Smallara Episode 472: A Giantess Story

Smallara 472

“I’m going to give you all 15 minutes of free swim. Then we will do some water basketball.” Ms. Sanchez said from beside the pool as she watched the students enter the pool. Mallory on the otherhand dove underneath the water and swam toward the underside of the boat with an ease. Her legs toned and athletically built propelled her forward making easy work to close in on the distance. Staring at the underside of the boat she tapped with her fingernail the underside of the boat. She could see it teeter ever so slightly from her gentle prodding.

“She dove, she’s underneath the water. Kelli check the other side. Who has eyes on her.” Jordan shouted as he looked over the side of the boat before looking behind them seeing Sara and Kayla in the distance. Jordan, Kelli and gavin then heard the tapping from the underside of the boat. It was jarring shaking them nearly to the ground. While waves rocked the boat from the other students entering the water.

Mallory gently raised her head out of the water as her eyes peered above the side of the boat causing Kelli to shriek as the giant Korean teen peered into the tiny boat. Mallory noticed that it looked like the most accurate bath toy she had ever seen. While it may have been a bit big for a bath toy it was difficult to consider this a real boat. A RC boat perhaps at best with an insane number of points of articulation.

Waves continued to rock the boat as Mallory grabbed the side of the boat gently as Jordan stared at her fingers. He thought about kicking at her fingertips but he knew it was futile and he was a bit scared of what she would do if he broke one of her nails.

A second later Mallory rose further out of the water until he was staring face to face with her chest and soon her swimsuit covered suit. Mallory could now much easier grasp the boat however as she did so Jordan and Kelli struggled to maintain their balance before Jordan ultimately fell overboard splashing into the pool as droplets of water rained down onto the boat from off of Mallory as if it was literally raining.

The warm water of the pool still felt a little cold as Jordan splashed into what might as well have been a chlorinated ocean. The water was still turbulent from Mallory’s surfacing as Jordan reached for the side of the boat as one of the waves rose him up close enough to try to get back onto the boat railing however he found that it was just out his reach.

“Sorry Jordy.” Mallory said reaching over and plucking Jordan from the turbulent pool waters with an ease and setting him back inside the boat as Gavin took a couple steps out.

“No problem, its all in good fun.” Jordan taking the moment to splash some of the water up at Mallory who splashed back with what seemed like a tidal wave of water.

“I think you’re little out gunned. “Mallory said looking at the three tinies. “Gavin climb on. I think you will be my reward.” Mallory said as Jordan watched the odd request. It seemed weird she had to verbalize such a thing. Could she not just put her hand down from him to come. However, Kelli and Kayla seemed to not have that process down either.

Jordan watched Gavin Walk towards Mallory who grabbed him when he got near the side of the boat. As soon as she had Gavin she swam away like some kind of moveable island. A few moments later Sara and Kayla swam out gently beside the boat before standing up.

“wait you can stand here?” Jordan said looking over the side of the boat.

“Uhh, yeah. It’s only like four feet deep on this end however there is a bit of decline to about six feet the further down this lane you go. This is the shallow end though. Its why we don’t use it. The other lanes are all about 12 feet deep. “ Sara said answering as if the answer was common knowledge.

“What was that all about? Is Gavin not allowed to play boats with them?” Kayla asked

“Mallory is very protective of her precious Gavin. Gavin and I used to be best friends but now he’s fully within Mallory’s thrall. She’s very possessive of her men. She likes to know where they are at all times and for them to check in with her. You know the type. I love her but she’s a bit high Maintenace.”

“Makes sense, I guess Gavin getting Smallara was the perfect storm then.” Kayla said as she looked at the tiny boat and her sister.

“Jordy you should do a bit of swimming too. You know to work those muscles and such.” Sara said making a motion with her hand which Jordan knew was come.

“I’ll wait here for you. You better not keep your master waiting.” Kelli said with a bit of sarcasm while giving him a playful flirt.

“She’s not my master. I’m my own man. Sara’s not the boss of me.” Jordan whispered quietly to Kelli.

“Why are we whispering then?” Kelli asked.

“Well, so Sara couldn’t hear that. Duh. She calls the shots.” Jordan said before walking towards the side of the boat near Sara and jumping into the water.

“That was too much Kelli. Stay out of their business.” Kayla said.

“What Sara thinks she’s in control.” Kelli said

“Kelli, I mean it. Drop it. Unless you want to come to school with me every day until I graduate.” Kayla threatened. Kelli was familiar with this tone. It normally meant Kayla was done playing.

“Fine, fine its dropped. No one wants to come to school with you every day. It’s bad enough you’re probably going to make me come part time.” Kelli said.

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5 months ago

Lol you highlight the sarah/jordan and kelli/Kayla relationship similarities so well in this, where Kelli is like a little sarah and Kayla is a guardian jordan. Kalya telling Kelli to tone it down and stay out of their business is like Jordan telling sarah to stay out of theirs. I like that Kelli is a bit more receptive to the idea of going to school every now and then too. She probably is figuring out that it’s a lot better than staying at home alone

Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

I think it’s better for Kayla and Kelli that it’s like that. Granted I’m bias and have my hopes for how things with them work in the future, but Kelli’s in a really goo position to help Kayla improve her life, and as long as they work with each other, I think they’ll have a good life for one another.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  C M
5 months ago

I like Kelli and Kayla because their relationship feels like “little and guardian” whereas every other pairing feels more like “little vs guardian” to varying degrees.

Reply to  Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

Exactly. That’s what I think society should be moving towards in this story because to me it just makes sense. Like at some point there should be things Littles can just do better than their guardians innately. Like if jordan for example got actual emotional support training and it turned out it was extremely natural, and then they tested Kelli and Gavin for to see if it came as easy for them as jordan and saw it did, that would mean, albeit via very small sample, Littles are a lot better at reading emotions and behaviors than humans. Stuff like that has to come out at some point imho

5 months ago

i’m really enjoying how much fun your having with this.

Lethal Ledgend
5 months ago

1) That image is not depicting a 4′ deep pool.

2) can Mal just take Gavin like that? Won’t he hinder her ability to do the class?

3) Love how Kelli’s also been told to stay out of their business. Previously that instruction was strictly for guardians.

4) Describing Mal like a sea monster was fucken gold, her nails on the bottom were hilarious.

5) Mal plucks Jordan out of the water just for Sara to order him in again. Though I do like that he instantly forgave Mal for knocking him off. (Curious how he managed to splash her after she put him on the boat though)

6) Kelli teasing Jordan was a bit rough. Glad Kayla pulled her up for it.

7) Sara actually used “thrall” to Describes a little/guardian dynamic.

8) “he was a bit scared of what she would do if he broke one of her nails” you’d sooner break your own ankle with that kick buddy.

Lethal Ledgend
Reply to  Asukafan2001
5 months ago

1) I figured, it just looked off to me. 😜

2) oh, so she’ll need to return him once the lesson starts?

Also that’s so lucky, my school might have given us 5min free swim at the end of the lesson.

3) and if any little was to get it, it would have been Kelli.

4) it she was clearly having fun with them.

5) I know she did, but I didn’t think it’d be enough to splash her, much less splash her enough to warrant retaliation.

6) definitely.

7) it’s correct, the littles (except maybe kelli) are enthralled, though Sara has bragged about “saving Jordan from slavery” so it’s odd to see her acknowledge that’s how they’re treated.

8) she’d be fuming, he’d probably take Gavin’s place as her pedi/manicurist as recompense, and Sara would probably be ok with that as it was a decision he made that he’s paying for.

5 months ago

The descriptions of her tapping on the bottom of the boat and the. Slowly rising up from the water over them are some of the most evocative pieces of writing in this story so far.

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