Smallara Episode 469: A Giantess Story

Smallara 469

As soon as Kelli finished putting on her suit on Kayla turned around. Jordan looked over at Kelli and he saw just how beautiful Kelli actually was. She looked pretty before but seeing her now in something besides a t-shirt and some yoga pants. In something more feminine made him realize she was really a looker.

“Doesn’t she look nice Jordy.” Sara said

“Yeah, uhm she looks very pretty.” Jordan said his words stammered out as Jordan saw Steph approach him looking down at him before looking over at Kelli.

“I don’t believe we’ve met officially. I’m Stephanie. Rumor has it you’re going out with him tomorrow?” Steph said standing up fully before looking down at Kelli.

“Yeah, he’s my date to Chloe and Mallory’s party. Is that a problem?” Kelli said not about to be intimidated by whoever this was.

“No, it’s very cute seeing you two as a couple. You played soccer, didn’t you?” Steph asked

“I was on scholarship to play yes before this all happened. Is this really necessary?” Kelli asked looking up at Kayla.

“Steph stop giving her the third degree. I’m sorry Kelli. She doesn’t know when to stop. She goes into journalist mode and loses herself.” Sara said.

“What? I didn’t do anything.” Steh said looking over at Sara. “Sorry, I may have overstepped my bounds.” Steph said, apologizing.

“It’s fine I’m used to it with this one.” Kelli said pointing over up at Kayla.

Jordan was looking over at Kelli who was sitting in Kayla’s hand as Sara and her friends headed out of the locker room. All Jordan could think about was Sara talking about Jordy Jr. As he looked over at Kelli he tried to not to make it obvious, but his body was betraying him as he felt Jordy Jr growing in size. He hated how he was thinking about it as Jordy Jr. He cursed Sara’s influence as he tried his best to disguise his body’s excitement from Kelli but also Sara.

“Are you really not going to be coming to school with Kayla, Kelli?” Sara asked as they walked towards the pool.

“Definitely not. I graduated from high school and paid my dues. Coming back here five days a week willingly? No thank you.” Kelli said as she stretched out in Kayla’s hand a bit even though a wave of motion sickness hit her.

“Can you really blame her? I wouldn’t come back here.” Ellie said as she toyed with her hair a bit. “School sucks.” She said with a seriousness in her voice.

Sara looked down at Jordan who was fidgeting around a bit more than normal before saying “I suppose so.” Sara said with a bit of disappointment in her voice causing Kayla to look down at Kelli and then back over Sara who had started giving Jordan a gentle pet to try to stop his fidgeting as the girls walked down the hallway.

“I forgot about Tamara.” Kayla said nervously as she looked at one of the girls who had been bullying her.

“You’re with us now. Shes not going to do anything.” Sara said trying to make Kayla feel better.

“You’re under my protection Kayla. If anyone does or says anything mean to you, I’ve made it clear it’s considered a personal attack against me, and I will crush them and make them the next Helen Walsh.” Mallory said as she looked over at Tamara who she caught looking in Kayla’s direction but instantly turned away

“Th-thank you Mallory. Who’s Helen Walsh? I don’t know that name.” Kayla asked.

“Exactly, and you probably won’t. Ever again. She’s nothing more than a stain on the boots of society. She thought they could escape my wraith by transferring schools but that only made my victory sweeter. She underestimated my popularity. It was nothing for some of my people carry out my revenge on my behalf. She had to ultimately drop out of that school too. Now she goes to that poor public school across town on the west side that struggles to buy even iPads for their students to use. You know the one what’s it called Ellie it has that coffee shop we like on the corner of Dunsbury” Mallory said with malice in her voice just over thought Helen Walsh.

“Oh Edison Heights. Thats the school she goes to now? I didn’t know that. She should just move. That school is a waste of tax dollars my dad says.” Ellie added before looking over at Kayla. “You need to stop worrying so much. You have real friends now.” Ellie said as she slung her arm over Kayla’s shoulder.

Gavin remained clutched in Mallory’s hand hearing the story of what she did to Helen was a reminder of just how far Mallory would go when it came to him. She had found Helen’s name in his phone as he had a planned meet up with her. Before he had caught Smallara he was trying to push Mallory away a bit. It wasn’t that he didn’t find her attractive or anything like that. He liked that they had common interests, it was mostly that she was very clingy and possessive. She wanted to know where he was, what he was doing at all times. She wanted to talk on the phone at all times when they weren’t around. It was suffocating.

Gavin knew he was the cause of what happened to Helen. Mallory had basically socially murdered her. She went out of her way to make an example out of Helen. As even before Smallara Gavin knew Mallory viewed him as her man. So, to Mallory this was Helen basically slapping her across. One thing Gavin knew about Mallory is that she was competitive and if she was wronged, she was vindictive.

Mallory had drug Helen through the socials streets and then when she dropped out and transferred to a new school Mallory ensured that people who followed her on social Media who went to that school targeted and berated her. Gavin felt horrible but knew he could do nothing. Mallory systematically had Helen erased. Even the debate trophies she had won for the school were mysteriously removed from the display case by the administration with no reason given.

“Babe, what are you thinking about?” Mallory said as she started petting Gavin to release some of the stress he appeared to have in his body. Almost instantly Gavin felt his muscles and release and the tension and anger evaporate from his body. “Thats better. You can’t get so tense and stressed.” Mallory added as she lifted Gavin up giving him a kiss.

“Thanks Mal,” Gavin said. It was embarassing when she would do that in front of others. Gavin hated how it made him feel as if she was asserting dominance over him.

“This pool looks huge now.” Kelli said from Kayla’s hand as they walked into the school pool.

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5 months ago

Yup. If her not letting Kelli talk a few chapters ago didn’t solidify it, this chapter did. Fuck Mallory, Madison is better lol. Did all of that while she was contemplating breaking up with gavin. Bet that’s the more of the reason she wanted gavin as her little, just to constantly remind him of what he tried to do. Just fucked up. I hope she gets what’s coming to her or at least some kind of karmic retribution. God it’d be awesome if she had a false positive and got smallara in college or if kayla became more popular cause Kelli helped

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Yeah she definitely sounds….I don’t know if I want to say crazy but damn she is borderline close to it. Imagine if we get a Helen revenge arc or mini series where later in the future Helen meet Mallory and she vows to take everything from Mallory like she took everything from her kinda like the spot from Spider-Man

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

I’d love it especially with Helen being a depate champion. If Mallory didn’t have as big a following, Helen could probably convince people super easily to her cause. Which makes me hate Mallory even more lol put of all the people that seemingly get their way without karma kicking them in the ass, it’s her I despise the most.

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Damn you and your valid points, cause that’s what I’d begrudgingly admit 😂 well I can still hope to get my cake and eat it too I guess…I remember high school, and even the most popular kids had some semblance of karma smack them in their face. I guess it’d be nice to see what Mallory was like when Kelli was helping her, if you can provide any insight on that. “she was always nice to her and helped her” makes me think Mallory may not have been very well liked but Kelli did a lot to help her, and that laid the ground work for Mallory popularity or something along those lines. Maybe her bitchiness is just a side affect of needing to be like that to get her status

J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

Oh yeah……heck yeah….HELL YEAH!!!!!!! Jordan don’t deny what Jordy jr wants man… Steph cool it with questions dang it and Kayla at least convince Kelli to come along more at least and Tamara returns oh boy.

Now I am so conflicted about how to feel about Mallory honestly I don’t know what to feel about like she not 100% bad but damn this just makes her sound like a monster in girl form like damn but she cares for Gavin as well which isn’t bad but damn she sounds like a insane lover.

Also Jordan x Kelli movement just keeps rising whoooooooooooooo

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

I’m sure Kelli will come to school more often as long as Kayla doesn’t force it. Kelli seems to miss social connection and hanging with Jordan is her best bet to get it. She heard Mallory talk about Helen, too, so I’m willing to be she’s gonna be out of arms reach with gavin to protect kayla

5 months ago

It seems like Ellie’s words made Sara feel sorry for Jordan being forced to go to school with her, but since he’s her emotional support pet person, leaving him at home is not a possibility.

5 months ago

I gotta ask. Are you purposely making Kayla’s skin not as pristine as the other girls to show her lack of self-esteem? Is there going to be “She’s All That” makeover in the future here? LOL

Seriously though I’m so waiting for Kayla to reign Kelli in already and show her her spot in the food chain.

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) Steph nosing into Kayla was funny, definitely glad she was told to back off though, nice to see a guardian stick up for their little.

2) I thought it was Kelli Walsh from the Good Girlfriend.

3) am I mistaken, or did Sara feel a touch of guilt for dragging Jordan back to school with her?

4) this is seriously some Mafia level shit what happened to Walsh, Talking about her people going after her. These girls ae definitely bullies, especially Mal.

5) Hoping Tamara at least says something to Kayla.

6) Poor Gavin feeling guilty, you’re not responsible for Mal’s bullying.

7) Jordan getting a boner was actually a reasonable response, though togs are the worst clothes to hide it in.

8) Kelli’s fashion preferences immediately validated.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

3) I think sarahs shown some very, very subtle signs of guilt for certain things and introspection during this school day based on the chapters. The other instance I can think of is when she and Chloe were alone and Chloe briefly pointed out how she was being a hypocrite by not letting jordan see his friends. I know she said it’s different, but she did look at him in a somewhat similar way I feel. I could be reading into it a little too much though

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) Although it was Sara who stepped in. Kayla didn’t do anything. This could be considered indirect Sara praise.

2)The intent is that It is, but I thought it was to confusing having two Kelli’s. So i adjusted the name for clarity of the reader.

3) Shes not immune to emotions and she does care about him. So its possible she felt something.

4) Mafia seems like a step far. It’s not far-fetched to think people at another local school would follow Mallory on social media.

5) I’m sure Tamara and Kayla will have some interaction.

6)He kind of is though. He was still with Mallory and arranging to see someone else. That is cheating as he hadn’t broke up with Mallory yet. Cheating is never excused. All parties involved all had guilt. Helen knew Mallory and Gavin were together and continued with this anyway. Gavin was arranging to see another girl behind Mallorys back, and Mallory got upset over it. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned as they say.

7)Togs must be Australian for swimwear.

8)it helps wearing things a person feels comfortable in.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) miss read that damn it. If only Sara was that protective of her own little. (There, I saved it)

2) right, but it’s more confusing to randomly change the name.

3) I’m glad sge isnt immune, feeling guilty is the first step to admitting yiu have a problem, which is the first step to fixing said problem.

If she doesn’t fix it, by my calculations Jordan would die around 2123 and Sara in 2150, I hope she spends those last 27 years feeling guilty remembering how often she wronged and let Jordan down, knowing she could have been better but chose not to.

4) I’ll admit exaggeration. But it us still bullying though, and quite severe at that.

6) while I’m not going to defend Gavin cheating. Mal’s reaction was extremely overzealous, especially because she’s hot Sara and Chloe at her side like they aren’t also guilty of these sins.

7) yeah sorry, I’ve been using that word assuming you knew what it meant.

8) it certainly would.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) thanks, I needed that.

2) fair enough.

3) I never thought she was immune, she’s clearly felt anger, entitlement, greed, and other emotions, empathy is just a new trick for her.

4) it’s not. I use to think the bullying from US TV shows was exaggerated for entertainment purposes, but turns out no.

Also bullies wouldn’t be as popular as Mal, Maisy or Charity are, they’d all be viewed as lovers, like how the group views Tamara

6) so have I, but I’ve always considered these stories to be an over reaction.

For me it’s six of one, half a dozen of the other. Depending on the context and severity of the offence. I don’t think you’d depict Sara cheating on Kaitlyn as immorally as you’d depict Tamara bullying Kayla, it’s also clear that Mal is willing to reconcile with Gav, unlike Sara and Charity.

Though I was bullied all my life and never been cheated on, so I could be biased.

I will mention that Mal is well within her right to be upset with the cheating Though, as she is clearly completely loyal to Gavin despite being asked out by boys her size, and offered “better” suitors by her mother and grand mother.

7) fair. Sometimes I forget where the Aussie slang ends and the English language begins.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

4) they take the worst examples of bullying and make them look common.

6) yeah, I figured.

Those two concepts aren’t mutually exclusive, she’s getting revenge through bullying.

Why wouldn’t Mal have forgiven Sara? all she did was hang out with Gavin and lie about it, it wasn’t a good thing to do but is much smaller than what’s been disgusted. It’s not like Gavin cheated on Mal with Sara.

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