Madison’s World Redux: Episode 17

Madison's World Episode 17

Madison’s voice echoed down the stairs with an air of entitlement.

“Hey, feel free to actually do something useful for once and start getting inside my bag. I mean, I guess you both should start getting used to it anyway.” Her words were laced with arrogance as she disappeared into her room, leaving Greg to gaze incredulously at the oversized bag filled with Madison’s belongings.

“She actually expects us to ride in there,” Cindy said, walking up beside Greg. “I mean I saw people carry littles around like that. But I never really thought much of it. She can’t just cart us around like some lip gloss.” Cindy added.

“It seems that way,” Greg said, taking a few more steps towards the bag. “I don’t like this any more than you do, but our last chance at getting out of this is with Dr. Wilson at the clinic,” Greg said as he climbed into Madison’s overturned purse with Cindy following behind him.

This was the first time Greg could really compare himself up close to things. At first, they were just focused on going downstairs. Then last night there was the phone call. However seeing Madison’s wallet, her lip gloss, some gum, just all the random things in her purse and how large it now was. It really started to hit home.

The thud of Madison’s footfalls could be heard and felt as she bounded downstairs with the same little care nature she normally did. The floor actually tremored under her footsteps. The tremors got worse and worse until it was full on shaking as Madison reapproached.

Madison’s voice carried a mix of irritation and superiority as she addressed her pets.

“See? Was that really so hard? This is the level of competence I expect from now on. When I tell you to do something, you both should just do it without any backtalk. And if you have issues, well, you can take it up with the complaint department.” She punctuated her words with a stomp of her foot, making it clear that she expected nothing less than immediate compliance.

Both Greg and Cindy lurched forward before falling into one another as Madison lifted up her bag. The bit of light they had quickly faded to darkness as she closed the purse. The meager voices of Greg and Cindy were easily silenced by the padded fabric walls of Madison’s purse. They swayed and forth as Madison walked. Everything had a slight constant churn to it where the items were mostly stable but any sudden or sharp movement by Madison caused a caucus uproar as everything in the purse was suddenly rehomed.

Greg and Cindy were beside themselves as they screamed for Madison to stop only for their collars to tighten quickly silencing them. It wasn’t until they heard the door close and her bag open back up briefly as a set of keys came tumbling down seemingly from the heavens that they realized until now Madison was just preparing to leave. She had only now just locked the front door. Both Greg and Cindy tried to communicate with Madison but the sound of the keys was enough to drown them out. Then a moment later the keys landed against something hard and they were once again encased in darkness swaying from side to side as Madison walked down the sidewalk.

Greg and Cindy were beside themselves. To any person on the street they would just see a teenage girl walking down the sidewalk of their neighborhood. No one would ever believe or think they were in here. What bothered them more was the fact that even if they did somehow know in this current climate this wouldn’t even be unique or special like it would have been 15 years ago. Now, while littles are expensive and considered a luxury item it isn’t some kind of revolutionary thing to have one.

Neither of Madison’s parents had any clue how much time had transpired. Time in Madison’s purse seemed warped. It wasn’t actually warped but since you had no bearing for how much time had passed and everything was just pitch black. The entire inside of her purse smelled of watermelon bubblegum and perfume. Each smell because of their size was all the more stronger and potent. It seemed to encompass the air they breathed.

It wasn’t until Madison came to a stop 15 to 20 minutes later and she opened her purse that any semblance of time became apparent. In the time they had spent in Madison’s purse their eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness. So as she opened her purse the bright light of the outside world caused the couple to avert their eyes in a bit of pain.

Ugh, like, seriously, Mom and Dad, I put my phone in Little Mode, okay? So, like, when you touch it, the screen will respond to you. My screen is totally locked, but you shouldn’t need my passcode. At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see the Spotify commands, alright? So, when I tell you to skip a song, just, like, press the skip button. Got it? Cool.

“Madison we’ve used a phone before and this dumb. We aren’t your servants. We aren’t going to skip songs for you. You can do that just fine. I’ve watched you do it in the car as you ignore me.” Cindy said and Greg nodded.

Ugh, my fingers are legit tired, and I shouldn’t even have to explain myself to my own underbreds. Like, seriously, can you two manage to do anything I ask without questioning why? You’re officially underbreds now, okay? It doesn’t matter why I want something done; your job is just to do it. And lose the attitude, seriously. We’re going to this stupid clinic for you two, not for me.

“We are your parents not your underbreds. You will show us respect young lady.” Madison’s parents said as she looked down into her purse and gave it shake causing them both to lose their balance and fall on top of the stuff in Madisons purse.

Um, hello? Can we get a reality check here? Who’s the one holding the purse? Yeah, that’s right, it’s me. And guess what? You were practically begging for my help to call Dr. Wilson because, shocker, you can’t handle it yourselves. Classic. And let’s not forget, Underbreds need their precious guardian for every little thing. So, how about some apologies and gratitude, huh? Otherwise, I’m out. Seriously, I’ve got better things to do than deal with this mess.

“Madison Wessen! You-” Cindy started to say when Madison closed the purse back up and she pressed her airpods back into her ears. She waited for the song to finish before she opened the purse back up and pulled one airpod out.

“Well? Like I’m waiting and you better mean it.” Madison huffed and crossed her arms, waiting for a response. “If I close this purse back up I’m outta here. I’m walking back home.” Madison said, the frustration evident in her voice.

“Madison, we’re sorry. You’re right, pumpkin.” Greg said as loudly as he could without activating the collar.

“Greg!” Cindy scolded quietly to her husband.

“We need to get to the clinic. This does us no good if she goes back home.” Greg said back to his wife before looking back up at Madison. “We appreciate you taking time for your busy day for us.” Greg said as sweetly as he could.

“See was that so hard.” Madison said as the bus started to pull up. “Mom, skip,” Madison said looking down at Cindy as the bus doors opened up but she didn’t move. Cindy knew this was a test. If she didn’t skip the track Madison wasn’t going to get onto the bus. If she skipped the track it meant conceding authority. Looking over at Greg Cindy knew he was right. If they didn’t get to the clinic and atleast speak to medical professional today it would deifnately be to late if it wasn’t already. Cindy swiped her hand across the screen of the giant phone and crawled towards the bottom of the phone where she coudl reach over and skip the track.

“Good,” Madison said as she stepped onto the bus while reaching down into her purse. She grabbed a plastic card that was loosely inside her purse not kept inside a wallet. As she pulled it out they could hear her swipe it over a sensor which beeped before tossing it back into the purse. Looking at the card they could see it was her metro pass for the city buses and subway system.

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6 months ago

I think you duplicated some text. Madison repeats herself on using her phone.

Also still wishing Madison gets a good smack to the head.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Thanks I will check it out after work and correct it.

6 months ago

Next Day

Madison: Ew! Where is that smell coming from? My bag! Ugh. Spoiled milk!? Crap! It also on my phone! Mom and Dad this is all your fault!”

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

lol that’s funny. That does get talked about the milk on them issue.

Last edited 6 months ago by Asukafan2001
J - vader
J - vader
6 months ago

Breath ….. just breathe…… I’m trying not too hard not to over react to this situation as harshly as last time but my god Madison might actually be the first character to piss me off every time she says a word….. I need this doctor, or sister, or little inspector to help this family out because lord have mercy they need help badly

Reply to  J - vader
6 months ago

Madison is a piece of work. Glad she can create such a emotion in people just by the use of her words

Reply to  J - vader
6 months ago

I feel your pain… I hate to say this but I’m actually becoming a bit “desensitized” to little treatment. It doesn’t bring out such strong emotions as it used to in the early days with Sara and Jordan.

Then “the birthday shipment” was an eye opener. Since it’s in this same timeline.

Hopefully Madison gets this out of her system and Mckenzie helps set things straight. I feel the Doctor and inspector aren’t going to intervene as much as we’d like them too. Since this is further in the timeline I wonder what “if any” rights the parents have left in any sort of decision making. Financials etc.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) I really love this “our ivory tower was a glass house” deal you’ve given to Greg and Cindy, it’s unique amongst you’re underbred characters.

2) Madison’s mind is a bit fucked up, she’s gone too quickly from “these are my parents” to “these are my pets”.

3) making her parents submit like that was tough to read, reminded me of Sara pulling Jordan out of solitary confinement.

4) Little mode is a fun invention for these modern times.

5) “entire inside of her purse smelled of watermelon bubblegum and perfume” and soon spoiled milk.

6) Madison’s got some strict opinions on littles, she really is just gonna make slaves of her parents ain’t she?.

7) I’m actually surprised Greg and Cindy voluntarily climbed into the purse, I thought they’d just talk about it until Maddy got back and got annoyed, (initially I was expecting Madison to have put the two directly in there in the last panel)

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

7) they wanted to go to the doctors even though they both suspect it’s to late to return to as they were for any length of time. It’s hearing it from your own doctor. Getting info from a source you know. Getting that isn’t worth fighting with Madison over something like a purse ride.

6) well she has opinions on littles for sure but why she has those views isn’t all on her. She did learn this from people.

5) well the milk smell would follow the parents. Atleast that’s how I wrote it.

4) yeah, they needed a mode for increased sensitivity.

3) Madison found a way to get her way. It wasn’t pretty.

2) some things she’s playing up to be a brat cause she can. She has been bossed around by her parents for years. She may want a little revenge.

1) yeah they are as you said before. Out of all the people depicted. The most deserving of their fate. That is more pointed out a bit later. Not saying fully but it’s not like Jordan or Bryce who did nothing wrong other then don’t get the good genes.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

7) that’d be right. Jordan wasn’t fully let down until DR Wilson either.

6) I know, it’s like what I mentioned in 1.

5) oh, it’d remain roblem Maddy caused that way, still it’d serve her right if her purse forever held that smell.

4) yeah, you hinted at it before I’m glad it’s being shown

3) and I can’t imagine the next time will be either.

2) personally I always blame the parents when their kids turn out bratty.

1) exactly, they taught her how littles are to be treated. If they didn’t shrink and bought Maddy a little, they wouldn’t care if ahe treated the hypothetical little the same way she’s currently treating them.

Having said that, I still think it’d be better if Madison shrank and Greg and Cindy became her guardians. Actually, with the exception of Kelli and Kayla, I think that about all little/guardian pairings.

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