Madison’s World Redux: Episode 31

Madison's World Redux Episode 31

This didn’t just happen was all Cindy could think about. The warmth radiating up from Madison’s hand, warming her body felt soothing, it felt comforting compared to the cold air that swirled around her as she picked up those cheerios Madison had dropped on her couch.

Looking upward at Madison, she looked different somehow than before. Looking about at the large expansive room while it was her home, it seemed foreign as everything was large and out of proportion. She didn’t want to believe that she was a little. She wanted to be a person. She wanted to be as big as she was just two days ago. She wanted life to be like it was two days ago. But now the world, even her home, seemed so large. It seemed so intimidating now.

Madison’s antics, her actions, she hated that they seemed to have broken a wall in her mind. She wondered if this was what the rest of her life was going to be like now. If each day she would just move further and further away from the person she was and closer to the little she now is.

“Ugh, Mom, seriously, the Little Worker’s gonna be here any minute. Let’s hustle you into your little nest. You get that, right? It’s not like I’m being mean, it’s just, like, your little bubble of safety. Everything’s all tiny and cozy for someone like you. So, let’s get a move on, okay?” Madison huffed, rolling her eyes as she headed towards the kitchen.

“Madison I’d like to see the little worker. You can put me in the habitat after.” Cindy said but as she spoke, she still found herself catching her breath, leaving her voice much meeker than before.

“Hey, Mom, just a reminder: hanging out outside your little habitat is like a treat, okay? You and Dad have been kinda absent today, so it’s habitat time for you both. We’ll make sure the Little Worker swings by your cozy spot later; they probably wanna check on you guys anyway. But for now, it’s habitat lockdown. Tomorrow, if you and Dad play nice and stick to my rules, you can come out for a while. Otherwise, you two can rebel against the machine in your own little world until you’re ready to behave.” Madison’s voice dripped with condescension as she placed her mother down, sealing her inside and as she peered into the habitat.

Cindy couldn’t believe this. Somehow, Madison had turned this whole thing around, and now, even with McKenzie here, she was even further underneath Madison’s thumb than before.

“So, I was talking with Dad, and he loves the idea,” McKenzie said as she lifted her farther up and hugged him by laying him flat in the palm of her hand and pressing him against her cheek. “Love you, Daddy,” McKenzie said as there was a knock at the door. “That must be the little worker. In you go dad. I will come and get you afterward. I can tell you all about the tennis camp as I get my homework all organized. I’m actually a couple weeks ahead since i came back early.” Mckenzie said, walking over to the habitat and setting her father down inside before walking towards the front door with Madison.

Cindy glared at Greg as McKenzie put the lid back on the habitat before walking toward the front door with Madison in tow. As the girls left Greg turned around to greet Cindy before immediately taking a step back.

“What the hell, Greg?” Cindy said, walking over to her husband.

“Honey..” Greg said.

“Don’t honey me. ‘I was talking with Dad, and he loves the idea,’ Cindy mimicked before lightly shoving her husband.

“It is a good idea. It keeps the family together. What’s the alternative? Would you rather your deadbeat sister, who is always coming to us for money, step in and help out? She’s immune.” Greg said

“Don’t even get me started on her. Fine, point taken. I get we don’t have a lot of great options. I just hate the idea of this. McKenzie is basically going to have to be an adult. I just wish she had more time to just enjoy being young.” Cindy said empathetically.

“I do, too. But I’d also like to not be the little to my daughters. But what can we do? It’s well beyond the one-day mark. We’re going to have to live like this. McKenize is a good kid, though. Madison can be a bit of a brat at times, but she has a good heart. She wouldn’t knowingly hurt us or anything,” Greg said.

“You don’t understand, Greg. Madison fully intends to make us her littles. She just pet me Greg. You know, the little pet from guardian training. It was everything they described it as. I was practically powerless against her.” Cindy exclaimed.

“We are powerless against them. There like one hundred times are size or whatever. I’m not a math major but they have more power in a single finger.”

“You don’t get it. She…she forced me to admit I was her little Greg. It felt like she was intending to make me her property. I don’t know how to describe it. It just didn’t feel right.” Cindy said in a panicked tone.

“Look..” Greg started to say when they heard the footsteps before seeing their giant daughters and another giant, they assumed was the little worker entering the kitchen. The clapping of their shoes against the flooring filled the room, assassinating the silence. Neither Greg nor Cindy knew what to expect.

As the little worker came into view, it represented a finality to Greg and Cindy, who were still struggling to fully comprehend the magnitude of what had happened to them. Never in their wildest dreams had they ever imagined themselves as littles before yesterday. But now, as they looked upward the little worker. This whole situation had become painfully real.

“So, this is the habitat I bought for them the initial night it happened. It was on sale and then I bought them a bed and a water attachment. But It’s all so expensive. We want to get more things over time. This one does have one of those little heaters built in, so inside the habitat is always temperate for them.” Madison explained.

Cindy recounted to Greg what Madison had said about this being their world. This was to be their home, and Madison would allow them out at her discretion. Any power and authority they once had been removed. The only authority Madison seemed to acknowledge in this house now was McKenzie.

The voice of the little worker interrupted Greg and Cindy’s conversation. The voices of their girls and Little Worker could easily penetrate the glass barrier. Every word, every sigh, every wordless breath any of the giants made was clearly heard by Greg and Cindy. It was only their words which were silenced. It was their thoughts, their ideas, their opinions which were cut off from the conversation at large.

The parents listened to Little Worker tell Madison what a great job she did. How she was impressed they not only had a habitat but a bed, and it was heated. Many times, with visits such as these makeshift habitats were used. But the fact a fourteen-year-old could get this together when many older than her did not have anything near this level together in this amount of time was remarkable.

It was only then McKenzie stepped forward and looked down into the habitat. She smiled warmly at her parents before gesturing towards the Little Worker. Both parents were shocked to hear that the woman before them was the same they had spoken to on the phone last night. They watched the Little Worker step forward.

“Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Wessen. It is a pleasure to meet you. I’m Danielle Jones as McKenzie said we had spoken last night, but it’s great to be able to put faces to your voices. I have been in contact with both your girls several times over the past 24 hours as we have been working towards finalizing this living situation. I’m sure, as you two can guess, the amount of paperwork involved is a lot. Especially since both your daughters are minors but licensed guardians.

Both Greg and Cindy desperately tried to speak. They wanted to tell Danielle they wanted to hear the other options. They wanted to make an informed decision of what to do. Even Greg, who thought McKenzie’s idea was a good one, still wanted to hear what the other options were. As often times an option you hadn’t considered could be uncovered. However, the glass barriers of the habitat made their questions about their plight go unheard.

“The first thing I like to do is just give an inspection to the littles themselves. As I know, you went to the doctor’s today. However, it can be easy to hide signs of abuse or inappropriate actions taken towards the little. As our number one concern at Generitech is the care and treatment of the littles.

Cindy had hoped Madison or McKenzie would question this or ask questions as to what the procedure for testing was. What they were looking for or trying to uncover. However, neither girl asked anything of that nature as Danielle bent down revealing the backside of an iPad like device.

“I do have a question I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Madison said looking over at Danielle.

“Oh, thank God. I told you Madison should be a journalist, Greg. This is why. She’s good at asking questions.” Cindy exclaimed.

“Do you know Chloe? I follow her on social media. She seems so cool. We actually went to training with her girlfriend. You remember her, McKenzie. She beat you out as the top-ranked guardian. She’s that big time streamer now Sarendipity.” Madison asked.

“MADISON!” McKenzie said sternly, trying to be as loud as a person who is trying to be quiet can be.

“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry. Sarendipity actually has the highest ranked guardian score ever achieved. It’s quite impressive. I have met Chloe, but I wouldn’t say I know her. She’s the sweetest girl. Queen of the Littles they call her.” Danielle said. “I had no idea you were in the same class as Sarendipity.” Danielle said, making a note.

“Yeah, finished number two but who remembers that when you’re up against perfection. I’ve never seen anyone little walk as naturally as she could. She even did a little run that honestly probably beat out most people’s little walk score.” McKenzie said.

“Ugh little walking. So annoying.” Madison said looking at both her parents briefly before her eyes locked onto her mother as their gaze met Madison made a pet like motion that sent a chill down Cindy’s spine in fear.

Danielle then took a few steps forward bending down as she turned towards Madison and McKenzie to let them know she was going to start the examination portion of the visit. Danielle then turned her head towards both tiny parents.

Cindy stared at the young woman. She couldn’t have been older than 20 or 21. She had flawless skin and blonde hair. Even up close her skin looked magnificent to Cindy. She wondered briefly what her skin care routine was before the young woman instructed them to raise their hands towards the lid.

Immediately after that the womans eyes focused on both parents. An oppressive gaze fell over them as the young woman who held their family’s fate in her hands carefully looked over ever millimeter of their bodies. Every few moments typing information into her iPad. The two tiny parents desperately wanted to gain her attention or say something, but it seemed impossible.

“No need to worry about modesty Mr. And Mrs. Wessen. I am quite used to seeing littles like this. It’s common for them to be in a meager amount of clothing just after infection. Especially now with temperature-controlled habitats. It is much more common for clothes to only be given to littles when they are going outside.” Danielle said continuing to take notes and score their care levels.

Greg and Cindy felt as if her words were supposed to make them feel less awkward. But it only seemed to create a further wedge between in their minds. As their daughters and Danielle and the girls were all clothed like normal people. while here they stood in their underwear like animals.

“So then would you recommend we just buy them three or four outfits that they can put on when we go places?” McKenzie asked trying to be thorough as to what the expectation and standard was.

“Yes, good question. Well do you intend for them to be habitat dwellers or will they will be allowed outside the habitat?” Danielle asked. McKenzie was about to answer when Madison stepped forward.

Madison rolls her eyes dramatically as she looked at her parents and Mckenzie and Danielle “Ugh, fine, whatever. Since I’m practically raising them anyway, I guess I get to make the rules.” Madison said smirking at her mom just the slightest bit, because she knew only a loser would rub it in like that. “So, listen up littles. Lights out at 9pm sharp, got it? Like, not a minute later. They’re not toddlers, they can handle it.” Madison said briefly turning to Danielle. “In the mornings, they can get out for like, a bathroom break and maybe five minutes of family fun time with yours truly. You know, from 6:30 to 7am, weekdays only, obvs. Then it’s back to the cage until I waltz and grace them with my presence in at 4pm. After that, they can be out for chores, hanging with the normies, and whatever else, but guess who’s gotta watch them? Me, duh. At least until McKenzie gets home around whenever, 6ish? 7ish? It doesn’t really matter I guess.” Madison said before flipping the phone screen around to show her mother the “schedule” she had meticulously crafted. “This is the plan littles, so deal with it.

“Thank you, Maddie.” McKenzie said. “We could have done without the theatrics though.” McKenzie had mumbled quietly to her sister. “Grace them with your presence? Madison? McKenzie said quietly in a questioning tone before lightly kicking the back of her sister’s leg strongly enough for her to say owe. “We all appreciate all the effort you put into that.

“Wow that is very thorough and detailed looking at the excel document you shared to me. Normally we have to discuss with new guardians the importance of devising a schedule to make sure all their needs are handled but you seem to have that under control. If not maybe too planned.“ Danielle said taking further notes and marking down scores in several sections.

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6 months ago

Sighs. I really don’t know why I ever got my hopes up that the Little Worker would actually listen to the parent’s concerns.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Yeah. I was expecting something else. Like is it really good for Littles to be in a habitat that long? And it’s weird that it’s more common place for Littles to not have clothes. It’s really hammering home the idea that society views Littles and smallAra victims as above animals but below humans, essentially slaves that can’t do as much. I hope that changes, otherwise this is more of a depressing story to me lol

Reply to  C M
6 months ago

Yeah. This series is kinda depressing. There are some high moments but each chapter usually leaves me bum out at the end.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Yeah. It’s a good story, just like smallguy said in his post, I’m looking at it from a “what’s normal to me” standpoint and it’s bumming me out. I just hope stuff improves for their parents, and Littles in general. Though so far it seems like this madison is light years better than the original

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Wouldn’t it be more like 16 hours during a weekday for them to be in there a least? So about 6-8 hours at least with them in there with nothing to do right now seems kind of cruel. Especially if madison gets home and just decides not to take them out cause she feels like it.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

True. I just hope that means she learns something from Mckenzie vs learning how to hide her behavior and treatment from Mckenzie.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

That’s true, it is their fault madison is treating them this way. I’d need to see more of how kenzie is with both them and other littles to determine how she actually sees them, but she definitely is more respectful towards them and empathetic, which is a good indicator of her not agreeing with her parents ideals. I had mentioned a couple of chapters ago that this kind of seems like how sarah would be with her parents if this happened to them, though sarah has more kenzie than madison obviously, but I can’t help but see sarah really rubbing it in that her mom has to listen to her for the rest of their lives.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Yeah. This is sadly what I predicted roughly 20 chapters ago. I can understand better now how Saddie easily tricked their Little Worker.

6 months ago

Please let danielle pull Mckenzie aside and voice concerns for how madison seems to be talking and interacting with their parents. Like it’s really worrying how quickly madison just shifted into them being Littles and how she’s talking to them. Danielle’s had to have seen cases like this before where the parents become the Littles and the dynamic becomes dangerous because of it, and madison, despite showing moments of caring about her mom and dad, isn’t showing enough signs of maturing to really handle the responsibility. Even the chips should be monitoring cortisol levels and stuff like that compared to a baseline and variations over a period of time should trigger a warning or something for Mckenzie and generitech to investigate

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

A recommendation is better than nothing, especially if generitechs goal is to protect Littles and their investments. Just for comparison sake, if a person was yelling at or being demeaning towards their pet and they weren’t fully aware of it, you probably see that as a sign of abuse or the early signs of it, so you’d want to say something to someone so that can be monitored and corrected.

I’d think the same thing in this case but it’s a bit more important, at least that’s how it seems at least. I haven’t seen anything outside of what jordan and Cindy have hinted at that tells me Littles and humans are also extremely mentally different, so having someone talk down to them and what not would probably really fuck woth their mind. Like we see that in emotional abuse victims. Idk. I mean I know madison care for her parents and that she’s a teenager and it gets lost to me in the moments when I read the chapters, but I’d expect the way she treats them to cause issues down the road with how her parents feel about themselves and about humans.

6 months ago

I think it’s important for everyone to remember that this story takes place in a world where all of this has become normal. These are the social norms. A lot of people are putting their views from a world where this is not taking place, where they haven’t been conditioned. And had. These types of beliefs brought in on them from an early age. So I think. Curbing expectations to meet with societal norms in this particular. Situation. Might help.

Reply to  smallguy
6 months ago

Appreciate you saying that, as in my case, it’s 100% true haha I’m trying to be mindful and not project too much since it’s just fiction and it’s not healthy to be that wrapped up in it, but just tough to do that when you feel emotionally invested in the story for whatever reason lol I think it’s just a sign that it’s an enjoyable read and I want to see things work out for the characters.

Reply to  C M
6 months ago

Ohh, definitely smallara and all of the side stories are captivating work. And I find myself. Reading every single post. At least for me, it’s kind of more fun to engross myself in the universe that takes place in and Imagine. Myself. Either in the shoes of someone that’s there or that particular story that’s going on. It’s a fun break and role reversal from our normal lives. I honestly can’t fault the characters for acting in the manner in which they do as being put into these types of situations with the things that they’ve grown up seeing and believing. Totally makes sense, at least to me. In fact, if this were actually happening, I believe that this story provides quite a bit more safeguards and rights to those than our actual world would ever entail.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

Good. I mean it as one lol there are a handful of macrophiloia/microphilia stories out there that are actually plot and character oriented so it’s nice to read them and keep up with them. I just get more invested than I should 😂

6 months ago

Now I understand why Ellie calls Jordan a prince who wants for nothing. Compared to them, Jordan is living the good life.
What a miserable life Madison planned for her own parents. McKenzie needs to stop her from this madness. It would be better to take them to school or work like Sara does with Jordan than to make them spend their days confined.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) actually Greg McKenzie is about 7895 times your size, not a hundred times your size.

2) Madison and Sara praise in the same episode, gosh fucking darn it.

3) Chloe Genri: Queen of the Littles, it’s hilarious knowing that off handed comment from Jordan is what people call her now. (And yes Genri is her last name to me, until her cannon full name gets revealed)

4) loves seeing McKenzie cuddle her father.

5) McKenzie pulling her sisters attitude up was a nice touch.

6) I like that Danielle is giving the littles an inspection to look for signs of abuse, I home she takes them out if the habitat and has the girls leave so she can inspect and talk to them un private.

7) i enjoyed how you references the Wessens and Sara taking the same Guardian classes, kinda surprised that came up so quickly givin how recently that was decided three days ago.

8) is there no bathroom in the habitat?

9) Habitat dweller, imagine spending all that money on a little just to shelve them.

10) Greg praising Madison’s plan was good, but I understand his desire to hear other opinions.

11) Sounds like Sara and Chloe are all the way out of the closest now, not just to their friends.

12) If Danielle Jones is 20-21 that put her DoB at 2002-2003?

13) really looking forward to see where this inspection goes.

14) Grace them with her parents just made Maddie sound more annoying, Kick her again Kenzie.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

Jordan doesn’t have a bathroom in his habitat, too, but considering how much time Madison intends for them to spend alone, they should definitely have a litter box.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  gui58
6 months ago

Jordan’s habitat is also made of random shit Sara had lying around, this is custom built specifically for littles.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

15) “As our number one concern at Generitech is the care and treatment of the littles” I’m believing that less the more that gets revealed about Genritech

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

E is failure. It’s pretty much the same, just replacing F with E, we also don’t usually do things like A+ or C-, each grade is just itself. Then we have effort graded separately to achievement do it could be “Achievement C, Effort A) indicating that you tried harder than you did, if that makes sense.

1) nor could I, that’s fucking huge.

2) Oh I did not like reading that response at all… lol

3) Yeah, the reveal of their full names is something in the list if things in waiting to see.

I’ve head cannoned them to be “Chloe Alexis Genri” for Chloe, and Ellie is either “Gretchen Agnes Ellwood” or “Elmira Daphne Turner”. I’ve also got “Gavin Taylor” for his pre-shrunk name and Mal has had his new name be “Gavin Taylor Bak” She’s, at the request of Gavin’s mother, kept his surname, but Mal made it his middle name cause she’s a cunt.

And William Robert Reeves for Sara’s father, (but every one calls him Billy-bob). Lol

That’s freaky. I’ve actually noticed that many of the characters in you stories share names with the girls I went to school with… including Jordan.

4) it gave me hope, and Cindy’s reaction was realistic.

5) good for McKenzie, better for her parents.

6) I’m hoping to watch her work.

7) ok, it was a fun realisation to come to none the less.

8) that seems like a major design floor, especially since they plan to leave them in their, in their otherwise empty house for hours at a time.

9) I didn’t mean these two, Danielle spoke about ‘
“Habitat dwellers like it’s normal, kinda feels odd to me that someone woukd get guardian trained, pay licencing fees and shit, just to leave their little in a Habitat 24/7

10) I did, I’d never support the praising if Madison.

11) That’s true, but it’s fun to see, since last it was mentioned in Smallara proper there was only a few dozen people who knew.

12) cook, so born 2002.

13) I’m pleased that it’ll be done justice.

14) Well, mow I want McKenzie to kick you.

15) I get that, but with how much abusive shit littles go through before the line is even in sight is fucking shocking to me. The things that Sara, Saddie and Maddie have done to their littles is ridiculous and not one is even close to a legal issue for it. Abuse is more than just physical so to only intervene in that instance is already a red flag.

I get that selling littles is the point, and that they are doing more than most businesses would in their scenario, but there’s still huge oversights, like the some of the things taught in training, like the squeeze Maddie did to her mother that forced air out of her lungs, or Sara crediting them for being why she sees littkes as lesser. There’s also the fact that they make and sell choking collars for the littles they allegedly care about. It’s conflicts the two ideas in ways that seem irreparable to me.

Last edited 6 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Please respond to this I’m very eager to read your answers to it.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Thanks, I appreciate you answering me.
3) I did work hard on the names (this is 90% why I was disappointed by the lack of reply lol).
3a) Ellie was obviously a shortened name and I had quite a few guesses as to what her full name would be, such as; Elizabeth, Eliza, Eleanor, Elaine, Elloise, Eliot or something (there are a lot of possibilities) or it could even be a play on her initial (like her name was Lucy Emerald so they called her LE which became Ellie) but that seemed too far off. But now that I know there IS a canon correct answer I’m even more curious.
3b) Alexis felt good as Chloe’s middle name to me too, Originally, I wanted it grander as “Alexandira” but that felt like too much, so I dialled it back.
3c) You had the exact reaction to Mr Reeves’s full name I wanted you to. I agree that William Robert Reeves sounds good for her dad, calling him Billy-Bob was deliberately meant to sound out of place for him. I could totally see him going “You can just go back to calling me “Will” Jordan”. That feels right to me for him.
4&5) I’d Say Maddie is a lot like Sara in that she does care, but only until it’s inconvenient, she revels in her power. She’s selfish and gets her wants first then their needs if there’s time, she’ll follow her legal obligations, but beyond that anything she does for them is either really for her or in exchange for something.
McKenzie is a bit more like Kayla, while she is in charge and willing to put her foot down if it comes to it, she’s also into the responsibility side of the situation, and she respects their familial bond a lot more than her sister, She’d be far more likely to go out of her way to do something just because her parents asked, or just to be nice without being asked.
While neither sister is a carbon copy of their comparison partner, the similarities are fairly blatant.
8) That makes sense, but you’d think that’d be the kind of thing the little worker would wanna make sure they have access to, especially for “Mostly habitat dwellers”.
9) that’s true, it’d probably be just ten waking hours in the habitat.
I’m assuming that either Greg’s or Cindy’s phone could go into the habitat, that way they could stream shows or YouTube and contact the girls if needed.
11) No, anything but that! But I just meant it’s fun to see how big reveals in Smallara proper are just trivia in Maddison’s world. Are Sara and Chloe in tabloids and gossip columns or are they not that status of celebrities?
15) (this one I got a bit serious with, lol)

I get that, but she used it so casually when taking a minute to talk was still 100% an option. I could see the squeeze being good for emergencies and rescue situations, Like an S.E.A. agent would see it as an important tool in their belt, I do like that most wouldn’t attempt it though.
It’s not like our world hasn’t had similar systems, look at slavery, that was “not outrageous” back when it was legal, it was so normalised in their society that suggesting ending it caused literal conflicts because freeing them was considered outrageous. It’s not like people look back on these people and dismiss their cruelty as “it was normal for that society; they couldn’t have known better”. There were also similar claims made about the slaves benefiting from being enslaved.
I think that’s one of the fundamental differences between you and I, you’re looking at how bad his life could have ended up, and I’m looking at how good it could be and focusing on the failings to achieve it. Jordan lost everything he ever had, all his achievements and earnings scrapped his freedom and rights now at the whims of his slaver. Jordan asked Sara for help, and she freely admitted to taking advantage of the situation to get something she wanted out of it the moment actually trying to help didn’t go her way. I concede that his life could be worse but don’t understand how it could seem good. And I especially don’t see why Sara is constantly praised and told how Lucky Jordan is to have her.
I agree that the worst thing Jordan’s dealt with was Dayton, but, Sara did NOT intervene when he spoke up about it. In 125 Jordan cried out to Sara pleading for her to assist him, then in 133 we confirm that she had heard him choose to pretend he couldn’t and let the bullying continue, then make fun of him for getting bullied. She didn’t intervene until the second time, knowing for a good while before deciding to say something again, and if Jordan’s reaction wasn’t more extreme (i.e. picking potential death in the streets than life under her unreliable protection) she likely wouldn’t have done anything, it’s not like Dayton escalated, she wasn’t worse the second time, Jordan had just learned not to rely in Sara for protection from people like Dayton and Maisy, and she was more upset at Joran than she was Dayton, giving him much worse consequences than the actual bully.
I don’t know how it is in America, but choking collars aren’t even legal for dogs where I’m from. 
However, I do appreciate that they put in effort to make a “safe” version of a product that I hope disgusted the owners of the company. I’d like to think there’s a push to get these collars criminalised being done by Chloe and her family as well as other little supporters, (though obviously, the Genritec CEOs would be the most useful as they clearly already have sway with the US government)

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
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