Jordan felt Sara stand up as she pushed in her chair as the girls headed towards the door with Gavin in Mallory’s hand and Kelli in Kayla’s. Almost anyone who didn’t know would just see a gaggle of teens walking towards their next class. They would never suspect that they had three littles with them. It felt to Jordan as if the world was already adjusting to this new normal. Where people like him were just another facet of it, he knew in time, this would be an inflection point in history. It would be up there with when the Roman Empire defeated the Huns, saving Rome or the Egyptians conquering North Africa. A race of domesticated tiny people now populated the globe, and each society was trying to adjust just how to regulate that fact. Jordan found his mind continually wandering back to Chloe, talking about her travels overseas and what it was like. He knew it was a microcosm of what much of the world was dealing with. While his life was far from perfect since catching Smallara he imagined it would be much worse if he were in another country.
He really only had to put up with Sara’s rules, which he found not that bad overall. Some were more restrictive than he would have liked. But Sara seemed to be looking out for him. He wondered if roles were reversed if he would be as prepared or as skilled. What choices would he make? Outside of watching Allison when he was younger, his parents would go out. He hadn’t ever really had to be all that responsible for another life. They had a few pets throughout his time at home, but they were always more Allison’s pets than his own. The more he thought about it, the more Jordan knew he would never put himself in this situation. He wouldn’t volunteer to care for someone like she did. The idea of taking up that mantle of responsibility is too much. He wouldn’t want the lifelong commitment of another being relying on him for things.
“Who’s messaging me?” Sara said as she grabbed her phone with her free hand. Jordan watched Sara look down at her phone. The fact she didn’t say anything more drew his attention to crawl toward the side of her hand closer to her phone. Sara normally said what she was doing, which he figured was for his benefit more than anything. So, her not saying anything and just responding drew Jordan’s suspicion. As he peeked over the side of her hand looking at her phone. He saw a long message chain with his sister.
“Why are you talking to Allison?” Jordan asked, looking up at Sara.
“We’ve just been chatting. It’s no big deal. It started out with just her asking me questions about her Smallara coursework. Now we just have a general chat.” Sara said
Who’s Allison?” Kayla asked as she wasn’t familiar with anyone named Allison who was all that popular.
“Oh, that’s Jordan’s sister. She’s immune.”
“Just like us, Kayla. A Biggle and a little.” Kelli said with a smirk on her face.
“We are not biggles. We’re just normal.” Kayla said, rolling her eyes in frustration as she realized she walked right into Kelli’s trap too late. She wanted to get a rise out of her, and she succeeded.
“You are far from normal. You’re not such a shorty anymore, from my perspective, at least. You’re huge. Which is why you’re a biggle.” Kelli said as Kayla tried to ignore her sister.
“Do you not want me talking to your sister? I can just tell her I can’t talk to her anymore.” Sara asked
“No, it’s fine. If you do that, she will know I said something. That’s the last thing I want. What do you talk about anyway? She’s not that interesting,” Jordan said.
“Kelli would say the same thing about me,” Kayla said, looking down at Kelli.
“Well, you aren’t that interesting. A daily update of what you were doing would be like I got my Paladin up to level 150 in Warcraft. Click, click, click. Ahhhh, sunlight, get away.” Kelli said as everyone laughed.
“You can’t even get up to level 150, and I’m not a Paladin. I play a Druid, thank you very much. And you’re really one to talk, Kelli.” Kayla said in defense of herself before using a high-pitched baby voice to say, “ I’m Kelli, and I got my navel pierced, and everyone has to see it. Quickly, quickly, gather round while I recant the tell of how I got pierced in Mexico. What? You haven’t heard the tale? Well, wait 5 minutes for the next telling.” Kayla mocked.
“I do not sound like that, and I can’t help my stomach looks amazing. It’s my best feature,” Kelli said.
“Oh my god, you two are hilarious,” Mallory said, laughing as she leaned on Ellie for support.
“Why does Keli sound like that in your story? That voice is hilarious. She sounds like a chipmunk-baby-hobbit hybrid,” Sara said, laughing.
Ah return of smallara Jordan not liking or wanting to be responsible for someone life makes sense and honestly it’s true that his current new life is not perfect but it’s good enough and can change here there at least so he has a point. Also him talking about how this is the moment in history where things get normalizing was interesting and true.
I love the Kelli and Kayla sisterly banter always great to see and Sara and Allison talking was fun to see and I can’t wait for Jordan family reunion I can already tell it’s going to be emotional most likely
Overall great chapter and glad to be back in main canon or plot story ….uhh just glad to be back to this story okay!!!!
Jordan is slowly coming out of his shock of being infected more and more. He has a very realistic look on things in my opinion.
Kelli and Kayla banter is normally fun. They are always going back and forth about something.
Such a stark contrast to Madison world hahaha love Kayla and Kelli’s banter. Aligns with my opinion that they’ll have a more balanced relationship as time goes on.
It is a stark contrast but that was done purposefully to kind of show what has been said by Sara to be true. That he is in a good home, she does provide for him, he could be much worse off. The horrors of Sara are nothing compared to Madison’s world
They are siblings so they banter as siblings would. They had a pre-existing relationship unlike Sara and Jordan. Which helps
This makes me wonder what a parallel reality of “Madison’s World Redux” would be like where McKenzie gets Smallara instead of Greg and Cindy.
In Maddie’s biography it is said that she admires her sister a lot and “ She doesn’t look up to anyone as much as she does her sister.”
Would Cindy and Greg maintain the same opinions about the littles, or would they change just like in the main time line?
Please consider creating a “What if” Smallara’s series.
A what if arch would be fun. Like I wonder what would have happened if Emily found Jordan or if Jordan managed to actually escape when he ran away
Yeah, or what if Mrs Reeves got smallara, so we could see the difference in the treatment of Maddie and Sara in the same position.
You Mean the dream sequences? LOL I’d like more ofvthise too.
Yes! Like someone said sarah having a dream sequence where she’s ellies ittle and it doesn’t go anyway like she thought it would and ellie was a bit more restrictive and leaned more on the madison side of things and it really put things into perspective for sarah would be awesome. And since she’s on antidepressants, it wouldn’t be too far out of the realm of possibility
That’s true. I’ve really seen how good jordan has it compared to some other smallara victims. At this point, My issues with sarah shifted more from my dislike of how she treats/talks to jordan to more of her seemingly projecting her insecurities and being a little hypocritical with the whole gavin Mallory thing. But as a reader and observer, that could just be character flaws and room for growth combined with the fact that she’s still a teenager and she doesn’t reallt express her feeling around Jordan enough like we saw when she was with Chloe at the end of the previous episodes.
And that’s good they’re still like that. It’s healthy. I know there gonna be a moments where the dynamic changes in terms of I’m the guardian and you’re the little, as at some point everyone seems to break in that respect, even in normal real world relationships, but I doubt that moment will be super drastic as its really evident they care for each other a lot, just based on rereading when they were first introduced to the story and how concerned Kelli is with Kayla being bullied.
I missed these guys so much.
I can’t wait to see their bios (and Cindy’s too)
Kelli teasing Kaylie and not being intimidated by “normal people’s” size never gets old.
I like how she calls them “biggles”, showing that for her, size is just a matter of point of view.
I thought it was very thoughtful of Sara to consider Jordan’s opinion about her talking to Allison.
It’s Kelli’s duty as big sister to tease Kayla. She wouldn’t be doing her job otherwise.
Sara does care about Jordan. He’s her little pet person. She very much loves him like most people do their pets and considers him part of her family.
That’s a good way to put it. That size is just a pov to her.
1) scariest part about Chloe’s travels is she started the story with “before it got bad” .
2) Sara’s rules aren’t the worst, but they’re still abusively controlling, if rolls were reversed and Sara was hating these rules forced on her she’d be less cooperative than Jordan. The existence of worse options or legal permission doesn’t make how he’s been treated OK.
3) I get Jordan not wanting Sara talking to Alison, I hate it when my worlds cross.
4) Kelli and Kayla are adorable.
5) Why is Sara holding Jordan like that? And how can he partake in the conversation or see her phone if she is?
6) I am really curious how history will recall these events, and hiw many versions will be taught.
7) I’m Surprised Ellie didn’t react to leaning about Jordan’s sister.
Ellie probably already knows about her.
It’s entirely possible Sara already told her, but I think Ellie’d have a bigger reaction to “Jordy lied to me (about being an only child)”
8) really jumping right in with the Sara praise.
9) while I get where Kayla is coming from calling herself and her kind “normal” with them being 92.5% of the human population, it still feels insensitive, especially as a retort to mild teasing from her sister.
I see where you’re coming from. Didn’t really consider that until now but I can see why Littles would be offended by it. At this point there isn’t really normal, you’re either homosapien or homoparvus. Though while I was writing this I had the thought that maybe Kayla considers her and her sister on the same level, just Kelli is small now? Idk, just a thought I had lol
1) yup, that means there is worse then what Chloe has seen personally.
2) Well Sara does consider Jordan her pet person, so they are more in line with that line of thinking. If Ellie had caught Smallara odds are Sara would have different rules for Ellie than she does for Jordan. As Sara think of Ellie like her actual sister and vice versa. So its a different bond.
3) Its understandable but this one really is on Jordan. If he had been more upfront with Sara she wouldn’t have been trying to contact his family. His own lack of communication brought Sara and Allison together.
4)Yes, Yes they are. Must be protected.
5)Well its just a snippet in time as all the pictures are. So she could be doing anything number of things. she could bringing him up to hold him higher, she could be switching hands, she could be moving him to a shoulder.
6) Based on Madison’s World, there is one version in the U.S. and which the U.S. Deciminates to its allies and enemies.
7) You really think Ellie doesn’t already know? There aren’t many secrets if any kept from those two. Telling Ellie something is basically telling Sara something and vice versa.
8) your favorite praise.
9) Never really considered it that way if I’m being honest.
1) I’m just horrified at the implication that she saw that and didn’t think it was already bad.
2) my comment was more regarding a scenario where Sara became a little and was living under the rules she’s assigned him, complete with isolation from her friends and loved ones.
Though your point makes me ask, you’re saying Sara dies have the knowledge and ability to be a better guardian and chooses not to because Jrdan isn’t important enough?
3) he was pretty upfront, he made it clear that he didn’t want to burden his family, going as far to deny the existence of certain members to prevent them getting ideas.
6) there bloody would be to.
7) well, I can think of one thing Sara kept from Ellie until 24hrs ago. But I guess I just wanted to see Ellie’s reaction.
8) you slander me.
Honestly I think it’s one of my least favourite aspects of the series is how often the guardian’s are praised and their abusive antics are overlooked or ignored. I really want her to be taken down a few pegs, and given real consequences but do far nothing’s really happened to her that’s had meaning. Even just a few critical comments about how she’s treated him, from someone she’ll listen to would be a start.
9) It’s understandable but it’s also like a black rhino calling a white rhino weird, they’re both normal, just in different categories of normal.