Madison’s World Redux: Episode 23

Madison's World Redux Episode 23

The swaying in the bubble gum scented purse of their daughter was still unnerving to Greg and Cindy. It didn’t feel natural when they moved about. Greg wondered if it ever would. The loud commanding footsteps of Madison echoed as she walked down the corridor of the hospital moving toward the exit. The parents knew they were no longer in control of their own destiny.

Neither parent was a stranger and having to fetch things for Madison who often asked them and her sister. Both Greg and Cindy had to tried and failed to break her of the habitat but she very much felt as if she shouldn’t have to be inconvenienced.

“I don’t understand how she got to be so entitled.” Greg said to Cindy as they carefully moved about the purse to grab her airpods.

“Yeah, I just can’t fathom how that could have happened,” Cindy said staring at Greg for a moment before carefully stepping over a tube of makeup.

“What’s that supposed to mean? You think it’s my fault? I treat both my girls equally.” Greg said arguing back as he looked at Madison’s airpod case wedged beside her wallet.

“Equally spoiled. McKenzie just didn’t let it go to her head. We’re literally going through Madison’s purse looking for airpods because she can’t be troubled Greg.” Cindy said stopping next to Greg who pointed out the airpods.

“Thats just because if she went digging through here she could injure us. She’s just being considerate.” Greg argued back “I’m going to tilt the wallet back a bit and hold it. You just need to quickly shimmy back there and pull out the airpods.

“Fine, just don’t hurt yourself. Are you sure you don’t want me to hold the wallet as you shimmy back there. You are smaller now.” Cindy said with a slight smile.

“If you want to show off your muscles. Don’t let little ol me stand in your way. I’m just here to look pretty.” Greg said, moving to the side.

Cindy moved behind the wallet and gripped it with her hands pulling it as far towards her as she could. She was a bit surprised just how far she could pull it. Greg slipped behind the wallet and begun to tug on the airpod case. After giving it several good tugs it broke free causing him to stumble backwards with the airpod case falling on him.

“Greg!” Cindy shouted moving over towards him.

“I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt,” Greg said starting to push it off of himself when Cindy came over and helped him lift it up. Both parents carried it back towards the middle of the purse where they yelled for Madison as loud as they safely could.

“Finally! About time you found them. Don’t you know some of us have important playlists to listen to? Like, my entire social life depends on having the right soundtrack 24/7. You seriously need to up your lost-and-found game around here. What if I had, like, a meltdown in the middle of class without my tunes for example? Do you even understand the social repercussions of such a disaster? Ugh, whatever. Just try to be quicker next time. Thanks, I guess.” Madison grabbing her airpods from her parents and pulling them out of the case.

“Here, try to keep track of this, this time.” Madison said as lowered her the case back down in her purse dangling it for her parents to grab it. “This means you take it now.” Madison huffed.

“We aren’t your servants, Madison. We’re your parents. You will still treat us with respect.” Cindy bellowed from Madison’s purse.

Madison rolled her eyes dramatically and sighed loudly before muttering a barely audible “Fine. Sorry.”

“Madison Grace!” Cindy said.

“What? Did you not hear my super sincere, totally heartfelt apology? Like, seriously, what more do you want?” Madison said looking down at her parents inside her purse as she pushes the exit door to the hospital open.

“Stop with the attitude. Now Madison. We’re serious.” Greg said

“Sorry,” Madison said more sincerely this time as she looked down at her parents. “I’ll try to be more appreciative for what you do.” Madison said making sure to roll her eyes out of their view.

“That’s all we’re asking. We know this is going to be difficult for everyone.” Cindy said

Madison crossed her arms, a smirk playing on her lips. “Yeah, especially me!” she retorted with a hint of attitude. “I’m the one doing all the work around here. I’ve at most asked you guys to do like two things and you both acted as if I was asking the world of you. As MY littles, I expect a bit more graciousness.”

“I think you mean gratefulness, honey,” Greg interjected.

Madison rolled her eyes, flicking her hair back. “MY littles should know that by me using the word graciousness means that it’s being used correctly, and MY littles should adapt their understanding. That is the least they could do.”

Cindy couldn’t help but chime in, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “Yes, Greg, you should understand that Madison was attempting to teach us proper English. How would WE know more than our teenage daughter and guardian? We are truly humbled and awed by your understanding of the English language.”

Madison grinned triumphantly, while nodding in agreement. “As you should be. It’s not too much to ask. I can see Mom is understanding how things work.”

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J - vader
J - vader
6 months ago

Well at least their bonding too this new relationship between them although could use more work but at least they’re adjusting…. I guess…..god they new some counseling or someone to point out the problems and how to move forward in a positive way

Reply to  J - vader
6 months ago

I’m sure Madison feels things are progressing quite positively and moving forward nicely. She now has two littles when she was just begging for one.
She also has newfound freedom.

6 months ago

It is far from ideal but having your loved one together sure seems to help Cindy and Greg to overcoming this stressful time. If at least they have someone to vent their frustrations and worries to.

Madison loves to use sarcasm but ironically fails to understand it when it comes from others. Maybe Little’s high pitch voices make it harder to detect the sarcasm?

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Going through a bad situation with someone else would be easier. As you have someone to share the good and bad with.

The slight tonal shifts of a little aren’t as noticeable to a person. As you suspected. Atleast that was the logic I was using.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

To clarify you are confirming it is harder to detect sarcasm in a Littles’s voice? I would also believe Madison is that oblivious.

I would love to see a Little use a voice modifier to sound normal. I bet there are numerous Littles using something similar to appear normal by working from home. Bryce is using one I think? I recall him fooling his students.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

So the Guardian’s voice sounds louder AND lower pitch? Oh does Madison sound like a Man to them? Hehe.

Also do Littles sound normal to one another? They perceive no change? Does Cindy notice Grey’s voice being higher pitch due to their new relative sizes being slightly different or is the difference too small to be noticeable?

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Hmmm…sounds like tiny men would sound like women to a normal person. LOL. Meanwhile tiny Women that already have high pitch voices would be much harder to understand.

Of course this leads to another possible invention or tool. Headphone that filter or block high volume sound. Though I have a feeling you won’t introduce anything like that. You seem hesitant to give tinies too many tools to make their lives easier.

6 months ago

I just realized. Madison better keep her parents feeling safe and cared for. Now that her parents are chipped, Genitech knows the parents vitals at all times.

If the data shows unusual hight heart rates and spikes in theirs breathing or experiencing abnormally high or low body temperatures. Well that point to the Guardian doing a poor job at protecting the Little and may even hint to physical abuse.

Now I understand the first few weeks they may be lenient but if it continues beyond that then I would imagine a serious warning or fine would be sent.

Data doesn’t lie. How would Madison explain why the parents feel high blood pressure and anxiety whenever she is nearby but not around McKenzie.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

You are gravely overestimating how many fucks the government gives about littles. I understand your reasoning, but given what we’ve seen and heard about being done to littles I’m not convinced there’d be anything done at all.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

They care enough to make sure the ‘products’ are healthy and safe. Otherwise they lose money.

I could see it being an issue being raised at Little Checkups.

But yes I know it is a bit optimistic but I would love to see these chips actually give the Little a defense from the Guardian cruelty.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) “I don’t understand how she got to be so entitled.” Greg, “Yeah, I just can’t fathom how that could have happened,” Cindy. Well let me briefly explain… you two shit the bed, now you’re gonna have to lie in it.

2) moving objects heavier than them in a swaying purse seems… potentially dangerous.

3) Nice to see that sincere apologies aren’t off the table, even if Maddy isn’t going to learn from them.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) to be fair Cindy’s reply was meant more as sarcasm.

2) probably not the safest which is why Cindy’s idea was probably better. It would be fun to see them stuck under something and needing to get Madison’s attention to help them.

3) she gave a super sincere Apology what do you mean that seems like “ progress” to me lol.

Last edited 6 months ago by Asukafan2001
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) I know,but my point remains.

2) yeah, would be just hilarious seeing Greg get jammed between the phone and the purse wall, having his lungs pressed causing difficulty breathing, Cindy, in a panic, cries out for Maddy’s attention only for her collar to silence her, Greg, also panicing cries out to his wife only for his collar to activate too, meaning he gets even less oxygen. The laughing would flow like rivers.

3) I saw more sincerity at the sarcasm championship in ’07. Lol

6 months ago

Honestly, I’m starting to think that the cure for Smallara was produced in a limited quantity.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
6 months ago

It’s canonically difficult to make and requires rare resources, but rarity would also push the price up, so keeping the supply low would be an idea.

6 months ago

I will say I like Madison’s dialogue in the last couple chapters. Sounds more like a young teen. There were times there where she was saying things that had me thinking “No 15 year old teenage girl speaks like that.” LOL Sometimes Sara breaks that barrier, but her I let it slide because she’s supposed to be going to a good school and is a tad smarter.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Yeah just watch a TikTok or two. The key when writing teenager is to turn your brain off. LOL Just kidding. I’d like to think our girls are smarter than the average window licking TikTok ‘celebrity’.

6 months ago

Hope this story never ends

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Will there be times kiss between seasons?

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

*time skips*


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