Madison’s World Redux: Episode 12

Madison's World Redux Episode 12

Madison had turned out the lights in the kitchen and living room as she had made her way upstairs leaving Gerg and Cindy alone in the darkness of their own kitchen with few shards of moonlight shining in through the window to illuminate the room for them. The previously imperceptible clunk of the central air unit turning on caused both miniature parents to jump.

Neither Greg nor Cindy wanted to talk. As they didn’t want to utter the unspoken words, they were both thinking in their mind. The idea of Madison somehow being not just responsible for them but also in charge of them left both of them terrified.

Cindy was the first time to climb up the plastic stairs towards their new bed. As she pressed down onto the mattress her fingers sunk into the plush foam-like material. The bed was of very nice quality, it felt like memory foam. The blankets all of soft and of a very nice quality. She had expected Madison to furnish them with what basically amounted to dolls furniture, but she stood corrected.

Greg followed his wife a couple of minutes later there was nothing he could do to change anything right now. The only person who would be able to lift that lid was Madison. It was sickening to be so helpless. So reliant on another individual. As Greg climbed the stairs he crawled into the bed opposite his wife. They both kissed briefly before closing their eye and listening to unfamiliar sounds of their home.

Greg and Cindy awoke to a loud booming noise. It echoed everywhere causing both of them to bolt upward from bed in a fright. They looked at each other for a second stupefied for a moment before the prior day’s events came rushing back to them. As they turned their heads, they saw the massive form of their daughter Madison staring in at them.

“Hey there, Mom and Dad-o! Long time no see, huh?” Madison chimed in, a smug grin spreading across her face as she glanced at her parents through the glass walls of the habitat, reveling in her own cheekiness.

Madison waited for them to respond for a few moments before remembering that their voices could no longer penetrate the glass walls of the habitat. She watched them trying to speak to her while pantomiming that she needed to take the lid off the habitat. She was relishing feigning ignorance as they struggled to communicate with her.

“Psh, whatever. If you guys are gonna be all silent treatment on me, fine. I’m just gonna grab some cereal and chow down. And oh, get ready ’cause we’re hitting the doctor’s office soon.” Madison scoffed, barely holding back her laughter as she turned away from her parents, reveling in her own sense of superiority.

“She must have forgotten about the lid.” Greg said to his wife Cindy, giving up on trying to talk with Madison.

“Well atleast she is still taking us to see Dr. Wilson and she will have to take the lid off when she takes us to the doctor’s office.” CIndy added as she walked down the plastic ladder looking at the mostly barren home Madison had made for them.

“And what does she mean by get ready? We don’t have anything other than the clothes on our back. We are lucky to have those.” Greg said as he moved uncomfortably as the bell on his collar continued to ring slightly as he fidgeted about still not used to having to wear a collar like this.

“Do you have to fight with that collar so much? That ringing is really getting on my nerves.” Cindy said who looked down at her own collar who had a similar bell, but it was more elongated which seemed to cause it to either not ring as often or not hit the same annoying decibel level.

Greg and Cindy watched Madison take a box of cereal out from the cabinet and pour it into the bowl before grabbing some milk from the fridge and putting the milk back before grabbing her bowl of Cereal and walking towards the table. They watched her take a large spoonful of cereal as she patted the habitat with her free hand before stopping and looking in.

“Don’t go crying while I’m gone, alright? I’ll be chilling in front of the TV, munching on my cereal.” Madison mumbled with a full mouth, then glanced at her parents. “Oh, you guys hungry? Here, have a piece,” she smirked, dropping a single cereal into their habitat before shutting the lid abruptly. “You’re welcome, by the way. Just trying to keep you in check with your manners,” she added, her tone dripping with sarcasm and arrogance as she sauntered off, completely unfazed by her parents’ reactions.

Madison left their field of vision. They could only hear her footsteps as she walked into the living room before finally plopping down onto the sofa like she never could before without getting scolded. As she turned on the television she stretched out and began eating on the couch, which felt strange knowing her parents were home. Just hours ago, she would never have dared to eat on the sofa. But now she figured what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.

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6 months ago

Madison is such a brat. I hope to see some cosmic karma hit her in the near future.

You better like eating cereal. No way your parents are fixing you breakfast or any special dinners anymore.

Also I wonder if she can lose her guardian privileges by savoring her parents. They haven’t had anything to eat in over a day.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

This is why I don’t care for revenge size stories. They are usually too dark and depressing for my tastes.

Sara? Well honestly I was hesitant in jumping in Smallera due to Jordan’s treatment by Sara. I occasionally glanced at the series time from time. It wasn’t until I saw Jordan’ getting his name back and bonding with Sara in the 300’s did I finally give the series a chance. With the introduction of Kelli and Jordan’s being defended by more and more people, did I really start to get invested. Thinking maybe this story will have a good ending. Learning Sara suicidal past and her dating a pro-tiny girlfriend has soften my dislike on Sara.

Here with Madison? I am fine with teasing but it has been over 10 parts of Madison tormenting her parents. It is getting grated. I don’t want to sit for hundreds of pages just for the situation to marginally improve. I was able to quickly skim through Sara horrible introduction and treatment. Here I can’t. I so desperately like to see something improve soon or have Madison get some bad karma.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

You may not care for revenge stories but in this case there is no real revenge or torment that Madison is physically doing to her parents. It’s not like she is stuffing them in her shoes or putting them in places on her body or threatening them or their lives in any way.

It more seems like you prefer more utopian based stories as opposed to those that skew or have a dystopian twinge. As other then being a fairly typical moody teenager she hasn’t done anything particularly bad, or even skewing towards torment. It’s not as if she doesn’t care about her parents.

But the world itself isn’t designed around the idea of being a fantasy. It’s built more around the reality of what would happen. How governments and authorties would abuse there positions or the disadvantaged people would be taken advantage of.

While there are good things that happen and happy moments. Good things happen to the characters big and small. It doesn’t mean the reality of the world skips over them. It doesn’t mean they don’t have to just like us in reality. Find the good within our own lives between the struggles.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Revenge comes in many shapes and forms. Not always physical but emotional abuse. Passive instead of direct.

Yeah. I prefer more gentle and teasing tones in size stories. Sadly I had a feeling this wouldn’t appeal to me. Madison cruel treatment is too much for me for my tastes.

I will stay with the story for a few more parts. Though I will likely drop it and come back a few weeks to see how it ends. No point reading something that features a character I can’t stand and makes my blood boil.

No offense to your writing. I do like the more realistic take on how your size plays on society. The stigma and discrimination. Just know it is more of my personal preferences than your writing.

6 months ago

I hope Madison chokes on her cereal. (Not die). Would be funny to see the parents reaction as Madison chokes but then remember she choked them last night. Little Karma I would love to see.

Then Madison tells her friends how scary her near choke experience was. Only to quickly switch to bragging how she bought her parents new collars that do the same.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

It’d serve the cunt right

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) Kayla

2) Sara

3) Mallory

4) Madison

5) Mia

6) Saddie

Honourable mention) Nicole (we haven’t seen her with her little yet, so she’s ineligible for ranking)

(I’m assuming Madison’s Ranking may fall but I’m only basing it on what I’ve seen her do so far)

(Pretty sure that’s all of them)

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Yeah. I thought a little dark humor could lighten this mood.

6 months ago

Madison happily ate mouthful of cereal while laughing at the television. Suddenly she finds herself to be choking and panicky turns to her parents for help.

The parents attempted to yell for help but found with the training collars and sound damping habitat it was fruitless. As they watched the life drained from their daughter’s eyes, The parents were sad at first but their mood quickly became joyfully knowing Mckenzie would be a better guardian.

And so Grey, Cindy and Mckenzie lived happily ever after. The End.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) I’m Surprised Greg didn’t figure uloud Madison was messing with them, though he could have been giving her benefit of doubt.

2) the bells sound annoying already.

3) can’t wait to see Dr Wilson again, will we See Lusa to?

4) it’d be pretty terrifying if undetectable noises were now loud as fuvlck to them, I don’t blame them for jumping.

5) Madison’s really making the most if her situation.

Last edited 6 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) not I a humorous mood then, lol

2) definitely a cruel addition, though I’d still take them over the choking.

3) it does hold all answers.

4) not just louder, I reckon their resized ears probably hear frequencies they couldn’t previously, so things the seemed silent to them would be making noise, as well as quiet things being louder.

5) until she realises she’s out of an income, and has no one to care for her, is she functionally an orphan now?

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