Smallara Episode 470: A Giantess Story

Smallara 470

Sara lined up with the rest of class clutching Jordan tightly. The tile floor was slick, and she was worried about slipping with Jordan in her hand or on her shoulder. She would have kept him in her gym locker if she didn’t think he would throw a fit. As Sara had learned over their time together that Jordan didn’t like being confined so she tried to allow him as much time outside of confined locations as she could. However, some confinement she knew was unavoidable unfortunately.

As Ms. Sanchez walked into the pool area Jordan waived as she waived back. Sara rolled her eyes not having seen Jordan wave. She turned towards Ellie whispering that Ms. Sanchez had waved at her. Both girls giggled a bit but didn’t say anything further as she approached the class.

“Sara it’s good to see you and you brought Jordan today I see.” Ms. Sanchez said.

“It’s Jordy Ms. Sanchez. Isn’t that, right?” Sara said looking down at Jordan who was taken aback by the question.

“Yes, I go by Jordy now. Daniela.” Jordan said as Sara’s hand came down and gave him a few pats. She gently slid her finger down his back a few times causing him to shudder as his body relaxed.

Sara was pleased with Jordan’s response. She had been trying to give him positive reinforcements when he does good things or responds correctly to something he was asked. As then she wouldn’t have to scold him as much. He just wouldn’t get praise which would tell him that she was upset, or it was inappropriate without having to verbalize it. Then when she did take the time to scold him it would also have the benefit of being much more effective. Although ideally it wouldn’t come to that point.

“Oh, I will update my records.” Daniella said writing Jordy next to Jordans name. “How have you been Jordan?” Daniela asked as Sara interejected.

“That would be great Ms. Sanchez. I really just want to make sure people respect his rights. All too often people think they can just call a little whatever they want. Isn’t that right Jordy?” Sara asked

“Yeah,” Jordan said with a cloud skeptiscm as to where this was going. As he knew Sara had done that very same thing to him. He didn’t mind being called Jordy but the hypocrisy of the statement stood out to him.

“Weren’t you calling him Body Hottie for days, Sara? I’m sure you’re not trying to be some kind of hypocrite.” Ms. Sanchez said politely.

“Never, you see Jordy is mine. He said he wanted to use his name. So, this is what we decided on. Isn’t it Jordy?” Sara said looking down at Jordan.

“Well yes technically. I said I wanted my name to be used.” Jordan said recalling the night in the car when he put his foot down about hte body hottie business.

“This is what he wants Ms. Sanchez. As soon as Jordy said to stop calling him Body Hottie I immedately stopped. He just had to use his words and ask.” Sara said as she began to pet Jordan infront of Ms. Sanchez. Jordan tried to resist but in moments his muscles were relaxed as Sara’s fingers gently worked their way down his back. “I gave him an option of going free and being released to the facility and he chose this life. He wants to live a better life as my pet little man otherwise he would have left when I gave him the chance of freedom.” Sara said assertively

“Jordan, I just want you to be happy. If you’re happy with this…I will respect your wishes.” Daniela said. As she looked on, Sara continued to pet him gently. She kept waiting for Jordan to tell her to stop but a look of bliss was spread across before releasing a relaxing sigh.

“Yes,” Jordan said as his muscles continued to relax until Sara finally stopped. Jordan looked up at Daniela completely relaxed and feeling better than his body had in years. “Sorry, that just feels so good. You have no idea, Daniela. What were you saying?” Jordan asked looking up at his friend.

“Nothing, I was just saying I was happy for you. That you were so happy.” Daniela said as she looked at Jordan for a few brief moments before walking away.

“Did she seem upset? She seemed upset about something.” Jordan asked. “Maybe we could get coffee or something?” Jordan asked looking up at Sara.

“Shes always that way with me. Don’t let it bother you. ” Sara said with a satisfied smile on her face. Looking down at Jordan, she gave him a couple more gentle pets before telling him how good he was but she knew what she had to do. If she wanted to be a good guardian. “I suppose we can work in some coffee with her. “ Sara said politely.

“Really? Thanks Sara. Today already seems busy. Maybe when you go to work, she could take me.” Jordan speculated.

“You would need a guardian chaperone Jordy. I’d go myself if not for work. Ellie is staying over, and we already agreed to go to Kayla’s after school. We can try for this weekend or a day next week whenever our schedules match. I promise I will talk with her today to arrange something.” Sara said looking down at Jordan. “Fine I will talk with her now since it seems so important to you.” Sara said in a inconvenienced tone.

“Yes Sara,” Ms. Sanchez said surprised that Sara of all people had reapproached her.

“Jordy” Sara said making sure to emphasize his name. “and I were wondering if we could get some coffee together. Since you’re like one of his only friends from his old life it would mean alot to him or whatever. Outside of school obviously.

“That would be great. I’d love too. I know this isn’t easy for you and we haven’t seen eye to eye but we both care about Jordan and maybe we could use this to start fresh. We’ve both said things we probably didn’t mean so clean slate?” Daniela said trying to make the situation less awkward and if an olive branch like this could keep Jordan in her life. It woudl be a small price to pay.

“Sure, we can probably make that work. I’ll text you after class. I got your number from Jordy’s contact list.” Sara said releasing teenage girlish giggle before turning back to her friends.

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5 months ago

I hope someone picks up that phone, because I totally called it! I knew Daniella would have to swallow her pride and try to make things work. She cares too much about Jordan to not compromise. And props from sarah for being better than Mallory and actually doing something that Jordan wants to do for his benefit. That’s a big step for sarah, assuming she doesn’t do something selfish like constantly postpone and reschedule. I’m genuinely surprised by this chapter lol such a good way to end the week for this story.

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Agreed. Did you mention if the bonding goes both ways, or if it’s just Littles that bond and become more receptive to their guardians? Part of me wonders if bonding isn’t as researched at this point and maybe that’s part of it, but the other part of me thinks chloes talk with sarah in the closet earlier actually got to sarah, or both lol

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Gotcha, so sarah actually did this out of kindness and caring vs being under a bonding influence. I like that more lol I don’t think we’ve seen a lot of the style of her caring for jordan yet except with Maisy (sorry if I got the name wrong) vs her making sure his basic physical needs are exceeded in being met (clothes, eating people food, getting that car) shows she’s a lot more concerned about him emotionally than she expresses

J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

Sniff…sniff……Sara ..I..I am so proud of you today…..😢🤧🤧🤧….you did good kid ….you..did good…..😭🤧🤧😭😫😫😫😭😭😭….she growing up so fast 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago

Can’t wait to see what lethal says hahaha

J - vader
J - vader
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I know right lol

Reply to  J - vader
5 months ago


5 months ago

I love how Jordan is unconsciously getting used to his new life as a girl’s pet to the point where he doesn’t feel embarrassed about Sara’s petting him before her friend.

Reply to  gui58
5 months ago

I think the nice thing about it Is that it seems to influence sarah a little bit. If he wasn’t becoming more accepting I have a hard time seeing sarah getting coffee with Daniela or not meddling with Kayla and Kelli when Jordan told her not to. They seem more receptive of each other’s wishes as things go forward

5 months ago

Ms Sanchez.: “If you’re happy with this…I will respect your wishes”

Sara: “Uh…. it has nothing to do with whether you agree or not. I’m his guardian, bitch. And it’s JORDY.”

There. I fixed it. LOL

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

Sara: “Is Sara Reeves gonna have ta choke a bitch?”

Reply to  Shrunk_DC
5 months ago

Jordan “run bitch run for your life go get some help!”

Love that skit lol

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) for fuck sake Sara let people call him “Jordan” you he gave you one condition and you’ve fucking shat on it and given him the most minimal compliance possible, and now you’re trying to prevent others doing the same.

2) Sara being called a hypocrit to her face got me elated.

3) “Jordan doesn’t like being confined” since when has that bothered you? And besides your previous times confirming him had been done out of your cruelty and/or as unjudt “punishments”, and often with little to no explanation, he also had nothing to do. If you gave him the option of swimming with you, or staying in the locker with his phone/tablet, he might actually agree.

4) Sara trying is nice, but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and she burns this bridge for him.

5) her definition of “offering him freedom” is disgustingly different that the real one, she wasn’t going to set him free, just make him someone else’s slave, had she offered to let take up Dani or Emily’s offers to take him in she knows he’d have chosen them.

6) I hate how Sara used petting here, she wS rewarding hik for complying with her bullshit, and deliberately distracting him so he can’t fully interact with his friend.

7) Kayla looks really different without her beanie.

8) really felt bad for Dani here, it’d feel like her friend had been kidnapped and the law is siding with the abductor.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Love the stuff you pointed out. Thinking about the story as a whole, I agree with 1 3 5 and 6 now that I see it written out. You’re definitely a lot better at holding sarah accountable and looking at the whole story than I am lol.

To point 4, I really hope she sticks with it, but I could just as easily see it as a manipulation tactic to keep Jordan in line and cause her to really hyper focus on things she doesn’t like just so she has an excuse to not go through with it. Though part of me thinks, and idk how you or anyone else feels about Chloe and her influence on sarah, but I think if she says it and Chloe hears it, she could hold sarah to her word on Jordan’s behalf.

Aslo, loved sarahs hypocritical attitude being pointed out lol

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Thanks, this story lives in my head rent free so information like her past wrongdoings are easier for me to remember. But I enjoy reading you comments too.

Yeah, I’m also thinking she might find some excuse to cancel. But more likely she’ll find away to make him pay for it. Chloe keeping her to her word would be nice, but she’s also dating Sara and recently agreed not to push her opinions on how Sara treats Jordan, so I’m not convinced Jordan’s in luck here.

Definitely felt vindicated, but Sara’s probably just gonna turn around and ignore what Dani said.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

That’s true. The Chloe thing is an interesting variable in play. I don’t think she’ll force her own ideals on sarah, but at the same time that shouldn’t stop her from making sure she keeps her promises. I really hope she keeps her promise. If she actually care for jordan like it’s implied, not following through would really hurt the relationship she’s supposedly working for and she won’t have a genuine connection with him.

Personally the one thing that I think is missing in sarah and Jordan’s relationship that might help is actual emotional support training for Jordan. Granted this is the United States so that registration and title means jack all lol but the actual training would be good for Jordan and make sarah have to value his opinion on things more often. Hell, based on her mom’s ethics, she might force that point if the main reason for sarah having jordan is emotional support

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) well, that’s a matter of opinion, But she’s still trying to control what other people call him.

2) I thought it was for me

3) I wasn’t just referring to that, and my point was more about the context of the confinement and Sara’s shittiness surrounding it.

4) I had the power? and you didn’t tell me! Well, it’s nice to feel included.
I may need to say this, “I’m sorry Jordan”

5) She could have suggested or arranged Dani or Emily pre-claim him, as Alison and Kayla did with their respective littles (or since Al is clearly her favourite listed him with his sister’s preclaimed littles), and set something up IDK, I’m sure dating the heiress to Genritech and being the #1 ranked guardian would have granted her more options than the average American would have had.

6) That wasn’t all she was doing, she knows petting gets him some kind of high, and clouds his mind, she was stopping him from thinking straight enough to interact with his friend properly.

She also made him tell his friend not to call him by his actual name, which served no purpose other than being an asserting control freak.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) true, but she’s agreed to respect Jordan’s name, which she isn’t.

2) I like that.

3) and Sara has no one to blame but herself.

4) yeah I know, but I’m gonna wanna know what Scenario A was after the scene.

5) you have stated previously that their is ways set up to help in this scenario, and it’s not about if Sara likes or agrees witg Dani or Emily’s, it’s about if she cares about Jordan a fraction as much as she claims to. Though her “care” for Jordan is purely selfish so I can’t see it either.

6) she could have, but the timing feels more deliberate.

5 months ago

I don’t think Sarah understands that all she’s doing is beating a dead horse trying to get Daniella to say Jordy while Daniela is well within her rights as a teacher to call him Jordan because from what I understand from the school that he’s in now goes by higher standards and etiquette than in a public school. it was pointed out when they corrected Jordan about swearing in school is against the rules and how the science teacher pointed out that by government and school rules his legal last name is Reeves which to me points out that in this school they do not go by nicknames or any other name except for the real first and last name. which following that rule allows Daniella to get a ‘get out of calling Jordan, Jordy pass.

Last edited 5 months ago by daynar
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  daynar
5 months ago

She’s asserting power, and being difficult just because she can.

I’d say it’s more a matter of Daniella’s always called him “Jordan” for the years she’s known him, so such a sudden switch is jarring for her.

I get what you’re saying about the “Higher formality” but Mal and Ellie are both called by their shortened nicknames, so I’m not 100% sure about that one.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
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