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Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) what a great Middle name for her, a genius decision.

2) “Her own merit” lol ok, trust fund baby.

3) “technically licensed” she’s held a little like twice and didn’t even trust the training program her family runs.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

2) She’s the only character we know who has a trust fund.
Being trained by her parents to inherit the business still doesn’t feel like her own merit.
so she’s the oldest?

3) She fucking what? That doesn’t even make sense. She didn’t trust the guardianship program, called it a “cash grab” in 318, and didn’t know much about them at all, was surprised by several things Sara knows from it. Sara also credited the training as to why she considers Jordan an inferior which hardly sounds like classes Chloe would take part in creating

4) Shouldn’t “Queen of the littles” be listed in her nicknames?

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

2) true, she is not the oldest in her family.

3) It makes sense but I think you are overlooking a few details. She helped create the core classroom training. However, it would be like if you and I were tasked with creating a lesson plan on the great wall of china, why it was made, what influenced it to be made, etc.

While we would have some the core points how we got to those points, what influences we had, the viewpoints we used to justify things all could be different. You could create a lesson around the great wall was positive for the people or negative for the people while still hitting each point.

Because as a teacher you have a degree of personal influence on how you are covering something.

So while she knows there is a section on letting handling. She has seen the material they gave the instructors on little handling. What they took from that, what they chose to do, how they chose to do, what influences they chose to use are all beyond her purview. So she doesn’t know how Sara and her friends were taught what they were taught. She just knows the bullet point of what they were taught and she knows the internal Generitech techniques.

So there is a wide range of variability between each class because the teachers aren’t robots and while they created the training the government is managing it at this point in time.

So she basically bought the groceries and someone else is doing the cooking.

4) Queen of the littles is a title not a nick name. As it would be Queen of the littles, VP at generitech, Chloe Gracewood.

So I didn’t include it in a nickname category for that reason. Plus canoncially she doesn’t like nicknames. She generally calls people by there given name throughout the story. Its not like she wont ever use a nickname but she prefers to call people by their proper name. She would call Jennifer, jenny if they preferred to jenny to Jennifer for example. But she wouldn’t call Jenny speedy just because she was quick or whatever. She would just always call her Jenny.

5 months ago

Not as much as I’d hoped to see for her bio but I guess we’ve had a lot of inferred knowledge over the course of the story. I still think she’s the best option for Littles rights and running generitech in the future. She seems like a genuine person that cares about people. Probably why her parents want her running the business over her siblings

5 months ago

I wonder how will Cheity take it when she shrinks and face Sarah and Chloe?? I hope they will teat her like a real pet like she talk to them but all she recives is a puppy talk back like all the time or something, but not being evil to her just supper nice like puppies, which make her more angry

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