Madison’s World Redux: Episode 11

Madison's World Redux Episode 11

Madison looked down at her parents as they stood inside the habitat she had bought. It was a surreal feeling to see them so tiny. They had always been larger than life figures in her life now reduced to little beings. Just hours ago, she was furious about the idea of being sent to some private school. Where they had to wear stuffy uniforms. It sounded like a step below the military. Now though, she knew they would never have the ability to send her to such a place.

“Madison, get us out here.” Greg said as loud as he could without activating the collar’s choking mechanism. He appreciated the time and effort she spent into doing all this and putting this together. But it still boiled down to a cage.

“Ugh, Mom, Dad, seriously, I’ve already thought of everything. The habitat’s got its own heating system, okay? Yeah, it might be a bit chilly right now ’cause I had to take the lid off, but don’t freak out. Your teeny tiny bodies will be just fine. So, no need to keep nagging about being cold while you’re there.” Madison as she lifted the lid up off the table and placed it onto the habitat. She adjusted it slightly, so it slid completely into place before looking back in at her parents.

“Madison,” Cindy and Greg both said, getting upset that she wasn’t listening to them. “Get us out of here. We only have a few hours left to revert this.” They said as panic entered their voices as it seemed to be getting more and more plausible, they were not only going to be stuck like this potentially, but Madison was going to actually be their guardian.

Madison bent down slightly looking at her parents on the other side of the glass. It reminded her of going to the zoo and looking at the animals in the various exhibits. Only this exhibit contained the new home of her parents. As she looked at the two of them, she could see that they were talking to her, but she couldn’t actually hear what they were saying. She grabbed her phone and opened up the pdf of the digital instructions she was following.

“Haha, that’s why you’ve been yelling, and I haven’t been responding! The habitat’s got this fancy underbred noise dampening thingy. Like, it’s legit cool. Watch this!” Madison lifts the lid of the cage up and down. “Sound, no sound, sound, no sound! Even if you two screamed your heads off, it’s like you’d be barely whispering to me. So yeah, keep that in mind next time you’re trying to get my attention.”

“Madison!” Cindy said

“Save your breath Cindy. She can’t hear us.” Greg said annoyed by his daughter’s behavior.

“Isn’t this just so thoughtful of me? I’ll graciously allow you both to ‘adjust’ to your new digs overnight. And then, bright and early in the morning, it’s off to see Dr. Wilson for those oh-so-necessary microchip implants. Can’t have my precious pets running amok, can we? After all, I pride myself on being a responsible owner, unlike some people I know. As for bringing your little home back upstairs… well, let’s just say it’s not a priority right now. Maybe another day when I’m feeling more generous with my time.” Madison Said.

“Greg she’s walking away. She’s going to leave us here. If she waits to take us to doctors tomorrow, we’re screwed.” Cindy said irate and ranting over the irresponsibleness of Madison.

“You don’t think I know that. This is clearly because you were pushing that stupid private school. This is her way of getting back at us. She’s just not thinking through the repercussions.” Greg said angrily.

“Stupid private school? You seemed a-okay with it before. But now it’s My stupid private school. I thought we were supposed to be a team. We’re always a united front until Madison bats her little eyes and breaks you.”

“She does not break me. Excuse me for having a heart. We can’t all be fucking Elsa, the ice queen.” Greg shouted back.

“Well, someone has to be otherwise Madison wouldn’t even know what discipline looked like.” Cindy said angrily before finally shaking her head and laughing. “ Don’t you ever compare me to Elsa again. Frozen, Greg, Really.” Cindy sitting down on the floor.

“More of an Anna fan? Greg said slyly as he sat down next to his wife. Sorry, you know I do support you and the school was a good idea.” Greg said.

“I know we both said things we didn’t mean. It’s just the situation. I don’t want to be a little Greg. I have, well had a career, so did you. Now look at us. We’re stuck in our own kitchen.” Cindy said upset as the the heavy footsteps of Madison could be heard upstairs.

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6 months ago

Heartbreaking. At least they have each other.

Was the sound proofing really necessary? Seems redundant with how quiet tinies are. If anything that habitat needs a speaker to alert their Guardian for emergencies or just foe normal conversations.

Hmmm…I am starting to see how she got this habitat on sale. I imagine it isn’t selling well. At least it has heating.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

I suppose. Sometimes it is frustrating to read this. The parents are not being physical abused but all this emotional abuse makes me upset. It feels so believable. Not over the top abuse but the slow detrimental molding to dehumanizing the Littles.

I want to believe Madison slowly gains more empathy. Hope that the parents can somehow improve their situation. My biggest fear is you slowly lose interest in this story before it reaches the (hopeful) ‘good’ ending for the tines. As good as it can get.

6 months ago

I wonder if Madison will gdt adopted by her uncle family or somthing then her parent will have to see her obeying someone other than them now they are smaller than her!!

A side note:

Every time I feel like reading something really interesting I just go and head on your page at Giantesswotld website, just last night I’ve read ” A Little Affair “. It was so good the plot the the dynamic between the characters and the relationships between Adam and Riley, the fact that she just took him away was so exiting. I was so sad when I found that the story is not finshed yet, I was waiting to see if Adam’s wife moved on or not and what will happen when Rilry’s dad find Adam and how all this going to play out, that was just as good as “Smallera” and ” Western value “. Hope you have some active page one some website for your amazing complete writing incase someone would like to reed them.

Reply to  9909
6 months ago

Yeah. If Madison gets adopted under a family member even more strict than her parents that would be funny. Though Madison may take out her frustrations on her parents.

Also yes. I am too worried this series will be not completed. So far none of the other series have an ending.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Nice to know there is an ending in mind. How long do you think this series will last?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

I thought it was mentioned somewhere that this series will last the rest of March. Was that the original plan? You think it will last longer?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

That sound really interesting, have you ever thought about puting more than one ending?? Like ending A and ending B for example.
And I just wanna know if you are still posting on Giantess world website cause you rally have great stories there. I just love the way you describe the situation the tiny person is in, the way you talk about his/ her feelings as they are small and the fact that there are a some teen main characters add some real pictures of thier hard situation. My favorite finished story of yours is ” 15 and Shrunk Again” I was so satisfied and happy with the ending, the story seem to me so complete and the great thing about it can still has more to come but as a finished story I think it is one of the best. Most ending in the Giantess stories are either killing the tiny or happy ending where the tiny gets a comfortable life as if there is no problem will ever be, in my opinion, in this one the ending is so fitting the shrinking giantess worlds as ideal.

Last edited 6 months ago by Sam Sam
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

That is a genius idea. I love that. I would definitely love to see A little and Midwestern value with a 3d picture on them. They’d be one of the best. I liked the idea of a tiny female in that story too, the competitive with her ex new wife. It’s going to be interesting to see what will happen when the tiny women end up at her kids care while they live at their stepmother. The same with A little affair, what will happen with Adam and his family and Riley’s father will he allows her to keep Adam I hope he will.

yes please keep your stories safe. You seem to had so much effort on creating them with such good and consisted ideas.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) Has the upload schedule changed?

2) they’re still thinking the cure’s within reach.

3) “The habitat’s got this fancy underbred noise dampening thingy” that feels excessive, most underbreds noises can be blocked with ordinary things, how is Madison’s “fancy”.

4) she hasn’t broken Greg… not yet.

5) Calling them pets already is brutal.

6) return of Dr Wilson sooner than I thought.

7) how gracious of Madison to *checks notes* achieve the legal bare minimum for her parents.

8) I love how they’re hugging, they both definitely needed that

Last edited 6 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

Pretty much agree with all your points. Sadly it appears things will get worse before they get better.

Look at the main series. It took Jordan hundreds of pages just to get his name back.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Things often do.

and even once his name was returned Sara immediately changed it into a nickname she preferred.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) I see, that’s pretty cool that you get them auto posted. I live in Adelaide, so it’s uploaded at 3:30am fir me, I wake up at 5:30am and typically read and reply before 6:00am (later on Saturday cause I love a sleep in)

2) That’s probably true, hope lingers a fair bit.

3) oh, so it’s sound proof both ways, neat. Why are people so obsessed with silencing and keeping secrets from littles anyway? What do they think will happen?

5) still dropping from parent to pet in less then 24hrs is heartbreaking, I doubt Cindy and Greg would call Madison a pet that quickly (if at all) should fortunes be reversed)

6) I just meant cause I thought her next appearance (if she got one) would be in Smallara proper.

7) of course, do you know how much love it takes to do the minimum?

8) I know, but I just love the visual of two shrunken people hugging.

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