Madison’s World Redux Episode 22

Madison's World Redux Episode 22

Greg held his wife’s hand as she went through the same procedure he had just undergone. Looking across the room, he could see Madison and Dr. Wilson talking. As he moved about, the bell on his collar jingled just enough to remind him that Madison had placed this collar around his neck as if the slight pressing of the collar wasn’t enough. He knew she had done this on purpose to illustrate that she was now in control.

“We’re sorry,” Cindy said as Lisa finished up the procedure. “We understand you’re just doing your job. It’s just that we weren’t prepared for this. We were living a lie so to speak to due to a clerical error so we had no time mentally prepare for this reality.” Cindy explained as Greg nodded.

“You are never mentally prepared for this. I knew I was vulnerable. I knew that at any moment It could happen and even with that knowledge and being as careful as you can be when it actually happens you are never ready for the reality of what being small means. Everyone looks at you differently, you are treated differently because you are different.

“What it’s like? I mean you still have a job it seems. So, it can’t be too bad.” Cindy asked eying the smallish woman.

“The first several months, I lived as a ward of the hospital with general staff caring for my needs. It was a bit lonely. As people only ever really came to me if they needed something I could do or if it was their turn to care for me. It was like a chore or a task that was part of their workday. It was after several months had passed that Dr. Wilson had worked it out with the Hospital when her contract was renewed to take me in. She and her daughter Stephanie have become my guardians. They have been very good to me. It’s a pretty good arrangement now. But, I understand I’m one of the lucky ones. It’s not easy for people like us to get jobs. Not every little gets brought into a home and treated like family. I owe everything to the Wilsons. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay them.” Lisa said before Dr. Wilson and Madison appeared overhead.

“Are we all good here Lisa?” Dr. Wilson asked.

“Everything went according to procedure.” Lisa said before Dr. Wilson Gently picked her up and took her over to her desk.

“Great news. Why don’t you bring up the app, Madison, and we can ensure it’s working correctly?” Dr. Wilson suggested. Madison obediently opened the application and logged in with her account while Dr. Wilson guided her through its functions and usage.

“Dr. Wilson, about these collars though. They can’t be safe, can they? They choke us when we speak too loudly. We’re concerned about the damage it may do. Madison said they were training collars.” Greg asked with the idea of Dr. Wilson foiling Madison’s plan of keeping these infernal collars around their necks.

“Ah, yes, they are completely safe, so there’s nothing to fear,” Dr. Wilson assured. “We sell these very models downstairs. They don’t entirely restrict airflow; rather, they diminish it. At the maximum setting, you’d still have enough oxygen to breathe, but you might find activities like moving to be difficult and tiring. Rest assured, they undergo rigorous testing by Generitech themselves, followed by additional testing by us at Genericare, and PETA conducts their own assessments as well,” she explained calmly while reviewing the data streaming into her iPad.

“PETA?” Cindy questioned.

“Yes, PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I’m sure you’re familiar with the organization. They conduct extensive testing on products intended for the Homo Parvus species as a counterbalance to Generitech. PETA operates independently, ensuring that everything is as safe as the product claims,” Dr. Wilson clarified.

“Yes, we’re quite familiar with the organization. We’ve donated in the past. We just didn’t think they handled matters such as these.” Greg added.

“Well, they support all animals. The Homo Parvus deserve just as many rights and protections as the next,” Dr. Wilson replied matter-of-factly. “Do any of you have any other questions? If not, I do have another appointment, but it was good to see you all. I just wish it was under better circumstances. I am truly sorry I couldn’t be of more help,” she concluded with genuine regret.

“Dr. Wilson, seriously, thanks a bunch for squeezing us in last minute! We’re, like, forever grateful, right guys?” Madison said, with an exaggerated expression of gratitude that carried a hint of sarcasm.

“Yes, thank you as always Dr. WIlson.” Greg and CIndy said.

“It was truly no trouble at all. I have every confidence that you’re in good hands here with Madison. I must say, I’m impressed by how mature and polite she is. My own daughter could certainly take a few lessons from her. Oh, and please pass along my regards to McKenzie,” Dr. Wilson remarked warmly as Madison set her purse down on the examination chair and opened it up on its side, allowing her parents to enter the room.

Greg and Cindy heard the contents of her purse tumble and move about as Madison held her purse open. Neither parent wanted to fully accept that they were just supposed to walk into their teenage daughter’s purse as if it was perfectly normal.

“Ugh, seriously, are we gonna stand here all day? We can’t keep holding up Dr. Wilson like this. You’re always yapping about manners and crap, saying it’s super rude to inconvenience someone as busy as her. And, like, my purse has so much space, so just cram yourselves in there already!” Madison said as she rolled her eyes a bit at how slow her parents were moving.

This was a sickening reality for both parents as they stepped back inside Madison’s purse. As soon as they stepped inside everything started to shift once again but Madison wasted no time as she turned the bag rightside up causing everything including her parents to tumble forward. A giant tube lipgloss slams into Greg’s back as CIndy falls against a plastic case. Before they can say anything, Madison closes her purse sealing her parents in the pitch-black bubble gum scented confines of her purse.

As Madison leaves Dr. WIlson’s office she slowly meanders down the hall glancing at the time on her phone before slipping it into little mode and opening her purse just enough to slip her hand in and set her phone down.

Both Greg and Cindy were startled by just how large Madison’s hand appeared to be as it moved rustled around inside her purse digging down towards the bottom. Everything swayed about as she continued to walk down the hallway. Both Greg and Cindy shouted to get her attention to stop only for her their collars to activate and begin restricting.

“You’re welcome,” Madison drawled, oozing attitude. “Took up my whole morning, but hey, you got to bask in the presence of the almighty Dr. Wilson, and what do you have to show for it? And surprise, surprise, Nothing. Just like I’ve been saying, you’re underbreds now.” With a smug grin, she added, “Correction, my underbreds. And if you’re feeling grateful for my efforts, you can show it by fetching my AirPods from my purse and delivering them to me. Chop-chop.” Madison said with a clap of her hands.

“Littles Madison,” Greg scolded having caught his breath.

“Sorry, littles.” Madison said “It didn’t matter to you before you became one.” Madison muttered under her breath as she waited for them to find her airpods.

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6 months ago

Nice to know more about Lisa’s situation.

Also this is some irony happening here. Madison hated being tracked by her parents but now she will forever know their movements.

But what I find funny is Madison is being chipped by proxy. A Guardian and her tiny are never far apart. So Madison’s location will be forever be known by GeneriCare and she doesn’t even realize it.

Actually the Little Tracking App must use the cellphone’s internal GPS to find the proximity of the Guardian to the Little. The Guardian’s is effectively being tracked as long as the App is running.

Furthermore I bet GeneriCare is collecting data of how close the Guaridan is to their Little. If the Guardian spends most of their time far away from the Little…well that seems suspicious. The Guardian could be fine for neglect as he/she and not someone else should be monitoring the little. Also if the Little spends too much time in one spot….well that also hints at being caged too much which is unhealthy. Extreme cases may cause the Guardian to lose the Little.

On the plus side if Madison goes missing she could be found by her tiny. Or be possibly cleared or under suspicious of criminal charges by establishing alibis or her known location.

LOL. Funny how things backfire.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

I never thought about the tracking that way but that is true. She would be tracked even more so now. Although she may not mind be tracked when it can’t be used against her like her parents were

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Well she might get alerts or warnings if she is found to be spending too much time away from her parents. Or if the parents are confined in one spot for too long.

The authorities may get access to the data under certain circumstances to assist in crimes. Especially troubling you gave the Executive branch more power so there would be ittle obstacles in acquiring the data.

So yes the data can be easily be used against her.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Authorities could definitely use it against her. Although to be fair I’m sure the governments do that now in the real world legal or not.

There arent any laws against keeping your littles in one space as they do sell habitats. Like a habitat the size of say a 30 gallon fish tank would be a lot of space to them but wouldn’t register as a lot of movement

Spending to much time from her parents would be a thing not sure about it being an alert but if someone filed neglect charges
The data could be used against her.

However knowing Madison she will if nothing else on the daily interact with them. If for no other reason but to lord over the fact she’s their guardian to them.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

The problem is Littles are mammals. Social creatures and need exercise. Even with Dogs and Cats it is not fine to confine or chained/tethered them.

This seems like something a Little Worker would pay close attention to. Afterall the tracking is to the millimeter. They are super accurate. They want to ensure the Little safety and being cared for and by Guardian is not being a neglectful owner. This would definitely be enforced.

Madison can’t party every night at her friend’s house while keeping her parents alone in the habitat. They would be seen as irresponsible.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

LOL. I wonder if a Guardian can get in trouble for the inverse. Spending an unhealthy amount of time with the Littles.

Sleeping, Eating, Working, Showering. 24/7. Smothering them with too much “affection”.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Crazy thought. We seen people treat Littles as Accessories, Property, Pets, Slaves, Servants.

However, one take I haven’t seen in your world is the viewing the Little as an extension of the Guardian’s body or the two see themselves as one fusion.

This is a radical take but I could envision some treating their bond so extreme that they refuse to ever separate from the Little. Sort of like a conjoined Twin kind of deal?

Oh. Imagine 2 twins. One was shrunken but the other was not. What strange relationship would the siblings have?

I could even see more extreme cases where the Guardians and Little change their names to be the same. Wear matching outfits. Treat harm done to one and as harm to both of them. One’s problem is both their problems. No secrets between the two.

6 months ago

Sorry to ask this here, but I couldn’t find the chapter that explains it. What do chloes parents/family do for generitech? Are they just high up executives or do they actually own it?

Reply to  C M
6 months ago

Chloe’s parents are the sole owners of generitech and its subsidiaries. Which are all privately held. Chloe is the aire to the generitech throne so to speak.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Thank you! Actually gives me a sense of hope considering she and her parents seem to have Littles wellbeing at heart haha

BTW, just want to point out I really enjoy the stories. Haven’t read giantess content in a while that’s made me this invested

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) “Madison obediently”… did not think those two words world ever go together, actually, it seems Dr Wilson interacted with an entirely different Madison.

2) being at the mercy of PETA’s advocacy can not be safe.

3) Lisa’s story’s a bit sad, though it’s interesting that Steph’s now trained and counted as a guardian, and that her life’s improved as a result.

4) Correcting “underbreds” to “littles” was good, I just wish it had been done for littles I actually liked.

5) No matter how many times it’s stated I’m never going to believe those collar’s are actually safe, and counting indirect danger, they’d easily be fatal.

6) “You are never mentally prepared for this” no Lisa, no one ever could be.

Last edited 6 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

7) yes Dr Wilson, they’re just animals now, which is why they’re taken to the veterinarian instead of you… wait a second no they’re not, and no they ain’t.

Last edited 6 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

3) I thought too it was sad or rather somber. Lisa seems like she had a very stable career and had prior notice of her condition. She knew her clock was ticking and despite all these advantages, she still winded up shrunk and being seen as a pet/chore by the hospital.

Her keeping a hospital job and having loving people who protect her and treat with actual care is seen as being “Lucky”. This should be the norm but it is tragically the exception.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) that does make sense, a little code switching is normal, Greg and Cindy went from Parents to pets in a heartbeat, it was like turning a light off/on.

2) for me it’s more that it reinforces the “Littles as animals” argument to have an animal rights organisation being their defenders rather than a humanitarian organisation.

So long as they’re not equating meat to murder, invading and vandalising peoples farms, having a higher kill count than most pounds, and don’t insult Steve Erwin’s legacy on the anniversary of his death, cause those are my main issues with PETA.

3) Jordan is a pet, which I find disgusting and morally abhorrent, but Lisa was even less than that, she was only a tool. Sara horrible person, but she does love Jordan, she took care of him because she wanted to, she wanted him.

Lisa was only a tool of the hospital, cared for solely because of obligations, she was even more a slave than Jordan is. She was called “a volunteer” and I assumed her guardian was just a nurse or other hospital worker floating around somewhere, and at the end of the day she went back with them and lived an average little life, probably volunteered mostly to fend of boredom. Now I know that’s not true.

She describes herself as “Lucky” only in comparison to what would have been a horrible existence, and while I’m glad she is with Steph and Dr Wilson, she’s only taken a single step up.

4) yeah, and the part under her breath us why I’m less impressed by it happening for them, if they were still big they’d have no issue with her saying it, probably would say it themselves

5) true, but it’s not just for bugs though, lots of reasons a little might need to cry for help, and accidents happen withoutthe person noticing, even for a trained individual. Plus there’s the psychological damage of getting choked while just trying to be heard, probably fucking them up a bit.

6) ta mate

7) yeah, when Sara first mentioned taking him to a Dr I was certain he’d end up at a vet’s clinic. I’m personally glad it’s still a proper hospital with real people’s doctors.

6 months ago

(Not sure if you saw my last comment so excused me for the copy and paste)

It is fun to think of all the different tools and technology that would result in a tiny/guardian worlds.

My 2 cents. The best invention is probably the most mundane. The winner being…..a shoulder pad with a tiny platform and a safety harness.

Fashionable for the guardian.
Show off your pet tiny to others.
Free your hands.
Constantly know where the tiny is at all times.
Others will not be able to grab or steal the tiny without bypassing the Guardian’s personal space.
Safety Harness saves a tiny if they fall or prevents unwanted theft.
The tiny does not have to travel in an dark or uncomfortable space like handbags.
The tiny does not have to bend their necks to see guests.
Guests are forced to see a tiny at their level and unconscious be seen as an equal in conversations.
The tiny can act as a second pair of eyes and ears for the Guardian.
Better communications between tiny and guardian.
The tiny can whisper messages into the guardian’s ears without others listening.

Such a simple device which shouldn’t be expensive. Though I suppose you could make a shoulder pad out of alligator skin if you truly want to make a fashion statement. LOL.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Look up shoulder pad fashion. History has plenty of fashion examples that don’t include armor.

No purse please. The idea is for the Little to be easily seen and heard. But maybe tiny compartments to hold the Little’s things.

Likely modified the design to include hand rests for the Little to hold. (With Safety Harness) Sort of like a mount.

Of course there would include more expensive options.

Furthermore, if the tiny is paired with a tiny microphone with a voice modifier to lower their pitch. Well you come as close as possible to make the Little feel like a normal human.

It would probably raise some eyebrows to see a Little act and talk like a normal “human”.
I bet some progressive or eccentric folks would do it. LOL. I can imagine Kelli trying something like this.

Would love to see it though I fear you would have trouble with the renders/art.

6 months ago

“Correct, there are also some medical benefits as well such as reading vitals and getting access to numerous amounts of data from within your body if there is some kind of medical emergency.

Part 20

What sort of vitals? Like Heart Rate, Blood pressure, Body Temperature, Respiration Rate and etc? God is there anything the Little can hide?

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Everything you mentioned plus oxidation levels, I’d say a blockage occured in the leg of a little a critical alert is sent to the phone. Once the little is at the hospital they would precisely know where the blockage is. So they could do imaging.

If the little would go into cardiac arrest it would automatically attempt to restart the heart via a shock.the chip is equipped with internal probes. The level of probes and its mobility is dependent upon the level of chip. Madison wanted the best for ultimate tracking so it’s fairly highend.
A portable internal probe could have pictues sent of a broken bone or internal injury directly to the littles file. So when they arrived at the hospital the doctor would know what was wrong and have already looked at the internal pictures.

The little wouldn’t be able to hide much. As generitech can use this to perfect and work on getting better tech that could someday be implemented in people in areas where laws allowed.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Wow. It seems Littles have a better Healthcare then even normal people at the cost of privacy. I can see you are doing everything to avoid suicides or deaths in your stories.

I wonder if all this data would help benefit normal size people. I mean this seems like benefits all people would want. Maybe chipping all people would be the future?

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Yes, that is by design from the outset. I wanted to create a world where deaths and suicides weren’t as prevalent and generally avoided. I also wanted murder to generally be more frequent of a taboo thing that isn’t done. So I designed harsher more draconian laws which outlaw it.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

I noticed how unusually strict the laws were. For awhile I thought a conspiracy was happening. The idea the Government is insanely terrified of the Littles and are doing everything to monitor and keep them protected.

The Littles are an enigma. Their full capabilities are still unknown. What if they kept evolving? Will they develop supernatural abilities. Already they need little oxygen and have superior bodies (minus the size). Could they develop superior mental abilities? Remember a little can influence a bonded person to feel more relax. Perhaps this will evolve into something more? Telepathy? Mind control?

Best keep the Littles happy before the Tiny Uprising.

6 months ago

Ya know I will say…. the Madison model came out really good. She looks great here when we get a better look at her. A big improvement to the previous Madison of the old series. I’m guessing this is a variant from a different timestream that Loki hasn’t fucked up yet. LOL

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