Smallara Episode 462: A Giantess Story

Smallara 462

“Hey Sara, where’s little man? Normally he’s on your shoulder.” Steph said running into the group as they made their way toward the gym when she spotted the bare place on Sara’s shoulder.

“STEPHY!!!” Sara said excitedly “He’s in my hand here. I’m just holding him.” Sara said lifting her hand up so Steph could see Jordan sitting in Sara’s hand.

“Hey Jordy, we missed you in school the other day. Sara said you got in trouble.” Steph said as she eyed Jordan carefully.

“I didn’t realize Jordan was so popular.” Kayla said watching Steph fawn a bit over him.

“Steph this is-”Sara started to say before steph cut her off.

“Kayla Wallace sister of Kelli Wallace high sought after collegiate athlete. Rumor has it you’re getting bumped up to the big girl squad in soccer.”

“Sorry Kayla, this is my Stephanie Wilson, one of my good friends and future journalist who doesn’t know when to leave the journalisting at home.” Sara said.

“Sorry, sorry. Hey Chloe! I had fun the other day.” Steph said breaking the ice.

“Wait you two hung out? Thats shocking.” Mallory said.

“To answer your question Kayla everyone loves the prince. Even if Sara spoils him a bit. Gavin has like three outfits and Jordy here has a whole collection broken down by season.” Ellie said as they neared the girl’s locker room. “Have you not seen Sara’s streams? She puts him on there and did pretty good numbers.”

“Well, everyone already knew about him. He was talked about on the streams a few times a week. So, his debut did well but it was a surprise. He hasn’t been on since but everyone’s asking about him. So, I will have to bring him on for one of the upcoming streams” Sara said.

“Yipee” Jordan said with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

“You could atleast try to enjoy it.” Sara said as she pushed the girl’s looker room door open.

“Wahoo, go stream and/or social media post,” Jordan said with slightly more enthusiasm but not much more as Kelli giggled from Kayla’s hand.

“He’s such a Kayla,” Kelli said.

“Did you forget I’m holding you? How can you talk smack about me from my hand.” Kayla said to kelli who was still not used to being jumbled around so much in Kayla’s hand. She knew she was trying but after getting a taste of Sara, holding her and how stable it was. She knew Kayla has room to grow.

“Quite easily,” Kelli said sticking her tongue out at Kayla.

“Sara are you sure I can be in here? I mean it’s a little weird and now you have Kayla. She might not be comfortable with me around.” Jordan said.

“Me? Why wouldn’t I be uncomfortable? I’ve been around you all day.” Kayla said confused

“He thinks us womenfolk will be so uncomfortable with his unwashed male eyes staring at us that we will go running from the bathroom.” Steph said, trying to explain it to Kayla.

“Oh, but he’s not like a real boy. I can’t see anyone in class really caring or being weirded out by him. I guess Kelli might be as they are similar.” Kayla said.

Kelli hated this. She knew what Kayla meant but it didn’t make having to hear it any easier. Now that she had been reduced to an underbred there were differences between them. Not just for Jordan but for her and everyone else like them. At first, she wanted to immediately throw the words back in Kayla’s face. But after pausing for a moment and calming down. She knew she would have felt the same if roles were reversed between her and Kayla. She couldn’t be a hypocrite to her own sister. It was clear they were different in some ways, and she would be forever viewed differently because she was different.

She knew it was worse in other places. She heard the stories and seen the reports on how littles were treated overseas. The lack of protection and rights they had were next to non-existent in many places around the globe. The United States was one of the few places that were trying to bring order to the chaos. They had already used their influence to have their allies adopt similar policies to that of the U.S. and were pushing for other countries to standardize the U.S. Little Laws as the global law. However, none of that made it easier to accept.

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5 months ago

“not a real boy” Well I guess so much for my idea from yesterday when Kayla said she isn’t a biggle she’s normal meaning she sees Littles and humans on more even ground. Though I guess I need to take a lot of what she says and does right now with a grain of salt as she seems pretty blunt and might not fully consider what she’s saying from time to time. It’s just odd that most people are still oblivious or have that thought that smallara victims wouldn’t be uncomfortable or considerate to the nonaffected people getting naked and stuff in font of them. Smallborns I can kind get since they were Born as a little so they didn’t go their whole life doing something one way and having to immediately adapt.

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

That’s fair. Outside of all of this Kayla definitely seems to follow most of my thought process on this situation so far, especially now that my minds geared more towards Littles and guardians are seen as being a team vs 100% equal in the future, as the former seems more plausible in this world.

Doing my best to consider what’s the norm in this world lol and yeah, Kelli’s thought crossed my mind. Just couldn’t really put my opinion of it into words. I guess one thing I don’t know is exactly how long all of this has gone on for. Like I don’t remember where it’s mentioned in the story about when smallara and the genetic traits were all discovered. I think that’s probably the piece that’s missing for me and making it hard to understand this being a norm as, to me, smallara has only been around since Jordan wad introduced, which I know isn’t true

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Well the first case of Smallara in the world was well over a decade ago in about 2010 if I recall correctly. THe first case in America was much later. But the virus has been around and known for a long time at this point. I’m at work so I don’t have access to my notes but I’m sure lethal will correct me if my dates are wrong.

So there are generations of people born who don’t know of a world without littles in it. Dayton would be pretty close, even Sara and her friends would have been extremely young in a pre- little world. The majority of their life Smallara has been a thing.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Ahh that adds perspective. Thank you! Now I get why it’s a lot more normal socially

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) the US wanting their laws to be global? I’m shocked.

2) Jordan, make sure you discuss your appearance fees with Sara before you’re put on stream again. A portion of whatever the stream earns while your on camera, you’ll open with 50%, she’ll assume your joking and laugh but that’ll lower her guard and you can probably get 20% – 30%, don’t do it for less than 15%.

3) Lisa’s future Guardian is back

4) Jordan is the farthest thing from spoiled, just because the abuse isn’t constant doesn’t mean he’s spoiled.

5) “worse in other countries” Kelli, it’s worse in other hands in that room.

6) Kelli acknowledging she wouldn’t be perfect or even that different in Kayla’s position was good.

7) “you could at least try to enjoy it” and Saea could at least try to make it enjoyable for him, but that’s more kindness than she can do without getting something in return.

8) “not a real boy” I get that exceptions can be made fir people with disabilities, or young children which is how i know mist of the class is gonna view Jordan, but for fuck sake don’t phrase it like that. I’m hoping Sara let’s him change on the privacy of her locker again.

9) Tamara’s coming… I can sense it.

10) weird knowing someone with Mal’s ego has Gavin being less fashionable than he is.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) I know it’s not very realistic and a greater suspension of disbelief is required for that logic leap. /s

2) I can’t see Jordan doing that but I also can’t see Sara paying him. She would say something like this would be like making a cat video for TikTok and having to pay your cat.

She could also say she will make the deduction from his room and board costs.

3) Yes, Yes she is.

4) I would say he is probably more spoiled then most other littles comparatively. Even Gavin doesn’t have nearly as much stuff as Sara has gotten for Jordan. Jordan does have his own working bathroom. countless outfits, a car, his own space, iPhone, tablet, etc.

5) Living with any of the hands in that room is demonstratively better than most other countries.

6)Shes being honest

7)Well it is her job. It wouldn’t be all that different then Lisa being taken to work with Stephanie’s mom.

8)Is that you pointing out another nicety of Sara. Anohter point of Sara praise by you recorded.

9) She is in that class. So it wouldn’t be shocking to ee her.

10) Mallory spends more of her disposable income on herself where Sara balances her disposable income more equally between things for Jordan and things for herself. Since getting Jordan she has spent more money on JOrdan then herself.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) might be the most outrageous comment in the whole verse.

2) cats usually get rewarded fir the tricks they do in videos. Besides, if nothing else, it wouldn’t hurt to ask, she thinks she’s treating him fairly, let him test that

4) Gavin is worse off than Jordan, but that doesn’t mean Jordan’s spoiled, not by a long shot.

5) but living with those other hands woukd still be terrible, even Kayla’s hands have their issues.

6) it’s like a nicer version of Cindy.

7) true, but if she wants him participating she should be more considerate of him, such as my suggestion from 2.

8) it was more a criticism of Kayla’s thoughtless comment, and it’s not praise unless she actually does it. Besides the “niceness” of her letting him change in her locker wouldn’t contract the meanness of forcing him into this situation in the first place.

9) Given how things have gone down, I’m sure she’ll wanna interact with Kayla, get the rest through proximity.

10) that makes sense, Mal is selfish.

Equally? She’s got almost as big an ego as Mal, I’m sure after Jordan’s experience necessities are purchased and deducted, Sara’s remaining income wouldn’t be nearly close yo even with Jordan, that’s nothing like the girl we’re seeing.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

2) Jordan can also negotiate, unlike other pets.
4) id say their lives are more like prisons. She’s not that much better than Mal. Never heard of comfort inn, but I’m guessing the name is ironic.

I agree thats a big difference, Jordan was given an out, But Sara had also been manipulating him up until that point, so his answer reflects that. His options were stay with him or get jettisoned into the unknown. Had she offered to set up talks about transferring him to Emily or Daniella he likely would have chosen them, and she knows it, she made his other option sound as scary as possible.

5) the difference is Mal and Sara need people like Saddie and Madison to look like good guardians, but Kayla looks like a good guardian just by herself.

6) I wouldn’t either, it’s just a poorly thought out comment, not like when Sara said the same thing.

7) Yes, but it’s impotant remember, she chose to be a streamer, he didn’t, just because she wants him to participate doesn’t mean it’s a good thing for him to do.

Moderator wouldn’t be too bad, so long as it pays.

10) she would be spending more money on him now, he’s new. Once she gets his basic necessities all handled there will be less for her to need to buy, and all of what she’s buying for him would be covered under how much she’s getting from selling his house and stuff.

Everything she’s bought for Jordan beyond necessities are actually for her though, he has nice clothes because she doesn’t like how he dresses, he gets a buggy because she thought it’d be cool, and most of what she’s bought for him she keeps as a tool to manipulate him into “earning” them, while she assumes she doesn’t need to earn anything from him.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

10 continued and the Collar was Chloe’s gift to Sara, Jordan’s just wearing it.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

2) true

4) Sara wouldn’t have been able to arrange for with daniela or emily as they aren’t guardians. They would also have to not only pay the fees for classes they would be responsible for the transfer fees. Plus Sara would be entitled to reimbursement for her time and money spent as part of such a transaction. They would never be able to afford any of that. Like Sara paid off his debts they she would want to be compenstated for that even if she was being nice and giving them things like the buggy, clothes, habitat. etc. his actual debts she would want to be compensated for.

5) Sara looks like a good guardian because shes knows the material, nothing shes doing is inappropriate or out of bounds. There is a difference between what you think is appropriate and what is actually inappropriate which would need to be factored into such a talent or merit based thing. The #1 ranked guardian in the world is nmber 1 for reason.

7) Lots of people go to jobs they don’t like everyday. Thats just a facet of life. Jordan would not be unique or special in that. it’s not like every waitress asked to be waitress or a sales clerk, or cashier, or a laborer. Sometimes its just the hand you are dealt and thats part of life.

10) Jordan’s stuff is not guaranteed to turn a profit. As the government sells thing at auction. So while they could get a profit. A return is not guaranteed. It coudl be sold below market value and being there is a mortgage she would have to pay the remaining balance.

They would probably try to start the auctution for his house at hte value of the mortgage but if Jordans mortgage is worht more then the house. Then that would fall on Sara.

10 continued) the collar was chloe’s gift to Sara. I guess Sara could remove it and use it for her next little if she was getting rid of JOrdan. SHe wouldnt have to send it with him.

5 months ago

Sorry, I’ve been silent the last couple months I got hurt at work but I’m good now. I can’t tell you how excited I’m to the return of Smallera I know you didn’t have it for the last month but just saw the newest updates. It’s got me so freaking excited🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯 her whittle man back in the girls locker room going to be getting spicy 🌶️ I really hope and the fact whittle body hottie is trying to fight it with his Sara mommy is too great she doesn’t seem to care at all this is not a discussion. All Sara hears from her whittle tiny baby is “goo goo gaga”. please tell me she is going to be undressing him here in front of all the girls this time I can’t see Sara being patient with him anymore.Just to have him naked in the palm ✋ of her hand with all the girls looking down at him giggling and taking pics of him this would be the ultimate humiliation would love ❤️ to see Sara take a photo of it and post right to instagram as he is crying to her not to do it but no discussion about it. His itty bitty penis right there for all the girls to see💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️ I can see Ellie coming from behind Sara spotting his tiny penis in excitement going “Ahhh finally!!!” flicking it back and forth going “Coochy Coochy Coo” Jordy gets ticklish and Sara and all the girls start laughing at him💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌶️♥️ hopefully soon those Ellie special supervised bathroom visits will come 🌶️ taking his clothes off to get a better look at everything she might need a magnifying 🔍 glass to peek around and just the thought of a tongue bath with Jordy in his now step mommies mouth 👄 I can just picture it. Hopefully Jordy messes up real soon maybe accidentally curses at Sara and the big punishment comes🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ maybe that can make Sara go back to being more conservative like her mother towards him. Plus I can’t wait to they go shopping for the beauty products hopefully 🤞 some pedicure and foot care 🙏🏻💯🦶🦶 will there be more of Sara and her girlfriends bare feet upcoming? I just hope for undressing and dressing him and also more of Sara maybe Ellie bathing 🧼 him🙏🏻♥️💯 Im super stoked anyways the story continues 🙏🏻💯♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏

5 months ago

Even shy little Kayla doesn’t care about Jordan in the locker room. LOL Love it. “It’s like if I left one of my anime figures in the bathroom… like I’d care…”

Meanwhile, Jordan: “Yeah… I’m not even a person. So it’s all good…” **keep it together Jordo! don’t ruin this**

Reply to  Shrunk_DC
5 months ago

Also…. does Sara know anyone who isn’t blonde? LOL

5 months ago

“Oh, but he’s not like a real boy. I can’t see anyone in class really caring or being weirded out by him”

I wonder if Kayla would still think this way if Kelli was a guy (her brother) instead a girl

Last edited 5 months ago by gui58
Reply to  gui58
5 months ago

She probably would but it would I could see a world where her comment is different as well.

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