Kayla: Episode One

Kayla Episode 1

For those of you missing Smallara proper. Here is a teaser of something I’m working on for later this year. 

Present Day…

The loud sounds of the city assaulted Kelli’s tiny ears in a way she didn’t expect. The chatter of idle people Kayla passed by. The sounds of cars rumbling by and horns honking. The birds chirping away which Kelli only recently learned just how terrifying they can be. All combined to create a miasma of sound that blended together making it difficult for her to be heard.

The chilly fall air has been growing colder as of late. She had learned about how sensitive her little body was to heat. The cement, when it sat in the summer to early fall sun, was often much too hot for the body to handle. If she spent any kind of considerable time on it, she would roast to death. It forced her to rely on Kayla, her sister, in new ways she never expected.

When she first caught Smallara, she knew in a lot of ways her life would never be the same. Not over, simply different in so many ways. However, nothing could prepare her for just how reliant she was on her little sister, who was her guardian. In her mind, She was still the big sister. She was older, wiser, and, in her mind, smarter than her younger sibling. But now she was living in some kind of role-reversed world where her younger sister was now her guardian, which was just a politically correct way to say owner.

She understood why Kayla was chosen, and she really wouldn’t have wanted her parents as guardians anyway. Her parents wanted her to still experience life, even if it was partially through Kayla’s life. They wanted her to still be able to go to parties or go out and do things. Not to mention, they were older and long-term with the amount of investment needed to be a guardian in the form of not only classes but licensing and filing fees. Along with legal fees if you hire an attorney to help guide you through the process. It makes sense to choose Kayla as you only need to pay for all that once. However, when her parents got older and could no longer care for her, they would have to pay a lot of those fees again. They also managed to withdraw one dose of Smallara Remnant from her body, which was given to Kayla. The remnant had the effect on immune people to slow the aging process and extend the human lifespan. Unfortunately, it didn’t protect you from diseases or cancers. But because of it, Kayla was close enough in age that they would age similarly now.

None of that made it any easier to accept that she had to ask her younger sister for permission for things. That Kayla now had the final say in all matters even though she was a good sister, and they had a pretty good relationship throughout their lives together. It still created moments of strife and animosity. Much like how she ended up in this situation.

Earlier Today…

“Kayla, are we going to do anything today? I’m bored.” Kelli whined as she laid back in the new bed Kayla had gotten her.

“I am doing something. I’m playing Final Fantasy 14 with the squad. I’m leveling up my crafters and gatherers. I’m so tired of having to spend so much gil on raid food.” Kayla said.

“Excuse you? I don’t speak dork. I’m going to need that English.” Kelli teased.

“I’ve explained this before. Gil is the in-game currency. When I do the weekly raids, which you should remember are the 8-person teams where we run a gauntlet of 4 bosses. Before each boss, you eat food, which boosts your stats. The best food obviously costs the most money, so you end up spending thousands to millions of Gil as the food buff only lasts 30 minutes. So, I’m leveling classes where i can make my own food for free.” Kayla explained to Kelli.

“That sounds super boring. We should do something. What’s Sara and Jordan doing?” Kelli asked.

“I am doing something, Kelli. You can hang out with Mom if you want. I can text her to come up and get you. This is what I’m doing today.” Kayla said as she continued on with her game.

“You know how boring Mom is. She’s probably doing real-life cooking and cleaning rather than your virtual cooking and cleaning. Besides, you’re my guardian. It’s your responsibility to entertain me. It’s in the bylaws or whatever.” Kelli whined.

“First off, it’s not. Second, my job is to keep you safe, provide for you, and care for you. Nowhere does it mention entertaining you. I did just get you that bed, so you don’t have to sit on the floor or struggle to climb onto my bed anymore,” Kayla said.

“This looks like a dog bed. Jordan has a regular-looking bed, only smaller,” Kelli said as she leaned back against the pillow.

“He also has a habitat that someone absolutely refuses,” Kayla said boldly, “and that’s totally a little bed. It’s just an off-brand one, not a Generitech one.” Kayla tried to say it as convincingly as possible.

“It’s huge. There is no way this is made for Littles Kayla. You could fit 15 or 20 littles on this thing. It is plush, though. I will give you that,” Kelli said while getting comfortable.

“It’s just new, and it’s big because they have accessories coming for it in the future,” Kayla said, turning fully away from Kelli so she couldn’t see her, trying not to laugh.

“Whatever, it’s totally a dog bed. It’s comfy, though. I just wish we didn’t need this nightlight,” Kelli said, looking behind her.

“It’s not a nightlight. It keeps bugs and insects away. They can’t get within 20 feet (6 meters) of that thing. You know how vulnerable you are,” Kayla said while continuing to play her game.

“Don’t remind me. You won’t even let me go into my room anymore. I had to move into your room.” Kelli complained.

“What did you do in there anyway? Nothing was your size.”

“It’s my room. I do my own stuff in there. Can you get four or five of those insect thingies and put them in each corner and one in the middle of the room?” Kelli said.

“They are like 300 dollars each. That one was practically my whole paycheck. It would take months of working to get 1500 dollars. You know Mom and Dad don’t let me work that many hours.” Kayla said as the clacking of her mechanical keyboard continued to fill the room.

“Oh, I guess it is an expensive nightlight. Well, I appreciate it. It just sucks, you know. Are you sure we can’t do something with your friends? It’s so boring here.” Kelli whined again.

“I messaged Talisa in the game. We’re going to hang out IRL. Are you happy?” Kayla said, turning around in her chair and looking down at Kelli.

“With Talisa? Oh…” Kelli said.

“Yes, with Talisa. You can come hang out with us or stay here. Either way, I’m tired of your whining,” Kayla said, standing up.

“No, I’ll come. I was just surprised, that is all. Anything is better than here. So, what are we doing? I haven’t been to the movies in forever. Although you’d have to hold me up higher or I guess I could sit on your shoulder as you’ll be fairly stationary that way I can still see. Don’t sit up close though, we’ll have to go to back which would probably be best anway so i can see everything.” Kelli said.

“We aren’t going to the movies just get dressed will you. Otherwise, I’ll leave you behind” Kayla said enjoying the reversal of fortune. Usually, it was her getting drug to things by Kelli or having to do whatever Kelli wanted to do.

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J - vader
J - vader
6 months ago

Hey I’m back finally sorry I haven’t been commenting much lately due to my house being damaged by a tornado not completely destroyed but very damaged but it’s close to being repaired but I loved the Madison chapters and the Gavin chapters were great as well and this one I’m very excited to see

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Thanks – repairs have been going smoothly granted it cost some money but we’ll be okay in the long run and yeah this chapters have made the process more enjoyable so thanks for your story telling

6 months ago

Heh. I welcome a break from Madison. I really enjoy the relationship of these sisters.

Though does Kelli not have a computer or cellphone? Access to the internet would help alleviate her boredom. Tiny technology is very cheap and easy to find.

Considering how overprice Generitech products are. I don’t blame Kayla getting “off-brand” items. Really with creativity shopping, tiny accommodations should not be expensive.

$300.00 for a nightlight? It better have a long lifespan or more features. Otherwise normal bug repentant tech would be miles better. Current tech is affordable at around 50 dollars and can last a year. Shop smarter Kayla!

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

It’s not cheap, it’s canonically very expensive to but things for littles, even the basics/essentials.

Idon’t think Kelli woukd do so well with bug normal bug repellent, her little lungs mightn’t cope.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

Kelli would be fine. Most are harmless and tested to have zero negative effects on humans or pets.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Do a quick Google search for tiny technology. I suprised how affordable and small cellphones and computers can get. Biggest obstacles would be battery and performance. Some tend to be goofy like the mini DDR machine. LOL.

Sorry not repellent. There are already products that are 100% human and pet friendly. Zero toxic.

Though what bugs are deadly? Kelli is small but not that small. It is not like they live in Australia. Bless those poot shrunken viticms over there.

Kayla should invest into a 3d printer. Cause this is insane markups on these products.

6 months ago

Usually, it was her getting drug to things by Kelli or having to do whatever Kelli wanted to do.


Wow. That typo made me first thought Kelli was giving drugs to her sister. I hoped you meant “Drag” and not “Drug”.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

“Drug” means “Dragged” in this context, it’s not commen lingo I’d wager regional, but I doubt it’s a mistake either.

Last edited 6 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

I see. And here I thought Kelli was being the cool older sister and slipping her sister the drugs she wants. LOL.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) as annoying as Kelli’s constant whining is, it’s actually a sign that her and Kayla’s relationship is healthylier than most little/guardian bonds. No way Jordan, Gavin or Bryce could talk like that without abusive reactions from Sara, Mal and Mia respectively. Fact is if Kelli does have a valid issue she’d be much less hesitant to bring it to Kayla then the boys would be to bring it to their guardians.

2) Present day according to what?

3) wonder if Talisa will wear the top she was given from Kelli’s collection.

4) a movie theatre is no place for a little, it’d be to loud and they couldn’t see the screen in full, they’d need a specialised one for littles (though a laptop and little recliner could achieve the same affect at their own home.

5) really loving where Kelli is laying. I’ve always wanted a bed the size of a swimming pool.

6) “guardian, which was just a politically correct way to say owner.” Interesting that political correctness still applies to littles.

7) kelli not being forced into a habitat is nice, good for her adaptation to her new life.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) that’s cause Kelli is her sisters equal, except in some people’s delusions of grandure.

2) I meant in relation to the timeline, “present day” I thought would have been when we are in Smallara, but thats ckearly not the case.

3) personally I’m hoping Talisa is a bit humble and asks Kelli’s blessing before wearing it out.

4) many public spaces woukd suck for her now, emulating some at home woukd be better.

5) roll over without worrying, it’d br grand.

6) bumut there does exist both PC and non PC terms, usually animals don’t get such courtesy.

7) it’s good that she has the ability to draw lines like that, it’ll help their relationship and she’d be less resentful than a lot of other littles would be.

8) how cone the bug deterer was paid for soley by Kayla? Didn’t Kelli’s patents want to contribute to her well being? Have they fully written off their daughter?

6 months ago

I wonder what future you have planned for these sisters. Kayla is an introvert and wants to play games all day. While Kelli is the opposite, an extrovert and wants to go outside and meet people.

A logical evolution would be for the sisters to become streamers. Kelli getting her own computer setup and the two play games together.

Or just have Kelli stream when she is stuck at home and Kayla is busy. However what starts as an activity to pass time quickly makes her very popular. Kelli is a social butterfly with an attractive face. Combined with her unique condition she would gather so many followers.

More importantly what would be Sara’s reaction to Kelli’s newfound popularity. Sara always viewed Kelli as an anomaly with how she is treated by her sister. How would she viewed a pet person (someone she views as below her) get more views, subs, sponsored deals than her? Envy? Resentment? Would she be forced to see Kelli as a rival? Crazy!

And Jordan and Kayla would be in the middle of this. I could imagine Sara pushing Jordan to be a more active in her streams rather than supportive. Maybe pressure Kayla to reduce Kelli’s streams or possibly subtly sabotage Kelli. Or Sara shallowing her pride and asking for Colllabs with Kelli much to her embarrassment. Would Sara still push Jordan and Kelli to be an couple?

And I imagined Kayla would feel the trickling popularity effects from her sister if word spreads within the school. Or the family’s suprised that Kelli is somehow making more money than anyone in the family.

Sorry for the rambling. The idea of Sara and Kelli being rivals seems funny to me. Plus Kelli would help give a voice to the Littles while crumbling Sara’s views of pet people being less than equal. Hehe.

6 months ago

Happy you’re doing a story with these two. They seem to be the closest to having a balanced relationship as you can get. I’m still curious to see how sarah muddle things up between them, as I think she’s gonna project her insecurities onto Kayla, and Kayla might not stand up for herself cause she is finally in a popular group.

Ultimately, I’d just like to see them actually have a mutual care for one another vs a owner pet relationship

6 months ago

Glad to see Kayla get a spotlight. Thought she was cute in a dorky awkward sort of way. Can’t wait to see when she snaps and just starts “training” her sister. LOL

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