Madison’s World Redux: Episode 13

Madison's World Redux Episode 13

“What do you think she’s doing out there?” Cindy said pacing back and forth a bit as she cursed this infernal glass prison that held them captive.

“She’s probably just eating. She’ll be back.” Greg said while thinking that it didn’t matter much it was already morning. There was little chance of them getting turned back now. They were going to have to actually live with Madison as their guardian.

“I just know she’s eating on the sofa. I catch her trying to eat everywhere but the kitchen table where she is supposed to be eating.” Cindy said with a heavy sigh.

Greg wanted to question why it mattered right now. But, he figured this was just her way of keeping her mind occupied. He couldn’t blame his wife for not wanting to think about the reality of it all.

“Honey, I just thought of something. What about Mckenzie? She’s been at that tennis camp the past few weeks but that is fixing to end. She has no idea although she might get a little suspicious after a bit when we don’t try to contact her.” Greg said

“Yes Greg, that is the worry of every teenager when they are out on their own having fun. I wonder why my parents haven’t contacted me. I’m sure she will be calling home any minute now.” Cindy said rolling her eyes a bit as the absurdity of his thought.

“I didn’t mean right this second. I just meant in general after a few days she might think it’s weird.” Greg said.

“I’m sure Madison has told her or will soon enough if she hasn’t yet. You know how she is. She is waiting for some big grand reveal. Everything has to be a spectacle with her.” Cindy added, looking around wishing there were a chair or some furniture she could sit on. She would have to make a mental note to ask Madison about that. Cindy thought as she then stopped her thoughts dead in their tracks.

This was reality. They were going to have to go to their daughters for everything. They had made Madison their guardian. The idea of any kind of permeance of the situation never entered their mind.

“We should at the very least get Madison to add McKenzie as some kind of joint guardianship when she comes back. If we really are going to be stuck like this, it would be the most prudent thing to do. I’m sure there are forms that need to be signed to make things official. We should still be able to add McKenzie without too much trouble. It would probably avoid a fight between the two.” Cindy said.

“You are probably right. They never had liked it when one got something the other didn’t. If Madison could lord, the fact she had two littles to McKenzie’s it would be a fight for sure and we are no longer big enough to do anything about it.

Madison meanwhile had stretched out on Sofa as her parents continued to come to grips with the new reality. As she settled into watching an episode of South Park. She was several episodes behind as normally she had sneak episodes in behind her parents back. As they thought the humor was stupid. And her time could be better spent doing something else, they would always say.

“They won’t be saying that anymore though,” Madison said as she took a big bite of cereal. But, as she did so several pieces fell off the spoon landing on the sofa. While others fell between the cushions as she laughed before saying oops aloud before shrugging it off with the knowledge no one could tell her otherwise now and if it really bothered her parents, she could make them fish pieces out that had fallen between cushions.

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6 months ago

Typo on the number. Should be 13. Not 20

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Thanks will have to correct this when I get home

6 months ago

Sighs. I really was hoping she would choke. I like to think she will complain about cleaning the house but I know she won’t. She has shown she drops things in random places and loses them. She is messy and lazy.

Madison would probably have her parents clean the house if the original is any indication. Or Madison pays a maid, thinking all her new wealth of money will fix all her problems. I don’t see her being financial responsible.

Maybe the new sister will reign Madison in. Maybe.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

You mean like a what-if episode? You probably could do a dream/nightmare sequence similar to the “what if Jordan was found by Dayton”.

Though I am not sure what there is to explore with her dying. I hate her now but don’t wish for her death. Though it might entertaining to see depending on the random death (non-canon or dream-wise).

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

Congrats on the 500th addition

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

If imay make a suggestion, (or request as it could be interpreted) you could do a line up of all your recurring characters, with their cannon Full names, heights and weights (in imperial and metric measurements).

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

As well as age and species

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) reality settling in finally for the pair.

2) insulting South Park will earn them no favours

3) hoping McKenzie will save them is good, but they don’t really have the power to demand that Madison signs a joint guardianship agreement.

6 months ago

Wouldn’t even let Madison watch South Park? You know, maybe this is just a case of karma at work. LOL

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