Madison’s World Redux: Episode 18

Madison's World Redux Episode 18

Greg and Cindy could say nothing as Madison walked down the aisle of the bus before finding a seat. The purse they found themselves in had been re-sealed, and the very thing Cindy had been most concerned about was beginning to happen. Madison was beginning to realize that she was in control of them. They now depended on her, and the longer this went on, the more likely it was that they were going to be stuck like this.

“Skip,” Madison simply said. Greg pressed down on the screen to illuminate the phone while holding it up at an angle, and Cindy, who was situated towards the bottom of the phone, was then able to skip to the track.

“Greg, we are her parents and look at us,” Cindy exclaimed.

“I know, I know, it’s not ideal, but it’s just a novelty right now. She’s never had this kind of power before, and you know how Madison is. She’s going to take advantage of it, especially now while it’s new. After a day or so, reality will set in. If you were in her place at her age, are you telling me you wouldn’t be taking a bit of advantage of the situation?

“You’re right, I know you are. When I think about it logically, I know at her age I would certainly press my parents’ buttons in this situation as I tried to do that normally. It’s just this is reality. We may actually be stuck like this, and we’re going to have to rely on Madison and McKenzie.” Cindy said

“I know. We just need to do what is necessary to get to the clinic, and then we can discuss with Dr. Wilson what our options actually are. Then we just have to go from there, but it’s like your mother always says. Let’s not borrow trouble,” Greg said, struggling to believe his own words.

Madison sat in the seat of the city bus, watching the houses speed by. Knowing that both her parents were in her purse was a bit nerve-wracking. She found that she didn’t want to not clutch her bag as the fear of it being stolen or taken was constantly on her mind. She wished her sister was with her as then they could at least share in this responsibility and risk.

She tried to focus on seeing Dr. Wilson to draw her mind away from the risk albeit unlikely scenario of someone stealing her purse. She wondered if there was a way to get any more of the medication used for the treatment. The doctor had told her yesterday there wasn’t. She was sorry to say that her time would be better spent focusing on the aftercare and shoring that up so that she and/or her sister could maintain custody. As it was a fool’s errand to pursue treatment medications that just weren’t available.

She knew it was going to be a less-than-fun visit for her parents. As she was going to have to get them chipped. She was going to have to get them their shots. But, this was going to be outside of the phone call, the first formal thing they had done in which her parents were registered underneath her and McKenzie’s names. They are legally considered invalids now. They existed legally as beings underneath her and McKenzie. They were going to have to pay fees to keep them registered like they are dogs. She had seen the stories of people who didn’t pay and then had the littles taken from them. She knew she needed to make the right decisions here. She would never forgive herself if she messed this up and somehow lost custody of them or they got lost under her watch. They were so helpless now. She needed to protect them from themselves.

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J - vader
J - vader
6 months ago

Huh …… I…. I honestly don’t know what to say I didn’t think Madison would show some compassion towards the now shrunken parents but this is actually…. Dare I say…. A a positive thing and thinking about the well being of her parents which is nice now if she can get rid of that volume restriction mode and actually… you know talk with her parents about her true feelings about not wanting to lose them and protect them and actually just figured this out together then I’ll be fine with everything that has transpired

Reply to  J - vader
6 months ago

True. Maybe this is Madison way of coping? She is distracting herself by bullying her parents but in reality she is terrified of losing or hurting them.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Right like she doesn’t know how to react in a more positive way and I hope both sides just talk to each other because that’s not healthy mentally at least and would do both sides some good to realize that they need each other now more than ever and nothing is more important than family

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

That is entirely possible

Reply to  J - vader
6 months ago

There is more to her than just bratty teenager. She does care about things and her family.

I sometimes the day to day release cadence hinders things and prolongs others. As there are moments like this throughout. But they aren’t as impactful without establishing the other stuff.

I also think her parents choices and beliefs factor into things more then some think. But as time goes on it will be interesting to see how or if. People’s beliefs change at all.

6 months ago

Oh my. Madison actually showing concern over her parents? (Internally) Almost like she is putting up a facade to her parents? Is she scared to show compassion or something?

Well I at least like you attempting to justify her behavior. Especially foregoing the medicine. Did my comments influence that?

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

I had the first 18 episodes written at the start of the month. I’ve been super lazy about rendering and writing this month so I’m way behind on the render side of things.

It was important to show Madison as she was because she had reasons for acting the way she acts and doing the things she does.

This is why I pushed back when people say she doesn’t care or love her parents because she does. However you the reader only sees a snippet of her life which is slowly peeled back and revealed. As she is a brat but she’s also a person and these moments exist to highlight that.

As she’s a brat but there is a why. Just like Sara has her views but she has a why. Will Madison always be a bit of a brat? Probably. But there is more there

6 months ago

So can they sue for the incorrect test results? Misdiagnosis? Malpractice? It was stated the online version was correct but the paper results for TWO people was wrong. This seems negligent. Who knows how many others were affected by this mistake.

Best case, they are rewarded free reverse treatment. Or more likely money compensations. Assuming they kept the physical paper test results. This family has a good case for winning a lawsuit.

The hospital may settle out of court. As this is emmbrassing for them if this goes to court. I hope this comes up later. Definitely would need the money if the parents can’t keep their old jobs.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

This comes up in the story. Probably next week

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) ok, maddison this is a bit better, now TALK TO YOUR PARENTS ABOUT THESE FEELINGS, dumb cunt.

1) b) but it is nice to see that she is taking it a bit seriously and does wish for her parents back, even showing empathy for what’s about to happen to them, and how their lives will change.

2) is today’s shorter?

3) Cindy and Greg talking about how they wouldn’t be better than Maddy was good.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) a) I get it, she needs time. Many of us often do. But it won’t just help her feel better to learn her parents still support her at their small size, it’d help them trust her more, and resist less in future.

1) b) I’m glad my advice was appreciated. Yeah, hearing the giantesses thoughts definitely helps humanise then a lot, with Sara her motivations and intentions always felt like they were shrouded in mystery, and I don’t think I’ll ever fully stop seeing her as a villianess because of that, though i do still want to see her thoughtsand opinions more in futurechapters. But I’m glad Maddy isn’t following the same trail, fully.

2) yeah, it felt like I just whipped through it today, even faster than I would a Smallara episode.

3) yeah, plus they likely wouldn’t have seen an issue with a little being treated like this 48hrs ago.

6 months ago

i think the skin texture got messed up on he mid section.

Reply to  smallguy
6 months ago

Looks like it. I will have to look into it

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  smallguy
6 months ago

Lol, I thought it was an undershirt. Had to check previous chapters to verify your claim.

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