Smallara Episode 471: A Giantess Story

Smallara 471

“Okay Class,” Ms. Sanchez said reapproaching the class as a whole. “We are starting our swimming unit. Since we have a few littles in this class. It’s important you leave the first two lanes open. You guys have the whole pool. I do not want to see any unnecessary splashing the littles is that clear?”

“Yes, Ms. Sanchez,” The class said in unison.

“Now, for the littles, we have a boat you can use to navigate the pool. Due to the number of immune students. Please do not go into the water unless you are under the direct supervision of your guardian. I want you all to start out doing some laps after you finish your stretches.” Daniela said as she set the boat down in the water.

“Oh, it’s like a smaller version of the little boat you have in your pool, Chloe?” Sara said, looking at it.

“Wait? Chloe has a little boat? Why is this the first I’m hearing about this.” Jordan said, looking sternly up at Sara.

“Oh, hmmm, I guess I haven’t taken you to Chloe’s house, have I,” Sara said, thinking back on the week.

“He also hasn’t been to Ellie’s house,” Ellie said, looking at Sara.

“I just can’t believe Chloe got me a boat,” Jordan said.

“Jordan, she had the boat before you were infected,” Sara said, shaking her head.

“She doesn’t have any littles. She was preparing for my arrival. She’s playing 3d chess while you’re playing checkers, Sara. Checkers!”

“It’s Chloe’s boat, not your boat,” Sara said.

“We don’t use it. We don’t have any littles. Jordan is probably the closest I’ll ever come.” Chloe said.

“See, you just got done saying earlier that Chloe was one of the people in charge of me, meaning she has some responsibility for me. I’m practically her step-little. She’s your girlfriend. So, really, it’s my boat. I’ve never owned a boat, and this is so exciting. I need boat clothes, Sara. Boat Clothes,” Jordan said.

“What are boat clothes? Why are you so excited about a boat.” You didn’t even own a boat before Smallara.” Sara said.

“I didn’t have boat money. I just had bought a house I could barely afford. She’s the queen of the littles. This thing is probably a yacht.” Jordan said. As Sara walked towards the boat, Ms. Sanchez had set down in the pool. As soon as Sara had set Jordan down, he started going over to the boat.

“Kelli, hurry up, or I’m leaving. You too, Gavin.” Jordan said, jumping onto the boat.

“I haven’t seen him like this since the buggy.” Sara said as Kayla set Kelli down so she could make her way over along with Gavin who were both less enthused about the boat then Jordan was.

“Let me help you on Kelli” Jordan said reaching his hand out as she leapt onto the boat grasping his waiting hand. While Sara and the others begun stretching as Gavin made his way over to the boat with a bit of skepticism as Jordan and Kelli looked over the controls.

“Welcome aboard Gavin,” Jordan said before pushing the boat way from the wall a bit as he looked up at Sara and the class stretching before going into the pool.

“The motor doesn’t look the strongest, but it should probably be sufficient,” Jordan said as the group walked over to the controls and started up the engine as Gavin looked over the controls, familiarizing himself with the options.

Jordan walked out onto the deck with Kelli as they watched their guardians stretch. They both talked about how it was nice not having to do the stretches for this class. It wasn’t until everyone started making their way into the water and Sara, Kayla, and Mallory approached the boat that he felt the size difference between them.

“Gavin, I don’t like you in this boat. Come over here now.” Mallory said.

“Gavin, punch it.” Jordan said as he saw Mallory reaching towards the boat. Kelli dashed back inside pushing Gavin out of the way as she immediately went full throttle as the boat sped away from the side of the pool.

“Sorry, Ms. Bak, you will remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.” As Jordan hummed the Pirates of Caribbean theme

“What are you guys doing? I’m going to be in so much trouble.” Gavin said

“You’re not Mallory’s prisoner; live a little, Gavin.” Kelli said as she looked back at Sara, who had a smirk on her face.

“He got you on that one Mal,” Sara said.

“This is your littles influence rubbing off on Gavin. He would never do this normally.” Mallory said, tapping her foot as she looked at Sara.

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is the attitude about the problem.” Sara said as Mallory glared at her, causing Kayla to snort and laugh.

“This is serious, Sara,” Mallory said.

“You know what they say better mad with the rest of the world than sane alone,” Sara said with a chuckle. “If Gavin was here, he’d have loved that one. We really need to get to you to see a movie or two. Anyway, It’s fine, Mallory. Look at them having fun. Let them have their moment.” Sara said as she looked over at Kayla, motioning her to get behind Mallory. “It’s not Jordy’s fault. Gavin willingly got into the boat.” Sara said, defending Jordan.

“Gavin needs strict boundaries so he doesn’t fall into old Gavin behavior. You know that more than anyone, Sara.” Mallory said, asserting her control.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. All you can do now is cool off,” Sara said as she motioned to Kayla as both girls pushed Mallory into the pool.

“Holy crap, more power Kelli. The big one is coming.” Jordan shouted

“We’re nearing the boundary waters,” Kelli shouted back.

“No, Jordan’s right. We-we need to go.” Gavin said taking the controls and driving forward.

“Sara, Kayla, you little…oooo….i’m going to get you back.” Mallory said splashing some water at them before laughing. As Kayla and Sara gently slid into pool as the wake from Mallory caused Jordan, Kelli and Gavin to hold on tight as they fought to speed away.

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5 months ago

Not much to say on this one. Fun chapter lol Kelli and Jordan saved gavin and are helping him have fun, Mallory upset that he is getting a little autonomy, sarah having all three Littles backs shows growth and more of the side of sarah she only talks about but doesn’t often express. Crappy thing is gavin is probably gonna be in trouble

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

That’s interesting. So sarah had a different fun dynamic with gavin that she doesn’t have with ellie?

J - vader
J - vader
5 months ago

This chapter was so good and fun to watch and I love this side of Jordan so much and dang it Mal let the boy live his life and have fun

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

His grades have probably only gone up since he’s doing remedial classes. He’s not taking on things as challenging as he use to do it looks better from a distance, but he’s probably the same academically.

5 months ago

I am a fan of Boat Owner Jordan

Reply to  Shrunkenninja
5 months ago

Jordan’s a total gear head lol it’s really cool seeing him relaxed and enjoying himself

5 months ago

Actually hilarious. Top tier. Jordan is my spirit animal

5 months ago

Wow! I wasn’t expecting for it.

Sara, what have you been putting in Jordan’s pellets?
 I enjoyed seeing Jordan having fun like a kid and taking on a leadership role.

 He’s definitely accepting his new status pretty well.

Sara must be proud of her wittle man for helping Gavin get away from Mallory.

Last edited 5 months ago by gui58
5 months ago

I loved Jordan humming the Pirates of the Caribbean theme.

 I hope there is also a “Jaws” reference

Reply to  gui58
5 months ago

Jaws Would be even better if gavin was the one humming it as Mallory approaches

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) I love seeing Jordan this happy, he has such little joy in his life. (Actually reminds me of myself when I got my own boat licence)

2) Jordan calling Mal Miss Bak pissed me off, he needs to tell her to call him Mr Fitz or something to even it out, though him doing it in a teasing context made it a bit better. And calling her “the big one” made me chuckle.

3) actually the closest Chloe’s gonna get to owning a little, is when sge inherits her portion of Genritech and the littles that come with it.

4) Mal not getting her way made me smile, and Sara protecting them was a nice surprise.

5) Ellie wants Jordan to come over, we’ve only seen her house 1.5 times, so it could be interesting.

6) Chloe having a little boat is cool, I’d say her family likely would have little products laying around their house, it’d be cool to see it in the Reeves’ pond, cruising around.

7) So Jordan has a guardian I’m Sara, a godmother (Godguardian) in Ellie, and now a step guardian in Chloe. What’s next is Tiff his Grandguardian?

8) nice to see Gavin getting away from Mak fir a bit, in a non punishment context.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

I think the miss back thing was part of the pirates of the Caribbean reference.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

Potentially, I haven’t seen thise movies in ages. but it’s also what she’s told him to call her, in the same breath as using the wrong name for him.

Last edited 5 months ago by Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Oh shit I didn’t know that lol thanks for clarifying. I just watched them a few weeks ago and they throw around miss swan an miss turner a lot

Edit: found the chapter. Yeah it could go either way but you’re probably right, especially since Mallory is the most popular one in the group, Jordan probably wants to play nice for sarahs sake.

Last edited 5 months ago by C M
Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) not personally, on the farm my father has a speedboat he takes skiing. But I actually got my licence studying marine biology in Highshool.

2) I guess, but I think it’d be funny to see Sara’s reaction.

Definitely, please do more

4) Definitely, please do more. I know, but they’re few and far between enough that it’s a surprise each time

5) 46 it’s a pic on Sara’s phone, 47 it’s Ellie on her bed.

6) I’d love to see that.

7) he could call Tiff GG for short, she’d bloody hate that. Though personally I’d prefer Sara’s parents let him call them by their first names, same as he would have pricier to infection.

I know Boat-citement well. I’m hoping it sticks, even if just a teasing nick name.

5 months ago

Pirate Captain Jordan is great.

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