Smallara Episode 465: A Giantess Story

Smallara 465 1

Kelli and Gavin felt Mallory’s hand rise up, and soon, the giant face of Mallory was looking at the two of them. Kelli watched Mallory’s eyes immediately latch onto Gavin and then look over at her. She didn’t say anything, but she felt her eyes prying and scouring for any foul play. Kelli had friends who were similar to Mallory in the past. They kept tabs on there men and always liked knowing where they were and would volunteer to tag along with them if there was going to be another woman along. Now, though, she didn’t have any way to really fight her off.

“So, Kelli, I will need you to work with Kayla on her footwork. Probably an hour or two a day should suffice. Some passing drills couldn’t hurt either. It would be ideal. I don’t expect her to be as good as you; that would be unfair. But she does have some natural talent about her. It’s what has gotten her this far. But she needs more work on the core skills.

“R-right, sure. I can give her some pointers, but I’m not her coach or trainer. I have–” Kelli said before Mallory interjected

“All the time in the world to help your guardian. I know. You are such a good sister. You can just update me before or after Kayla and I work out each day. Make sure she brings you with her from now on. It would be inconvenient otherwise.

“Mallory, I have–”

“Nothing better to do? Of course, you don’t. Your job is to support Kayla, who is now on my crew. Which means you basically work for me. So, as I was saying, start there, and then we can discuss further once she starts to improve her core competency.” Mallory said

“Mallory, listen -”

“You’re welcome, Kelli. Taking your sister in is no problem at all. She seems to fit in nicely, and I can mold her into the perfect partner on the field. You can carry on my teachings at home. You did so much for me; this is the absolute least I could do. I’m just happy we can be friends now,” Mallory said, smiling warmly before turning her attention to Gavin.

“You aren’t hassling her, are you, babe?” Mallory said before looking back at Kelli. He’s harmless, Kelli. I swear. But if he gives you trouble, let me know,” Mallory said as she set down Gavin and Kelli in her locker.

Kelli could say nothing but comply with Mallory’s wishes. It was a sobering experience. Normally, Kayla listened to what she had to say and gave her a chance to respond. Mallory left no opportunity to get a word in edgewise. She also didn’t like the connotation that she had nothing better to do than assist Kayla—as if her life’s work was to assist Kayla.

“Hey, it looks like we will be seeing more of each other,” Gavin said

“Yeah, it looks that way. Since I apparently found out I work for your girlfriend.” Kelli said, a little annoyed.

“She doesn’t mean anything by it. She just likes to win. She wants you to help make Kayla the best she can be, you know.” Gavin said.

“Look, I get it, she’s your girlfriend. I don’t need someone to tell me to help my little sister. Kayla knows I’m here for her.” Kelli said as she saw Kayla walk towards Sara, who opened up the empty locker next to her. There was enough chatter in the locker room and she was far enough away from Kayla she knew her voice would never be able to overpower the noise of the room. She was stuck over here to Kayla came to get her. Which hopefully shouldn’t be too much longer, Kelli said, looking up at Mallory.

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J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

Sigh 😔 of course Mallory does her interrupt everyone before they say anything thing again Jesus someone needs to tell her to stop one day she basically insulted Kelli by assuming she didn’t want to help her sister and assume that is all she wants to do and she works for her now like good lord.

Whatever parents raised this girl suck but maybe she’ll get better at letting people speak especially her friends and boyfriend but I doubt it god

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Lol this one chapter made me like Madison more than Mallory and that’s saying a lot. I really hope someone slaps some sense into her, though good girlfriend makes it seem like nothing is gonna change with her

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Lol I was laughing about that to myself. One chapter of Mallory not being nice to half of my dynamic duo instantly made me hate her. At least with madison I can see areas where she can grow and some twisted justifications for her actions. Thanks to the good girlfriend series, I don’t see any room for growth for Mallory in the future. Hell, if mallory watched Jordan and Kelli for sarah and Kayla, I wonder what kind of hell she’d put them through lol though I have a suspicion she wouldn’t be this way with jordan

5 months ago

Fuuuuckkk Mallory lmao I like madison more than her. I hope she gets knocked off her high horse. I really hope if she does it again Kelli loses it and screams at her to stfu

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

True true. I just, from a personal standpoint, hate when people interrupt or talk over me lol but yeah, not only from a people person standpoint but for Kayla’s sake, I don’t think Kelli would pop off in a new group of friends that’ll upgrade her Station in the school.

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) this panel looks like the best shot of Mal’s face, speaking of “Mal’s face” and “shots” man I wanted to punch her in this one.

2) I’ll take solace in knowing that Kayla could still leave Kelli at home if she asked, she’s not fully under Mal’s control, Though Mal saying that pussed me off, even if false.

3) interesting to see how Mal handles attempts to talk back, about as poorly and as expected.

4) what’s the white dot on mal’s neck?

5) I love how Kelli’s reaction seems to be a mix of “fuck off cunt” and “Yeah, I’ll help my sister”, even if she only said one to Mal

6) Mal wanting to “mold” Kayla was weird, even more than when people talk about “molding” their littles.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

7) I did like Gavin running a little damage control at the end.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

3) exactly why I hate it lol it’s such an annoying power move. Anytime it happens to me I just keep talking and ask “does that make sense?”

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) Probably because she’s facing almost directly at the camera and there aren’t any obstructions and she’spretty clod to it.

(oh wait, you meant the other thing, lol)

2) Mal does realise she’s not actually in charge of anyone (except Gavin) right? like she wasn’t stopping Sara from befriending Maisy, so It’s not like she expects disobedience.

3) Poorly as it’s just going to turn people against her, even if Kelli lost this round if she complains to Kayla it could lead her sister to pull away.

4) Oh, lol. That makes sense.

6) yeah, because somehow Mallory “the-most-popular-girl-in-the-school” Bak doesn’t have any friends on her soccer team. lol

7) that’s fair, he probably likes being able to talk to people around his height, and doesn’t want Mal’s personality pushing them away.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

3) I know this would never happen, but it’d be so cool if Kayla saw it and got mad at Mallory and said something without hesitation due to her not being very good with social skills and Kelli telling Kayla not to worry. Like:

As Kayla walks back with her clothes she over hears Mallory speaking to Kelli. She can see her sister is trying to tell Mal that she’s already committed to helping but Mallory won’t let her talk. Without thinking, Kayla walks to Mallory “Mallory, can you not speak to my sister like that or at least let her say her piece”

Mallory glares at Kayla hearing this. Kelli, face palming as Kayla doesn’t realize what she’s done, speaks up. “no Kayla, it’s okay. She pretty much nailed everything I wanted to say”

Kayla looms surprised at Kelli, never seeing her play the submissive one, only to see Kelli shaking her said “no” as to communicate the she overstepped with Mallory. Kayla picks up on this and drops the issue, and Mallory relaxes a bit

Like I don’t think Kayla is that socially dense to not know to not attack the top dog and I know she’s too shy to really say anything yet, but still, I’d love them having each other’s backs like that

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I’m imagining she’d need an adrenaline rush to get her there, and Mal would need to be alot worse than she us with Krlli here, but I’d also love to se Kayla stand up for her sister.

Don’t particularly like Kelli being submissive at the end, but that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for this verse, especially since she’s doing it for Kayla’s benefit.

Perhaps Mal would react like Maisy did to Sara earlier and respect her more for standing up for herself.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Would need to be a huge boost to do it in the first day of meeting Mal, but Kayla does need to learn to stand up for her sister eventually in this. Though she’ll probably have to pick her battles, it’s gonna be necessary for them to have eachothers back for a healthy relationship.

And I view Kelli being submissive in both the main post and my hypothetical a mix of kelli adjusting to a new setting and knowing how the high school game is played. Once she gets acclimated, Kelli could help Kayla and sarah run wild on that group. I even bet Kelli has some dirt on Mallory already, having helped her when Kelli was still in high school, and is saving it for when Kayla needs it

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

4) I zoomed in and double checked, looks like a diamond pendant on a necklace

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Could be, but its not in any of the previous images where her neck us visible, there also doesn’t appear to be a chain or string.

5 months ago

I don’t know why Mallory feels threatened that Kelli would take Gavin from her.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Nodqfan
5 months ago

Because she’s jealous by nature. She’s also a bit teasing.

All so there’s a growing stigma about little/human relationships

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
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