Madison’s World Redux: Episode 33

Madison's World Redux Episode 33

“That should work perfectly. I don’t see any issue with that location. I saw that you had a bag of Little Pellets underneath. We do recommend the Little Pellets as it provides all the nutrients and vitamins a little, needs. You just do one scoop in the mornng and one scoop in the evening.” Danielle explained.

“Oh, I was going to just feed them regular food. Should we not to do that?” McKenzie asked as Greg and Cindy looked at each other in horror over the recommendation that they may be fed kibble like some kind of dog.

“Well, you certainly can feed them regular food, but it means eating more specific food so the little maintains the proper diet. Some Guardians do that, but we do recommend little pellets. As we’ve found that through our studies that the little body and the human body are more forked than we realized at first. The food we eat is harder for their bodies to digest. It’s dramatically more difficult for them to get the same amount of nutrients from the same food that we do. The little pellets are fully absorbed by the littles body. We have put out guidelines that littles who are fed Little Pellets should not be fed people food. ” Danielle encouraged.

Madison rolled her eyes dramatically as she peered into the habitat, pressing her face right up against the glass. “Don’t fret, little critters. I’ve got your gourmet pellets right upstairs,” she chimed, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “You heard Danielle, didn’t you? Can’t have you getting indigestion from our human grub anymore,” she smirked, shooting a smug glance at her parents.

“As per our extensive research, we’ve discovered that a diet consisting solely of little pellets can have significant effects on your pet’s nutritional preferences. Within just two weeks, their bodies begin to perceive people food as equivalent to junk food, much like if we were to sustain ourselves solely on Doritos. Little pellets offer far superior nutritional value, and their bodies adapt to processing them efficiently over time. Therefore, transitioning them to little pellets is a lifelong commitment. While occasional indulgences with people food may be permissible, it’s important to understand that their primary diet should consist of pellets for optimal health.”

“I had no idea their bodies were so different. This is great information when we took guardian training alot of this knowledge wasn’t as concrete.” McKenzie said.

“Absolutely, our home visits have been carefully streamlined with the well-being of the littles as our top priority here at Generitech. Currently, approximately 80% of all unassigned littles worldwide are under our care, adhering to a strict diet of Little Pellets for every meal. Our extensive research has shown that smallborns, in particular, rely solely on little pellets for survival. In fact, they’ve lost the ability to digest or process people food altogether. Without little pellets, smallborns become malnourished and face dire consequences. Ensuring their access to little pellets is crucial to their health and longevity.”

“I always kinda figured they were just like us but, you know, smaller. But I guess there are some differences,” McKenzie said with a shrug.

“We’re constantly making new discoveries in our research efforts. One important point to highlight, especially if you have both male and female littles, is the dietary needs during pregnancy. If your female little is currently on a diet of people food, it’s crucial to transition her to little pellets once she becomes pregnant. This is because people food alone won’t offer sufficient nutrients for both the unborn little and the mother. Without adequate nutrition, natural childbirth for a little can unfortunately result in the mother’s demise, as the baby consumes her nutrients, leaving the father to care for the offspring. However, thanks to the advancements made by Generitech scientists, Little Pellets can provide the necessary nutrition for both mother and child, ensuring the mother’s survival during childbirth.”

Madison raised an eyebrow, a glimmer of genuine concern flickering in her eyes. “Um, quick question: Can they still have, like, juices and stuff? It’s not like I’m asking for much. Just something to switch up their palette a bit,” she quipped, her tone oddly earnest, catching her parents off guard.

“Absolutely not. Juices, sodas, and similar beverages contain concentrated sugar levels that are far too much for the little bodies to handle. Consuming such drinks can lead to illness or health complications for them. We strongly advise against offering anything other than tap water. At Generitech, we’ve developed specialized little drinks specifically tailored for their needs, which we encourage guardians to use as treats. However, it’s crucial that their primary beverage intake remains water,” Danielle explained, while Madison diligently recorded the information on her phone.

Madison tilted her head, a smirk playing on her lips as she addressed the inhabitants of the habitat. “Well, folks, it’s water-only policy from here on out. Maybe, just maybe, we’ll splurge on one of those fancy little drinks for the next big holiday,” she declared, a hint of superiority in her gaze but a surprising touch of sincerity in her tone.

McKenzie turned head with a jovial look on her face as she looked at her sister. “Madison thats to much.” Mckenzie said before putting her hand over her mouth as she silently chuckled at her sister’s joke. I feel so bad for them though. Not being able to eat proper food anymore.” McKenzie said with a bit of sadness looking in at her parents as she regained composure.

“It’s crucial to understand that this isn’t something to feel guilty about. Littles have unique physiologies and health requirements distinct from ours. Providing them with Little Pellets and water ensures they enjoy a long and healthy life,” Danielle explained gently.

Greg was beside himself listening to Danielle the little worker basically sell his children on giving him what amounts to kibble. Like he is some kind of animal. At the moment being silenced in this habitat meant that their was little he could do try to refute anything. He knew Madison would love this. He can just envision his daughter sitting down to nice juicy steak while sitting across from him as he munches on some digusting little pellet.

“Lastly, I suppose we need to address the elephant in the room. While we’ve been discussing this behind the scenes, it’s important to acknowledge that, as minors, you both legally cannot live independently. While you can legally care for your parents. However, there are a couple of family options that seem promising for where you could reside for the next two years,” Danielle explained to the teenagers.

“I’ve made up my mind. We’re going forward with the emancipation route. I’m determined to become emancipated and be the legal guardian for my sister,” McKenzie declared assertively. “I’ve crunched the numbers, and we have enough money to make it work. I’ve even explored the idea of getting some part-time jobs for my parents, but we can manage without them working.”

“Well, if you’re absolutely certain about it, McKenzie, I can begin the process on our end. There are some steps—” Danielle began, before McKenzie interrupted.

“Here’s everything you need: forms, papers, financial records, bank statements, you name it,” McKenzie said confidently, handing over a binder filled with meticulously organized information to Danielle. “I’ve even got letters of recommendation from my coach, trainer, and manager at the convenience store where I work,” she added, pointing out the labeled tabs separating each section.

“Wow, that’s quite impressive. I’ll gather the necessary paperwork from our end, and then we can proceed with submitting everything. From what we’ve discussed and seeing the thoroughness of your preparation, I don’t foresee any issues with approval. However, I must caution you: emancipation is a serious step and irreversible. Once it’s done, you’ll essentially be legally considered an adult. I don’t say this to discourage you, but it’s important for you to fully understand the implications. You’ll be responsible not just for yourself, but also for your sister and the two littles,” Danielle explained earnestly.

“Thanks. I’ve really put a lot of thought into this, and I truly believe it’s the best decision to keep our family together,” McKenzie said with a hopeful tone. Then, her expression turned determined as she added, “Even if some people doubt whether I can pull it off,” she shot a pointed glance at her mother, making it clear she hadn’t forgotten their earlier conversation.

“Well, we need to get this filed right away for you. So, I better skedaddle. You both have my office number; I’m your little case manager. Feel free to call me with any questions. It’s normal to have questions in the first few weeks as you encounter new situations, and that’s what I’m here for. By the power vested in me by the United States government and Generitech, I’m pleased to announce that Madison Wessen has been approved as the Primary Guardian and McKenzie Wessen as the supporting Guardian to Littles Greg and Cindy Wessen,” Danielle stated professionally.

She continued, “I’ve emailed you a digital version of the approval, and you’ll receive the formal Little Ownership Certificates in 2 to 4 weeks via mail. It’s recommended that you keep them in a safe or fireproof lockbox, or wherever you store your important paperwork. In case you ever lose them, you can reorder a copy from Generitech for a fee, which is currently $500. So, do try to hold onto both the physical and digital copies securely.”

“That is great news. Thank you so much Danielle.”McKenzie said walking with Danielle towards the door with Madison. .

“There will be a follow-up meeting in a couple weeks, but we can do that virtually. You both did great.” Danielle said leaving the home.

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5 months ago

I think my biggest surprise in this chapter is that there wasn’t the talk of them getting their parents fixed so they don’t have to worry about babies.

Reply to  Smallguy3531
5 months ago

Bet they’re texting about it in private but won’t bring it up for a while. That’d be traumatizing, imo lol

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Smallguy3531
5 months ago

In this world littles are a source of great value to the US government, therefore you can’t make them unable to reproduce, while a procedure likely is possible it’s probably illegal and given that their littles are chipped, couldn’t be done discretely. Even basic contraception isn’t made for littles.

Though the possibility remains that Greg had a vasectomy or something prior to shrinking.

5 months ago

You are really making me hate your world the more I learn about it. Maybe that is the point. A warning on how messed up a size dynoptia can be and how to avoid it.

Also I am disappointed in Mckenzie. I had higher expectations on her.

Last edited 5 months ago by Yoshiegg64
Reply to  yoshiegg64
5 months ago

This actually but me back in the more neutral category I think. Like it’s definitely tough on the victims of smallara, even more so for those with guardians like Madison, Mallory, and sadie. But generitech doing constant research on keeping Littles alive and healthy further cements, in my mind at least, that the legislation and view on Littles is being distorted by the government. Like no one in any of the stories has said flat out that, mentally and emotionally, they are different from normals, outside of bonding but, even that isn’t too extreme of a difference to me as humans can fall into stuff like that too. I could see a future where people come to their senses and give Littles more rights and, while not being equal due to a massive dependence on normals/nonsmall borns, they could still have an autonomous life style.

Also, yeah, Mckenzie is an odd situation. Based on her bio, I think she’s doing recon on the situation in general before making a move on how to treat their parents and enforce madison to do so. “You’ll be responsible not just for yourself, but also for your sister and the two littles,” is a huge win for Mckenzie, as it sound like even though she’s a supporting guardian, she still has a larger say in their lives than Madison is expecting, and I almost think she planned it to be that way.

Either that or I’m naive and hopeful haha

Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Didn’t find anything positive in this chapter. Just negatives.

I don’t trust generitech. Their research is biase at best and intentional false at worst. I wanted to smack Danielle at how delightful she was to share the parents can’t eat normal food and only OUR highly expensive pellets are the best option for the rest of their lives.

I guess Mckenzie being head of the household is good but I doubt it has much bearing on the parents situation. We don’t know how the parents siblings are. Maybe they were more fit. Can’t say.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
5 months ago

Fair point about eating generitech branded food. But my views on that company are cenerted around the fact that the people that raised Chloe are in charge. I mean, yeah they need to make a profit and everything, but doing so is the best way to make sure they don’t need to be publicly traded and be influenced by a market of which the majority of people think like Cindy. Not that I’m an expert or anything like that on corporations, but it’s being privately ran makes it seem like they don’t need to bend to public share holders wills, especially those with political influence, much like senators now that can own stock.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Just gonna keep saying this because I like the dynamic and think it’s the healthiest relationship, but I hope the Kayla and Kellie story is the uplifting one lol that just seems like it has the most potential of being equal give and take to me, Kayla doesn’t seem malicious, and Kellie seems to listen to reason, just based on the last couple of smallara chaoters

Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I too would would love to see a more healthy relationship like Kayla and Kelli. They definitely see each other as more equal though I am concerned if this dynamic can persist in the future.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
5 months ago

Yeah. I mean, sara is an extremely influential person in that story, but Kelli seems to have been a force to be reckoned with before she became a little. I could see Kayla going the way of being swayed by sarah to an extent on how to be a better gaurdian, but not if she is just open with Kelli and asks for advice and stuff. They could be a real team in all of this.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

It is not just the world but where the story focuses on. All your series focuses on the dehumanizing of people and placing them in terrible situations.

Boyfriend trapped by obsessive controlling girlfriend.
Teacher owned by disgruntled past student.
Clueless Neighbor being owed by teenager. Watch as his old life is systematic sold and removed and be treated as a pet.
Parents being owned and bossed around by their bratty daughter.

Ask any of these Littles and they would want their old lives back. The emphasis is always on how hard it is to adjust to their new life. How little control or freedom them have. How their opinions and voice is worth little. None treat this as a improvement. Maybe Lisa? Which is more sad than good.

If there is anything uplifting about your world then it is never a focus. Being buried or suppressed. I wish you had a more hopeful series where a Little had a progressive Guardian and both try to dismantle this dynoptia or prove a Little can be as capable as a normal person.

The only exception is Kayla and Kelli. The sisters I enjoy seeing their dynamics. Sadly I fear for their future. As Kayla gets more confident. Spents more time with Sara. I think her series will continue the trend of others and probably have Kayla be corrupted into thinking her sister is a pet. While Kelli gets whipped into being more submission. I don’t want to see that but given the others that seems to be the direction.

Reply to  yoshiegg64
5 months ago

I will say Lisa said her life is better then it was. She has people who care about her in her life. She has a stability in her life, she has regular access to food, She is treated like family to the wilsons she has said.

She does feel her life is in a better situation. While its not perfect even if she was full sized her life isn’t perfect. Even people who are immune don’t have perfect lives.

Even Jordan, who voiced displeasure about some things mainly Dayton but aa few other things here and there. Has never flat out said he is unhappy or has stated or construed he is unhappy or miserable.

I will say there wont ever be a story about dismanting the dystopian world as that would be like if you were tasked with one of your friends with dismantling democracy in this world.

How would you even start?

There isn’t a story about littles being as capable as a person because they aren’t. They do require a certain level of intervention by man to exist. Could man provide them tools and such to be self sufficent and overcome environmental factors and such sure. But thats not a little proving they are just as capable. Thats man equipping a little with tools to be as capable.

In those scenario’s Gavin also chose to date someone who obesssive and controlling, and didn’t listen to his friends when they told him not too. So he put himself in a bad situation to begin with.

You can tell someone that something is wrong but at hte end of the day you have to let them make their own mistakes sometimes and thats what happened with Gavin. Is he paying a steep price for it? Sure but thats also life. That happens in the real world to real people everyday and they sometimes spend a lifetime trying to get out from under one big mistake they inflicted upon themselves.

Bryce also has a regular job. Bryce also had a family that didn’t want to pay to get him out. As with what has been said about hte system. As the reader you know that if the family had wanted bryce they could have had him. They chose not too. While Mia can be a B she also got him ajob, she also allows him to work and have interactions with his students and co-workers.

Would he rather not be sick? Sure who wouldn’t. But his situation also isn’t dire. She hasn’t abused him or done anything mentally more abusive than what people expierence as part of life.

The systems exist the way they do because if you look at american based systems they aren’t designed to help the people who need them. This story very much illustrates that point.

Healthcare is desigend around insurance companies making money not people getting access to healthcare tehy need.

Car insurance isn’t designed around protecting the consumers investment its there to make the insurance company money.

The laws are structured to help those in power not those who need protection.

Voting is set up to keep those in power through gerrymanding and passing of laws, and such to make it harder change can happen. Even the voting system is desigend to keep other parties out beyond the two main parties.

Those are all horrible dystopian things that exist in the real world that are dealthwith everyday. This story brings some of those elements into it because its the only way to depict realism of the world.

As most people in this situaiton wouldn’t be trying to help thsoe infected they would want to help themselves as thats what people do.

Why. make a litlte capable of doing a job as thats taking a a job away from a “regular” person they would say which is similar to what people say about immigrants even today.

Smallara proper Jordan is slowly getting things better. He got a buggy that he enjoys with no real strings attached. he is making him his own bathroom that he can use.

She is slowly, over time, making things better because she cares. However, that change takes time and is only meaningful if you see the journey—if you see where someone came from to get to where they are going.

You said prior that you feel for the parents in Madison’s world, as while they may have done bad things raising their kids, you didn’t see them.

Smallara proper is doing exactly what you are talking about you even admitted you didn’t read the story for a long time because it was to cruel, harsh and only once the more uplifting things started did you start reading it.

This does illustrate my point, though, which is when I don’t include the things directly into the story that create the situation, people use it as well. I didn’t read it in the story.

But then if its included in the story its sad, its harsh, its depressing, etc. It can’t be both ways.

Either the journey matters because of its totality or it does not. Either the reasons why they are the way they are matter as they slowly change or they don’t.

But its not exactly a fair argument to fault both when one has to be done.

I do enjoy your insights though and want to say in case this comes off htis way. Its not intended to be overly harsh. Just counterpoints to your points. So please don’t take them the wrong way or read more into anything then is intended.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) If Lisa had a series based on her life. I could see it being more uplifting than the current series. However, I say that knowing where her story ends. Getting ‘adopted’, getting a job, interacting with other littles. I have trouble picturing the other Littles having a ‘good’ future. Plus Lisa a minor character who we just learned her past. A small candle in a otherwise dark harsh world.

2) Jordan yeah his situation is finally turning around. Took awhile. As I stated that is what convinced me to give the series a chance. However those over 300 chapters of him losing everything and adjusting was hard to stomach.

3) Dismantle the dystopia . LOL. I didn’t mean it single-handedly. Though a Little Revolution does sound amazing. No. I meant more like nudged the needle to a better future. Being an example of a successful Little and disproving all the lies by the Government and Genitech. Of course there would be many obstacles to overcome but that is what would be interesting to see. Them overcome the adversity.

4) No one is truly self-sufficient. We as a society work together. Sara is not hunting her food or building her own car. She is reliant on others to do those jobs and buying the goods. Littles can be a capable with the right tools. Of course, it wouldn’t be wise for them to anything physical. Though they could probably fly drones or small RV cars to get around. Buying their food online and have it being delivered, or just have a small kitchen to cook their food. A Guardian doesn’t need to prepare the food.

5) Littles seen as immigrants? I found odd. Not like they came from another land. They are more physical handicapped individuals who need accommodations. Though they would be happy to take the less desired jobs if it means getting a sense of normalcy. Maybe that is why they are viewed as immigrants? I recently read a story where a horrible CEO shrunk and struggle to maintain the company while hiding their condition. It was an interesting read.

6) Galvin. Yes. Terrible situation. Though you chose to write a series around it. That said, nothing is stopping you from having Galvin claw himself out of it. Sadly the focus is always on him basically being a servant. Would love to see him somehow manipulate  his girlfriend to his benefit or just get more agency.

7) So you made this world to reflect the worst aspects of the USA government and insurance polies. Ah. I see. If you ever do a REDUX series of Smallera, I hope you include a small prologue to help set the stage. Making it clear this world is NOT our world the history diverged long ago.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

(If a character starts out in a great situation. It wouldn’t be fun to write and it would be more difficult to create conflict and resolution.)

I understand putting your characters in tough situations but aside from Jordan. I can’t see any improvements in the Little’s Lifestyle. This chapter was the worst. The revelation that the Government and Genitech is promoting Little eat nothing but pellets and want Littles to lose the ability of eating normal food is sickening. The very human nature of eating gone. Making them unable to survive by themselves if they ever escape their confined fate. They just keep finding new ways to remove Little’s humanity. I hate it! This is supposedly the future yet I see nothing hopeful in it.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Last episode? I thought Friday would be the last one? Well I came this far. Let us see where you leave things off.

5 months ago

First chapter in a while that’s left me feeling a bit neutral. Said this in a reply, but “You’ll be responsible not just for yourself, but also for your sister and the two littles,” sounds like a massive win for Mckenzie and her parents. She’s pretty methodical, so she might have figured out she can have a final say in things like this and keep madison on control over the next few years. Might even be that she knows how madison going to treat her parents and wants to stop it, in conjunction with the fact that she may be secretly upset that her parents didn’t think to make her the primary guardian in the moment they spoke with danielle on the phone, though I could be reading into it too much.

Do you have any plans to disclose the legislation with us at sometime? Curious about the laws and everything

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Well McKenzie very much has to do the work. She has things she wants to do, and you are on the right track.There is more to the guardian situation then is completely revealed at this point in regards to the nature of how they have things structured.

I want to say its in whats been written of season 2. But I haven’t read today’s chapter yet to refresh my memory of what exactly was included with where the posted story is at in comparison to where I’m at.

The laws and things will be depicted canonically. As small proper will have some time skips. The first one is following the events of the party.

As you do get a broader depiction of the events and laws through the main smallara story as its moves at a slower pace.

This story moves at much quicker space in comparison to Smallara proper. As this would have been probably 60 to 80 smallara episodes broken in greater detail with a picture for each. However, I was purposefully moving this along at a quicker pace. So much more happens each episode. Which does have it trade offs.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

The party is what I’m extremely interested in as it seems like a catalyst for a lot of stuff to go wrong. Like I had a theory that what’s her name from dnd calls the cops on the party to get back at ellie and Sara, and Jordan gets punished by Sara’s mom because of the alcohol and it creates a rift and makes Sara realize she can’t use Jordan in ways like that. Like she should have learned with the car incident but didn’t and it bites her in the ass in the form of Jordan getting severely punished. Like something seems to happen between now and that post of the future you had a few weekends ago that seemed to change Sara and Jordan. At least that’s how I read it. Idk if it’s Chloe rubbing off on her or maybe sarah overstepping with Kayla and Kayla sticking up for herself and Kelli, not sure what that would look like but maybe something happening that almost puts a rift in their sisterly relationship and making it a little and guardian relationship, which personally I feel are extremely different, which is why I’m so obsessed with them still lol

5 months ago

Sara fed Jordan regular food a few times. I’m sure they can make some exceptions, like giving them diet soda instead of regular soda periodically, but knowing Madison, I know that she will deprive them of these pleasures and strictly follow Generitech’s recommendations.

Reply to  gui58
5 months ago

It’s not that you can’t feed them regular food but its more work. As you have to curate a specific diet which Sara has mentioned she does and why when Ellie gave Jordan food she kind of whined and mentioned the diet and how at least its protein. Hinting that she can work around that.

Most people wont want to take that time. Plus the amount of nutrients a little gets from people food isn’t 1 to 1. So you have to be aware of how much they are eating of specific things to make adjustments.

The pills are basically the staples easy button of food planning as you can give them a 4 to 5 pellets a meal and be done. So they would only need 15 to 20 pellets a day. The entirety of the pellet is used by the body with nothing wasted.

So its just simpler and ensures health.

5 months ago

Asuka, I would like to point out that Madison is being a really mean, sadistic and cruel brat here. That said, keep it up.

Reply to  gui58
5 months ago

Thanks, its definately a mix and a balance that has to be maintained. Sometimes I may go over board.

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) is Danielle not even going to try to ask a Greg and Cindy anything directly.

2)a I can understand why little pellets would be beneficial to their health, but for them to outright disable a littles ability to watch rel food is sickening. One of Sara’s fer good deeds was always letting Jordan have people food, and promising he’d never need to eat pellets (even though we know she breaks that promise).

2)b and what about actual littke food? That us to say the tiny versions of actual food made for littles, where does that factor in?

3) First canon reference of smallborns.

4) So McKenzie knows she’s just a supporting guardian? And is ok with that?

5) i was half expecting Danielle to say “Always bring you littles with you when buying little pellets, Genritech instructs every store that sells them to provide free samples, and it’s important to buy a pellet flavour your littles actually like eating for the ease of transition from people food. Remember even our smallest size bag is over a month’s supply of food for them.

6) how big are these scoops? Cause littles would only need five or four pellets per meal, twenty per day maximum.

7) McKenzie’s emancipation seems to be going well.

8) virtual follow ups seem like they wouldn’t work as well.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) not in this meeting as it hasn’t been enough time to get any useful data. Its been not even 24 hours since she talked to Madison on the phone.

She knows they are still in a bit shock. They haven’t adjusted or accepted the fact they are littles yet. So its difficult to extract how much is just complaining because its so different and in shock and a big change and how much is valid. So they generally wait till a later visit after they have accepted things, gone through more of the stages of grief and acceptance of what has happened before speaking with them. Unless there is some kind of issue they need to address specifically or remove the little from the home. I guess I need to work on that explaining all of that a bit more.

2)It’s not the pellets making the body reject them. It’s the body getting conditioned and used to certain t nutrients. The body is rejecting the people food, not the pellets making the body rejected the people food. Thats why Sara adjusted to the system she did as she wanted to ensure Jordan got some nutrients so eats a few but she till gives him two regular meals a day.

2b) There is actual little food but that’s expensive and not something that would be a regular staple for most littles unless they are extremely wealthy. Im sure Chloe could afford it if she had a little but most people no. Plus you also don’t know the arrangement or circumstances which lead to that change. You only know the result. Hard to judge till the details are officially revealed.

3) Yes it is. Won’t be the last.

4) McKenzie knows how to protect what’s important to her. I will leave it at that.

5) Sara probably has coupons. Being a spokesperson for little marts.

6) depends on the food dish. A guardian could put a few days worth of pellets in at a time.

7) Yes, she is making good progress.

8) NOt every follow up is virtual just the next one. As its more to do with the emancipation and guardian specific things then it is about the littles. LIttle visits are conducted in person.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) That’s fair, they’d probably do thier “we’re not littles, we’re people” bullshit again. Though I do still think it’d be good cly9 check in, just to let then know it’s an option.

2) I don’t see how that’s different. It’s still suck as there’s no way little pellets have nearly as diverse flavour or textures that people food does. Same for little drinks.

Sara changing ti pellets wouldn’t be so bad in a vacuum, it’s just next to her long list if broken promises and failings as a guardian, even if the rules/discoveries change and she did have a good reason to change it, she’s done to much for bad and stupid reasons that I wouldn’t trust it.

2b, but us it as nutritional as the little pellets? And us it still made?

3) yay.

5( not even close to my point, my argument is that guardians buy pellets without checking if their littles will like the flavor first. And Sara would presumably get an employee discount (or use chloes)

7) good for her.

8) that makes sense, though I’m not sure why a little worker is doing non little related visits

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

8) That’s logical, these probably aren’t the first “Smallara Orphans” she’s had to deal with.

5) damn, I’m not having a good run with jokes today. I figured, but littles wouldn’t be eating too much per day, so having that much would last them over a month, And a whole month where you’re exclusively eating food you don’t like would be a new form of torture for littles.

5 months ago

THAT was the elephant in the room?! I think the bigger pachyderm is talk of Cindy and Greg having sex in the habitat and getting pregnant. Now I want Maddie to pet Cindy until she obeys her to get pregnant and have kids. Imagine Mads with little bitty kids to Master over.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Shrunk_DC
5 months ago

I mean they’re husband and wife, kept together, in a bland environment, with nothing better to do, for extended periods of time. Frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if they wound up underbreeding.

I’m imagining that they’d find out cause tge chip in Cindy’s spine sends a “congratulations” text to Maddie’s phone, and she’s gotta be the one to tell everyone

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