Madison’s World Redux: Episode 19

Madison's World Episode 19

Greg and Cindy weren’t used to not being able to see where they were going. They could tell Madison was moving again, but they had no clue if they were going to be getting on another bus or if she was just going to be walking. It wasn’t until they heard the paging system of the hospital that they knew they had arrived.

It was frustrating for both parents to be able to hear Madison but not communicate with her. All they could do was sit atop the pile of stuff in her purse in absolute darkness. If they wanted light, they could touch her phone screen to illuminate everything, but they found it pointless as there was nothing to look at.

They listened to her check-in at the reception desk and then moved to sit down in the waiting area. The purse opened up slightly as they watched her hand enter the purse. They thought for a moment she was going to take them out, but they were left watching as she pulled her phone out and closed her purse once again.

“Madison!” both parents yelled as loudly as they could without activating the choking mechanism of the collars wrapped around their neck. However, they could only watch as the phone disappeared from the purse. A few moments later they were both fighting to maintain their balance as she repositioned her purse slightly before closing it back up.

Madison thumbed through her social feeds, trying not to be too gleeful over her newfound authority. She heard her parents say her name, but she enjoyed feigning not to hear them. The number of times they had ordered her around over the years this was a bit of comeuppance. While she would never admit to it. There was another reason floating around her mind. She was leery about taking them out in public like this. What if someone snatched them? What if she lost them or they fell from her lap? No, it was safer where they were for the time being.

She liked knowing they were safe and secure. Once they got to the doctor’s office, she would take them out, and then they could ask all the questions she knew the answer to. She felt bad for her parents. She couldn’t imagine living life not knowing you were a little. It would be bad enough knowing, but thinking you had all the time in the world and all the freedom to do whatever you wanted only to wake up one day and realize you are unable to do any of that.

As while Madison would never consider them parents of the year material. They were still good parents, even if her mom was a bit of a helicopter mom and a bit bossy with everything having to be done her way. Now she was going to have to care for all their needs with McKenzie. But what she wasn’t looking forward to the most was when they had to face the fact that they were going to have to accept that they were, in actuality, powerless littles. They are, as her mom always said. They exist to support guardians. She called it a symbiotic relationship. Madison learned from her dad that it was her mother’s polite way of calling littles parasites. She hated that she was going to have to deal with her parents coming to terms with the fact that they were on the wrong end of the symbiotic relationship.

Madison sighed before continuing to doom scroll her social feeds. There wasn’t all that much activity as all her friends were in school, and the only person she knew for sure wasn’t, was McKenzie, but she was traveling. It wasn’t long before Madison switched over to TikTok and was just watching videos to kill the time until she finally heard her name called.

Greg and Cindy felt the purse lurch as Madison stood up. The bag swayed a bit as the contents along with them were jumbled every couple seconds, and the purse now banged against Madison’s body as she walked. Both of the diminutive parents from themselves helpless to do much of anything other than just fight to stay upright and not fall into the churn of crap beneath them.

“Madison Wessen?” The nurse asked.

“Yes, that’s me,” Madison said

“Great, then just follow me back this way, please.” The nurse said as Madison followed her down several corridors and hallways before she opened the door to a room.

“If you just wait here. Dr. Wilson will be here shortly.” The nurse said as Madison walked fully into the room as the door closed behind her.

Madison walked over to the examination chair and set her purse down on it. She looked at it for a few moments. She could hear her parents rustling around inside her purse. The fact they were unable to get out without her was a unique expierence. They were as helpless as newborns in this world. She opened up her purse and peeked inside.

“We’re here,” Madison said as she held the bag open and motioned for them to walk out.

Greg and Cindy blinked repeatedly as they walked out onto the examination chair meant for normal people not little people like them. The entire room was sterile and clean like a doctor’s office should be, but it felt colder than normal. The air temperature both parents shivered as they looked up at Madison who seemed to be fine. This told Greg and Cindy that it must just be them. Neither of them knew that it was normal for little people to struggle to maintain body temperature when they are in the open air like this.

“Stephenie honey, I have patients you will just have to figure it out yourself.” Dr. Wilson said as she walked in, hanging up the phone and sliding it into her pocket as she walked over to the sink setting down a tiny assistant before they both washed their hands.

“Hi Madison, it’s good to see you. Greg, Cindy, I wish this appointment was under better circumstances. This is my little assistant Lisa. She has been trained in a variety of little related services.” Dr. Wilson said

“So, she’s like a little doctor then?” Madison asked.

“Well, she’s not a doctor. We use the term technician internally.” Dr. Wilson said as Greg and Cindy greeted Dr. Wilson.

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6 months ago

Finally at the Doctor. Also happy to see more of Madison’s thoughts. I can better understand her rude actions. Her considering them good parents was surprising. I can only imagine what she would had done if they weren’t.

Last edited 6 months ago by Yoshiegg64
Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) Lisa’s back!

2) Madison’s mix of enjoyment and dred is an interesting change from the original character.

3) keeping them in the purse was rough, her logic was understandable, but I’m hoping the overprotective party of her will come down

4) once again you made it clear it’s Greg and Cindy’s own damn fault she thinks it’s ok to treat them like this.

5) Stephanie let’s a reference, nice.

6) Comeuppance fer her parents, for being parents… yeah, good luck on that one.

7) I’m Surprised neither got sick while travelling on the purse.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) Yay.

2) yep, there’s definitely some things in hoping she repeats (like having her parents fight a spider) which seems unlikely, but I prefer this new version.

3) yeah, she’s trying but communicating with her parents more would help. She’s trying to help but they think she’s being deliberately spiteful, which will only sour their relationship in the future.

4) yeah, plus the training reinforces a large amount of the bigotry. But letting their daughter’s believe these things drops my sympathy significantly.

5) She’d be in college now or, whatever she’s doing after Highshool.

7) I see, Dragging her feet because nervous, or dragging her feet because spitefully not wanting to do it.

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