Madison’s World Redux Episode 16

Madison's World Redux Episode 16

Madison approached the sink, looking down at her diminutive parents. It was still a shock to see them trapped in the bodies of underbreds now. They were like two living Barbie dolls that she basically owned with her sister. Madison had thought about keeping this from McKenzie as there was a certain appeal to being the sole guardian, but she also knew how much work it would be, and the idea of doing it all alone was less than appealing. Although she woudl be lying if the thought of being able to lord ownership of their parents hadn’t crossed her mind. The fact that McKenzie would never, ever forgive her and she knew she could keep a grudge.

Madison stood in front of the sink, looking down at her parents. She could see they must have been struggling with the bowl before giving up. She wanted to be upset; she wanted to say how disappointed she was. While in the next breath, she found herself just wanting to laugh at how a bowl she tossed into the sink haphazardly was now something they struggled with. She could reach in and flip the bowl over without much of a thought.

“I guess you will have some chores to do when we get back now, won’t you?” Madison said before reaching down and grabbing her mother. As she lifted Cindy out of the sink the fact that she was nearly weightless was difficult to get used to. She remembered from her training not to squeeze as it was easy to hurt the little.

“Madison, that bowl is huge. We could never hope to clean it as easily as you can. It would take you a second to do it, and you left us no cleaning supplies.” Cindy said, trying to reason with her daughter.

Madison flipped her hair dismissively as she delivered her carefully rehearsed lines, dripping with entitlement and arrogance.

“Ugh, Mom, seriously, could you at least try to contribute a little around here? It’s not like I’m asking for the world or anything. I mean, I do everything around this place! It’s like, the absolute least you could do is pitch in a bit. I ask for so little, and you can’t even manage that? Seriously?” She paused, reveling in the satisfaction of throwing her mother’s words back at her, relishing the look of shock and annoyance on her face.

Cindy held her tongue as she looked at her daughter. She wanted nothing more than to verbally lay into Madison.. If she could have just 30 seconds at her old size, she could wipe that smug look right off her face. Instead, she had to endure the tongue lashing from her know it all teenage daughter.

“But, I guess it’s my fault for not leaving you enough soap, huh? Because, like, obviously, you and Dad can’t handle something as simple as getting the soap without my expert guidance. I mean, it’s not rocket science, but I guess I’ll just have to add ‘soap supervisor’ to my long list of responsibilities around here. You guys seriously need my help with every little thing, don’t you? It’s exhausting being the only competent one in this household.” She smirked smugly, relishing the opportunity to belittle her mother.

“Madison!! You ca-” Greg managed to shout before the collar round his neck constricted tightly as he tried to admonish his daughter for speaking to her mother like that. Greg could do nothing as the collar squeezed the air from his lungs as he looked up at Madison.

“You really need to watch that tone, Dad. You’re underbreds now. You can’t speak to me, let alone others like that anymore.” Madison said as she grabbed her father with her other hand and started walking into the living room. She set both her parents down on the floor before walking over to the hall closet where the majority of her bags ended up residing as she normally left them by the front door when she came home from places. Over time her parents got tired of nagging and started just putting her stuff in here.

“Are you okay, Greg?” Cindy said, seeing him catching his breath from the collar.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Greg said, wanting to rip the collar off as it rubbed awkwardly against his neck as he turned

Madison waved off her parents’ protests with a dismissive flick of her hand, her tone dripping with superiority.

“Seriously, it’s not a big deal. That collar is totally humane, okay? It’s, like, the law, so you both just need to suck it up and get used to it. I can’t believe I have to explain this to you. It’s not like it hurts or anything. You’re just being dramatic.”

She then looked at the two bags, one larger than the other, before her eyes wandered down to her parents. “Oh, please, like you could fit in this tiny thing,” she scoffed, dumping the contents of her small handbag into a larger one. “Just wait here while I grab my shoes. And no complaining while I’m gone, got it?” Madison strutted off, leaving her parents to ponder their predicament as she left the room without a second thought.

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6 months ago

I think my biggest question with this series (and extension to all series) is a matter of identity issue. Are you going for a ‘Gentle Giantness or Cruel Giantness theme? Who are you aiming this story towards?

Often I find you try to satisfy both camps but it only leaves each side disappointed.

Gentle – No tiny is physically harmed. No deaths. Sometimes we see the tines being very well taken care off. Even protected from other cruel normals or threats. No Vore or squishing and placing in shoes.

Cruel- there is alot emotional abuse. Laws and tools to dehumanizing tinies. Lost of rights and their lost of property. Isolation.

The Cruel camp is disappointed from the lack of killing or the over the top punishments. While the Gentle camp is disappointed from the cold indifference or the emotional bullying.

There is no also sexual elements. The lack of it is weird but usually leads to Gentle when there is none.

Tying it back to this series. I am struggling if you want readers to side with the parents (Gentle) or Madison (Cruel)?

Initially it appears we should empathy with the parents but after alot back to back parts of Madison tormenting the parents it feels like a betrayal of reader expectations. That Madison is the main character and this was a Cruel Giantess story all along. I think that is why Madison frustrated me so much. Why not just start with Madison first and from her perspective?

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Anything smallara related is not actually targeted toward a specific audience. It’s just something I wanted to make. While I post and do things to maximize exposure and interests to those who may enjoy it and take feedback and ideas from others who post.

I’m just making the product for myself. I’ve written a hundred pieces of giant and tiny fiction targeting audiences for others enjoyment. I’ve made thousand collages over the years with photoshop. I’ve rendered many images but smallara and its accompanied content is just for me and a story I want to tell. If others like it great. I like making content for others so that’s fun. This is just for me so if cruel or gentle fans don’t care for this or smallara that’s fine. As this is just a story I want to tell and if I finish smallara and its side stories and only enjoy it. That’s fine as that’s what I started this for. I just thought it was silly to do all this and not share it in case others like it.

There’s no sexual content not on purpose as sex is included where appropriate. But, I don’t care about the sexual side of the interest. My actual interest is the giant and tiny people and more questions and situations that would develop from such a thing.

But I posted like 50 or so episodes and only mgundam posted on deviantart posted replies saying how he has enjoyed it. Now I get dms and emails from people to me about how much they enjoy the series which is more then I ever imagined when I started this as like I said. I started out just telling the story I want to tell for me and exploring the interests I have.

I have tons of content made specifically for people of varying interests and will still make it. But that’s not what smallara is really about. I wrote step monster for people who like cruel/mean and integrated sexual elements to it.

For your story specific question on who I want readers to side with. Whoever they want. Some people side with Madison others with the parents there is no wrong person. I wrote them as flawed people just like us.
So there is no wrong person to root for.

Just like smallara prime some people root for Sara and side with her beliefs others side with Jordan. There is no wrong rooting interest.

Madison is the title character but I don’t know if she is main character. As there are scenes without her. There are scenes with just her. The main character of smallara to me atleast is the world itself. Everyone else is just supporting the world.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

I respect your decision to create Smallera solely for yourself. It is great that you allow criticism and feedback but ultimately you decide what direction you want the story to go. Afterall this is free and made using your precious time.

I watched your content on Deviantart for awhile. I never commented as I wasn’t sure if it was gentle or cruel. No point in commenting if I knew I wasn’t the targeted reader. Also I didn’t want to invest any time if it was more cruel.

With the new developments of Jordan and Sara. The introduction of Kelli and Kayla. I thought I knew enough of this to be heading more Gentle terroirity and finally came around to commenting on it. Guess I may had jumped to conclusions as you seemed far from done in tormenting the tinies.

J - vader
J - vader
6 months ago

Alright that’s it I’m done now someone hold me back because I am about smack the ever living shit out of her. I don’t think she even loves her parents at this rate please McKenzie teach this little monster a lesson because now I can’t stand this kind of behavior anymore

Reply to  J - vader
6 months ago

She is most definately feeling entitled. A good smacking would do her good. I think she loves her parents as she hasn’t harmed them. She has more just voiced her internal thoughts.

But she has shown some remorse and you do see another side of her when she returns home.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

I mean I guess she does care about them I just don’t know what she thinks is going to happen if she continues this kind of relationship like how will she feel if she goes to far will feel guilty or even real concern. I don’t man the only good thing she has done so far is get them a habitat that need some decoration and call the authorities and figure out the money side of things.

I’m honestly shocked how she hasn’t thought about the long term effects of this. How her school life will go, college, paying for the house I highly doubt the sister will be alone without some adult maybe an aunt or uncle hell even grandparents to at least watch her especially – I mean she now realizes how quiet and lonely it is, how she never feel the embrace of her parents (well not fully at least) driving her to places like I know there’s bad parents but her’s only ever really wanted the best for her and her sister like …. I don’t know I just hope this inspector doesn’t just fall for the whole everything is okay shit because even if professionals can’t see through this then there no hope at all

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Fair enough and I’m glad they will like girl needs to know that life might suck for her now and it’s not all fun and sunshine as she thinks it is

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) I hare that collar more and more. And just because they don’t leave a mature (that I know of) doesn’t mean they are painless or humane.

2).Madison you’ve been in charge for less than 24 hrs and you’ve done practically nothing, your un no position to ridicule your parents “lack” of contributions.

3) finally she’s at the door, hoping she’s back from the doctors before smallara returns.

4) I’m she told McKenzie, she definitely would have contemplated keeping quiet though.

5) and she didn’t clean the milk off them, she’s likely gonna punish them for stinking later.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

5) it does come up later. Please look forward to it. You may or may not be right about what happens. Only time will tell.

4) she does think about it. I thought it happened already but it could be a future chapter where she talks about it.

3) she will, I will push smallara out a bit to get to a more natural breaking point.

2) she most certainly will try and openly redicule

1) they are humane in they they don’t harm the animal. But there is plenty
To hate about them.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

5) sure I can look forward to that, since you asked so nicely. 😁

4) it did, literally the start of this episode. She weigh the pros and cons of nit tling her and decided to let her know, I’m saying it makes sense she’d do that calculation rather than just tell her sister out of the goodness of her heart.

3) ok, so do you have a specific date for its return?

1) I get that physically they aren’t harmful (though I’m surprised the neck isn’t bring bruised), but indirectly hurting them, and psychological damage would likely happen as well.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

Well I’ve only written your episode 28. My current adjusted plan is to stop after the little worker. So by the end of this week I hopefully will.
As I will have written. As then I would know the specific date

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

My episode 28? That’s more than I expected lol, so we’ve got a fortnight more atleast, nice.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

I was trying to say up to but I was tired and not sure what happened

6 months ago

*Forms the finger pyramid of evil contemplation.*

Good…. good…. I am most pleased with Madison. Proceed…

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