McKenzie Wessen Biography

Madions's World Redux Madison Mckenzie Portrait Update


McKenzie Wessen

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Personality: McKenzie is one to think first and diagnose the situation before taking action. She is methodical and is more of an I’ll read the rules to learn how to play this game than just diving in and trying to figure it out. She is driven to be successful in anything she attempts. All of this leads her to be less of a risk-taker than the other members of her family. Lives by the motto “Measure Twice, cut once”. 

McKenzie loves playing Tennis but prefers single to doubles as she wants to win or lose on her own merit. Even as a sophomore in High School, she is viewed as an elite prospect and has won many amateur competitions. She dreams of going pro but wonders if recent events may have ended that dream.  While generally known for her responsibility and trustworthiness she earned the respect of her peers and adults alike. 

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Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

“Maddison’s McKenzie’s World Redux” Lol

Are you making height charts of all your recurring characters with bios? I love this so damn much. And I appreciate the measurements have both the Imperial and Metric systems.

Please tell me you’re gonna make a full one at the end that combines them all.

Love, how you’ve started with McKenzie also, I’m, pleasantly surprised that her first appearance was in supplementary material. Can’t wait for her to show up in the main story

Last edited 9 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
9 months ago

First appearance of McKenzie.

Ranked 23rd Guardian? That sounds high though my expectations of Guardian training are very low. If sadistic people like Saddie can pass. It seems more like an expensive drivers test. I doubt many many fail as the true purpose is make money from the certification. Can’t make it difficult or it impairs future profits from Little care.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
9 months ago

There are lore reasons why she is ranked where she is ranked. Passing and ranking are very different.

People can fail but it’s kind of like school in that they have programs and assistance to help you succeed. You are only failing if you want to fail. The classes aren’t rubber stamps like you may think.

Since a fee is paid similar to college most people end up taking it serious. I

Generitech makes money off littles but they have other revenue streams. They aren’t little dependent

Reply to  Asukafan2001
9 months ago

Until we actually see these classes or exams I will remain skeptical. What is the point of ranks? There isn’t any incentives to go beyond passing.

If you become a Little CareTaker or Babysitter I could see the ranks being revelent. But most take one Little for life.

Otherwise as long as you pass there isn’t any obstacles to you claiming any available Little. Not like the Little can object to a Guardian with the worst ranks.

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