Smallara Episode 468: A Giantess Story

Smallara 468

“Kayla, does Kelli need a swimsuit? Jordy has an extra in his emergency kit.” Sara said as she pulled out a small pencil bag looking case

“Why would “Jordy” have female swimsuits?” Chloe asked

“In case someone has a damaged one he can look like a hero.” Sara said. “Jordy is prepared for every situation.” Sara said. As she held out a female bathing suit.

“Thanks Sara and Jordy.” Kayla said as she handed Kelli the swimming suit. Jordan could hear Kelli voice her displeasure in having to participate in Kayla’s classes.

It’s a lot colder with being in the open with so little clothing Jordan thought as he shivered a bit in Sara’s hand. As Sara looked down at him, giving him a wink. He looked up at her not sure what she was winking for.

“You are going to look so cute in that Kelli.” Sara said looking over Kayla and Kelli’s direction.

“It is pretty nice. You should take some style notes from your friend Kayla.” Kelli said as she started putting on the suit. As much as she didn’t want to participate in the class. She had to admit putting on suit in the style of something she would buy for herself was nice. Kayla’s stuff was all very tomboyish or practical. Which Kayla tended not buy anything to fashionable for herself so it made sense to her as much as she didn’t ilke it.

“You should see how excited Jordy is to see you in it.” Sara said while smiling to down at Jordan who immediately looked up at her. Sara could see he was trying to communicate a “what are you doing.” phrase to her but he just needed to trust her about this. Jordy was not very knowledgeable when it came to women. She could see that.

“Would you stop staring at me Kayla. It’s weird enough changing in your hand.” Kelli said.

“Well, I could turn around and let everyone see you change. I didn’t know you were such a Exabitionist.” Kayla teased.

“Don’t you dare Kayla.” Kelli reprimanded. “There are boys in here.” Kelli added as even if the others didn’t see them as regular guys. They certainly were to her. The idea of Gavin and Jordy seeing her change was far from comforting.

“Is that Kelli I hear actually not wanting to be the center of attention? This has to be a first. Normally you love all the eyes on you Kell.” Kayla teased not often catching her sister in a vulnerable and insecure moment like this.

“Kayla I’m serious. I’m putting my foot down. This is serious. Besides don’t you have your own suit you need to put on? Especially since your actually taking this class. Unlike me who just got drug into this by MY LITTLE sister.” Kelli said as sternly as her new voice could muster.

Kayla could tell Kelli was getting annoyed and as much as she wanted to double down she figured she better reign it in. As she did want Kelli to come with her to school again. Kelli was her ticket into a world of not getting pushed around for a change. She was still a bit skeptical as to if any of her new friends would be friends with her if Kelli wasn’t around. She liked to think that Kelli has no factor on their friendship. But, shes used to pranks where its be nice to loser for a day.

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J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

Good god I love this sister dynamic straight up the best duo – Sara I see you being the best wingman still there may be times I don’t agree with you but this anit one of them.

Jordan you need to get your rizz game on and up because it lacking damn it.

5 months ago

Smart of Kayla not to push things. They really need to speak to each other about what’s going on though. Kayla’s nice but I see what she means about being afraid of Kelli not being there as Kelli knows how all of this works. I just hope she doesn’t let her goal overshadow her relationship. Be a team lol that’s all they need to do

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Right, that makes sense. I just want them to keep/build the healthy team work dynamic I’m hoping Littles and guardians eventually have with each other. Granted I’m sure there will always be people that treat Littles the way Cindy saw them as, but I have faith the eventual norm will be some form of the pairs helping each other in some way, especially as training programs change and develop over the years.

Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Also, sorry if I sound like a broken record with the whole team dynamic stuff lol I feel like I talk about it nonstop. I just feel that it’s a natural progression at least for smallara victims and guardians for the near future and then a good idea for smallborns and guardians.

5 months ago

Poor Kayla…. serious trust and self confidence issues from bullies. I can relate, actually. But clearly the other girls are more interested in her than Kelli. Being popular doesn’t translate to personable people skills in the slightest. And most of Kelli’s dialogue reflects that. Not that you don’t already have a overflowing plate, but I’d like to see more of Kayla and Kelli’s side story.

Also…. Ellie’s photobomb stealing all the attention in the back for the win. LOL

Last edited 5 months ago by Shrunk_DC
Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) I was wondering if Kelli was gonna skinny dip. Though it’s pretty luck Jordan’s female togs were Kelli’s exsct size.

2) wonder what else is in Jordan’s emergency kit.

3) it’s tough seeing Kayla think she only has friends because of her sister.

4) if Jordan thinks he’s colder now, wait till he’s wet.

5) Kelli putting her foot down was good to see.

6) Kelli wearing clothes she’d actually like is nice.

7) I thought Chloe wasn’t gonna call him “Jordy”

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) so Sara has multiple women’s togs in various sizes?

2) probably, and mostly for outlandish scenarios Sara’s imagined such as this one.

3) I just wanted to hug the poor girl.

4) Possibly, this us a private school’s private pool, but once he gets out of the water, and his wet body is exposed to air.

5) it’s goid knowing at least one littke can set boundaries, hopefully Sara and other guardians can learn from Kayla’s example.

6) i hope she gets to pisc a few things for her own wardrobe.

7) I get it now.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

2) I suppose.

3) It makes sense, but if these figures are only befriending her for Kelli, than they aren’t her friends.

4) That’s likely. And Ellie “keeping him warm” is bound to happen sooner or later.

5) yeah, a better one, that should be the standard.

6) probably from money they’d make selling her old clothes.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

2) Sara didn’t know who Kayla’s little even was ahead of time or knew her.

Sara is the main person who wants to be Kayla’s friend. Ellie will go along with it because of Sara.

4) Ellie keeping him warm at some point is as likely as predicting the next breath.

5)I still believe Jordan is in a better situation then you give him credit for being in.

Gavin is in a situation of his own making so i don’t feel all that bad for him.

6) Kayla isn’t selling her clothes they are just in her closet. She will probably wear them.

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