Madison's World Redux Episode 26

Madison’s World Redux Episode 26

Greg and Cindy could do nothing but listen from inside of Madison’s purse. They could hear the booming voices of Madison and the banker Erin discussing options and adding Madison and McKenzie to their financial accounts. The ground would shake every so often as Madison fidgeted with her foot, or her foot would brush up against the purse.

“It’s not a bad deal for them to accept overall.” Greg said to his wife. “Not having the albatross of a mortgage or car payments will give them a fighting a chance since they basically assumed our debt.”

“It’s just frustrating Greg. I want to help them. Yet here we are, powerless to do anything. Madison seemed hurt, but she doesn’t understand that we are not saying she can’t care for us or any little. It’s all the bills, upkeep on the home, and grocery shopping. Everything she shouldn’t have to worry about. Granted, that stipend should help.”

“I know, but all we can do is just see how this plays out now. The decisions have been made.” Greg said as they listened to the banker helping Madison sign the forms for the arranged deal.

“So just to recap, we have successfully added you and your sister to both checking and savings accounts, your parent’s brokerage account, the deed to both cars and the house has been put into you and your sister’s name with the remaining balance being paid off by Generitech along with the property tax paid in perpetuity in exchange Generitech admits not fault, and you are waving the right to pursue any further legal action over the incident and your sister are under non-disclosure agreements about all of this in perpetuity.”

“Yes, ma’am, we understand,” Madison said, looking down at her purse briefly.

“Great, I have also processed the removal of your parents’ names from those accounts and properties. So, you and McKenzie are the sole owners and administrators of the accounts. I also want to just give you my card so you can call me directly for your banking needs. I hope you and your sister stay banking with GeneriBank for many years to come.” Erin said as she shook Madison’s hand while Greg and Cindy felt Madison’s purse lurch upward as she picked it up as she made small talk with Erin.

It wasn’t until Greg and Cindy heard the noise of the outside and the bustle of the city that they were aware that they were back outside. The swaying of the purse as Madison walked was enough for both of them to feel a bit sick from the movement. They both hoped they were going home but they were no longer the masters of their own domain. They were now at the mercy of Madison’s will on what she wanted to do. It wasn’t until they heard the bus doors open and Madison walk down the aisle that Greg and Cindy felt a bit of relief. A few moments later, Madison opened up her purse, peering down at her parents. She could see the upset look on their faces as they looked up at her.

“So I can tell you’re a little upset, but look at how good I did. I got the house and cars paid off. Besides, you can’t be that mad about the bank stuff. You guys can’t own assets or hold bank accounts anyway. As your under-littles now. “Madison said correcting herself to not have to listen to her mother lecture the entirety of the bus ride.

“Madison, we are very disappointed in you. You removed us from our own accounts. You have us in collars.” Cindy said as calmly as she could. While the voice in her head was going supernova. But she knew Madison wouldn’t respond well to that.

“Ugh, seriously? That’s not on me, It’s the stupid law, okay? Like, you know we have to have collars, it’s like basic knowledge. And don’t even try to pin this on me. You were all chill with it until it actually got in your way. Typical.” Madison said

“They don’t need to be training collars that choke us, Madison,” Cindy said putting her hands on her hips as she glared up at Madison.

Madison rolled her eyes as she muttered to herself, “They do when I don’t want to hear your lip.” She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. “I just haven’t bothered configuring it yet. It’s not that big of a deal. I can probably tone it down or something.” She shrugged, clearly uninterested in the conversation.

Cindy’s voice was tinged with frustration as she addressed her daughter, “You know I hate when you use that tone, Madison Grace.” She stomped her foot down on a tube of lip gloss inside Madison’s purse, her expression reflecting her annoyance.

Eyeing her parents with an air of superiority, Madison retorted, “I don’t have a tone, okay? It’s just your little ears imagining it or something. Sounds are louder when you’re smaller and stuff. Maybe get some better hearing aids or whatever.” She shrugged dismissively, clearly unapologetic for her behavior.

“Don’t even get me started about the bank, young lady. What were you even thinking? You had us removed from our own accounts.” Cindy said before looking at her husband Greg, who then voiced support for Cindy.

Madison silently rolled her eyes once again as her mother continued her rant before she started toying with her hair as she listened to her mother until she could subtly disguise her movements behind absentmindedly playing with her hair as she listened to her mother when in reality, she pressed down on her airpods activating remote play. As soon as a song started playing, her phone lit up causing a bright light inside of Madison’s purse.

“MADISON!” Cindy shouted her anger getting the better of her and the collar activating. The more Cindy tried to speak, the harder it became until she finally stopped so that the collar could reset. Cindy took several deep breaths as Madison didn’t even try to hide the smirk spread across her face.

“You calibrate this and change these settings right now, Madison, and don’t think we are done talking about the bank situation,” Greg said, trying to support his wife.

“Yes, Dad,” Madison said with a sigh. “I’ll look at the instructions when we get home. It’s not like I did this on purpose.” Madison said solemnly but with a bit of attitude.

“I know pumpkin. It’s hard on all of us. We are just going to have to work through this together as a family.” Greg said as Cindy glared at him. Madison had him wrapped her around her fingers figuratively for years, but now that he could fit in the palm of her hand, she had her doubts.

“These clothes are starting to smell like soured milk. They will need a good wash when we get home, dear.” Cindy said, wanting nothing more than to get into something clean.

“Ugh, seriously, Mom can you be any more of a disaster? I’m not here to clean up after you. If you can’t handle a simple task like not spilling milk all over yourself, maybe you need to reevaluate your life choices. And don’t even think about making me deal with it when we get home. I have way better things to do than clean up your messes.” Madison said in an annoyed tone.

“This is a direct consequence of your own actions. You just don’t think Madison. You’re really going to need to step up, young lady, as we’re not big enough to pick up after you anymore. And another — Cindy managed to say before Madison closed her purse back up. She could hear the irate tone even through the squeakiness of her mother’s voice.

“Yeah, whatever, mom.” Madison said breathily with an eye roll. “ I’ll add it to my never-ending list of chores, shall I? Can’t believe I have to deal with this nonsense,” Madison muttered under her breath.

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10 months ago

The spilled milk finally gets bought up.

As expected Madison takes credit for everything good but shifts blames for everything bad.

The only positive thing I can say about Madison is allowing her parents to vent instead of sealing them up until arriving home. Not that she barely listened to them.

I don’t believe Madison about the collars. There clearly had to been more options but she settled for the ‘training’ collars. She knew what she is was doing.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

Yup the milk gets brought up. No stone left unturned.

Madison taking credit for the good is very in character for her.

She listened longer then most though. Her mom got quite a few bars off. Before she fully stopped listening.

I agree with you. She is right In that she had to get collars. However she could have gotten other collars. She wanted the training collars to belittle them a bit.

10 months ago

Not that is matters much but I bet the parents could still lower the volume of her phone or turn it off. Though it would probably do more harm than good.

Still if Madison keeps ignoring them by listening to music, it would be an effective way to get her attention.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

They could definately lower the volume. They may not have access to the power button from the Lock Screen. That would definately get her attention. Maybe not the attention they want though.

Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1) so littles can’t own Monet, but can still owe dept? And how much depth would they still owe after how Much Genribank paid off?

2) Madison listened longer than I thought she would, before turning her air pods on and closing the purse.

3) I’m glad she self corrected “underbreds” to “littles”

4) the thoughtlessness of the cereal bowel thing is a pretty bad omen of how she’d care for them. Took a wile for the clothes to stink though.

5) Maddie calling her mum out for supporting the collar law was good, but she was right that using Training/choke collars was too far.

6) why do I feel like she’ll calibrate her parents collar’s differently, as in turning her fathers further down than her mums

7) Greg complimenting the deal was a nice touch even from where he stood he could see its benefits.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1) no the guardians assume the debt. Just like Sara assumed Jordan’s debt. Madison and McKenzie assume there parents debt. The debt they still owe would be up to Madison and McKenzie to find out what other outstanding debt they assumed.

2) yes, she showed real growth. Someone must have set her straight or she was just feeling magnanimous

3) only not to have to listen to her mother but still it is growth once again.

4) if they hadn’t spoke back to her how they did they wouldn’t have gotten into a worse situation in the sink. As originally the bowl was on the counter. They only got covered in milk when they pushed Madison’s buttons.

5) although her mom is really only upset that she’s in it. It’s not as if she would have a fit about madison getting a little a training collar under different circumstances.

6) that would be a very Madison thing to do.

7)yes a good deal is a good deal.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1) I was wondering of that had changed, does it work with non financial debts? If a prisoner gets infected do the live out their sentence before going into the market, or are thier crimes pardoned?

2) Baby steps are still movement. I hope sge keeos going.

3) that was a nice continuation.

4) I guess, but patents gonna parent, it would have been yo hard for them to not correct their spawns mistake. And it shouldn’t be that easy to push her buttons

5) totally agree, and it was the point Madison was calling her out fir. Though the collars like that should never have been invented, I wonder howvmany littles a gonna die before they get banned.

6) and i love to see McKenzie’s reaction yo realising what she’s done

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1) that makes sense, I figured their treatment would be different than other littles. criminal littles are put on the discount rack then sent to the labs.

2) yeah, she’s likely to back pedel once something doesn’t go her way.

4) yes, and hopefully so will Maddie’s… somehow, even if indirectly.

5) I wouldn’t be surprised if safety has improved as littles are more normalised in the world, but I still think the dangers should be acknowledged.

Yelling is necessary for getting a little to get a biggle’s attention though, it’s established in 241 that Jordan yelling as loud as he could couldn’t be heard over Sara and Ellie talking at a normal volume, the volume people wearing the collar have to speak at can only be heard if the human is silent and specifically listening for it..

10 months ago

Correct if I am wrong but this whole family is Guardian trained right? Including Greg and Cindy? If so that’s these may be your only Littles who qualified to handles other Littles. If someone needs to handles mini Littles you know who to call.

I doubt it would come up but it would be amusing to see the parents Correct Madison’s techniques. However your profile hints Madison someone had a high rank? Amusing though if anyone corrects it will be McKenzie.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

So they allowed them to be Guardian Trained despite not being able to own a Little?

Yeah. Seems not only Parents missed reading their immune status online. You think they would had doubled-checked. Imagine if the parents actually went ahead and got a Little. Imagine all the paperwork nightmare when they got inflected.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Huh? So you are saying the family got guardian trained first then got immunity testing? That seems backwards.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

So is immunity testing free or expensive? How early can it be done? Children, babies and etc? Do you need to be checked periodically? Similar to allergies, people may later developed it later in life? Or rather lose their immunity or vice versa?

I know the cure is rare but I wonder why a vaccine is difficult. Afterall “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure”.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

The test checks for specific genetic variable, that’s not going to change as long as you live, (unless activated through infection). They could theoretically test pregnant women to find put ahead of time if a new born would be vulnerable.

The cure is actually referred to as a “vaccine” on a several occasions throughout smallara. Though not everything is vaccination able.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

I had similar thoughts about testing babies. Which would sadly lead to high increases of abortion of non-immiune babies or babicides. Afterall poor families can’t handle the financial burden in caring for the inflected and the Little children wouldn’t be able to inherited anything from the parents or take care of the parents in their old age.

Just wondering why not give a very watered down inflection? Lose some inches but gain immunity from being a Little.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

If you’re predisposed to be a little nothing can stop you from eventually being a little. You can’t change the genetic markers needed. There is no such thing in this world as a medicine that can grant true immunity. You are either born in an evolved state that removes those genetic markers or you aren’t.

If you are born with the genetic markers then your fate is sealed. Medicine can delay it but you will be infected and you will be turned into your reduced form. It’s why the medicine isn’t produced in high quantities beyond the fact it’s expensive and time consuming its a fools errand. As it just delays what will happen. It’s presented as a cure to people to allow for hope and avoid any anarchy.

Lastly everything costs money. The government would much rather everyone who can be just get infected. As then society and the world can move on. Generitech has enough littles reproducing where the little race is self sustaining.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

I question why even bother having a cure in the story? It is clear narrative wise you don’t want any Littles to be cured. It is basically untreatable so why just treat it as such. I mentioned it before but it seems mostly to just give false hope to your characters.

Seems like you are committed to the small born idea. Even if I question how feasible it is without the government forcing Littles to breed. I imagine you are going to introduce some new lore or research that justifies why Littles need to reproduce or they face health problems or something.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

Depends on your health plan but it’s generally considered preventative. So it’s free under most plans.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

Bare un mind Sara, Ellie and Nak also got trained before being tested, otherwise Ellie wouldn’t have been allowed to join.

It’s possible the training predates the testing.

10 months ago

Enough with the purse… Madison needs to get hands on already. LOL You tease…