Madison's World Redux Episode 30

Madison’s World Redux: Episode 30

Madison looked down at her mother. She never knew her mother to be one of those people who had a double standard. So, it was a bit disappointing to see her like this. The entirety of Madison’s life her mother had said and done things that made her understand that littles are very much beneath people. They were pets, they were helpers, they existed to be cared for by people. They had rights, they had freedom, but her mother was very much people were above littles.

Seeing her mom now trying to backtrack everything because all of the sudden she found out they were littles was disappointing to see. Madison had empathy for her as it would be difficult to find out you were a little after thinking you were a person your whole life. But that doesn’t change the hypocrisy of her stance to her.

While her mom and dad were littles. She knew it was different than if she had a regular little. While she was sure she would care for and love that little. She felt differently about her parents than she would any other little. As at the end of the day they were still her parents.

It’s the only reason why she let her parents talk back to her like they do. They have alot more leeway than she would give any other little. But those are the kind of things you do for family Madison thought to herself.

“Madison?” Cindy said seeing her daughter still standing over her.

“Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought. Did you say something, Mom?” Madison asked, looking down at her mother as she wrapped up the power cord to the vacuum, showing a hint of absent-mindedness.

“If you could take me to McKenzie now, please?” Cindy said.

“Oh, what’s your message? I’ll make sure to pass it on. She’s like, seriously upset,” Madison said with an exaggerated eye roll and a toss of her hair, opening up her phone to read the latest message McKenzie sent as she vented more about their mother not trusting her.

“She got the wrong idea, and I may have put my foot in my mouth so to speak. I just need to talk with her.” Cindy said.

“Look, Mom, trust your little master. I know McKenzie better than anyone. This will all blow over in time. You just need to focus on accepting your own situation,” Madison said confidently, her tone bordering on condescension. “You need to help yourself before you can help anyone else. I mean, let’s be real here. You’ve just gone through a traumatic experience. You went to bed thinking you were a person who at worst had the flu or something. But you woke up as a little,” she continued, emphasizing her point with a dismissive wave of her hand.

“Madison, “

“No, Mom, I love you, but you’re little now. You’re always going to be my mom, but you’re both not only littles now. You’re my littles, and you need to accept that,” Madison said firmly, her tone conveying a mix of authority and affection. As she gently reached for her mother and started to pet her, Madison could feel the coldness in her mother’s skin as she touched her. With each gentle stroke, it was as if Madison was drawing out some of the chill from her mother. Cindy began to relax in Madison’s embrace, feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance.

“Madison stop. I know what you’re doing and…”

“Shhhhh, just accept the process mom. You’re my little and I’m going to take care of you now. Just like you took care of me. Just relax your mind and breathe deeply. Slowly exhale just focus on how good my fingers feel. Doesn’t that warmth I’m pressing into you feel good? I can feel your tiny muscles relaxing. As you listen to the soothing sound of my voice. As you shake your head no, I can see your body saying yes. This feels good because you’re a little now and not just any little you’re the little of Madison Wessen.” She said as she smiled warmly as her mother’s muscles relaxed and her body limply laid out across her hand.

“There, there, was that so hard. See how good things can be? Being a little isn’t so bad mom. We’ve always had a bit of tension between us, but this could really be good for us. Littles and Guardians have very close relationships. Just let your mind open up to the idea. Let your mind, let your body accept that it’s okay for this to feel good.” Madison said softly

Madison could feel her mother still fighting it like a toddler fighting a nap. But after a few more gentle strokes she felt her mother’s body fully give in her to her gentle strokes as she stroked her finger down the middle of her back as she let two of her other fingers gentle stroke either side of her body until her mother was solely filled with the warmth from her body

“Madison please.” Cindy tried to say but her body had betrayed her. She could feel her muscles relax and her joints pop and loosen as her body gave in to Madison.

“What’s that mom? Please continue you say? I suppose I can since my little asked so nicely of her Little Master.” Madison said softly with a grin as she saw her mom powerless in her grip for the first time. Her body fully succumbed to her touch. As she pressed down gently on the small of her back she could see her mother contour to her finger.

Cindy couldn’t believe this was happening to her. That she was experiencing this. She had learned about how littles could become bonded to their guardian. That their bodies through petting and stroking could become sensitized to their guardian’s touch. She had heard that it felt wonderful to littles. It was as if your entire body was getting a massage all at once. It would loosen your joints making you more flexible.

She didn’t want any part of this in her mind, but her body so quickly betrayed her. She kept screaming in her mind to push Madison’s finger away. To do something to stop her but her body only further relaxed to the point as Madison lifted her finger slightly Cindy could feel her back arch to stay with Madison’s finger.

“Please Madison, stop, enough, please.” Cindy managed to sputter out, but it sounded almost broken like she hadn’t spoke English before as she breathlessly fought to get the words out.

“Sure mom, this can stop whenever you want it too. When you want it to stop just say who’s your Little Master. Who do you do belong too,” Madison said

“Please Madison,” Cindy said as her body felt better than it had in years. The pain of adulthood and aging was seemingly whisked away with every stroke. The trials and toll that each cycle around the sun had placed on her body was effortlessly pulled away by Madisons gentle stroke and touch. Cindy hated that her body hadn’t felt this good in ages as she could feel tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes.

“Shhhh, it’s okay mom. Let it out. I know this must be hard for you. This feels so good because you’re a little now. This is just part of the process as good littles get rewarded like this. Don’t they?” Madison said. “Let that emotional stress flow out of you as focus on the soothing sound of my voice.

“Madison stop, please. Enough.” Cindy said her body was so relaxed all she could do was breathe. Speaking seemed to be too much.

“Who’s your Little Master? “Madison asked

“Madison,” CIndy said as the tears slid down her cheeks. She didn’t want this. She didn’t want to be a little. She couldn’t be a little. She was a person.” Cindy screamed in her mind.

“What mom?” Madison said as she continued to pet her mother. Gently stroking her body.

“Madison’s is, Madison is.” Cindy said as she tried to stop the tears, they flowed from her eyes uncontrollably like water that had just broken through a dam.

“Madison is what? Are you trying to tell me something mom?” Madison asked.

“Madison is my Little Master. Madison is my Little Master.” Cindy said as loud as she could muster but the words came out breathlessly.

“Aww, of course I am. There, there, mom. I know it’s a lot for you. This is all a lot for you. So much change, the world is so big for you, so dangerous for you. This is why I’m here. You just need to put your faith in me and your trust in me. You can trust me to know and do what’s best for you just like you did for me. I’m going to be your Little Master for the rest of your life. Accepting yourself as my little is the first step.” Madison said softly as she stopped petting her mother and merely held her in her hand. “Being a little doesn’t have to be so bad. Best of all, you get to be my little. Eventually, I could maybe take you to school or something once you settle in and accept your new life. I was watching Sarendipity’s videos last night about littles, and she was saying the most important hurdle is for your littles to accept their life and themselves as littles. Until they do that, they will never know true happiness. As happiness always begins within oneself. She’s just the coolest.” Madison said, dispatching her learned wisdom gleefully. “Your littles journey of a thousand feet begins with a single step. They always say, Mom.” 

“A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, Madison. That’s what I think you mean.” Cindy said, understanding her daughter’s point, though. 

“A little could never walk a thousand miles that’s just dumb and I’m sure as hell not. McKenzie would have drive us. If you’re going to be My Little you should really learn to listen to my sage wisdom. I understand since you grew up actually a little a lot of this might have went over your head. But that’s why I’m here to educate and care for you.” Madison said 

“I don’t know what I would do without you dear,” Cindy said with a bit of sarcasm. 
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J - vader
J - vader
10 months ago

I guess this is better than nothing but I still think they should have counseling especially for Cindy and Greg because I rather talk to a professional therapist than my family no offense it’s just more mentally healthy as someone who did have mental therapy before it’s not that family is bad or lesser it’s just more helpful in my opinion. Also Little master needs to come to an end because it’s damn near close to slavery shit which I don’t know how to feel as a person of color but great chapter

Reply to  J - vader
10 months ago

That’s the shitty comeuppance issue about this. Cindy basically raised them to think that way. Greg gets a slight pass, very very slight just to emphasize, as he just didn’t care enough about it which is a shitty excuse, but Cindy is back tracking only cause she’s a little now, otherwise she’d probably be fine with the term.

Kenzie is probably the best chance at Madison unlearning all of that at this point but, like sarah is for Chloe, it’s a major uphill battle to change that belief about Littles.

10 months ago

Use the force Madison did. Lol

10 months ago

Damn…I kinda figured the massages and stuff were a way of manipulating Littles to make them more open to suggestions but this was a pretty extreme eye opener. What’s even more wild is that Madisons invalidating Cindy and eventually Greg’s intelligence now that they’re littles. Which, by the way, I hope they go to school with her and get better grades haha I really want that for jordan too, just to mind fuck their guardians.

I think the stages of grief you’ve been writing are pretty good, too. Bargains, denial, depression soon…all relatable for me and it comes across really well. Madison right, too, her mom’s hypocritical attitude is honestly problematic and that’s gonna be a huge mental toll on Cindy. Especially as she sees people she interacted with as a normal sized person do a complete 180 and start degrading her. Madison and Mckenzie better really step up and defend her in those situations

And once again sarah offering harmful wisdom about Littles lol yeah accepting it’s tough and doing so is probably stress relieving, but accepting that the law says you’re worth less just cause your tiny is wrong. I really, really think that in 70 years things will be different. Maybe not 100% equal due to dependancy on guardians, but a lot better than it is now

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

I guess I should have said the massages make them more open to suggestion. I kind of noticed jordan would lose his fighting spirit when sarah would do it to him, but she’s never actually abused that ability, to me at least. Like I might need to reread, but I don’t remember using it on Jordan to make him more receptive to the idea of buying her alcohol. A weaker willed little might fold completely to whatever their guardian tells them in that state, though it seemed that Cindy, for how strong willed she is, eventually cracked to Madison, though that could just be from finally letting out all the stress that’s built up over the last day or 2.

And yeah, as bad as I feel for Cindy in this episode specifically, it really is all her fault madison is like this. Mckenzie I need to see more of to tell how much of what Cindy taught her she believes, as right now she seems genuinely concerned for their well being and might even be open to her parents input and recognize they have insight on things, but she also might just invalidate them since they’re Littles and Cindy hammered home that Littles are “invalid”

And that’s fair to Sara I guess. I just hate her that people will just blindly follow her due to her popularity, more so in this situation because she’s inadvertently telling madison that her parents will be happy when they accept their new station in life (stupid Cindy’s teaching) vs accepting that they are Littles, but I guess that kind of lesson can only be really taught to people in general once Littles aren’t seen as less than humans.

Last edited 10 months ago by C M
10 months ago

I would love see Madison reaction to becoming a Little. I doubt she would still keep her Little Philosophy.

Evolution works in strange ways. If Bonding is a result of it I can’t help but imagine it being a defense mechanism for the little. Some people based their entire lives around their pets and this world still don’t know long term effects of Bonding.

An amusing theory of my is the Littles are slowly influencing their Guardian emotions and minds to better protect them. Eventually the Littles may completely bend the Guardian completely to their will.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

It’d be pretty cool if that ends up being true for some littles and guardians. It seems like research results on Littles is still pretty sparse at this point in time, and even what’s out there is being manipulated by the government. I’d genuinely love it if in the future Chloe and her kids just busted out a “yeah, btw, the government is 100% misrepresenting the facts and Littles are, genetically, .5% different from homosapiens and the laws are basically modern day slavery laws.”

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

That makes sense. I still have a nagging suspicion that the government has misrepresented some of what generitech has presented them, because, well, government lmao I’d seriously love some kind of expose (phones keyboard can’t do accents over letters) that happens when most the guardians we know are in like their 40s or 50s that moved the needle more towards mutual dependancy, but that might just be wishful thinking

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Normally I like karmic punishments but the problem is we never actually see Cindy before being shrunk. This is more more tell vs shown.

It is hard to shake first impressions and I still can’t help but feel sympathetic to the parents’ situation. If Madison were to shrink now after seeing her actions, I would be a lot less sympathetic to her. In fact I would likely enjoy it.

Regardless I wouldn’t wished being shrunk permanently on anyone.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

It would be interesting in the Main storyline if Sara had one of those super realistic dreams like Jordan had, where she herself becomes a little and had to deal with the helplessness of not having any control over anything.

~ Chloe gets custody of Jordan and Ellie gets custody of Sara but her and Sara don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things while Sara is trying to assert her “authority” and “explanations” which falls on deaf ears.

~ Sara wants chloe as a guardian but Ellie gives Sara the same treatment she gives Jordan with brooks/sanchez etc. etc. I think it would be an interesting experience

The “reasoning” behind it can be a side effect of the injection she received at that clinic from Jordan.

It’s always interesting to see new guardians and how they treat their little’s compared to others. It would be interesting to see a little and guardian in a 50/50 partnership. A bond can be a powerful thing.

Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

1) a, imagine going 14 years without realising your parents are hypocrits.

1) b, though though there is a difference between hypocrisy and changing your mind, Cindy is a hypocrit as she’s still differentiating that “she’s a person not a little” even though those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.

2) damn it, you slipped Sara praise into this series.

3) It’s good to see a little actually letting out what would be a build up of emotions, though it does feel unearned for Madison to be the o e comforting her. That being said this is the softest we’ve seen Madison so far (if not short the whole way through)

4) Having to send messages through one daughter to the other would be frustrating as hell.

5) I’m really glad that petting got explained in this much detail, it seems to be different for each little, which I love to see.

6) Madison claiming sole Guardianship like that is worrisome.

7) It’d funny if McKenzie and Madison compete to see who can form a better bond through petting, like they both wanna be the most bonded to their littles.

8) I hate how she acknowledges she’d be worse if her little was a stranger, like her mother is having normal and understandable reaction and struggles with the situation, but she’d be less caring to a little she’d just met. As much as I get it, it’s sickening.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

1)a, so just small things that could go unnoticed? That makes sense.

2) I’d actually gotten my fix from “funday sunday” but I appreciate the consideration.

3) Yeah, she’s ALL heart lol. I do like her depth though. I understand why she’d think she’s comforting her, but her mother is actively denying consent and Madison is ignoring her, while she does have skin in the game, this is going to be another thing she should earn forgiveness for.

4) true, but Cindy admitted she missed spoke and wanted to clarify things, possibly apologise, so it’s not like she’s not admitting fault.

5) can’t wait to see other littles getting pet, though I do hope guardians manage to figure out consent.

6) that makes sense, I don’t think Madison should be the direct superior, but that does seem to be the case.

7) oh definitely, but the girls trying to squeeze in extra petting in order to get ahead, trying to gage who’s winning by the reactions (cause there’s no way Greg or Cindy would just tell them) would be hilarious.

8) I’m curious about that training, (and trusting Genritech less and less) Bryce mentioned some training, but I don’t think he was actually prepared. Do they get littles ready to be the slaves of people? are they taught tricks or how to fo specific tasks? Are their commands drilled into them?

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

2) so now your overdosing on Sara. got it.

4) Yes, but its also possible Madison is running interference for her sister. McKenzie may not want to talk to her mother right now.

6) Only 2 people could be her direct superior though. It’s not possible to order it in any other way. As madison would be a subordinate to McKenzie since madison is younger.

8) Its definately not preparing to be slaves. It’s broken up into a couple parts the proper training and then of a obedience school.

The obedience school is more like ways to address your guardian. Speaking at proper levels so they can hear but not yelling. So more training on voice projection. Listening to the guardian, when to question your guardian and when not too. What’s reasonable and whats not reasonable for the guardian to ask you.

It teaches littles how to interact the guardians. It teaches manners so they can eat pellets properly and not make a mess.

I would say its more similar to a finishing school for littles then teaching how to be slaves. As it’s not like they have a row shoes lined up and they teach them how best to clean or something.

The proper training part is more like balance training. Core strength training, Learning how to ride on a guardian in hand. Advanced littles learn how to ride shoulder safely so they don’t get knocked off or fall off. All littles learn basic fighting and defense skills for protection. They get collar training so they don’t need to get the collars madison got. they can go right into standard collars

If its a younger little this also where they get some basic little life skills. They get introduced to environments that aren’t scaled to them. They learn basic reading and writing. As they learn up to 8 or 9 year old’s reading level.

Specialized littles get advanced lessons where they learn to read as well as a high school graduate but that costs more. Advanced lessons can also include math and sciences which littles aren’t taught by default. Advanced lessons obviously cost more money. So its normally for littles who are going into specialized careers.

Guardians can also choose to educate their little further. All littles ultimately take the LSAT, which grades them in all these areas for proficiency. A litlte needs minium scores in each area to be deemed proficient Proficiency comes in A, B, C, D or F grades but you need a C or a above to actually be considered proficient enough to pass at a basic mastery level then A and B is for career specific littles or just guardians who want an educated little.

The training class also teaches the little basic fitness so they can maintain a healthy and long lifestyle for their little.

In order to be a little that canbe sold to the population you need to grade out at C or higher. If you fall below that then you are kept internally by generitech where you are put into a job people generally don’t want to do, brought to the labs, or are put back through training until you pass

Thats the basic gist of it without going to indepth.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

4) She’s possibly doing that, but talking to people when you don’t wanna is part of being the head of a house hold, and a fair authority figure, which I’m sure Kenzie wishes to be.

6) IDK, Greg’s the favourite, he could be Cindy’s direct superior lol. But in honesty McKenzie should be making an effort to check in on them and make sure Madison’s not feeding her lies and half-truths. At work I have a warehouse manager, But I can talk the branch manager any time I need to

8) Wouldn’t addressing your guardian be established with the guardian and Little? There wouldn’t be a universal correct way to address them. Speaking at the correct volume makes sense. That doesn’t sound great, trying to indoctrinate them into submissiveness and only specific times they can speak up for themselves is a red flag, that’s not likely going to translate into healthy communication between little and guardian, definitely not letting them set boundaries and the like.

That’d also be different guardian to guardian. How messy are pallets? And can we squeeze Madison into a class like that?

Well, it’s good to hear that it’s not slave training, but I’m not entirely sure about everything listed either.

The physical training all makes complete sense, I’d be interested in seeing little self-defence, Human’s through the use of tools, teamwork and strategy have been able to kill things as big as whales, so I’d love to see what littles can to. Hand and shoulder riding are good things to train them in as well. It’d make sense to collar them all at the facility, so they’re use to it by the time they’re purchased. 

Getting younger littles ready is especially important and heart-braking, good to learn them those skills and see things that aren’t their size. Literacy is good, (I’m assuming numeracy too?). It’s gonna be hard for littles to vote if they’ve got such limited education though.

Advanced lessons costing more makes sense, but most littles wouldn’t be given the opportunity to take such a job even if they had those skills so gatekeeping it probably isn’t hurting too much.

LSAT (Little Standardised Aptitude test?)

Guardians can take their littles to their human school, I guess. Grading’s interesting, I do have a few questions though.

Why no “E” grade?
Do differently graded littles go for different prices?
What percentage of littles fail?
How many retakes are permitted?
Can a little who gets a B or C retake the test and go for an A?
What if a little with a guardian fails, are they taken off their guardian?

Physically healthy sure, but mentally they’d be broken down.

I really appreciate you taking the time to break this down like you did.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

4) Well I think its to early to say seh won’t speak with her mother. Its only been a few minutes she could still be heated. If it gets to be a couple days and she is intentionally avoding her and only speaking with her through madison I would agree.

6) I think McKenzie will check on them. It’s not like she wants to never see her parents again. It’s just Madison has more timeto care for them.

8) They learn a very general polite terms in addressing the guardian. Its about providing foundational knowledge to the little. As you have to remember not all littles are going to have grown up being regular sized. It’s designed around the fact Smallborns will only have this knowledge starting out.

I don’t think they are trying to indoctrinate them into submissiveness as I feel like your looking at this as you caught smallara and now you have to take these courses. As while that woudl be true if you werent immediately claimed by family. The program was designed more forward thinking. the point was for smallborns who are brought into this world with no knowledge would be getting these skills.

The eating part is also teaching them table manners as while they primarily eat pellets they want the littles to know how to eat proper food.

You nailed Lsat. They talked about it smallara proper a bit. Jordy is going to have to take it.

There is no e Grade because I originally wasn’t going to even have a D grade. As anything below C is not acceptable.

I don’t think mentally they woudl be as broken as you think. As you’d have tor emember the majority of people who will ever go thruogh this program won’t ever have any knowledgeof being anything but a litlte. They won’t have memories or thoughts of being the same size as a guardian as they would have always and only ever been a little.

A smallborn would only know this as life and each generation would be further and further removed from a time when they were anything but small and this was anything but normal.

If you were only born small and only knew of this. It wouldn’t be your first thought that I shoudl be equal to this being 50 times my size or whatever. Someone even saying there was a time we were would be a like fairytale and things spoke of any stories but not actually believed.

The percentage of littles who failed would be all metrics internal to generitech and not publicly released. As those littles never leave generitech. So there is no way for anyone to know. As being a private company they aren’t required to report anything as they have no investors.

Littles are permitted to retake but they don’t get unlimited retakes. They submit a request to be allowed to retake and then there scores are looked at. Most littles will get 1 chance without to much question raised. But beyond the 2nd time if they fail again they would be under some scrutiny as to what happened.

if you got apassing grade retakes would be dependant upon what you were assigned to do. They wouldn’t deny the ability to score higher as that would jsut mean they could sell you for more money. But, there is a risk of you being bought before you complete your retake. Then it would be upto your guardian if you coud finish.

A little with guardian who fails isn’t removed as they already have a guardian. it would be between the little and guardian what happens. But they are already homed. So its not like they are going to back to the store or anything.

Hopefuly this helps. I don’t mind breaking it down for you.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

8) If it’s just manners that shouldn’t be too bad, Does the revised guardian training include polite/respectful ways to address and talk to littles? I get that it’d be more useful for smallborns that it is for infected littles, as for many of them this will be all the education they get. But teaching that soe topics can’t be argued or negotiated is a red flag still.

I was looking at it from the perspective of an infected, smallborns haven’t really come up in the series so they didn’t cross my mind. 

That makes sense, though how messy are those tiny pellets anyway? Table manners are good, everyone should have thole little or human, and eating regular food is certainly good, I still don’t believe pallets taste good. Can Smallborn infants drink regular baby formular or if there a special one for smallborns?

Yeah, when Sara first mentioned them in 437, she called them “LAT”, so I Just had to figure out the “S”, but remembered America has the “SAT” and connected dots.

Ok, but since you included D why jump from D to F.

Yeah, can’t break if you aren’t used to being free, like second generation slaves are less likely to rebel. But I still think there are preshrunk littles yet to be born from purebred parents, so Little who use o be big will still be around for the next few hundred years at least.

That sounds like something from thousands of years in this worlds future, but I understand your meaning completely, I’d wager history books will record events in a bit of a bias way. (and McKenzie is 7895 times Gregs size (by weight) unless you just meant height wise in which case she’s 21.7 Gregs tall).

Alright then keep your secrets. lol
It’s good that second and third chances are possible as well as them looking into the causes of repeat failure.

Letting over achieving little try for higher marks is good, and selling them for more makes sense (as much as it sickens me).

It’s good claimed little aren’t taken away if they fail, but that begs the question is taking the test mandatory for them? And does their price increase if they score highly?

Very helpful thank you.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Generitech designs everything around the idea that a smallborn is going through it. As the most amount of infecteds they will ever have is right now. Each year for the rest of all eternity there will be a decrease in infected year over year until its zero.

While the Smallborn population increases year over year for all of eternity until eventually nearly all little are smallborn littles.

So while its awkward right now. As time moves on its less awkward as smallborns need the education. Infected don’t need it but it doens’t hurt. It’s just an easy class for them.

Well it takes about 3 to 5 bites for a little to eat a pellet. But they also go over how to eat human food as they understand every guardian at some point will provide little food as a treat or reward. Similar to how people may give a small bit of their food.

Most Smallborns are breast fed in situations without human invervention. In littles both male and females can lactate its a natural bodily function that just triggers when necessary, in a little. There is a formula designed for littles that can be bought by guardians who have smallborns. The formula is less stressful on the little as if it is a large litter just like in the wild a smaller little may not get as much as a larger one at birth. Where formula allows for all smallborns to get enough.

E is not included as the grades are based on the american education system as since its targeted towards americans its an easy system they already have an idea what an A, B, or C, D, or F means.

The LAT’s are an earlier version of what LSAT. The LSAT is what becomes the global standard for ranking all littles in civilized countries.

lol 21.7 gregs tall. I like the idea of him being a unit of measure.

History has always been told by the lies of winners. This would be no different. I’m sure it will show people being quite magnamous to littles in how they are integrating them into society and caring for them. Giving them a future, etc.

A claimed little isn’t required to take the test. Jordan is taking the test because Sara’s Mom requiring it. So Sara is having to prepare jordan to pass it.

Every claimed little its very much the same. Kelli wouldn’t have to take the LAT/LSAT unless Kayla made her.

A claimed little with a higher score is worth more then a claimed little with a lower score.

In the not nice to think about but its a reality. Is that insurance wise if your a grade A little. You would be considered valued more so the guardian would be paid out more if the asset was died or was killed. In order for money to be paid out little services does a investigation.

in the event of a little death little services must be contacted immedately and nothing is to be touched and anyone involved is expected to move as little as possible.

If little services suspect any foul play or cover ups everyone is considered guilty until proven innocent. So its considered rare in american society to try to lie or purposefully kill or do anything more physcially then corrective actions with a little because of the harsh penalties.

Littles who are caught trying to abuse the system to incur the guardian is in trouble. Are tortured but not killed over the rest of their natural lifespan. They recieve medical attention to stop death from occuring where they are then tortured once again in the most painful and inhumane ways possible with purpose of causing non-fatal pain that makes the little beg for a death that will never come due to their longer life spans.

Where guardians end up with their citizenship revoked and taken to a undisclosed U.S. detention center where since you are no longer a citzen you have zero rights. So you are subjeted to some of the harshest punishments possible.

Because of this both littles and guardians respect the system and the laws.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Designing the system for smallborns is a very logical thing for Genritech to be doing, 100% agree, even if I don’t entirely trust the methods. I’m not sure the infected number will ever disappear entirely, but that’d be a question for much farther in the future, but fully agree it’d be going down. It’s a relief to know smallborns will be educated, I had thought in the future having a little that could read would be a novelty, but it’s good that it’ll be normal.

Oh, so they’re a bit bigger than I’d imagined, I was thinking they’d be the relative size of an egg. Learning how to eat human food at that size would be interesting, and feeding littles human food is something I hope remains common practice in this universe, or at least little food.

Yeah, I figured that, I just meant for cases when mother and child are separated for one reason or another (such as dying in childbirth). Healthy male lactating is interesting, normally that’s a sign they need medical attention, I’m curious what triggers male lactation, do they paternally grow tits? Smallborn formular is a good idea, especially if smallborns are sold off like puppies, or a guardian wants to have a turn feeding the smallborns (which I would in this hypothetical), littles having runts makes sense but seems redundant lol.

Oh, ok, well F isn’t included in ours so it’s just cultural, lol

Global standard? Does that mean all countries have exactly LSATs or is the system localised? cause not every country has SATs.

In Australia LSAT already means “Law School Admissions Test.” But our equivalent to SATs is OP (overall position) or ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) so would ours be LOP or LATAR or would we be using LSAT still?

I thought you’d like that, his name lends itself to being a measurement well.

I find that’s a lot less true nowadays, lots of focus is being put on revealing both sides of the conflicts, and winners are being shown in much worse lights than they use to be. But I somehow don’t think that’d apply to littles, unless in the future Homo Parvus gets equal rights somehow. Absolutely agree that’s how it’ll be told in the future, it’s how Sara tells it now.

So, Tiffany is making Jordan do a test that’d potentially make him even more expensive for her daughter, solely motivated by her ego? That’d be right.

That’s sounds standard for insurance claims.

Suggesting that kill or do anything more physically than corrective actions with a little is rare surprises me, given how much they have getting done to them with their abusers getting impunity. 

That punishment is by far the scariest part of this world you’ve crafted. My mind immediately asks about false accusations and wrongful convictions, situations like “A little bagging to be saved from abuse only for the SEA agent to consider the abuse within reasonable treatment and taking the little to be tortured” or “someone who hates a specific guardian throwing accusations in order to have them taken away”.

I’m a little concerned that you think citizenship being revoked = no rights but honestly that’s probably the least of it. How could this be used as a deterrent? Littles are kept in the dark about most things so they won’t know, and governments publicly revoking citizenship to enact torture seems like something that’s inspire rebellion.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

Well citizenship affords you certain rights such as you have the right to an attorney. you have all the constitution, etc. There are numerous rights you are afforded as a citizen.

So by revoking citizenship they are not entitled to those rights. You would just have basic human rights. Which when you are taken to a secured facility in america like that with citizenship revoked. It generally means they don’t care about your human rights as you aren’t ever seeing the light of day again for anyone to question it.

Guardians, littles, and people in general typically don’t throw around false accuastions as the penalities are steep. People are more likely to just mind their own business. Which is why you saw the behavior around Sadie and her mother. Everyone knows Sadie is taking it right up to the line. They aren’t going to say anything because its not worth the risk.

The LSAT is global for countries that have littles. 1st world countries atleast as generitech typically has a prsence in all first world countries. It works as universal grading system of little quality in regards to education and skills.So its just easier for countries. Any reduancies in naming aren’t a huge concern as its a specialized test for littles. So, it serves such a specific purpose no one would confuse it with any other variant.

If Jordan scores well on the LATs he would be worth more in the future as it shows he is more educated. He woudln’t be more expensive for Sara. As she already owns him. He would just be worth more.

Kind of similar to if you train a dog to be a service dog. The dog is worthmore. But you don’t retroactively have to pay more.

In theory, a higher graded little could have higher annual fees but such a system is not currently in any of the stories.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

Sighs. So much for free education up to high school. Though I do like the idea of self defense classes. I always wanted a Little to be given some tools to better fight off and survive in their environments. A spear or a cattle prod. Lessons to avoid the floor and feet. Maybe giving them a laser pointer or microphone to better grab the attention of big people. A tiny bike, scooter, skates or etc to better transport them if somehow they are separated from their Guardian. A car is great but not always available. I am thinking lightweight objects a Little could easily carry.

You could give Littles alot of different tools to vastly increase their survival and independence.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
10 months ago

It’s not that they don’t get a free education its the Guardian’s responsibility to also educate the little.

Generitech is just providing foundational knowledge so that they can live in the world.

The guardian of the little educates them further and provides skills.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
10 months ago

What a delivery!

love the new insight on what little’s go through. I don’t remember Kelli mentioning a test but it makes sense because she already had a guardian setup. (Plus this side story is a few years later)

I read through all your other posts and most of my questions were answered already but I only have a two-parter.

Can a little opt out of the Guardianship program all together and just stay at Generitech, even if they pass the test? And does a little have any kind of interview process with the Guardian first or vica-versa to see if it would be a good match? It’s such a commitment.

I know Bryce sure as hell didn’t have a choice.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  000111000b
10 months ago

Little training is still being worked out in Smallara proper, Sara mentions it as a future plan, whereas it’s common in this time. It’s also worth noting Bryce was trained, it just didn’t help him. (This is later I’ve been working on the timeline and Smallara proper is set in late 2020 and Madison’s world is set in 2023)

I doubt opting out is an option as littles are vessels for profit, so letting them decline makes no sense, they’re also kept uninformed as to prevent them from rebellion and causing problems (whatever that’d look like). There is no interview as littles are considered invalids and therefore incapable of making that decision.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
10 months ago

correct in smallara proper little training is very much being worked out on how to do it and how to implement it.

Then Generitech has to negotiate with the government over ownership of all littles who aren’t claimed so they can properly implement their plans and build a proper business around the sale of littles, the education of littles, the sale of little products.

Reply to  000111000b
10 months ago

Generitech posts information with the little on the little mart website and they have some information in store and then each habitat has a QR code the potential guardian can scan which would provide more information.

As generitech generally puts the onus on the guardian to ensure its a good match. As its a lifelong commitment. So the guardian is expected to do their due diligence.

The little cannot opt out of guardianship program. As the training and classroom part is what sends them down their career path. The best option for a little is to get paired with a guardian. Internal generitech placement is very much a crapshoot as to what kind of job you would get. It could eb anything from call center, to research labs, to janitorial, to adminstrative assistant, to test subject, etc.

A little has zero say over internal placements.

The guardian and the little would have the opportunity to meet if the guardian wants before the purchase. Little Marts have 2 or 3 small room set aside for a monitored first meeting. A Little Worker post purchase generally comes out to the home a few times to ensure things are going well. As generitech views it similarly to adopting a dog or a cat from the humane society. You have more steps to go through. As little ownership is a privilege not a right.

As a guardian can’t physically abuse a little. They can do corrective actions, how some parents will spank their child or whatever as a disciplinary measure. But that is vastly different then straight up beating your child. Generitech will remove your little through Little Services Division and have your guardian rights revoked.

10 months ago

I was scrolling through Redux, and noticed a lot of problems loading images. Anything you can fix?

10 months ago

Madison: “Admit I am your Little Master or I will keep massaging you.”

Cindy: “Never. I am a person.”

Madison: “Fine then I will keep putting you into a relaxed state and make all your stress leave your body until you submit.”

Cindy: “Oh no, how cruel.” (sarcasm)

Madison: “Really. Actually I am starting to think I am rewarding you?”

Cindy: “Madison dear. You really don’t understand sarcasm do you?”

Last edited 10 months ago by Yoshiegg64
10 months ago

I wonder if Maddie will start giving them commands as Sara does to Jordan

Reply to  gui58
10 months ago

Hard to say with Madison. She could go either way.

10 months ago

Show of hands who wished that massage was displayed in the picture….

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Shrunk_DC
10 months ago


Reply to  Shrunk_DC
10 months ago

Thats kind of the trade off though. This one post was about 3 Smallara Episodes in length.

I would have normally broken up some of these past few updates and the upcoming ones to into 2 to 4 episodes depending on the update. This one would have been probably 3 for sure, possibly 4. Where more things would be depicted images.

However, these updates are longer as their is a contingent of people who want more Smallara proper sooner.

Reply to  Shrunk_DC
10 months ago
