Madison’s World Redux: Episode 15

Madison's World Redux Episode 15

Madison strolled into her room sitting down on her bed as she grabbed her phone off the nightstand as the phone chirped in her hand. Opening the notification she saw it was her best friend Krysi asking where she was. Madison immediately realized she had forgotten to tell her that she wasn’t going to school so that she could take care of the situation with her parents. A few seconds later her phone was ringing.

“Krysi I just messaged you,” Madison said “McKenzie? Hey sorry I thought you were Krysi. How come you’re calling aren’t you supposed to be deep in it at that tennis camp.”

“You Messaged me at 11:30 at night with the message just wanted you to know the rents caught Smallara with no other details or information. What do you mean why I am calling?” Mckenzie said

“What else do you need to know? I don’t know much yet. They’re just chilling downstairs in the sink, and I’m still getting dressed. Mind if I put you on speaker? It’s kinda tricky to chat while I’m getting my outfit together,” Madison said, flipping the phone onto her bed before switching it to speaker mode.

“Yeah sure. Wait, why are they in the sink?” McKenzie asked confused as the series of events that could lead to that situation.

“Ugh, just eating breakfast and then dealing with my bowl like they do every single morning. Like, I don’t exactly volunteer to do the dishes around here. Definitely not by choice,” Madison replied, eyeing a couple of sweaters before ultimately rejecting them both.

“Maddy!” Mckenzie interjected.

“What? It’s not like I’m asking them to do something out of the ordinary. And isn’t that what you’re supposed to do anyway? Treat them like normal human beings and not make a fuss about it. I mean, I’m not expecting them to do my laundry still. They’re too freakin’ tiny for that.” Madison added as she finally decided on what to wear.

“I mean I guess but it seems a bit mean how are they supposed to clean it? Did you buy them tiny mops or something,” McKenzie asked

“Well…I mean…were you calling about something specific Kenz?” Madison said as she brushed her hair. “I’m about to take them to the clinic and stuff. They need those underbred shots and stuff.” Madison said trying to change subject. not wanting her sister to know about her oversight.

“Yeah,I was letting you know I am coming home early but it will probably still be this afternoon before I make it back. I am just going through all the forms you sent over but it’s a pain to read through everything and digitally sign it on my phone.” McKenzie said.

“Well hopefully you are back in time for the meeting with the little worker they assigned to our case. They are going to be going over our options as well as mom and dads.” Madison said.

“I will try my best I’m at the mercy of the airlines. I need to finish packing and stuff so I will see you tonight.” McKenzie said as the call ended.

Madison finished with her hair and makeup before getting dressed and heading back downstairs. It was strange walking around the house like this. It hadn’t fully sunk in yet that her parents had caught Smallara. She halfway expected her mom to be coming out of the bathroom or her dad trying his best to annoy her. Instead, it was just silence. As the floorboard creaked beneath her weight it was deafening as she made her way down the stairs. Each creak or squeak seemed amplified now that she was the only person using the majority of the house.

Madison looked towards the kitchen knowing her parents were just several feet away trapped in the sink. She wondered what they were doing. What they were thinking. The two people who had control over her for the entirety of her life now could stand in the palm of her hand. She found it somehow fitting that she found them. As she always felt Cindy, her mother favored McKenzie more than her. It bothered her how she was always compared to McKenzie. While her dad on the other hand. He had always been like putty in her hand.

“This sucks. I didn’t ask for any of this. I wanted a underbred but not my parents as underbreds. But they are my littles now. So I guess I have to step up and be a good Little Master.” Madison said to herself.

“Madison,” She heard her parents call out to her as she stepped fully into the kitchen. A slight smirk formed across her face seeing they were still stuck in the sink. Trapped until she took them out. Forced to acquiesce to her demands, to her will. As after all she was their guardian now.

Smallara Back Smallara Fast Foward

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6 months ago

To be honest, I was about to drop this series if nothing hopeful appeared here. I am still debating it.

Thankfully Mckenzie has appeared and seems to have a good head and heart. Even better it seems Madsion gave her the forms to have a joint-guardianship and will be home today.

I am still wary about things. I don’t expect the doctor visit will go well for the parents and if Mckenzie doesn’t arrive in time, leaving Madison alone with the little worker scares me. I am worried it will be another painful week of updates where the parents are cruelly ignored by others and pushed around by Madision.

Mckenzie is the only hope here. There are no other options for a good end here. Law, Doctors, Little Worker ultimately they only help the Guardian and not the victims. Saddie and Christine was shown there is no hope.

Madison had a whole night to reflect on her actions yesterday. She is still went straight to tormenting her parents without any regrets.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

If Mckenzie is as nice as you say then I will try to tolerate Madison a little longer.

Though I don’t know why Madison is being so vindictive to her parents. You confirmed she getting revenge for being compared to her sister. She shown to take pleasure in throwing her parents own words against them. I like seeing her tiny regret but why hide it. ? She just as easily dismissed her feelings and justified her actions as being right as she is suprieror and her parents must follow them. No discussions.

If a little worker can be tricked so easily. Then they are terrible judge of characters.

You never mentioned the little worker was tricked. Just they only care the home is safe and the tiny is physically unharmed, washed and fed. They don’t care about the emotional health of the tiny. Bullying is legal. Saddle openly did it in broad daylight in a busy school caferia where she worked, with co-workers and students that knew her. If that is allowed then what hope do any tiny have.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Wow. Wasn’t expecting a long post. Thanks.

“Emotion health is irrelevant” I find that troubling as I believe tines’ emotional health is super important. Tinies are very vulnerable to solitary confinement. And Solitary confinement makes even the most sane people go crazy. I don’t think the government nor the guardians would love to care for insane or suicidal tines. I don’t think they would sell well.

I wished we could see Madison before her parents shrinking. We the readers have an incomplete picture being her current cruel actions.

Some I can contribute to ‘power makes you evil’ but it is troubling how quickly and increasingly cruel she has developed in less that a day.

Same with the parents. They seem like okay parents. Not abusive, the mother being a little stern, the father a bit jovial. But we are left to assume they are innocents which makes this treatment all the more horrible.

I have issues with this world. I disagree with some of the logic but I suppose a messed up world breeds messed up children.

Thanks for accepting feedback. I apologize if any of my criticism comes off as being harsh.

I usually hate size dystopias. They are usually dependent on sexual elements or an excuse to justify killing tiny humans in horrible different ways.

Now I am sure the above do happen offscreen. It was mentioned how terrible other countries are treating their inflected.

However, I love your premise as the prime focus here has always been the tines’ relationship with their guardians. The emotional abuse rather than the physical abuse. How hard for the guardians to understand their tinies yet how easy they can damage their emotional wellbeing. It is paradoxical how having a tiny “pet” that looks like you (minus size) and you can communicate with should help you be Intune with them and their needs. Yet it seems Guardians struggle even harder to understand tinies. Even tinies who were once friends and family become aliens to them.

There are glimmers of hope. Some people have the capacity to learn and understand their tinies. Sara is FINALLY is growing to understand. I feel bad as 3 days in story would normally make Sara’s development rather quick but storywise it took 300 parts to get. It took months to reach this milestone.

I would love to see Madison slowly learn to be empathic like Sara but willing to invest so much time to reach that milestone…..

Plus I seen how other stories tackle something similar only to disappoint me where the tines dies a horrid death, fated to a abused pet/slave or becomes insane in loving the cruel treatments. That is my worry with the parents. Should I care enough to continue just to be disappointed at the ending? I don’t think happy endings are your style.

Yet you haven’t killed anyone off. I want to believe this is a setup is similar to that famous movie “12 years a slave”.

You put the tinies in such terrible situations, so to make it all the more sweeter and satisfying that they can eventually overcome this fate and be free. At least I hope that is what happens?

So yes, I want to believe Mckenzie saves the day or the “Evil” Madison gets defeated even if the idea is unlikely.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) finally someone calls her “Maddy”.

2) Kenz’s first interaction within the story. I’m a bit surprised she was told, I was half expecting Maddy to wait until she got home before letting her know.

3) Finally someone questions Maddy for her actions, and she mentally acknowledges that she messed up.

4) interesting that she’s been taught “Treat them like normal human beings and not make a fuss about it.” That’s kinda the opposite of what Sara got taught, or at least what she learned.

5) Did Kenzie not want to talk to her parents at all?

6) it seems like Maddy is a but saddened by her parent’s shrinking, just not to their faces.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) actually yeah, it’s weird for someone from my culture to go this long without hearing the shortened version of someones name. I had typed “Maddie” multiple times only to fix it with “Madison”. She was only ever called her full name so I was questioning if she shortened it at all.

2) I figured she’d have some “I didn’t want to worry you while you were away” excuse.

3) I’m hoping she does so often.

4) that makes sense. Madison’s clearly got different values to Sara, but that line sounded like she was quoting her trainer, which struck me as odd since she’d gotten the same training as Sara had.

5) She may have, I don’t know how she is with her sister, it’d also ve an entirely reasonable request for Kenzie to make. Though both girls hurrying makes sense.

6) not heartless, but definitely not pure hearted either. Bratty seems like the correct term, so dies abusive.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) I see, so it’s only her favourite people allowed to shrlorten it to Maddie.

2) McKenzie is older? LOL when you called her the “second daughter” I assumed that meant she was younger.

3) I’m certainly looking forward to it.

4) I think Greg and Cindy might be the only littles (so far) who partially deserve their fate, given how the thought about littles prior to shrinking, and taught to their daughter’s.

5) no I’ve met Madison before the phone call, but McKenzie I hadn’t. Lol

6) you’re absolutely right, I was using “pure hearted” as the antonym of “Heartless” but that also implied to far in the opposite directions.

Madison is certainly bratty, it’s part of what makes her entertaining as I’ve met girls like her so seeing one with this kind of power is wild.

Last edited 6 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

As Madison walks back to the sink, she sees her parents still covered in Milk. It seems they failed to freshen up unlike her.

“What have you been doing? I was generous enough to give you enough time to clean up. Your ineptitude is truly amazing. Oh well. We are running late. I guess you both will just have to go with those milk drench clothes.”

Madison delighted in seeing her angry parents’ expression. Her parents so utterly powerless to do anything to her. So intoxicated by this feeling of power. that she didn’t noticed her mom pick up something and fling it at her.

Suddenly Madison felt something hit her. Looking down she watched a soggy piece of cereal cling to her blouse. It quickly fell down to the ground but not without leaving a noticeable milk stain where it touched her top.

Silent and confused. Madison turned back to her mother and seeing her smug face, realized what she had dared done.

“Too bad we are running late. Guess you too will have to go with those milk drench clothes.” Her mother fired back at her.

Madison’s right eye twinge.

What happened next wasn’t pretty. In fact Madison would later lose her Guardianship license for what she did to her mother and is facing serious jail time for her actions.

(Just liked the thought of the Mother throwing Milk at Madison. Karma for placing her parents in her cereal bowl).

Last edited 6 months ago by Yoshiegg64
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