Smallara Episode 463: A Giantess Story

Smallara 463

“You don’t need to be worried Jordy. Everyone knows your my wittle man.” Sara said as she gently gave him a head pat as they walked into the locker room.

“It’s super cute how Jordan has an issue with it. I wish Gavin was more like that. He could hardly wait to come in here. No decency whatsoever.” Mallory said looking down at Gavin whose face reddened a bit.

“If Gavin had issues coming in here. I’d be fearful that he’d be sick.” Ellie said as the girls laughed as they approached their gym lockers.

“Oh Kayla the locker next to mine is free. You should move your stuff down here and change with your friends instead of changing in the corner alone by yourself.” Sara said knowing Kayla wouldn’t move her stuff on her own as she was quite shy as Sara had noticed.

“You know that it’s not weird to want to show you all a little respect and decency as you change. You act like I haven’t lived my life as a person for over 20 years.” Jordan said as Sara set him down on the bench.

“I know and you are doing so good adjusting to things. I was texting Mal the other day that you are really accepting things so naturally overall and really taking it in stride. Not everyone would be able to do that. I mean you lived as a person for pretty much all of your life and then to find out you are an underbred would be shocking. I mean look at Gavin. He tried to hide it and was embarrassed. Even Mallory didn’t know until she found him.” Sara said.

“Speaking of which you still need to make that up to me Babe. I think maybe you will be taking me to Target this weekend. A little retail therapy and some star bucks would do wonders for the soul in regards to how you kept things from me.” Mallory said

“Mal, Babe, not target. Please.” Gavin said as he glared over at Sara shooting her daggers with his gaze.

Sara mouthed Sorry discreetly to Gavin as Kayla looked about wondering where to set Kelli as she grabbed all her stuff from her other gym locker. As there was no way to grab all her things and hold Kelli. The thought of Kelli being buried beneath all her gym clothes as she carried them over here made her chuckle.

“I can take her for you while you grab your stuff.” Mallory said as she extended her hand with Gavin on it. Kelli looked up at Mallory struggling to believe this was the same girl she would give pointers too. As Kayla moved her hand next to Mallorys. Kelli walked over to Mallory’s noting that even with Gavin on her hand already her added weight meant nothing. Mallory raised her hand upward Kelli was hit with a brief sense of motion sickness, but she noticed that Mallory was much more comfortable and fluid with her motions. She could tell she was more used to handling littles although she seemed not as skilled as Sara but more skilled than her sister since Mallory had the benefit of time and practice to hone her skills with Gavin.

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5 months ago

It’d be funny of Kelli gave gavin a few quick tips on how to deal with Mallory. Like I bet Kelli’s seen the dominant girlfriend thing plenty of times and knows how girls like Mallory act and could give gavin some ammo to even the playing field in order to make a few things easier on him

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

It’d be really interesting, imo, and it’d probably make sarah feel better and help Kayla and Kelli get closer to sarah in general

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) are you saying Gavin still hasn’t Madison it up to Mal? Though I’d say Msl has more than a few things to make up to her.

2) hate how Jordan’s saying “lived as a person” even “was a person” was better than that. (Even though in actuality neither is true as he is and forever will be a person).

3) what’s wrong with Target? It’s not the cheapest but far from a rich kid store, or is it fancier in America?

4) Kayla’s really being integrated well.

5) Jordan’s adjustments have been quicker than I thought, it’s been what 3.5 years for us, but only 5 days for him, acceptance takes time and Sara rushed his quite often, I don’t like that that’s paying off for her.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Targets just not a fun place for guys to go with their girlfriends here lol even a non-little would probably hate getting dragged their by their significant other as it’s boring as sin.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

For real. I’m not even in a relationship and still hate going there for anything other than like cookware haha

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Now I kinda feel like We’re missing out on the Target experience, ya’lls’ have so fricken much.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Clothes, toys, there’s a tech section, some furniture, confectionery, No groceries, I hear they sell groceries in America.

But never have I seen a target with another business inside it, or any food being served inside.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Oh, well that’s a lot of stores here, though Target is like the third cheapest here so it wouldn’t get my attention like that, not that Gavin would be paying, lol.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) Probably, but not as Madisoned as Mal has. Their relationship seems healthier every time I learn about it.

2) I know, but that just gave an odd vibe to me, I might be reading too much into it, again.

4) I love that It’s Mal who offered to hold Kelli, really setting up her wanting Kayla to go to the same college as her.

5) “while he hasn’t believed in smallara, he was aware of its existence and what it did” What? That feels like an oxymoron, do you mean he underestimated it or something?

I get that Jordan isn’t as assertive as others, but he should be able to tell when he’s being treated unfairly. I understand he’s good at taking direction but that comes with trusting who’s directing you, which Sara hasn’t truly earned from him. It definitely frustrates me that he’s slipping into the role so easily.

Sara’s kindness almost always comes with a price, while Jordan has been shown kindness, Sara’s meanness far outweighs it, she’s dismissive of his issues, willingly lets him get bullied by Maisy and Dayton, overreacted against him when things haven’t gone her way, and taken her anger out on him, even when he gains something he often loses at least as much.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

5) Oh, I see.

He’s literally tried to escape how he’s been treated by her and frequently gets annoyed at Sara’s decisions about him, he’s also not an idiot, He can tell when she’s being hypocritical (like with the vulgarity ban). I entirely believe he’d have a great deal of fears and trepidations about his situation, but a lot of his fears would be of Sara. Mozzies and spiders are definitely a threat, but Sara also has threats looming over him if she doesn’t get her way.

I get that Sara is safer than the animals, but if he’s really too scared to ask her for help, or bring up his issues because he doesn’t trust she’ll actually help based on her previous actions and inactions, is that really someone you’d think is treating you fairly in his scenario?

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Ohhhhh!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how freaking excited I am for these locker room scenes💯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 please tell me whittle baby jordy is going to be surrounded be these girls bare feet 🙌👸🦶🦶🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️ like he was back in the last locker room scene with Steph’s foot in front of his itty bitty body. I hope 🤞 Ellie takes a peak at whittle body hottie and teases him here. I love 💗 it so much when Sara made fun of his whittle baby junk when he forgot him self when he was first captured by Sara. She laughs and goes “oh body hottie there is a better chance of the medicine working on you… what? too soon and continues to laugh at him I absolutely 1000% love when she talks to him like that 💯😈🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️

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