2020, lol. I also like that they got called a “Little Worker” this time around, I’m betting that they’ll be more specialised than whoever Sara ends up dealing with.

6) is chipping mandatory? I know collars are but I thought chips were just “highly encouraged”.

7) interesting what she was spending her time with while Greg and Cindy waited, though there weren’t any reasons not to build it in secret

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) That’s valid, I don’t actually think he’d jump and there’s definitely a high chance of injury

2) Sara is getting things about a year after America’s first littkes get shrunk, hiw much later is this series?

And Tomorrow’s episode meaning Saturday upload?

3) I’m curious if she’d sell her old little for her parents or if she could afford to keep all three.

4) good man.

5) I’m really looking forward to how things have changed, I’m hoping the little worker is a regrowth that takes their job seriously as they have skin in the game.

6) ok, so it’s changed, that makes sense. Interesting the punishment for fucking up.

7) That’s something I relate to, it took me 18 months after I moved out omitting my own house to mut my consoles in the lounge room rather than my bedroom. Lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
7 months ago

1) He’s smarter than that.

2) BS lol, I love when authors make shit up on the spot (or at least sound like they did).

I’m assuming “BS” would be before Smallara entered America (earlier than 2019) rather than before Smallara episode 1 (before 15 September 2024) based on my understanding of the story and American schooling.

Wouldn’t Sara’s senior year be next year in the universe?

4) Ah, but would Cindy do the same for Greg?

6) It would become something like that over time, I’d love to see the gradual changes but I’m not sure that’s feasible especially since the laws are rarely delved into too deeply.

7 months ago

The sad reality is Madison is also a victim of Smallera but she just doesn’t realize it yet. She didn’t shrink but she just lost her 2 biggest support pillars. No safety net now. She is now straddle with an immense amount of responsibilities. Not just in caring for her tiny parents but for herself.

Madison has to prepare her own meals, do the laundry, pay the bills, find her own transportation, balance time for schoolwork and etc. All without her parents’ support. She is the worse off than all the other guardians. Madison has essentially became a single mother caring for 2 special need children’s. Children who will never grow to be fully independent.

After this honeymoon period. In time Madision will realizes how much her parents did for her. She complained how she lost a whole night setting up the habitat and expects gratitude. Too bad. This is just the beginning. How much time did her parents give up while raising their daughter? Potty training her, bathing her, taking her to school, nursing when sick and making sure she was raised in a safe environment.

Every parent knows in time that hopefully their children will take care of them in their old age. But this is too soon.

If Madision is smart/wise she will do everything to provide the tools and accommodations for her parents to lessen her burden. And heed her parents’ financial advice.

It is VITIAL she helps her parents retain their jobs. Their savings won’t last and the spoiled Madison will hate getting a job to support herself.

This is a life-time commitment. That is why her parents were hesitant in getting her a tiny. What will she do when she gets a boyfriend? Go to college? Get a job? Get married? Have her own children?

She will grow to respect what her parents sacrificed for her. She will also grow to miss even the little things. Waking her up in the mornings, their hugs, kisses and etc.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

I love this interpretation of things, I honestly hadn’t thought of it. I’ve been rather focused on Madison victimising her parents to consider her a victim herself.

I completely agree that Madison will be hit with realities harsher than she’s ready for after her initial tome playing with her Newfound power over her parents.

I do think that after a while her burdens and stresses will pile up and she’ll want nothing more than to be their little girl again with human sized parents.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
7 months ago

Yeah. Like a child quickly losing interest in their new pet but much worse.

Madison is in a similar position of Mia and Byrce. But Mia is older and doesn’t have to worry about taking care of a house and it’s many household duties. Mia took advantage in getting Byrce a Job to lessen her financial troubles.

Madison urgently needs to do the same with her parents. As I said she has no safety net of her parents saving her. Maybe her sister and other relatives could help. However at this point we have to assume she is alone.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
7 months ago

Part of me thinks that her growing stress and frustration may be taken out on Ciindy and Greg.

It’s entirely possible that Maddison and McKenzie will need legal guardians of their own, (like an uncle or godfather) to step up, and these people would parent where Greg and Cindy no longer can.

At this point, there are probably a fair few employment opportunities for littles in the world so her parents could end up as diversity hires at some mega cooperation. Her sister is younger but other relatives are presumably around.

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