Madison’s World Redux: Episode 14

Madison's World Redux Episode 14 1

As Madison finished her cereal and her episode of South Park ended, she sighed, forcing herself to get up. She knew if she didn’t go and get ready to leave now, they wouldn’t make it to the clinic in time and she was meeting with the Little Worker who was supposed to help her guide through this process and assist her with everything.

Madison meandered into the kitchen tossing her dirty cereal bowl into the sink as she always did. She started to walk away when she looked back at the sink and her dirty bowl and silverware. She lifted the bowl out of the sink and set it on the counter before walking over to the habitat. She peered at her parents who were having some kind of discussion but stopped as soon as they saw her.

“Ugh, like, seriously, you guys don’t need to stop just because I’m here. We’re totally heading to the clinic soon to see Dr. Wilson. But, like, I guess you both might wanna freshen up or whatever before we go.” Madison said as she lifted the lid off the habitat before reaching in and grabbing a parent with each hand and walking back over to the kitchen counter and setting them inside of her cereal bowl.

“Ewww, Madison what are you thinking.” Cindy said as she stepped on a soggy piece of cereal as she stood in a puddle of room temperature milk.

“Um, hello? Grateful much? I thought you might be starving. Luckily, my leftovers should be enough to feed you peasants. And when you’re done devouring my generosity, make sure to scrub the bowl and spoon spotless. Oh, and Mom, I’ll let your lack of gratitude slide this time, considering everything that’s going on for you all. But let’s get one thing straight: from now on, watch your tone when speaking to me. Got it?” Madison said as she looked down at her parents.

“Why you little-” Cindy started to say as Greg held her back.

“Madison, I think you are forgetting we’re still your parents. You can’t just talk to us like that. I realize this is stressful for all of us. Your mother and I just want to make sure you understand that none of the rules and expectations have changed around here.” Greg said, trying to implore his daughter to curb her attitude.

“Ugh, fine. We can try this whole breakfast thing again tomorrow, I guess,” Madison said, lifting the bowl with her parents still in it and tossing it carelessly into the sink. Milk and soggy cereal spilled all over them as the bowl clattered loudly.

“If you’re still hungry after that disaster, scavenge whatever you can salvage. And maybe next time, think about how kind I was to even bother making you breakfast. And if you’re not going to eat any of that, well, you can flip the bowl over and start scrubbing all that like you normally do as like you said dad. Nothing has changed.”

“I’m off to get ready to drag us all to the clinic. And when I get back, I better see some improved manners and a major attitude adjustment from both of you,” Madison said, her voice dripping with condescension.

Both Greg and Cindy lay in the sink for a second unable to believe what they just witnessed. Madison had never spoken to them like that before. They had both been called down to the school a few times over reports from teachers. But she was always very apologetic by the time they arrived, and a short grounding or corrective action was all that was ever needed. As they heard the footsteps of Madison echo as she walked further away from the kitchen and up the stairs.

“Greg, we can’t let her do that. If we don’t stop her now. It’s only going to get worse. I can’t believe this. I’m going to kill her. She’s in so much trouble.” Cindy said fuming as she pushed the soggy pieces of cereal off of her while figuring out what to do about the milk that hand landed on her.

“It’s not like I’m thrilled about this situation either. We can’t lose our temper like that. It’s clear it will only make things worse and right now. As much of a brat as she had been lately. She’s all we have right now unless we want to go to the facility and almost assuredly, we’d be separated.” Greg said picking the cereal off himself after seeing his wife was seemingly okay after the tumble.

“The real question is she can’t really expect us to clean that bowl, can she? Look at the size of that thing. We don’t even have anything to clean with. No water, no soap, nothing.” Cindy said with her hands on her hips assessing the situation.

“Can we even lift it to turn it over or on its side even?” Greg said looking at the bowl with some doubt before standing up.

“Greg don’t hurt yourself.” Cindy chided as she watched her husband over to bowl his clothes damp with milk as well.

“Well Grab the otherside lets just see what we can do. If we are going to be resigned to live like this. We should see what we are capable of doing. “ Greg said as he started to grab the rim.

“Well atleast let me help you. I’ll take the other side.” Cindy said walking over to the bowl. As the two lifted the bowl slightly off the ground before it fell back to the sink. The dense material of the bowl providing to much heft to the bowl.

“If you had bought cheaper bowls…”Greg said looking at it.

“Well I’m sorry. I didn’t foresee this situation when I was picking them out.” Cindy said before they both laughed over the absurdity of it.

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6 months ago

Every chapter released makes me hate Madison more. That is probably the intention but I hope there will be some sort of retribution.

Also thanks for putting out a Kelli chapter. Definitely help calm my slowly building anger of Madison. Also you say this isn’t revenge. You are right. Madison is simply a sadist and loves seeing her parents miresable and misfortune.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

The pleasure from seeing her parents miserable doesn’t have to be sexual. She is a sadistic and going out of her way to humiliate them.

No sane reader would like Madison. Only readers who love to see the suffering of others. She is designed to be vile and horrible. The parents don’t deserve this treatment.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1)Madison’s getting crueller and crueller. Calling them peasants anfld telling them to “watch their tones” though I’m happy they clearly had clues about her true self before they shrunk.

2) I’m Surprised they actually tried to flip the bowl, there’s no Madison thought they could when she told them too.

3) that is soooo disgusting, and now they’re covered in milk which is gonna sour and stink as the day goes on.

4) going to the clinic is good, but the chips and vaccines won’t be pleasant.

5) the way she talks about generosity and ingratitude is very Sara like.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) maybe, I’d say her treatment is worsening though, as it settles into her mind that she won’t endure consequences for her treatment of then.

2) not a great plan. If they prove she underestimated them it’d probably make her give them bigger and worse tasks seeing how big they can actually handle.

3) it’s really bad, she dropped a rank to me, she’s now below Mia and I have a feeling Sadie’s position isn’t safe either.

4) I wouldn’t be so sure, while Dr Wilson was pleasantly surprised by Sara “progressively” letting Jordan enter the conversation when Sara took him, She was entirely intending to talk to Sara without him, and is obviously quite strongly in the camp of “underbreds are invalids” when she didn’t hesitate to have Jordan chipped against his will at Sara’s word. So while Dr Wilson would probably hold these answers, I wouldn’t bet on her listening to the questions unless Madison asks her too (which seems unlikely).

5) while I agree Sara isn’t as abusive as Madison (I put a whole ass Mallory and Mia between them) there are similarities between them. And I was only talking about the single aspect of them both feeling entitled to the gratitude if their littles despite treating then poorly, which I maintain as true.

6 months ago

People hating on Madison.

Me sitting here loving her. LOL Keep it coming.

6 months ago

Madison analysis. A sadist brat with zero empathy.

Once seeing her shrunken her parents. She gleefully showed them to her friend before roughly picking them up and placing them on the counter. She proceeded to worry about getting a drink and showed more concerned about where the straws were before calling the hospital for help. After accepting guardianship she left her parents out of discussions the finances and left her parents alone on the countertop but not before letting out a snide remark. After confirming no medicine was available Madison gave up on finding the medicine elsewhere. After finding about sending her to private school, Madison trapped her parents in glass jar for hours while leaving the house.

When coming arriving back she roughly placed training collars that choked her parents when they yell. After briefly explaining the doctor appointment tomorrow of chipping her parents. She then traps her parents in a habit. Madison laughing at how her mom panicky falls into the habitat. She leaves for the night.

Morning comes and Madison takes delight at how she can’t hear her parents in the glass habit. Proceeds to eat cereal on the couch. Relishes in the thought her parents cleaning the couch. She gives them a single cereal piece for breakfast. Later dropping them in her cereal bowl to eat her leftovers and then clean her bowl.


No words of compassion spoken. The bare minimum of care provided. Hesitantly called the hospital and doctors. Going out of her way to humiliating her parents. Increasingly using names like underbred, pets, pleasants. Wants gratitude for her half-assed work.

Analysis: Worst Guardian and character ever. I am impressed how hateable you made her. I don’t see her being redeemed in any believable way. At this point I doubt she would feel remorse if her parents died. She showed a pinched more care for her dad which isn’t much. She is truly horrible and this part hints she has been this way for awhile. Only now has her true colors are being showed. Truly amazing she not doing this to strangers but her parents.

How unfortunate I don’t see her getting any real consequences for her behavior. Please prove me wrong.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

If someone told you your parents would ‘die’ in 48 hours as the hospital had no more medicine left. Would you just accept it? No second opinions? No further attempts to find alternatives?

Madison has shown zero compassion for her parents. If her parents died she would be upset as she no longer could torture them anymore.

The jars trap was a flipy excuse to get them out of her hair. She had other options.

I will wait one more part but I don’t think I can stomach her. It is becoming apparent she is just warming up and there will be no repercussions for her.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

I question why they thought 13 and older were old enough to be guardians as you stated teenagers are moody and self-centered.

You say she cares but nothing has been shown to really proof it.

We will see. The introduction of Mckenize has slightly better my mood for the story.

If Madison faces consequences and spread out her sick games (here is was being concentrated for at least 9 parts). Of course I wish she stopped them all together.

In hindsight I would had liked the parents talked about their troubles before going to bed (part 12). Give us breather before jumping back into the daughter’s torments.

J - vader
J - vader
6 months ago

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ please hold me back from punching this small, annoying snot nose brat because my god I need holy power to strike her now!!!!!!

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