Madison’s World Redux: Episode 20

Madison's World Episode 20

“So, Dr. Wilson. I’m not sure what Madison told you yesterday or what she explained exactly, but you see, this is all a mix-up. They got our results mixed so we thought we were immune. If we had known we weren’t, we would have worked to procure some dosages. Is there not any way we could kind of, you know, pay a premium, maybe make a donation to the hospital to procure a couple of doses or at least a dose for my wife, Cindy.” Greg said, knowing that two may not be possible, but if at least one of them could get access, it would be a much better situation, and he would make that sacrifice for his wife.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. And Mrs. Wesson. I guess Madison didn’t tell you, or maybe there was some kind of misunderstanding or miscommunication, but there are no dosages available. I’m not hiding some anywhere or something like that. Medically, we’ve found there is just no way to revert the process that will last. So, we’ve really moved in the direction of making life better for you and your guardian and you have two wonderful girls who I’m sure will be able to take great care of you. “Dr. Wilson said.

“Thank you, Dr. Wilson. I tried to tell them, but they wouldn’t believe me.” Madison said as she looked down at her parents with a I told you so smirk.

“I was reviewing your file and saw that it looks like there was an amendment filed changing it from you as the sole guardian to Joint guardianship between you and your sister, McKenzie Wessen. Is that correct?” Dr. Wilson asked as she reviewed the file on her iPad.

“Yes, originally, we were just making me the guardian because we thought it would be temporary, but as our Case manager Danielle and I talked more, it became more apparent that this wasn’t temporary,” Madison said.

“Oh, you’re working with Danielle. She’s super nice. You’re in great hands,” Dr. Wilson added as Greg and Cindy looked between their daughter and the giant Dr. Wilson, noticing that she was deferring more to Madison than them.

“Excuse me, why is this the first we’re hearing about this? We were talking this morning about adding McKenzie, but why are we just hearing about this now?” Cindy said, vocalizing what Greg was thinking.

“It is not intentional. It’s just now as littles you are legally considered invalids. Littles lack the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract of any kind. Littles are not able to own property. Property ownership rights are exclusively reserved for people. Littles cannot consent to medical treatment. Anything Medical requires your guardian’s authorization before any medical advice, medication, procedures, surgeries, or treatments can be performed. Under emergency situations, genericare and any other medical facility could provide treatment to a little without guardian consent to avoid loss of life or limb. Littles are not permitted to operate hazardous or dangerous machinery. As littles you also cannot sue or be sued. Any legal action involving a little requires representation by the guardian. If a little has no guardian, one would be appointed to them by Generitech or the U.S. Government. Because as you know all unclaimed littles are the property of Generitech. Any Smallara immune family member has 72 hours from infection to claim the little or state there intent by purchasing a slot to become a guardian at any Generitech training center. Failure to do so results in the little becoming property of Generitech who will assume sole responsibility and upkeep of the little while in their care. Upon sale, all licenses and fees required by the U.S. Government and the Little Fair Trade act must be paid. Failure to maintain recurring licensing fees or medical treatments validating the health of your little can result in your ownership being reverted to Generitech from your guardian. So, as you can see, we would need Madison or McKenzie’s consent to make any medical decisions or choices. It’s important you understand what is happening, but ultimately, these decisions now fall to them. As little’s you are not of sound body or mind to make such decisions for yourself as legislated by the Little Rights Act.” Dr. Wilson said, trying to re-explain these things to them. Madison couldn’t help but smile over this. The idea that her parents now had to come to her for all decisions was too perfect. Considering they were talking about shipping her off to some private school not even 24 hours ago.

Cindy and Greg couldn’t believe this was happening. They were aware of these laws. They could even remember voting for these laws. They donated to politicians who put these laws into place and now through some horrible twist of fate these laws were now taking away their rights. The idea that they only had the rights of a little was sickening to them. In their mind, this still had to be a mistake. They were people not littles. Madison of all people owning them sounded like such a foriegn concept.

“Dr. Wilson surely this is a mistake. People can’t own people. That’s slavery which is barbaric.” Greg said verbalzing his thoughts as he struggled to wrap his mind around this upside down reality they found themselves in.

“Um, excuse me, Dr. Wilson, but I think I can handle this one. We learned about this in school. Slavery? Wrong. It’s about taking ownership of someone equal to you. But littles aren’t enslaved, they’re domesticated. Humans didn’t enslave wild horses; they domesticated them. Just like with cows and other animals we use. Remember those hamsters and rabbits you got me when I was eight? Domesticated. I didn’t enslave them. Littles are domesticated creatures owned by people. So, Mom and Dad, you’re my domesticated littles owned by me. And Mom, you should know better—you pushed for this as part of the Parent Teacher Association to have it added to the curriculum.”

“Perfectly explained Madison.” Dr. Wilson said as Madison beamed from ear to ear from the praise.

“Don’t stress though, I’ll make sure to keep you two in the loop on everything you absolutely need to know about. But, let’s be real, there are a ton of guardian duties and responsibilities that you little people just don’t need to be bothered with. Remember what you always tell me, Mom? ‘Stay in your lane, Madison.’ Well, guess what? It’s your turn to practice what you preach. When you need to know something, you’ll know. You always said it. So I’m sure you can figure out how this works now,” Madison said, her tone dripping with condescension and superiority.

“Madison-” Greg started to say but thought better of it as Cindy shook her head.

“Well then,” Dr. Wilson said trying to change the subject slightly as she gave Greg and Cindy a sympathetic look. “It looks like we have little shots on the docket along with a couple of chips. Lisa will be performing those two procedures. You will just feel a slight prick with the shots and the microchip while it’s installed at the base of the spine is quite painless. We have a device that will dull all your senses and then the chip latches onto the spine and you live your lives as if it’s not present.” Dr. Wilson informed them to try to ease their minds.

“What do we need this chip for? The shots I’m familiar with it likes an immune booster for little specific diseases but I don’t know about this chipping business.” Greg asked, not liking the sound of it at all.

“The chips allow McKenzie and I to track you with our phones and if we’re separated somehow, they are used for proof of ownership. Right Dr. Wilson?” Madison said, she wanted her parents to hear it from the source. Even if the choice was no longer their own.

“Correct, there are also some medical benefits as well such as reading vitals and getting access to numerous amounts of data from within your body if there is some kind of medical emergency.

The whole thing was sickening as Greg and Cindy could only watch as Lisa, Dr. Wilson’s assistant, was brought over and set down near them on the examination table carrying a small case. He wanted to scream he wanted but he couldn’t because of this infernal collar that so proudly states he belongs to Madison. Moreso then scream he wanted to slap that grin off her face. He could see her enjoying the newfound authority she had.

“Lisa can handle this. Why don’t we step over here to my office and we can discuss a few things I like to make new guardians aware of and things that can make the transition easier. It’s often the most difficult for people who are used to being independent and authority figures to accept the situation.

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6 months ago

It is a shame not everyone could experienced Smallera temporary just to get a wake up call and gain empathy. These parents seem to reflect the average citizen’s thoughts which quite sad. Perhaps more so with new information like adding teaching this to the school curriculum.

Interesting philosophy of Slavery vs domestication. Though both are seen as property in the eyes of the law. Basically tinies are pets with the rights of pets. Though I am not sure how some tinies can hold jobs then if they are all considered invalids and not of sound mind and body.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

I like to think Byrce got his teaching job mostly from how horrible teacher are underappreciated. Schools are more than willing to have tinies as teachers as they are that desperate.

Though I can imagine funny scenarios like this.

“Sorry Mr. Smith you are now an invalid and are considered not of sound mind and body to make any financial or medical decisions for yourself.

“Really but I teach Finance and Science in High School?”

“Oh really?…well very impressive but no matter what you used to teach before getting inflected. You are still an invalid.”

“Used to? I still teach it. The High School practically begged me to continue teaching it!”

“Eh…truly? Why couldn’t they just replace you? Are they that desperate for teachers?”


“Oh my….well this is awkward. Regardless you are still considered an invalid.”

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

I can totally see that being a conversation in this world, lol

6 months ago

I love the repeated “There must be some mistake. I have papers that say I’m immune.” Uh…. you’re three inches tall, dude. How dumb are you? If you’re going to argue the situation, pick another lane.

6 months ago

 “As littles you also cannot sue or be sued. Any legal action involving a little requires representation by the guardian. If a little has no guardian, one would be appointed to them by Generitech or the U.S. Government.”

LOL. Can you imagine crime organizations using tinies for their crimes.

What are the government going to do to them. Send them to jail. HAHA. How it that different from their current lives. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Tiny hitman! Tiny hackers! Tiny robbers! Tiny kipnappers of other tinies. The possibilities are endless.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

I can imagine all the abuse and loopholes this system take. How would they makes tinies talk? Make them take a plea deal? Haha. Many would see Jail time or being euthanized as a better alternative to their current lives.

Fires Insurance companies…

“The fire was caused by your pet tiny! We can’t cover this!

“But fires accidentally caused by pets are covered by your policy. You have to pay!”


“Mr. Smith wait! It says you have millions of dollars of debt! This can’t be right! Where did all your assets go?”

“Oh. I decided to gamble everything away within the last 72 hours. Not like I can use any of it right?”

“Mr. Smith! No one will want to be your guardian with all this debt!”

“Shame. Guess I just have to live the rest of life at Generitech.”

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Well I was in the mindset Mr. Smith was single, otherwise he would attempt to move all his assets to a family member. Wasn’t intending to be dark. More like screw the system.

Yeah. Insurance scams could be fun. Whoops my tiny somehow took a match and burned down my house.


My hated neighbor stole my tiny and has to pay hefty fine. He claims he doesn’t know how my tiny got in his house? Too bad. My GPS tracking clearly shows my tiny traveled in his car to his home.

LOL. False claims like these would be messy to resolve.

6 months ago

I wonder if we’ll ever see someone who shrank, got an antidote to regrow, and then shrank again when it wore off.

6 months ago

Wild insight to this world in this chapter. Generitech owns ALL Littles that are unclaimed is nuts haha

Also, playing pretty fast and loose with the slavery vs domestication thing considering that homo-parvus is essentially just a smaller human vs an animal that need generations of taming. Plus, slaves had to actually fight for the right to be viewed as equals in every culture that used them, and even then, places like the US didn’t do things like desegregation and provide laws protecting the rights of all people until relatively recently. I’d love a story further in the future, like maybe 70 years, just to see what happens.

BTW, love how dr. Wilson clarified it’s the legislation that doesn’t consider them as people. I feel like that’s kind of a nod on her opinion on how she views littles

Last edited 6 months ago by C M
Reply to  C M
6 months ago

I too would love to see how the world would be like in 100 years or more. Hopefully in time the discrimination of tinies would be greatly diminished.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Progress is progress. Slavery took ages to be abolished. I am hopeful with enough time, even tinies can be seen as equal.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

From a slavery standpoint one could argue that there are a lot of parallels between historical slavery and what’s happening to the Littles. Like technically, slavery was a social and societal norm for a very long time and was presented in a manner similar to how smallara and Littles are now, just not as on as great a scale. If there weren’t those that fought against slavery there wouldnt be those examples.

That being said, I see where you’re coming from with the government and generitech doing studies and presenting their findings and the news reporting it and everyone going along with it. I’m guilty of doing this to, but it’s so wild how people can take that info and just not question the validity. I think it’d be cool if you had another large corporation the challenges generitechs findings a little bit as there’d be new outlets and government officials that
would report that just to challenge the government and “big little petstore”

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) my Sympathy for these two just keeps dropping, they voted to bring these laws in, pushed for indoctrination within the schools, taught their daughters to this is ok.

2) Genri-tech owns the littles now? How did the US government give them up?

3) I’m absolutely frothing at that legal spiel Mr Wilson made, I don’t mind Greg and Cindy suffering these laws,, but Jordan, Kelli, Bryce and Gavin deserve better.

4) Littles being invalids or “not of sound mind” is complete nonsense, purely an excuse used to justify mistreatment of them. Though people with actual disabilities are treated similarly in real life, just not with the same legal power.

5) This is slavery, their Orwellian redefinition isn’t real. Lumping them in with fucking horses and Guinne pigs is just dumb.

6) Hope we see the chat between Dr, Wilson and Maddy.

7) love the idea of a “disassociation machine” for little pain relief is interesting.

8) Not telling her parents is a bit rough.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) True, but they supported each other in doing them. Neither thought to pull the other up and ask if “they’re sure that’s what they support”

2) Interesting, The government was using littles to prop up the US economy, Little sales and taxes on Little products were effectively clearing their various depts, so giving them up so easily is a bit surprising. Though I do trust Genritech more than the government given what information we have about Chloe’s parents, though endorsing that choke collar has caused me doubts.

2a) I also like that Genritech does the guardian training, is that why there’s a new version?

2b) Does Genritech or the government provide the little worker?

2c) Can littles still vote?

3a) I meant that as “I appreciate the law drop even if parts were hard to read”. Frothing with excitement, not anger. Yeah, most didn’t cause these issues they’re having.

3b) I think we can infer Dr Wilson’s stance from her actions, such as differing to Madison more than Greg and Cindy, it was more understandable when Sara brought Jordan, as Sara had been her patient for likely her whole life, but Greg and Cindy had a preexisting relationship with her, even asking for her by name. Also, Steph saying Jordan “Used to be a person” likely hints at it a bit too.

4) Every time slavery has happened there were similar justifications as to why it was OK, claiming “Slaves aren’t people” isn’t rare.

5) I didn’t call it a “lie” I called it an “Orwellian redefinition” The people in power are making an obvious effort to control what people believe and trick them into seeing littles as if they are no longer people (or never really were) they are redefining these concepts to exclude certain groups, A common tactic in George Orwell’s novels hence the name. Maddison isn’t wrong she’s misinformed (partially by her parents) I agree, but the misinformation is bullshit.

6) Yay, this makes me happy.

7) “We have a device that will dull all your senses” I’m referring to this, but I realise “disassociation machine” might not be the best name for it.

8) I was referring to her not telling them about adding McKenzie to the guardianship paperwork.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

2) That sounds more like the government it renting the little out to citizens, rather than an outright sale. but, interesting that the money hasn’t changed.

So does that mean littles are more expensive now?

2a) In episode 8 Maddison said the collar was “endorsed by PETA, the US government, and Generitech”. has that been retconned?

Just because people want it doesn’t mean it should be made. there is still a thing called common sense and decency. They seem far too dangerous for Genritech to turn a blind eye to the risk.

2b) Interesting (I can’t tell if that last sentence is a joke or if I just have no clue how American taxes work)

2c) That’s a relief, but now that I think about it, littles aren’t kept up to date on current events so they’d be voting blind. also, I can see some guardians using their littles to vote multiple times.

5) yeah, Orwellian is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days causing it to lose some meaning, but I think it fits here.

7) yeah, interesting that they’re using a machine instead of drugs to kill their pain.

8) It’s a bit fun to read, especially now that I’m less empathetic to her parents.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

2a) I see.

Nah, I can’t imagine she’d personally approve of them at all.

2b) American taxes have always seemed weird to me, in Australia the taxes are factored into the price as advertised on the shelf.

5) They’re very ploitcal circles since t’s used to criticise politicians alot. I use to be too into politics but I’ve drifted away into what i believe is a healther level of political for me (though i realise i cand slip back at times). The hypothetical politics in this story are more interesting to me nowadays.

7) neat, is this based on a real technology used on humans, or something created solely for this world?

6 months ago

Thanks for your hard work and creativity Asuka, I love reading through your comments and learning more about the methods behind the characters, storyline and world building. Most importantly how patient and particular you are.

It’s great to see the excitement in how many spin-off adventures and “main-line” adventures that can be derived from this environment. It occupies a decent portion of my sub-conscience in between my busy schedule. It’s a nice little escape from reality lol.

I often wonder when more readily accessible & reliable AI will begin to assist artists like you in your renders. I can only imagine how time consuming it must be at times.

And great comments/convo everybody – love reading through them.

Last edited 6 months ago by 000111000b
6 months ago

Hi, been a while, just wanted to say I’m been enjoying the story of Madison’s and her parents. Even though they deserve the karma that bit him in the ass I would say Greg deserves at least a star or two for selflessness by sacrificing his chance (which was never going to happen,for the last time…😈😛) asking that they give it to Cindy.

Since the shot is not a permanent fix and the victim goes back to its smaller size I would say the antinote is more of a treatment injection than anything else which would explain the shortage because somebody or some group of people is somehow managed to get their hands on the majority of it so they and take the shots as a continuous treatment like one would take for diabetes arthritis or whatever other ailment would normally require either a shot or medicine maybe two or three times a year just to keep the symptoms at bay. Just my thought on it.

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