Madison’s World Redux: Episode 32

Madison's World Redux Episode 32

“Greg did you hear that? Madison intends for us to be in this habitat she bought for eighteen and half hours a day. She is going to make this our fucking home. We aren’t even allowed in our own home. You know the one we bought. “ Cindy said upset.

“We’re going to have to talk with them about this. Granted we would be sleeping for eight or ten hours. That still means eightish hours a day while she’s at school. Hopefully that is just for the little worker. You know making things look good. They can’t really expect us to spend the majority of our time in here. We aren’t hamsters.” Greg said just as upset but Cindy but trying to find some possible way for this to be a mistake or misunderstanding.

“So, since they will be primarily habitat dwellers. We have found those littles bodies tend to get more used to the temperate climate of their habitat. So, I would recommend either a warm set of house clothes, increasing the house temperature, or what a lot of people do is they get one of these portable little heaters. What this does is it warms the air a few feet around the little. It also will kill any all bugs and insects within the same radius. It also deters them from generally coming near.

“We should really look into Kenz. The heater might be cheaper long term then having to continually buy full outfits.” Madison said before looking in at her parents. She could see that they wanted the lid lifted up so they could talk.

“So where do you plan on keeping the habitat?” Danielle asked

“Oh, let me show you. Madison had prepared a spot.” McKenzie said guiding Danielle out of the room.

“Just gonna grab some water really quick. Don’t mind me, I’ll def catch up,” Madison announced, casually watching Danielle and McKenzie leave the room before redirecting her attention to the cage. “So, guys, how about Danielle, huh? She’s pretty awesome, don’t you think?” Madison chirped, lifting the lid off the habitat with a sense of entitlement.

“Thank you, Madison. We had been trying to get yours or McKenzie’s attention. We wanted to speak to Danielle.” Greg said.

“Pff, obvy, Dad. I totally caught you and Mom exchanging those sneaky glances. McKenzie was too busy drooling over Danielle to notice anything. But hey, if you’re confused about anything, just remember, I’m the boss around here,” Madison declared, her tone dripping with arrogance. “I figured Mom would’ve briefed you on the situation by now. We had a little pow-wow about it, remember, Mom?” Madison glanced down at her mother, feeling a rush of superiority as she marveled at how tiny the once-dominant figure now appeared. It was wild to think that just a couple of days ago, her Mom towered over her. Now? She could practically fit in a purse like a tube of lipstick now.

“Madison,” Cindy started to say.

“Mom, seriously, who am I?” Madison said, her tone filled with impatience and a hint of entitlement.


“Mom, I asked you a question. If the next words out of your mouth aren’t an answer, you’re gonna regret it,” Madison declared, throwing back one of her mother’s favorite phrases right at her. It was a delicious role reversal for Madison, who had endured countless times being shut down by those very words. Now, it was her turn to hold the power and watch her mother squirm under her scrutiny.

“Madison is my guardian.” Cindy said not wanting to find out what someone as bratty as her daughter could be at times would concoct as a punishment.

“Good,” Madison said condescendingly, reaching down to pat her mother on the head. “From now on, you can be the one to fill Dad in on how things work around here. I shouldn’t have to repeat myself, Mom. And as punishment, you’ve lost the privilege of bringing me questions to ask Danielle. If McKenzie or Danielle ask you anything directly, you’re to politely tell them you have no questions. Is that crystal clear?” Madison demanded, punctuating her words with a stomping foot for emphasis.

“Yes Madison.”

“I believe I only heard the voice of one of MY littles,” Madison remarked, her tone dripping with possessiveness and superiority.

“YES MADISON!” both Geg and Cindy said in unison.

“That’s better. I don’t want to have to punish you further. Remember, you’re my parents, so I’m being more lenient than I would with a regular little. But don’t take my kindness for weakness,” Madison stated firmly as she replaced the lid on the habitat. She began to walk away but then paused, turning back to face them. “Love you guys!” Madison exclaimed before signing “hug” in Sign Language and then hurrying off to catch up with Danielle and McKenzie.

“Greg, she expects us to go to her with all questions and then she will either give us answers or ask McKenzie if need be and then relay to us the answers. She is treating us as if we are her littles and she’s our sole point of contact.” Cindy said, still trying to wrap her head around the idea that she’s actually a little.

“What if we’re already with McKenzie and ask questions? It’s a shared custody.” Greg said.

“She’s made it clear we are not to ask questions to others as if she finds out she intends to punish us. I’m not sure what that entails but that is the clear message she has given me twice now. She is viewing us as the littles we never got her.” Cindy said.

“That’s…We should just tell McKenzie. Madison can’t do anything if she’s outed. Then McKenzie will talk with her again.’ Greg said. “Hopefully it sticks this time.”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure how Joint custody works. Madison said at the bank that she was the main guardian and McKenzie was the supporting guardian. She might have some kind of legal hold over us and McKenzie has Tennis after school then she meets with that trainer and works at that convenience store a few times a week. There are hours of time each day where Madison is our sole guardian.” Cindy said laying out her concerns while pacing back and forth.

“So what? We are just supposed to accept our fourteen-year-old daughter as our guardian and the ultimatums she puts down? We’re still her parents.” Greg said in frustration loud enough for his collar to activate.

“No wait, wait, i didn’t mean that.” Greg sputtered out as the collar tightened around his neck like a vice. He reached out to the glass wall for support as collar made it impossible for him to speak for several seconds before finally releasing its tight hold on his neck allowing him to breathe normally.

“Are you okay Greg?” Cindy asked concerned as he waved yes. While catching his breath. ”We are her parents but it’s clear McKenzie is in charge.”

“Which is why I think we should just go to her.” Greg said.

“Yes, but Madison is in control of us. You heard that schedule. She gets home at 4 and McKenzie gets home at 6 or 7. She has two to three minimum each day where we are under her exclusive care. You heard her. Shes our Little Master. Not McKenzie, Madison.” Cindy said.

“Are you sure this isn’t that little bonding thing talking. You said Madison did those little pets we learned about.” Greg interjected.

“I don’t feel like I’m bonded to her but that is one thing I wanted to ask Danielle about is how the bonding works. Greg, trust me. I know you don’t want to believe this. But she is making us her littles. She’s always wanted a little and now two of them were served up to her on a silver platter. We just need to follow Madison’s rules for now.” Cindy said not seeing any other choice.

“This is lunacy. She can’t just treat us like normal littles.” Greg said dumbfounded over the notion.

“She certainly intends to. Even with McKenzie reigning her in. We need to at least entertain the idea that we could be stuck under Madison’s control.” Cindy said not liking the words that were coming out of her own mouth. They sounded more like a nightmare.

“I love both my daughters you know that, Cindy. I was never opposed to Madison getting a little once she kept her grades up. But we’re not littles. We’re people. We aren’t like the other littles. We pay our taxes and are actual citizens. This is some kind of mistake. We’re her parents not the littles she never got.” Greg said.

“I know you’re preaching to the choir Greg. Madison sees things differently.

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6 months ago

Hmmm…Madison is being evil is nothing new but I find myself struggling to continue if this what the future holds. Almost like I am supporting Madison’s behavior by continuing the series and commenting how much I hate her. It is a strange feeling.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Yeah, it’s the power abuse that’s not gonna get noticed by the little worker, and that’s a serious problem that madison clearly intends to keep hidden from her sister. Like, there’s accepting being a little and accepting that madisons views on Littles is their own fault, but it’s a completely different issues if she’s going overboard with her power because they can’t so anything about it. She’s clearly afraid of kenzie finding out too, otherwise she wouldn’t be threatening them. It’s kind of like happy Gilmore where ben stiller abusing his grandma but is always within earshot to make sure she can’t tell him. They need to tell kenzie regardless of what happens to them. Madison would either have to physically punish them in secret, witch would be tough if kenzie is constantly watching at that point, or she’d need to find something more subtle.

Reply to  C M
6 months ago

It reminds me of Elder Abuse. How some children gaslight their parents in thinking they are helping them but in reality robing them financially and limiting their freedom to hide the abuse. Quite sad to see.

The parents definitely need to get in contact with Kenzie. Sadly I am getting tired of getting my hopes up just to be disappointed. Even Kenzie was more like a “flash in the pan” than the salvation I thought she would be.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

It definitely feels like that. It’s such a slow burn of a story too lol like I’m left thinking there’s hope still, that kenzie isn’t blind to what’s going on and reigns in madison, else why even have her as a character? Still not dismissing that madison views on Littles are the fault of the parents, but at some point, even if it was just an little from generitech, abuse of any kind isn’t acceptable.

Reply to  C M
6 months ago

‘Slow Burn’ is a good description. The story hardly timeskips. If it had it could had soften the more ugly parts of Madison’s abuse.

Kenzie seems bright. Maybe this could be akin to ‘Sara seeing how long she can call Jordan “Bottie Hottie”. Kenzie knows what Madison is doing but is refraining until the Little Worker leaves. Though I remain skeptical.

Also yes. I wish emotional health was a concern by Generitech.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Same with the emotional health piece, especially for smallara victims vs smallborns.

And yeah, kenzie definitely has to know somethings out of place. She freaked out on the first phone call she and Madison had, doesn’t like the theatrics, generally doesn’t seem to fully agree with her parents opinion on littles, is pretty responsible and caring. I’d expect her to know somethings off with the whole situation, and even monitor things in secret via the little app. Not because she distrust madison, but she knows that madison is super indoctrinated in her parents ideas, isn’t mature, and seems to struggle with certain emotions and empathy.

J - vader
J - vader
6 months ago

I…I just…. I am at a loss for words at this point like Madison is either on the level of just flat out evil and cruel to her own parents mind you or just a daughter who cares for her parents but is trying to be responsible like it’s a mask on mask off shit and I don’t mean the song !! Anyway as for the parent it like I want to root for them but they being saying shit that like you earned this punishment.

Either something major happens that helps both sides or it becomes the Madison show and this her world and her parents are just living in it

Either way somewhat sad chapter to read mostly because I honestly don’t know who to hope or root for because both daughters and parents sides are a mix bag

Reply to  J - vader
6 months ago

Personally I am rooting for the parents. No one deserves this treatment.

Cindy may had been discriminating against Littles but most of that happened offscreen. I don’t feel any satisfaction in seeing the parents misery.

Plus Madison is annoying, I would love to see her get punish instead of constantly being praised and rewarded.

However I wonder if I am in the minority and most of the readers actually love Madison and want see her bratty personally spire ever more out of control and generally keep on winning in life.

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  yoshiegg64
6 months ago

Fair point and trust it isn’t a minority opinion on The Madison hate train

Reply to  J - vader
6 months ago

Thanks. Happy to know I am not alone in hating Madison.

6 months ago

“Cindy said not wanting to find out what someone as bratty as her daughter could be at times would concoct as a punishment.” Well, I do

6 months ago

“But we’re not littles. We’re people. We aren’t like the other littles. We pay our taxes and are actual citizens.” It seems like they are in the denial stage. It would be interisting to exlore all the stages of grief. Grief by the normal people they used to be.

Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) ok, banning them from asking questions to Danielle or McKenzie directly is too far, I’d say the parents ask anyway, or tell McKenzie and bare the punishment, it’d be better in the long term for McKenzie to know Mads has don’t that and they won’t get punished forever. Especially since their collar cams would be able to be used as proof.

2) how often does the little worker come? Because it’d be pretty easy for a guardian to not abuse their littles for a fortnight, then reveal their true selves once it’s over. Even easier if, like in this case, it’s even quicker.

3) how does the portable heater kill bugs?

4) ooh, Greg, you are like other littles, their also citizes, they also paid they taxes before shrinking, and for fuck sake, stop saying that littles and people are mutually exclusive.

5) 18hrs in a Habitat without a toilet is horrid, and any messes or accidents wouldn’t have Madison or McKenzie taking any responsibility for the oversight either.

6) I’m glad their acknowledging That Maddie’s made herself primary guardian, and is clearly trying to edge McKenzie out, hope Kenzie is able to put a stop to it, pull Madison into line

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
6 months ago

1) She is definately trying to impress upon them that she is the sole arbiter of authority when it comes to them. If it will work long term hard to say. It would probably be answered in a season 2.

I do agree with you. I would say something and take my lumps. As anything she dished out would at most be temporary.

2)It varies from situation to situation its not always known to the guardian when they will show up.

3)Its just a built in function. The method of deterrent is dependant on what you buy.

4)They are still in the denial stage of grief. But it is telling that even like this they themselves view littles and people differently.

5)well its no 18 hours consecutively. As even in Madisons’ schedule she had them out to go to the bathroom, eat, spend time with her and Mckenzie and then they were put in when they left for school.

which over half of that time is sleeping so its not really counted ohter then to bloat the number for effect. In actuality its probbaly 8ish hours. which is the time Madison would be at school.

6)McKenzie secures whats most important to her.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
6 months ago

1) completely agree, she wantscthem thinking sges their only option. Looking forward to next season.

Temporary punishment is preferable, but best case scenario it let’s McKenzie know to take a closer look at her sister and hiw she’s treating their parents

2) so this isn’t a one time thing? Good.

4) Very telling, and makes it harder to sympathise with them.

5) American schools are 8hrs? Is that including travel their and back?

That’s still a damn long time to go without a toilet break. Do littles need to go less often then humans?

6) I hope she loses this position and McKenzie takes it. And I hope I get to watch.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) That’s true, but sooner or kiter McKenzie will want some time with just her parents and not Maddie, they can tell her all then. McKenzie also knows Madison so she could be keeping an eye out fir this kind if treatment from her sister.

2) good.

5) Shit, ours are 9:00am to 3:00pm across the country. From prep through to grade 12.

5 months ago

Why do I get the feeling that if it weren’t for genericorp the littles would be treated more like equals or just slight under that. What if corporate greed is causing this rather than societal beliefs
After all there is a lot of potential to profit off of this and by putting them down and lobbying the gov to see littles as lesser they can make sure nobody takes them seriously. I wonder if in the future people like Chloe may protest in their favor.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

While that’s definitely true and can understand that apathy or disregard may play a role. I wonder if there are any little who have evaded the situation and live in small societies elsewhere. Maybe even an underground movement to rescue those in captivity with sympathetic normies backing them up. Kinda like an underground railroad of such. They aren’t stupid and are just as smart and most people could see that they are just smaller people rather than whole different species. Even in normal humans genetics differences exist. What if it’s more akin to a husky vs Chihuahua. Both are different versions of the same overall thing.

5 months ago

Hell, at this point I think the parents should just opt to be removed entirely from either daughters Guardianship. If this is their new life then just let them have their new life and move on. All I can see is humiliation and misery in their future with Madison being involved.

Maybe there’s a 72 hr grace period or something for situations like these since this is a few years later. I refuse to believe there aren’t reports of issues from such “hasty” life-long decisions immediately following the trauma of waking up 3 inches tall. Even Kelli mentioned she met a little that already had a guardian and it “didn’t work out”. That left me very curious.

I feel they would get more respect from a stranger. Sounds shitty but these are both two very different sets of people now. Obviously Madison is turning into a vindictive monster for no other reason than spite and going out of her way to be a complete bitch. I mean shes basically made it clear she doesn’t even want them as her little’s.

This series is another perfect example of why the age limit needs to be raised. It would solve so many problems for littles in this world. Not all of course, Bryce is pretty much on his own..

Greg and Cindy need to tell Danielle and Mckenzie immediately that Madison just threatened them about not asking questions the first chance they get. Absolutely no need for Madison to be acting this way, its pathetic. Hopefully Danielle can do something about getting the Guardian roles reversed.

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